Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииУрок по английскому языку на тему "How many apples?"

Урок по английскому языку на тему "How many apples?"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The theme of the lesson: 
    How many apples?
                   (6th gr...

    1 слайд

    The theme of the lesson:
    How many apples?
    (6th grade)

    Secondary school 40

  • The task: To summarize pupils’ knowledge of adverbs much/many, little/few.


    2 слайд

    The task: To summarize pupils’ knowledge of adverbs much/many, little/few.

    The aims of the lesson:
    Educational: to practice using adverbs much/many, little/few with the countable and uncountable nouns and to be able to differ them, to enrich pupils’ vocabulary
    Development: to develop pupils’ skills and habits abilities in reading, writing, mental activities
    Up-bringing: to bring up attention and curiosity, love to the learning of the English language

  • How are you?

    3 слайд

    How are you?

  • Do you like … ?Yes, I do. – No, I don’t.

    4 слайд

    Do you like … ?
    Yes, I do. – No, I don’t.

  • Find the odd one out.
Әр жолда артық сөзді тап.1.Water, tea, sweet, juice.


    5 слайд

    Find the odd one out.
    Әр жолда артық сөзді тап.
    1.Water, tea, sweet, juice.

    2. Ice cream, chocolate, pepper, honey.

    3. Grapefruit, orange, lemon, rice.

    4. Potato, bacon, carrot, tomato.

  • Есіміңнің бірінші әрпіне сәйкес келетін тамақ түрін ата.Model:     My name is...

    6 слайд

    Есіміңнің бірінші әрпіне сәйкес келетін тамақ түрін ата.
    Model: My name is Aizhan. I like apples.

  • Checking up the homework:

Tell the class: What is there in your fridge?


    7 слайд

    Checking up the homework:

    Tell the class: What is there in your fridge?

    Model: There is some/much/a little…
    in my fridge.
    There are some/many/a few/…
    in my fridge.

  • Есімдіктерmany, much, a lot of."

    8 слайд

    many, much, a lot of.

  • many, much and a lot ofmanymucha lot ofкөп-?+Көп

    9 слайд

    many, much and a lot of
    a lot of

  • many, much and a lot ofI don’t eat much butter. – 
		Мен көп май жемеймін.


    10 слайд

    many, much and a lot of
    I don’t eat much butter. –
    Мен көп май жемеймін.

    Do you have many friends? –
    Сенің достарың көп пе?

    We need a lot of apples. –
    Бізге көп алмалар қажет.

  • countableuncountablemilkpotatoricehoneyeggappleMANYMUCH

    11 слайд


  • Бос орынды much немесе many есімдігімен толықтыр:1.She ate ______ ice-cream a...

    12 слайд

    Бос орынды much немесе many есімдігімен толықтыр:
    1.She ate ______ ice-cream and has got a sore throat.
    2. Have you _____work to do?
    3. There are_____ apples on the plate.
    4. I spend _____time for reading.
    5. Children have brought_____ mushrooms.
    6. Pupils have ______questions.
    7. He made _____ mistakes in reading.
    8. Do you have_____money?

  • Using of PronounsGroup 1 
How much? How many?Coffee, apples, sweets, soup, e...

    13 слайд

    Using of Pronouns
    Group 1
    How much? How many?
    Coffee, apples, sweets, soup, eggs, bananas, bread, carrots.
    Group 2
    How little? How few?
    Tea, oranges, butter, tea, bread, cheese, apples, water.

  • Game “Find a mistake”aremanymuchlittle

    14 слайд

    Game “Find a mistake”

  • SweeteappleggmeatcheesebananamilkpotatotomatofishsouporangewaterbutterbreadFi...

    15 слайд

    Find the words in the word-snake

  • manymucha lot of

    16 слайд

    a lot of

  • A sadbirthday.Winter doesn’t bring much cold.
Autumn doesn’t bring much gold...

    17 слайд

    A sad
    Winter doesn’t bring much cold.
    Autumn doesn’t bring much gold.
    Summer doesn’t bring much sun.
    A birthday doesn’t bring much fun.

  • A happybirthday.Winter  brings a lot of  cold,
Autumn  brings a lot of gold,...

    18 слайд

    A happy
    Winter brings a lot of cold,
    Autumn brings a lot of gold,
    Summer brings a lot of sun,
    A birthday brings a lot of fun.

  • Do you like our lesson?

    19 слайд

    Do you like our lesson?

  • The lesson is over.
Good bye!Home task: ex 7A p.50

    20 слайд

    The lesson is over.
    Good bye!
    Home task: ex 7A p.50

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Выбранный для просмотра документ English.docx

English,  6th «А» form         

Date: 15.10

The theme of the lesson

How many apples?

Aims of the lesson

To summarize pupils’ knowledge of adverbs much\many, little\few.


А. They learn how to use pronouns in the sentences.

В. They can use new words in the dialogue.

C. They can divide nouns into countable and uncountable nouns.


Activeboard, copybook, handouts, flipcharts, markers, pictures.

Stages, time

Teacher’s activity

Pupil’s activity












Warming up



Checking up the home work


-Good afternoon, boys and girls!

-How are you?

Phonetic drill. 

-Before we’ll start I want to know…

-I have some food. Please, take something and say: What is it?

– It is an apple.

-Do you like eggs / butter / apples / cucumbers / bread / rice / coffee / sugar? (Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.)

- Look at the screen and find the odd one out. 

- Tell your name and one of the food starting from your name’s first letter

Model:     My name is Aizhan. I like apples.

Your home task was to write about food in your fridge.

Tell the class: What is there in your fridge?

Model:  There is some/much/a little… in my fridge.

               There are some/many/a few/… in my fridge.

-Can we count eggs, cucumbers, apples? (Yes, we can.)

-Please, count eggs, cucumbers, apples.

-Біз санай алатын зат есімдер қалай аталады? (Countable)

-You’re right: a sweet – 2 sweets, an egg – 4 eggs.

-Can we count bread, butter, sugar? (No, we can’t.)

-That’s right: we say some butter, some milk.

-Санай алмайтын зат есімдер қалай аталады? (Uncountable)

Greet teacher.

Pupils take smiles to show their mood.


Pupil’s take pictures and say what they see.

Then they divided into 2 groups by the colours of the pictures.


Do the task on the screen. Find out odd word.

















3 claps










Giving apples

Main part


Can you tell what are they?

When do we use them?

Giving some examples: There are some apples on the plate. We have little bread.

Writing.Бос орынды much немесе many есімдігімен толықтыр:

1. She ate ______ ice-cream and has got a sore throat.

2. Have you _____work to do?

3. There are_____ apples on the plate.

4. I spend _____time for reading.

5. Children have brought_____   mushrooms.

6. Pupils have ______questions.

7. He made _____ mistakes in reading.

8. Do you have_____money?


Using of much and many

How much? How many?
Coffee, apples, sweets, soup, eggs, bananas, bread, carrots.
How little? How few?
Tea, oranges, butter, tea, bread, cheese, apples, water.


Listening. – Let’s listen to the Sabby’s  interesting story  (listen 2 times)

Tape script.   

Hi, I am Sabby.

My favorite food is ice cream. I can eat it every day. I also love chocolate, cakes and fruit. Apples and bananas are very nice, but I eat very little kiwi fruit because it is not sweet. Vegetable salads are O.K. I eat them with rice or potatoes. I never eat meat because I am a vegetarian, but I like eggs and milk. I usually drink a lot of juice and a lot of water. Orange juice is very tasty. I don’t drink much coffee or tea. Coffee is awful and tea is O.K. in the evening.


GameFind a mistake”: 

Group 1

Group 2

1. There is many apples in the shop. (are)

1. How a lot of carrots are there? (many)

2. I eat many cheese. (much)

2. We have few tea.




Pupils give explanations of the pronouns and examples.




Work in groups.











Pupils must use pronouns with the given words.





Pupils listen to tape script and find pronouns













Groups work with cards










Find the words in the word-snake


Giving apples





Giving apples


-What words did we learnt at this lesson? (We learnt words “many/much/a lot of”)

-When do we use these words? (We use “many” if the word is countable. We use “much” if the word is uncountable.)


- Dear children! I have a lot of  apples. Please choose one of them and say why you have chosen it.

 -Now let’s count your apples. How many apples have you got?

- Thank you very much. For your active work. The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Answer the questions

Counting apples.

Home work

Ex.7 a p.50 Ask and answer questions






Бос орынды much немесе many есімдігімен толықтыр:

1.She ate ______ ice-cream and has got a sore throat.

2. Have you _____work to do?

3. There are_____ apples on the plate.

4. I spend _____time for reading.

5. Children have brought_____   mushrooms.

6. Pupils have ______questions.

7. He made _____ mistakes in reading.

8. Do you have_____money?



Бос орынды much немесе many есімдігімен толықтыр:

1.She ate ______ ice-cream and has got a sore throat.

2. Have you _____work to do?

3. There are_____ apples on the plate.

4. I spend _____time for reading.

5. Children have brought_____   mushrooms.

6. Pupils have ______questions.

7. He made _____ mistakes in reading.

8. Do you have_____money?











Using of Pronouns

How much?

How many?
















Using of Pronouns

How little?

How few?


















Group 1


1. There is many apples in the shop.


2. I eat many cheese.



Group 2


1. How a lot of carrots are there?


2. We have few tea.






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