Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок по английскому языку на тему Health 9 класс

Урок по английскому языку на тему Health 9 класс

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Урок английского языка «The Greatest Wealth Is Health» в 9 классе



Тема: « Healthy Lifestyle»

Количество часов по теме: 12

Место урока в изучаемой теме: 1


Цели урока:

 Образовательные цели:

 Формировать:                 - коммуникативные умения уч-ся,

                                          - навыки говорения на основе прочитанного;      

                                          - навыки устной речи, адекватные ситуации общения;

                                        - навыки и умения восприятия и понимания речи на слух;                                          

                     - навыки чтения с общим охватом содержания,

                        выразительного чтения вслух.                                                                                   


Развивающие цели:       

Обеспечить:                    - развитие личностной активности и умения высказывать  

                                           свою точку зрения;

 - развитие языковых и познавательных способностей,                                                                              ценностных ориентаций, способности к догадке,

                        сравнению и сопоставлению;


Воспитательные цели:  - заложить основу для формирования здорового образа   


                                        - способствовать развитию культуры межличностных   




Оборудование:  - мультимедийный проектор,

                            - интерактивная доска,

                            - компьютер,

                            - раздаточный материал (карточки, пословицы)

                            - учебник


                                             Ход урока.

I. Орг.момент: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you? Are you healthy today?

Today we shall begin to study the topic “Healthy lifestyle” and our first lesson will be “The greatest wealth is health”. We shall discuss what influences the person’s health and what we should do to be healthy.

II. Речевая зарядка:  And how can you describe a healthy person? And do you know any proverbs about health? Let’s see if you know them well. Look at the blackboard and match the English proverbs and their Russian equivalents:

1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.     A)Веселое сердце – это                               хорошее лекарство.

2.What can’t be cured, must be endured.     B) В здоровом теле здоровый   дух.

3.Many doctors have killed the king.           C)Кто яблоко в день съедает, у того доктор не бывает.

4.A merry heart is a good medicine.             D)Что нельзя вылечить, то   надо перетерпеть.

     5.A sound mind in a sound body.                 E)  У семи нянек дитя без   глазу.

     6. Bad habits lead to bad health.                   F) Здоровье дороже денег.                                                                                                         .   7.Health is better than wealth.                        G) Плохие привычки приводят к 

                                                                                плохому здоровью.

     8.He who has health has hope and      E)У кого есть здоровье - есть надежда,                            

        who has hope has everything                у кого есть надеждаесть всё.                                                                                                                                                                                    Говорение по заданным ситуациям:  Please, choose the proverb and explain what it means. Discuss the proverbs in pairs.                                                                                                         «A sound mind in a sound body» - if you are in good health, nothing disturbs you, then you are cheerful and happy, active and full of energy, eager to participate in any type of activities.

«Health is better than wealth» - It’s a wonderful thing to be healthy, to have a strong and sound body and an active mind. To be healthy is more important than to be wealthy.                                                                                                                                         "A Merry Heart is a Good Medicine" - The most important for good health is fun. Merry people live longer because positive emotions make them healthier.                                                                                                                              “Bad habits lead to bad health” – People can ruin their health completely if they have such bad habits as eating at night, or skipping meals, smoking or drinking too much alcohol. Such habits affect our health badly. So, to be healthy we should have only good habits and avoid bad ones.

Do you agree that "Good health is a strong, energetic body and mind working together"? Does good health mean only healthy body functioning perfectly?

So, to be healthy means not only to have physical health but also mental health which depends on how we cope with stress situations. You should remember that positive emotions are necessary for our health and negative emotions ruin it. What should we do to be healthy? Of course, we should keep to a healthy way of living.

III. Аудирование. Просмотр видеоролика “Health and Exercise

Let’s discuss what healthy way of life means.  Look at the mind map on page 47 of your textbook. What does healthy way of life include? What else can you add to this mind map?

Now, let’s watch a short video lesson “Health and Exercise”. While watching the film try to find out what else influences a person’s health and add it to the mind map. Then you’ll have to do the task you’ve got on the cards. You will come across some new words:

                      To gain weight – прибавлять в весе

                          Strain – напряжение, перегрузка, переутомление

                          Sweat - потеть              

                          Supple - гибкий

                          Ensure - обеспечивать, ручаться

                          Rechard - перезаряжать

                          Workout - тренировка

                          Float = swim

                          Issue - вопрос

                          Hectic lifestyle – сумасшедший образ жизни

                          Determination - решимость

                          Will power – сила воли

Do you like the film? Was it useful for you? And what was the film about? So, let’s complete some sentences to see if you understand the film well. (Задание на карточке)

  So, according to the film and our mind map a healthy way of life includes …

What else can we add to the mind map? (Positive emotions)


IV. Физкультминутка.  So, what are the most popular simple exercises to keep fit and healthy? – Walking, jogging, running and stretching. Ok, it’s high time for our exercise, let’s walk, jog and run in the classroom. Do you remember the way Mr. Duncan walked, jogged and ran? Stand up, please. Walk (jog, run), please. Stretch and sit down. And let’s do some exercises for eyes:
1. Blink quickly!
2. Close your eyes, counting from 1 to 3!

3. Open your eyes and look into the distance, counting from 1 to 5. (3 times)
4.. Stretch your arm forward! Follow the movements of your forefinger to the left and to the right, up and down without turning your head! (3 times)
5. Look at your forefinger, stretched forward counting from 1 to 3, then look into the distance, counting from 1 to 5. (3 times)
6. Make 3-4 circular motions with your eyes to the right and to the left. (3 times) Relax your eyes’ muscles. Stretch again and get ready for the work.


V. Чтение текста «Some Tips How to Be Healthy» Ex.4a p.48-49 (Reading)

How should we look after our health? Read the text and add more information to your mind map. Choose the best heading for the text:

1. The more you doing sports the better.

2. Some tips how to be healthy.         3. Healthy eating.          


VI. Говорение на основе прочитанного текста:

So, what title can we choose for the text? What else can we add to our mind map?

Ex.4b p.49 Look through the text again and find 5 tips which are most important to follow. Work in pairs, please, and do it in the form of a dialogue.

-         What do you find the most important in keeping healthy?

-         I find running and jogging most important in keeping healthy.

-         Why do you think so?

-         Because …..

Let’s work out the most useful recommendations on the problem we’ve discussed today. (presentation)                                                                                                         What do we mean when we speak about healthy way of living?  What should we do to be healthy?                                                                                                    Simple rules for being healthy are:                                                                                                                        -We should eat more fruit and vegetables. Remember: we are what we eat. Try to choose healthy food. Fruit and vegetables are ideal.                                                                                                 -We shouldn’t eat at night. Never eat at night and avoid fat and sweet food as it causes obesity.                                                                                                               -We shouldn’t eat fast food. It is usually high in calories and cholesterol and can lead to health problems.                                                                                                -We should exercise more. Do and play sports. It makes you strong and energetic. Keeping fit is very trendy today.                                                                                   - We shouldn’t use transport if it is possible to walk. Walking, jogging and running the most popular simple exercises to keep fit and healthy.                                                        -We shouldn’t smoke. Remember: bad habits are dangerous for your health. Smoking causes lung and heart diseases.                                                                     -We shouldn’t drink alcohol. Taking drugs and alcohol destroys your mind and body.                                                                                                                                -We should sleep not less than 8 hours. The sleeping process allows your body to unwind mentally. Have a regular lifestyle. Remember the proverb: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.                                                -We shouldn’t worry without any serious reasons. Remember: there is always а way out. Always feel good about yourself! Do something you love. Laugh and smile! Positive emotions are healthy, prolong life and make living pleasant.           Sleeping eight or nine hours, getting up early, regular meals, a healthy diet, and going in for sports is really a good way to live a long and a happy life. Remember that losing health is easier than to restore it. Think about it now, till it is not too late! And I wish you strong health for many years!

VII. Рефлексия: What have you learned at our today’s lesson? What part of the lesson was the most interesting for you? And what part of the lesson was the most difficult?


VIII. Выставление оценок, д/з.  At home you are to get ready to speak about the tips which are the most important to follow to be healthy and what you do to be healthy.


    План-конспект урока №1 по теме: “HEALTHY LIFESTYLE


Урок «The greatest wealth is health» (9 form)



 Образовательные цели:

 Формировать:                - коммуникативные умения уч-ся,

                                          -навыки говорения на основе прочитанного;      

                                          - навыки устной речи, адекватные ситуации общения;

                                        - навыки и умения восприятия речи на слух;                                          

                        -навыки чтения с общим охватом содержания,

                          выразительного чтения вслух.                                                                                    


Развивающие цели:       

Обеспечить:                   - развитие личностной активности и умения высказывать  

                                         свою точку зрения;

- развитие языковых и познавательных способностей,                                                    ценностных ориентаций, способности к догадке,

сравнению и сопоставлению;


Воспитательные цели:  -заложить основу для формирования здорового образа    


                                        -способствовать развитию культуры межличностных    




Оборудование:  - мультимедийный проектор,

                            - интерактивная доска,

                            - компьютер,

                            - раздаточный материал (карточки, пословицы)

                            - учебник.














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Урок по теме Healthy Lifestyle. Урок состоит из заданий , помогающих актуализировать полученные знания учащихся и систематизировать их. В конспекте урока представлено много пословиц по теме. Главной целью урока является заложение основы для формирования здорового образа жизни. Правила здорового образа жизни помогут в этом.

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