Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок- путешествие по теме " В гармонии с миром" для 10 класса с использованием регионального компонента

Урок- путешествие по теме " В гармонии с миром" для 10 класса с использованием регионального компонента

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Урок- путешествие по теме « В гармонии с миром»
            10 класс

    1 слайд

    Урок- путешествие по теме « В гармонии с миром»
    10 класс

  • A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step....

    2 слайд

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

travel?to …

to meet
friends to …


    3 слайд

    Why do
    to …

    to meet
    to …

    to …

    to …

    to …

    to visit

  • Welcome to Ongudaiska-ya districtThe central location of the area and an ab...

    4 слайд

    Welcome to
    Ongudaiska-ya district
    The central location of the area and an abundance of archaeological, historical, ethnographic monuments is a natural interest of tourists.
    Area of Ongudai district is 11,744 km ². Population of district is 15 270 people.
    Interests: ‘Karakol gallery’ - cave paintings, the presence of burial mounds and stone steles in Ongudai area, archaeological sites Inya, White Boom - a monument in honor of the Red Army, the monument “Kalbak Tash “ place with unique petro glyphs.

  • Ongudai – geographical centre of the Republic Altai.Year of formation: 1626

    5 слайд

    Ongudai – geographical centre of the Republic Altai.
    Year of formation: 1626
    Population: 5.4 thousand people
    Height over sea:860 m.
    Telephone code:38845
    Administrative area: Ongudaisky
    Tourist area: Average Katun
    “Ongudai“ means “beginning,
    the source, the ancestor ”.
    According to another version, the
    title translates as “ten of the gods”.
    The locals really believe that the
    blessing of the gods is stretched
    over Ongudai to this day.

  • 6 слайд

  • The first Russians appeard in the mid 19th century, and since then has begun...

    7 слайд

    The first Russians appeard in the mid 19th century, and since then has begun rapid growth of settlements. Russian captain Peter Kupriyanov organized trading Zaimka, baptized altaien Khabarov built a house of prayer, captain Kokorin bothered missionary home. By the early 20th century in Ongudai were 126 households and 800 people residents, one third of them – Russians.

  • Altai  Dwelling
 What is a yurt? A yurt is the traditional ho...

    8 слайд

    Altai Dwelling
    What is a yurt? A yurt is the traditional home of nomadic people from Mongolia, Siberia, China and Central Asia. The word 'yurt' or 'yurta' originally comes from the Turkish word meaning 'dwelling place.' It is circular in shape and is easy to assemble, take down and transport. Made of a wooden frame and covered with felt, it is a popular place to live in the summer months. You will sometimes find it used in other countries too, as it is an inexpensive form of temporary housing. In Europe variation on Mongolian and Central Asian-styled yurts are made using other materials, such as local hardwoods. Yurts are used for all sorts of different purposes, from permanent housing to school rooms.

  • Entering an “ail”.. If you want to try traditional Altai food you can enter a...

    9 слайд

    Entering an “ail”
    .. If you want to try traditional Altai food you can enter an «ail», which is an Altai yurt. But traditionally one does not enter a home empty handed- «with red hands». One usually takes something for the table, food or drink of some kind. First “mother fire” is treated. Rubbish is never thrown into the fire at the centre of the “ail” The fire has the purity and status of a deity.

  • Сhike-Tamanskaya passIt is a natural monument. Its height is 1460 m. The top...

    10 слайд

    Сhike-Tamanskaya pass
    It is a natural monument. Its height is 1460 m. The top of the pass is also a sacred place. From the pass you can see a wonderful panorama and enjoy it. It is a specially protected natural site, natural monument of national importance.
    Ascent – 4,6кm.
    Descent – 5,1кm.
    The new road was
    completed in

  • Confluence of the rivers Chuya and Katun.It is one of the sacred places of th...

    11 слайд

    Confluence of the rivers Chuya and Katun.
    It is one of the sacred places of the Ongudaiskaya district.
    Drivers always stop here to enjoy a picturesque panorama from the rock. Tourist like camping on the opposite shore of the river Katun.

  • TopshurTopshur is two-stringed instrument carved from a single piece of cedar...

    12 слайд

    Topshur is two-stringed instrument carved from a single piece of cedar with strings made from horse-tail hair.

  • Rock artRock art can be found the world over and the Altai Republic is no exc...

    13 слайд

    Rock art
    Rock art can be found the world over and the Altai Republic is no exception. Rock art includes images either carved, or painted, on to the surface of a rock. In Altai ‘rock art’ mainly refers to ‘petro glyphs’-Carved images. Place marked with rock art may be composed of a few images on one rock surface or they may represent larger areas.

  • Kalbak - TashActually petrogliphs were found in many places of our region. Bu...

    14 слайд

    Kalbak - Tash
    Actually petrogliphs were found in many places of our region. But Kalbak-Tash is easily reached and demonstration place. This place is constantly being destroyed over time. But still have a chance to touch the ancient shrine. The place called Kalbak-Tash is situated between the villages Iodro and Inya. Here on the cliffs of shale rock clearly observed thousands of petrogliphs.
    The most spread images are images of animals. Whether these mysterious beasts existed several millennia ago, or whether they created a lush fantasy of an artist. Some of them have historical a aand aesthetic values.

  • Belyi-BoomBelyi – Bom is
 situated not far 
 from the village
Iodro in Onguda...

    15 слайд

    Belyi – Bom is
    situated not far
    from the village
    Iodro in Ongudai
    Belyi – Bom
    was based in

  • Rock Ak-Boom

    16 слайд

    Rock Ak-Boom

  • 17 слайд

  • 18 слайд

  • Cafe

    19 слайд


  • Tourist complexTourist complex 
is ready to take up
 to 38 people. 

    20 слайд

    Tourist complex
    Tourist complex
    is ready to take up
    to 38 people.
    Tourists are offered
    educational tours and guided tours of the natural and historical
    spiritual, ecological and geographical types.

  • Hanging bridgeA new hanging  
bridge  over the 
river Chuya was
Built in 2014...

    21 слайд

    Hanging bridge
    A new hanging
    bridge over the
    river Chuya was
    Built in 2014.
    Now tourists
    can travel to the
    other side of
    the river.

  • 22 слайд

  • Belyi – Boom   is famous for its monument  which stands right at the Chuyski...

    23 слайд

    Belyi – Boom is famous for its monument which stands right at the Chuyski tract. It is devoted to the heroes of the Civil war. Many people were killed there. They were soldiers of the Red Army. It was built in 1957.
    Monument to the heroes of the Civil war

  • It is a monument to Kolya Snegiryov,  an usual driver of the l...

    24 слайд

    It is a monument to Kolya Snegiryov, an usual driver of the lorry AMO, who travelled on Chuiskii tract and helped
    people with
    He was died on
    this place.

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Урок- путешествие по теме « В гармонии с миром»

                                             10 классе 


Социокультурный аспект – Знакомство с природными достопримечательностями своей малой Родины и с культурой и традициями англоговорящей страны Уэльс.

- повторение и реализация межпредметных связей;

-способствование активному вовлечению учащихся в диалог культур.

Развивающий аспект – развитие способностей к сравнению, анализу и сопоставлению из услышанного;

развитие умения осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;

развитие способности к целеустремленной работе, к самостоятельному труду через создание проектных презентаций на компьютере;

развитие навыков поисковой и коллективной учебной деятельности.

Воспитательный аспект – воспитание чувства гордости и любви к своей малой Родине через контекст культуры англоязычной страны;  расширение кругозора учащихся;

воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре другой страны.

Учебный аспект – взаимосвязанное овладение всеми видами РД: аудированием, говорением, чтением.

Формирование и развитие переводческих навыков;

практика употребления в речи ЛЕ страноведческого характера.

Речевой материал:

Грамматический, лексический материал  и речевой этикет.

Задачи: -практиковать употребление Present Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple, сослагательное наклонение.

-активизировать употребление лексики предыдущих уроков по теме « Путешествие»

- расширить словарный запас;

- совершенствовать навыки устной речи.

Метапредметная тема:  Знание и информация

Форма урока – обобщение  новых знаний через применение активных форм: презентация, диалог, ролевая игра, критическое мышление.

                               Подготовительный этап.

Класс делится на две группы для коллективной учебной деятельности. I группа – «хозяева»: находят материал; изучают  основные природные достопримечательности  по маршруту Онгудай – Белый-Боом; переводят найденный материал на английский язык и корректирует его с учителями; готовят компьютерную презентацию; распределяют роли. II группа – «гости – туристы» из англоговорящей страны Уэльс готовятся  также.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, компьютер, национальный инструмент топшур, карточки с заданиями.

                                    Ход урока

I.Мотивация к учебной деятельности

Teacher: Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you. How are you today? Fine. Now I see you are ready to start working. Today we are summing up our knowledge and skills on the topic “ In harmony with the world”( Cлайд №1)

II. Вызов T: Let’s read the quotation by Cofucius “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Comment on the lines. Do you agree with these words? (Слайд №2)


Teacher: By the way, do you like travelling?


Teacher: OK. Let’s take the word ”travelling” and create five associations for this word. Write them down. Work in groups, please. Ready? Now, read your associations, please


Teacher: I see you have different associations for this word, because you have different experience of travelling. But why do people travel? Look at this scheme and try to complete it.( Слайд 3)Two reasons are given to you.


Teacher: Very well.  You know most people enjoy travelling. Some people travel for pleasure, and some on business. And we are going to travel for …

II. Творческое применение и добывание знаний в новой ситуации

Teacher: And now let’s start our journey on the route Ongudai - Belyi Boom. The first group will play the role of the guides, and the second one will be our guests.

Guide1:Welcome to Ongudaiskaya district!( слайд №4)


Guide1: Imagine, that you are in Ongudai, the geographical centre of the Republic Altai.( слайды №5, 6, 7)

Ongudai is the geographical centre of the Republic Altai as well as the capital of our district. It was founded in 1626. The population is over 7 thousand.

Height over the sea is 860 m. Telephone code is 38845. Administrative area is average Katun. Ongudai means ‘beginning, the source, the ancestor’

The climate is continental. The average temperature in January is - 22.1 degrees,

+ 16.2 degrees in July.  Its absolutely minimum temperature is +15-20 degrees and maximum is +40-45 degrees


Guide2: The central location of the area and an abundance of archaeological, historical, ethnographic monuments are natural interests of tourists. There are numerous stone statues, burial mounds, settlement’s parking, cave paintings.

Area of Ongudai district is 11744km2. Population – 16270 people.


Guide 3: Before hitting the road, let’s have tea in the ail.

Pupil1  (Cлайд 8)

An ail is an Altai yurt. What is a yurt? A yurt is the traditional home of nomadic people from Mongolia, Siberia, China and Central Asia. The word 'yurt' or 'yurta' originally comes from the Turkish word meaning 'dwelling place.' It is circular in shape and is easy to assemble, take down and transport. Made of a wooden frame and covered with felt, it is a popular place to live in the summer months. You will sometimes find it used in other countries too, as it is an inexpensive form of temporary housing. In Europe variation on Mongolian and Central Asian-styled yurts are made using other materials, such as local hardwoods. Yurts are used for all sorts of different purposes, from permanent housing to school rooms.

Pupil2 I’ll tell you some customs how to enter the ail. (слайд 9)

Traditionally one does not enter a home empty handed –‘with red hands’. One usually takes something for the table, food or drink of some kind. First ‘mother fire’ is treated. Rubbish is never thrown into the fire at the centre of the ail. The fire has the purity and the status of a deity. Traditional Altai foods you will be treated with are: blood sausage, intestines (djorgom), meat and bouillon. You will drink salted white tea with borsok, different ‘varenyas’ made of different berries such as red bilberry, blueberry, strawberry. The ail has a fire at the centre of course and behind the fire stands a tall thin barrel called a”koop’ with a lid and long wooden spatula. Here chegen is made. Guests entering the ail for the first time are greeted with this delicious and refreshing drink and marked with soot from the fire on their nose! The base of the ail is shaped like a hexagram, six sites with an open part at the top for the smoke to leave and the stars to peer down through. 

Guide 1: Let me introduce you to the map of Ongudai area and the routе of the trip (Cлайд 7)

 Lets start!

(Играет алтайская народная мелодия, cимволизируя процесс езды. Выключение музыки будет означать приезд в то или иное место.

(Во время путешествия «гости» могут задавать различные вопросы.

                                       Примерные вопросы:

1)    What do the locals?

2)    What animals do they keep at home and how many?

3)    It is interesting to know if all Altai people speak their native language.

4)    Are there problems between people of different nationalities?

5)    Which fish are found in the river Chuya?

6)    What berries grow on your area?)


Guide 2: Now we are on the Chike Tamanskaya pass.(Cлайд 10)

It is a natural monument. Its height is 1460m, the top of the pass is also a sacred place. From the pass you can see a wonderful panorama and enjoy it. It is a specially protected natural site, natural monument of national importance.

Ascent - 4, 6 km.

Descent - 5, 1 km.

A new road was completed  in 1984.


Guide 1: The next stop is at the place where the river Chuya flows into the biggest river of the Republic Altai – the Katun.

It is one of the sacred places in our district. (Cлайд 11)

 Drivers always stop here to enjoy a picturesque panorama from the rock. Tourists like camping on the opposite shore of the river Katun  I think you are very tired. Let’s have a rest.

I will tell you about a national instrument called “Topshur”  (Слайд 10)

(один из учеников играет на топшуре)

Pupil 3: Topshur is two – stringed instrument caved from a single piece of cedar with strings made from horse -   tail hairs. It is easy to learn to play on it.( играет на топшуре). Can you try!

Guide 2: Are you relaxed? But then in a way!

 Now we are at the historical place «Kalbak Tash».  (Слайд13)

It is famous for its Rock art.

Pupil 4: Rock art can be found the world over and the Altai Republic is no exception. Rock art includes images either carved, or painted on to the surface of a rock. In Altai ‘rock art’ mainly refers to ‘petroglifs’ – carved images. Place marked with rock art may be composed of a few images on one rock surface or they may represent larger areas.

Pupil 5: Actually petroglifs were found in many places of our regions but

Kalbak – Tash is easily reached and a demonstration place. This place is constantly being destroyed over times. (Слайд 14)

But we still have a chance to touch the ancient shrine.

The place called Kalbak – Tash is situated between the villages Inya and Iodro.

Thousands of petroglifs are observed clearly here on the cliffs of shale rock .

 The most spread images are images of animals. Whether these mysterious beasts existed several millennia ago, or whether they were created a lush fantasy artist.

Some of them have historical and aesthetic values.

Guide 1:– Belyi – Boom At last we’ve arrived at the place of destination ( Ak – boom, Ak – Tash). (Слайды 15-25) This is the last village of Ongudaiskaya district.

There is a border between Ongudaiskaya and Ulaganskaya districts not far from here.

Pupil 6: Located on the right bank of the river Chuya, Belyi – Boom is 308 km from the village Maima. It was based in 1818. This name  came from a huge cliff of white marbled limestone , towering over the river Chuya to 500 m.

For a long time White Boom was the most dangerous place of Chuyskaya trade route. In the limestones of  White Boom one can find a great cave which length is about 146 m. This cave consists of four radiating branches.

Pupil 4:In the area of the village Belyi – Boom one can see several archaeological sites: petroglifs, mounds of Hun – Sarmatian burial time.

Pupil 7: B- Boom is also famous for its monument which stands right at the Chuyskaya track. It is devoted to the heroes of the Civil war. The detachment of the Red Army soldiers under the command of  K. Zaozerny were killed here.

It was established in 1957.

Local people take care of the monument. Newlyweds always come here and lay flowers.

Guide 2: Dear guests! This tourist centre is very popular. Service is good. People are very hospitable. We’ll stay with you for a day and spend the night in the ails.


 In the evening we’ll organize for you a meeting with locals and other volunteers.  We can sit around the campfire and have a friendly conversation. Now you have enough time to rest.

    Урок №2 ( продолжение). (Наступил вечер, все собрались.)  

Guests: Thank you very much for your stories about your natural sights. We want you to ask questions that interest you. (можно вопросы раздать в русском варианте учителем, ученики должны перевести их без подготовки).

Pupil: We know much about England, Scotland but Wales is not very well- known for us. What does the word “ Wales” mean?

Welsh: The formal name of the country “ The Principality of Wales “ is rarely used. The name “ Wales” is derived from the English, meaning” stranger”.

W:  It is known that  Wales is located in the south – west of Britain. Cardiff is the largest city and capital of Wales. The official head of the Principality of Wales is Prince of Wales Charles, the eldest son of the Queen Elisabeth II. Leek is the national emblem of Wales. Yellow daffodil is the national flower of Wales. It became an alternative to the leak as a Welsh emblem in the present century. One of the symbols of Wales is the harp.

P: We would like to know more about the population, language and national character of the Welsh.

W: Well, over 3 million people live in Wales. Major nations are Welsh and English. People in Wales speak English but they have their own language – Welsh. Welsh dialect is Welsh English. As for the national character, I can say that the Welsh people have a sense of superiority or “ insular pride” and a deep sense of security. They are well-disciplined people and have the best manners in the world, they all know how to hold their knife and fork and how to behave in society. The typical feature of the Welsh is their love of games and songs.

P: How interesting! You’ve just said that Welsh people like games and songs. Where do they usually sing and play?

W: Have you ever heard the word Eisteddfods? So, it is a meeting of people interested in Welsh poetry, songs and music. Every year, in August, there is a National Eisteddfod – a popular culture festival, which lasts for a week. There are competitions in writing poetry and music, and in singing, they are held by Druids. The Druids wear long clothes,their leader is always a poet. Welsh traditions are very old.           P: If I were in Wales, I would visit.

W:   Oh, you can visit many interesting places in our country. First of all, Wales is the land of stunning scenery and magnificent medieval castles. About a fifth of the territory of Wales has a National Park. There are over 400 castles in Wales! It is the only place in the world where television channels and radio broadcast on the Celtic language. The highest mountain in Wales is Snowden.  In Wales there is the city with the longest name in the world.

P: I would like to know about the national cuisine.          

W: Imagine that Wales’s traditional vegetable…Bow! This is the face which is preparing almost any dish.  Loverbread – local eggs and bacon combined with the more unusual ingredients. Afternoon tea can be served with bread or welsh cakes. The traditional meat for dinner in the evening is Welsh lamb. Wales is known for excellent cheeses, gifts of the sea: trout, oysters.

P: Do you wear your national clothing?

W: Only women do. The Welsh wear the same clothes as the English, but on holidays a Welsh woman wears a red cloak, a long black skirt, an apron and a high black hat on her head. The men smile: “We have no money after we have bought clothes for our wives!”

P: And how do they relax?

W: They do sports, rugby is the national game, the other popular sports are golf, football, cricket, surfing, windsurfing. Their hobby is singing.  Welshmen like singing together, they sing louder than anybody. Every village has more than one choir. They sing in competitions, on holidays and every time they want to sing.

W: I’d like to tell you about Welsh names. Common family names are Jones, Williams, Morgans, Evans and Owen.  That is why in villages often call people by their jobs together with their family names. You can understand what Jones the Meat, Williams the Bread and Morgan the Fish do.

Teacher: Children! It’s time to finish. Our guests are very tired. Thank you very much! Perhaps someday you will visit Wales and see everything with your own eyes.

Teacher: Now you’ll do some interesting tasks. 1.When people travel they face different situations. Sometimes they may be unpredictable. Each group will take one card and act the situation out (дается время на подготовку).

Card № 1:

Act out the following situation.

You are travelling alone. Check in at a hotel and ask a hotel receptionist about conveniences in this hotel

Use words and phrases: a vacant room, a single room, a double room, 210 pounds for 3 nights, the service is included, to use hotel facilities free, a room with a view, a room overlooking the lake, pay, sign the register, key


                 Card № 2

Act out the following situation.

Your friend is afraid of travelling by air. Persuade him to change his opinion. Tell him about the advantages of travelling by plane.

Use words and phrases:                 

To miss the train, to take the plane, comfortable, convenient, none of the dust and dirt of a railway or a car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.












2. Group work. Different people have different views on travelling. Give your arguments for travelling, filling in the table.

Примерная таблица.



discover new places

miss your friends

help to become more

educated person

wait at airports

improve knowledge

 of foreign language

depend on the weather

broaden your outlook

must think about

accommodation and food

learn more about people,

art and culture

many places are polluted

help to relax

the beauty of many places has


meet interesting people

the beaches are always overcrowded

see world famous wonders

the most fantastic place is home


 Второй вариант контроля задания: Speaking. You have to talk for 2 minutes. (Одна группа  pros, другая cons в форме соревнования «Кто больше назовёт аргументов».

 IV. Рефлексия. Прощание. Подведение итогов мероприятия.

Guide 1: Dear friends! Our trip along the Chuyskaya track has come to an end.

We say “Thank you” to all the participants. We thank you, dear guests for

yttentionyou, dear guests fore say "our attention, for your interesting stories about your country. And in memory of this meeting, please take our national souvenirs. It is also one of the oldest

traditions to give such presents to friends. I think we are friends now.

  Guide 2:

  We were very happy to meet you in our place.

   Be happy! Good luck! Have a good time here!

    (Ответное слово гостей.)


Teacher: I suppose that today’s activity was useful for you, wasn’t it?

             What did you like best of all? What place of interest would

              you like to visit once again? Why?

             What are your  impressions about a far away country Wales?

Have you found some similarities between the two countries? ( Both countries are small, mountainous, have picturesque sceneries, Welsh language as the Altai one has many dialects, both nationalities  like singing folk songs and dancing, they are the places of attraction for tourists).  Can you say what they are completely different? (Wales is an island country, it has a warm and mild climate, they prefer sea food, they have national flower symbols of the country, it is the land of magnificent medieval castles, they speak English and Welsh and try to keep their native language for coming generations etc.)

Оценивание работ групп.

Hometask:  Your home task will be to write a composition: the first group writes on the topic “What I know now about Wales” and the second one on the topic “ My impressions of the journey along the Chuysky tract”.                                    



                                           Лексика к уроку


1)    Abundance - изобилие

2)    Cave –  пещера

3)    Cliff –  утес

4)    Deity – божество

5)    Burial - захоронение  

6)    Detachment –  отряд

7)    Barrel – баррель, бочок в форме цилиндра

8)    Hexagram - гексаграмма

9)    Intestines – кишечник

10) Lid – крышка

     11) Limestone – известняк

12 Lush - пышный

     13) Mound – курган

14) Newlyweds – молодожены

     15) To peer down – заглянуть вниз

16  Radiate – расходящийся лучами

17) Shrine – гробница, храм

18) Spatula – шпатель

19) Soot - сажа

20) To tower – возвышаться

     21)  То hit the road – отправиться в путь

22)  Patron saint- святой покровитель

     23) medieval - средневековый

     24) castle- замок

     25) stunning- великолепный

     26) scenery- пейзаж

     27) lamb- ягненок

     28) trout- форель

     29) oyster - устрица

     30) the Druids- друиды, организаторы соревнований

     31) choir- хор

     32) superiority- превосходство

     33) security- безопасность

 sacred places     







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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Welcome  to  Wales

    1 слайд

    Welcome to Wales

                                           POSITION OF WALES

    2 слайд


  • The name of                the country

    3 слайд

    The name of the country

    English, meaning “stranger”

  • Symbols of Wales red dragon            Yellow daffodil 

    4 слайд

    Symbols of Wales

    red dragon
    Yellow daffodil 

  • Leeks harp

    5 слайд


  • Prince of WalesPrince Charles

    6 слайд

    Prince of Wales
    Prince Charles

Major nations - are Welsh and English.  

    7 слайд


    Major nations - are Welsh and English.  

  •  Over 3 million people live in Wales

    8 слайд

     Over 3 million people live in Wales

  •   Capital      Cardiff 

    9 слайд


  • PATRONS AND NATIONAL                                  HOLIDAYSSt. David's Da...

    10 слайд


    St. David's Day       

  • WHAT ATTRACTS                                     TOURISTS?Cardiff Castle

    11 слайд


    Cardiff Castle


    12 слайд


  • National sportRugby Golf

    13 слайд

    National sport


  •  Eisteddfods and druids The competitions are  organized by Druids

    14 слайд

    Eisteddfods and druids
    The competitions are organized by Druids

  •  Welsh namesJonesWilliams MorganEvans

    15 слайд

    Welsh names

  •  Welsh people’s hobbyWelsh people like 
singing together.

    16 слайд

    Welsh people’s hobby
    Welsh people like
    singing together.

  • The national character of theWelsh.The apparent coldness of Walesmen has been...

    17 слайд

    The national character of theWelsh.
    The apparent coldness of Walesmen has been almost universally noted by the foreigners. But they also confess that once one gets to know the Welshman better, he turns out to be a very companionable fellow.

  • ConclusionPerhaps, some day you will visit Wales and see ev...

    18 слайд

    Perhaps, some day you will visit Wales and see everything with your own eyes.  

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему: "Modal verbs with Progressive and Perfect Infinitives of the Notional verbs" (10 класс)
  • Учебник: «Английский язык (базовый уровень)», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. и др.
  • Тема: 4. Modal verbs used with progressive and perfect infinitives of the notional verbs
  • 24.04.2020
  • 877
  • 45
«Английский язык (базовый уровень)», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. и др.

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