Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок английского языка в 7 классе по теме > УМК Кузовлев В.П.

Урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме > УМК Кузовлев В.П.

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Гайдукова  Ольга Ильинична, учитель иностранных языков.

Урок английского языка в 7 Б классе по теме << The New Seven Wonders of the World >>

Цель урока: развитие речевой и языковой компетенции.

Задачи урока.

Образовательные :

*познакомить с памятниками культуры мирового значения( Christ the Redeemer, the Great Wall of China, the Taj  Mahal, the Sidney Opera House, the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square);

*научить пользоваться  пройденной лексикой в речи и грамматической структурой  Passive Voice;

*выработать умение пользоваться знаниями, полученными на уроках истории, географии, краеведения и английского языка, с целью развития коммуникативной и  информационной компетенции.


*развивать умение читать, понимать на слух текст с целью  извлечения конкретной информации, соотносить слова, картинки, тексты;

* развивать умение ориентироваться в реалиях страны изучаемого языка, умения представлять свою культуру, свой родной край;

*развивать способность оценивать  чужое мнение;

*формировать умение работать с географической картой, с грамматической таблицей, с раздаточным материалом.

Воспитательные :

*воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению собеседника, его взглядам;

*формировать способность к критическому мышлению.

Тип урока  :  комбинированный.

Оборудование  : компьютер, презентация  << Семь новых чудес света>>,

раздаточный  материал ( Useful Language ), географическая карта мира.

Формы работы : фронтальная, индивидуальная,  работа в группах , работа в парах, коллективная, беседа, дискуссия.

Методы работы : объяснительно – иллюстративный, проблемно–поисковый,

 коммуникативно – диалоговый, метод опорных схем, технология проектной деятельности.



Good morning. I am glad to see you. How are you? I hope you are well. And what about you? Are you in high spirit? Any problems? Does anything trouble you?

I am glad to hear you are fine. So, let’s begin our lesson.

II.Warming up.

Look. What can you see here? (Appendix 1)

 Yes, you are right. The planet we live on is full of unique buildings, magnificent cathedrals, ancient churches, wonderfull mosques, beautifull statues. Unfortunately some of them haven’t been preserved. Today we try to remember the world historical monuments calling wonders.

Now look at the board and read the theme of our lesson. Let’s translate it. At the end of the lesson we try to answer the question “What are your new wonders of the world?”

III. Phonetic exercises.

Let’s practice our phonetics.

1) At home you learnt the words that we’ll use at the lesson. Will you repeat them after me? (Appendix 2)

Pupils read these words after their teacher. Pupils try to pronounce these words correctly.

2)Translate them from English into Russian, from Russian into English (ABBY Lingvo Tutor Unite 9 Lesson 1- 4 )

IV. Lexical activities.

Match the words from the boxes trying to find as many word combinations as you can. ( AB ex.1 p.125 )

V. New material.

It’s time for new material.  We begin to talk about the official new 7 wonders of the world.


Let’s do some tasks to learn the active words and word – combinations of the topic. Your task is to match the English word and its equivalent in Russian.

Copy down all the words into your vocabulary. You can consult in the linguistic and cultural guide at page 213. It will help you to translate the wonders correctly.

Chichen Itza,

 Christ the Redeemer,


 Machu Picchu,

 Taj Mahal,

The Great Wall of China,


a statue,


 an amphitheatre,

 a mausoleum.

Will you repeat these words after me?

2) Listening activity.

The official new 7 wonders of the world were chosen on the Internet in 2007. What are they? Listen to the information about these wonders and then answer my questions using the map.

 Presentation  “ The New 7 Wonders of the World”. (Appendix 3)

3) Grammar activities.

 I would like to check how well you have remembered the story.  Mind our grammar. Look at the board to remember the forming of the Passive Voice. (Appendix 5)

*Where is Chichen Itza situated?

*Where was a statue of Christ the Redeemer built?

*Where was  the  Colosseum  founded?

*The Great Wall is very old. Do you think it will be restored? Where is it situated?

*Where was Machu Picchu designed?

*What was called Taj Mahal? Where is it situated?

*Where was Petra built?

4)Listening /reading for specific information ( SB ex.1 p. 171-172 )

Say which sights they chose. Do Lisa, Fred and Misha agree with the Internet choice? Read the text and do the tasks.

5)Speaking ( SB ex.2 p.172 )

We’ve listened, read and translated which sights children chose. And you?

 Some pupils prepared stories at home. Listen to them and express your opinion. Use the card “Useful language” where you can find the statements expressing agreement, disagreement, doubt, likes, dislikes.

                              USEFUL LANGUAGE


                                         1.Expressing agreement

In general 1 quite agree ...

I absolutely/completely agree that...

I can't but agree ..

. I am of the same opinion ...


That's how I feel too.       I feel the same.       That's quite right.       I'm with you there.


                                     2.Expressing disagreement

I disagree (with)...

 I wouldn't say that...

 1 can see your point, but...

 I see what you mean, but...

You could be right, but I think ...

That's not true at all!     I'm sorry, but I can't agree ...      I don't think that..           . Not exactly...      On the contrary...

                                     3.Expressing doubt

I may be wrong, but I believe that...

 I'm not sure, but I think that...

 Probably it's true, but I think..     I can't believe that...                 I don't think that...                        However,...

                                   4 .Making additions

Let me add that...

I would like to add that...

I should add...                       It's necessary to remember that ...                              By the way,...


                                   5. Expressing likes/dislikes

I like it because ... I really enjoy travelling.  I'm fond of collecting.  I'm keen on books by Tolkien.  I'm fascinated by London.  I'm captivated by the story line of this book.

I'm extremely interested in the  history of the UK.  I don't like porridge.  I hate rap music.  I can't stand watching silly com­mercials.  I'm bored by soap operas.

                              6. Expressing opinion/giving reasons

I think... because ...


I suppose that...

That's why I think that...

Well, it seems to me that...

As for me,...

I'm sure that...

In my view,...

I do feel that...

In my opinion,...

I find it interesting ...



The first presentation is about London. (Appendix 6)

The second presentation is about Moscow. (Appendix 7)

The third presentation is a dialogue. (Appendix 8)


*Did you like your classmates’ stories?

*Do you share their opinions?

*Which opinion do you share?

* What are your new wonders of the world?

*And what about Kursk? To tell the truth I am a patriot of our town because I was born in it and I love it. And you?

*There are many interesting and attractive places in our region. One of them is the Kursk - Root Desert. Are you agree with me?

*What do you know about the Kursk-Root icon of our Lady of the Sign?

*Many outstanding people lived in Kursk. Are we proud of them?

Thank you very much. Your opinion will be very useful to me.

6) Additional task.

At the History lessons you discussed the classical 7 wonders of the world. Let’s remember them. Look at the map. It is written in English. (Appendix 9)

 You can see the Pyramids of Egypt, the Mausoleum Halicarnassus, the Hanging Garden of Babylon, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Statue of Zeus, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Light house( Pharos ) of Alexandria.

At home you should write these words and their transcriptions down.

 I invited  a guest to our lesson. Listen to his story about the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Try to get the main idea. Who designed the famous lighthouse?

Look , this is a book exhibition and that is  the list of sites which can help you to find necessary information for you. If there are any questions, ask me.


It’s a pity, but our time flies very quickly. Let’s finish our lesson with a popular English song “Brighton in rain”.

I liked our cooperative work and I am sure it was fruitful. You’ve been very active and get the following grades: ……

VII. Reflexion.

Well, children, today you worked rather hard and now tell me, please.

 Did you like our lesson?

 What have you learnt at the lesson?

 Let’s decorate a knowledge tree with your fruits of knowledge. ( Students answer the questions and put apples on the tree.)

Thank you very much. I say ‘good-bye’ to you and best wishes.

VIII. Homework:  Reader ex.3 p.72; words; a leaflet about your new wonders of the world.






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Краткое описание документа:

Цель урока: развитие речевой и языковой компетенции.


Образовательные :

*познакомитьспамятникамикультурымировогозначения( Christ the Redeemer, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, the Sidney Opera House, the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square);

*научить пользоваться пройденной лексикой в речи и грамматической структурой PassiveVoice;

*выработать умение пользоваться знаниями, полученными на уроках истории, географии, краеведения и английского языка, с целью развития коммуникативной и информационной компетенции.


*развивать умение читать, понимать на слух текст с целью извлечения конкретной информации, соотносить слова, картинки, тексты;

* развивать умение ориентироваться в реалиях страны изучаемого языка, умения представлять свою культуру, свой родной край;

*развивать способность оценивать чужое мнение;

*формировать умение работать с географической картой, с грамматической таблицей, с раздаточным материалом.

Воспитательные :

*воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению собеседника, его взглядам;

*формировать способность к критическому мышлению.

Тип урока : комбинированный.

Оборудование : компьютер, презентация << Семь новых чудес света>>,

раздаточный материал ( UsefulLanguage ), географическая карта мира.

Формы работы : фронтальная, индивидуальная, работа в группах , работа в парах, коллективная, беседа, дискуссия.

Методы работы : объяснительно – иллюстративный, проблемно–поисковый,

коммуникативно – диалоговый, метод опорных схем, технология проектной деятельности.


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