Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок по английскому языку по теме "The Pleasure of Reading"

Урок по английскому языку по теме "The Pleasure of Reading"

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Машаргина Наталья Алексеевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия №6», г. Алатырь

Тема урока: The Pleasure of Reading


Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.




·         систематизация  знаний о культуре, реалиях и традициях страны изучаемого языка;

·          обобщающее повторение изученной тематической лексики в речи учащихся в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.



·          развитие умений сотрудничать в процессе работы на уроке;

·          умений выражать личное отношение к проблеме, предлагая собственные пути её решения.



·         формирование положительного отношения к чтению,  культуре страны изучаемого языка, понимания важности изучения иностранного языка и потребности пользоваться им как средством общения;

·         воспитание у учащихся любви к английской литературе.    



- Активизировать лексику по теме ”Reading”в разных видах речевой деятельности: чтении, аудировании, говорении (монологической речи).







I. Оргмомент:

  - Good morning!

    How are you today? I hope that you are all fine!


    Now let’s begin.

(Слайд 1)

Look at the screen. In ancient times they were made on stones…


(Слайд 2)

…written on tablets of wood or pieces of bark and even on leaves of trees


(Слайд 3)

…they were wax …


(Слайд 4)

… they were written on clay tablets …


(Слайд 5 - 6)

… on papyrus and skins of young animals…


(Слайд 7)

…they were handwritten…


(Слайд 8)

… and now they look like these…


(Слайд 9)

… and even like these.


So, today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world – about books and reading. We`ll speak about different kinds of books and well-known writers. We`ll learn about your favourite books, authors and you`ll get a lot of interesting information about famous writers.


(Слайд 10)

The theme of our lesson: “The pleasure of reading”


Motto (девиз):          “The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes                       

                                      you think”.  (James McCosh)


(Слайд 11)

At the end of the lesson I’d like you to answer the questions:

-          Is life impossible without reading?

-          Do books play a great role in our life?


II. Фоноречевая зарядка.


1)      What are your associations with the word “Literature”? Continue the sentence:


“When I think of literature I imagine …”.                    (Слайд 12)



2)      First of all, let’s work with the words we need today. Read the words and translate them into Russian:


(Слайд 13)


a birthplace                                   to be interested in                                

 an author                                      to be fond of                                     

a plot                                             to be keen on                                      

a contemporary                             to prefer                                              

well-known                                   to expand our outlook                          

outstanding                                   to discover new things                        

favourite                                       to solve problems                                   

remarkable                                    to escape from life problems

powerful                                        to encourage

vivid                                              to influence

                                                      to recommend 


3)      Complete the sentences:                    (Слайд 14)


1)      Life is impossible …

2)      Reading enriches …

3)      We try to look like …

4)      Good books are …

5)      Books teach us to be …

6)      Books help us to …

7)      Reading is the perfect way to …

8)      My favourite author is …

9)      I hope reading will be …

10)  Read more and you’ll  …



4)      And now let’s remember the types of books. I want you to read the words denoting the types of books.


(Слайд 15)


genre                                                           fiction

non-fiction                                                  science fiction

classic                                                         fantasy 

a reference book                                         a dictionary

a biography                                                an autobiography

a thriller                                                     a romance

an adventure novel                                    a historical novel

a detective story                                        an encyclopedia  

a modern novel                                         a horror story


5)      And now tell me, please, what is what.


(Cлайд 16) 


Reference books are books about …


6)      Say to what categories these books belong.


(Слайд 17)


 -Here you can see the most famous writers and their books. You should name the proper type of the book. Don’t forget to begin your sentences with:

 I think..,

 I guess…,

To my mind,

In my opinion,

As I remember,

If I`m not mistaken…                                                


E.g.  To my mind “Ruslan and Lyudmila” written by A. Pushkin is a fairy-tale.


1. Alexander Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

2. Konan Doyle “Sherlock Holmes”

3. Alexander Dumas “The Count of Monte Christie”

4. William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”

5. Charlotte Bronte “Jane Eyre”

6. Jerome K. Jerome “Three men in a boat”

7. Daniel Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”

8. Lewis Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”

-Thank you very much. You have done it rather well.



7)      Let’s have a guessing game. Read the beginnings of different kinds of stories and try to guess what story it is.


(Слайд 18)


1. It was a dark and foggy night. We drove and drove. At midnight, just as we thought we were lost, we saw a light behind some trees. As we got nearer, we could see a house. It looked deserted. We knocked at the heavy, wooden door. It opened slowly. A tall man dressed in black stood there. “Good evening,” he said in a slow deep voice. “I’ve been expecting for you”.


2. We were traveling through deep space at the speed of light. Suddenly, the spaceship slowed down and immediately the system came into view. A bright star with twenty or more planets. One of these would be our new home, five light years from our own galaxy.


3. One of my earliest memories is of my father running along the beach with our dog, Tess.

 I have been about three years old. I remember the dog jumping up on me and knocking me over into the water.


4. The man lay on the ground next to a white van. There was no doubt. He was dead. I quickly looked in the pockets of his jacket – some money, a handkerchief and a theatre ticket with a Chicago phone number written on it. Three murders in three weeks and the victims all killed in the same way.


5. Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful princess. She was an only child and her father and mother, king and queen, loved her very much. One day, an old woman came to the castle. When she saw the princess, she smiled and laughed in a strange and horrible way.



a) horror story,                              

 b) science fiction,

 c) true story,

 d) detective story,

 e) fairy tale.


8)      I see, you know many kinds of books, you know their authors. But all people have different reading habits. Some can’t live without reading, others don’t read at all except a TV programme. And what about you?

 (Слайд 19)

1.      Are you fond of reading?

2.      Have you got a lot of books at home?

3.      Do you read a lot?

4.       What kind of reading do you prefer: do you like reading books? Newspapers? Magazines?

5.      Do you read books only for your Russian Literature classes or do you have any extra reading?

6.      What kinds of books do you prefer?

7.      Who is your favourite writer?

8.      What do you think about reading? Is reading enjoyable (educational, informative, boring)?

9)      Составь и прочитай высказывания известных людей о чтении.

(Слайды 20-24)

T.  I’ve prepared some quotations of famous people about reading. But they are mixed. Please make up sentences.  

  1. I / cannot /live / without/ reading / (Thomas Jefferson).
  2. Words / are/ the voice/ of the/ heart / (Confucius).
  3. Reading/ is/ to the mind/ what exercise / is/ to the body/ (Richard Steel).
  4. People / say /that / life / is/ the thing / but / I / prefer / reading / ( Logan Pearsall Smith )
  5. Read / in order to / live ( Gustavo Flaubert)
  6. Reading / is / the best / learning ( A. Pushkin)

10)  Комментарии о высказываниях известных людей, выражение своей точки зрения.


          (Слайд 25)


    Do you agree with the opinions of famous people? Express your point of view.


Краткие монологические высказывания детей.


11) As for me, I’m also fond of reading. I like different genres: classics, detectives, romances … anything as long as it is good. Many years ago I read “Three men in a boat” by Jerome K. Jerome. I liked it a lot. And for your hometask I gave you a passage from this book to translate. Before enjoying your translations I’d like you to listen to this passage first. (Аудирование.)     


(Cлайд 26)

Отрывок из книги Джерома К. Джерома «Трое в лодке».

I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the treatment for some slight ailment of which I had a touch - hay fever, I fancy it was. I got down the book, and read all I came to read; and then, in an unthinking moment, I idly turned the leaves, and began to indolently study diseases, generally. I forget which was the first distemper I plunged into - some fearful, devastating scourge, I know - and, before I had glanced half down the list of "premonitory symptoms," it was borne in upon me that I had fairly got it.

I sat for awhile, frozen with horror; and then, in the listlessness of despair, I again turned over the pages. I came to typhoid fever - read the symptoms - discovered that I had typhoid fever, must have had it for months without knowing it - wondered what else I had got; turned up St. Vitus's Dance - found, as I expected, that I had that too, - began to get interested in my case, and determined to sift it to the bottom, and so started alphabetically - read up ague, and learnt that I was sickening for it, and that the acute stage would commence in about another fortnight. Bright's disease, I was relieved to find, I had only in a modified form, and, so far as that was concerned, I might live for years. Cholera I had, with severe complications; and diphtheria I seemed to have been born with. I plodded conscientiously through the twenty-six letters, and the only malady I could conclude I had not got was housemaid's knee.

And now we’ll listen to your translations.

Варианты переводов детей.


Well done. Maybe some of you will become a succesful translator.

12)   Jerome K. Jerome is among the most famous writers in the  world. British literature is very rich in them. Some pupils have prepared the reports about the famous British writers. Let’s listen to them. The author of the day is …


13)  - Thank you for your reports, they were rather informative and interesting. Reading is considered to be less popular nowadays then it was before. Have a look at the results of the Nestle Family Monitor survey “Young People’s Attitude towards Reading”.

(Слайд 27)

-          Are young people in the UK positive about reading?    …….  I think they are.

And now let’s see if reading is important for children of our school. Sasha has prepared a short report about it. He has studied the work of our library.

14)  Have you ever wanted to become writers? Let’s try to do it right now. We’ll just break the ice. Imagine yourselves beginning writers.



      The title of the book will be ….




      It will be a …….


Main characters.


     The main characters will be ………..   




            The book will be about ……….                  


15)  Do you remember the questions I asked you at the beginning of the lessons? How would you answer them now?

-Life without books is not interesting, poor, unhappy, boring.

- Reading plays a big and an important role in our life.

-I’m sure that if we don’t have books in our life, it will be as boring and gloomy as trees in autumn.

- Nowadays it is impossible to imagine the life without books.


16)   - Summing up. I want to finish our lesson with the words of Charles Kingsley

 Except a living man, there is nothing more wonderful than a book”.

I hope you understand that without books our life will be empty and boring. Read good books, enjoy them and think.



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