Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок по английскому языку на тему

Урок по английскому языку на тему

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Class: 5

Theme: Great Britain.

Aims: 1. introduce new English words . 2. develop the memory and attention. 3. grow-up a sense of love to the subject.

Type of lesson: study of the new material

Equipment: stickers, books.

Сабақтың жүру барысы:

1) Ұйымдастыру кезеңі.

Stand up! Stand strait! Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? And what about you? 

Who is on duty today? Who is absent?  What is the weather like today?

Let's start our lesson.

2) Үй тапсырмасын тексеру.  Learn the information

3) Жаңа сабақты түсіндіру.

Write down the date and we continue the  theme “Great Britain”. Today I’d like to tell you about the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. You will work with crossword. You recognize about parts of the UK. And certainly you will play some games. Be attentive. You should remember all new words and the names during the lesson. You will get marks at the end of the lesson. 


Read together the new words:

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

England           Scotland

Wales               British Isles

Atlantic Ocean

Europe             North Sea

London            Cardiff

Edinburgh        Belfast

Daffodils         Shamrock


The main part of the lesson.
The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Children, look at the blackboard. Listen, please the name of the country " The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Let’s repeat all together. Look at the map, please. Listen to the text about the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. It comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland. In the north G.B. is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and in the east of Europe G.B. is washed by the North Sea. Now listen about parts of the UK. You should be attentive because after that will be a crossword. England. The capital of England is London. Magic England has beautiful landscapes. England is a country of red roses. Wales. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. There are many daffodils in the Wales Valleys. Scotland. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is famous for bagpipers. Some men wear kilts. A thistle is the symbol of Scotland. Northern Ireland. The capital of this country is Belfast. Ulster is an old name. The symbol is a shamrock and a red hand. 
Reading. Let’s repeat and read about these parts one’s again. 

"London Bridge”. Are you tired? Let’s play! 
to the poem, please: 
London Bridge is falling, 
Falling down, falling down 
London Bridge is falling down 
My fair lady. 
, please. 
мыз тақтаға шығайық, бір ойын ойнаймыз. Сендер  "London Bridge” көпір. Бір бірімен қосамыз. Қолдарымыз көтереміз және "London Bridge” өленді айтамыз. Артық сөзді айтқанда "lady” қолдарыз түсіреміз, көпірді бұзыламыз. Ал мен жүргізішім болып, келесі жүргізіші табамын.
Сабақты бекіту.  Екі топқа бөленеміз
: Great Britain and Northern Ireland: 
1) Who is quicker?
Қолынды көтеріндер
Find the right capital of the countries. What is the capital of…? England N. Ireland Wales Scotland is
Cardiff , Edinburgh,  London, Belfast.
Come here and give us the full answer. 
2) Using the map find, please: Where is situated England (Wales, N. Ireland, Gr. Britain, the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, London)? 
Crossword. You should remember about these countries and find the answers on my questions: 
Горизонталь бойынша: 
1. The main city of the UK. 
2. The old name of Nothern Ireland. . 
Вертикаль бойынша: 
1. The symbol of England. 
2. The country which have the capital Cardiff. 
3. This country has  beautiful landscapes. 
4. What ware the men of wales? 
 The end of the lesson 
Home task. Retell the text 
your mark is excellent 
Good (Not bad, bad) 
Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye!




Read   the text about the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. It comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In the north G.B. is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and in the east of Europe G.B. is washed by the North Sea. Now listen about parts of the UK. You should be attentive because after that will be a crossword. England. The capital of England is London. Magic England has beautiful landscapes. England is a country of red roses. Wales. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. There are many daffodils in the Wales Valleys. Scotland. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is famous for bagpipers. Some men wear kilts. A thistle is the symbol of Scotland. Northern Ireland. The capital of this country is Belfast. Ulster is an old name. The symbol is a shamrock and a red hand. 
Listen to the text about the United Kingdom.
The  United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. It comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In the north G.B. is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and in the east of Europe G.B. is washed by the North Sea. Now listen about parts of the UK. You should be attentive because after that will be a crossword. England. The capital of England is London. Magic England has beautiful landscapes. England is a country of red roses. Wales. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. There are many daffodils in the Wales Valleys. Scotland. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is famous for bagpipers. Some men wear kilts. A thistle is the symbol of Scotland. Northern Ireland. The capital of this country is Belfast. Ulster is an old name. The symbol is a shamrock and a red hand. 
Listen to the text about the United Kingdom.
The  United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. It comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In the north G.B. is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and in the east of Europe G.B. is washed by the North Sea. Now listen about parts of the UK. You should be attentive because after that will be a crossword. England. The capital of England is London. Magic England has beautiful landscapes. England is a country of red roses. Wales. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. There are many daffodils in the Wales Valleys. Scotland. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is famous for bagpipers. Some men wear kilts. A thistle is the symbol of Scotland. Northern Ireland. The capital of this country is Belfast. Ulster is an old name. The symbol is a shamrock and a red hand. 
Listen to the text about the United Kingdom.
The  United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. It comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In the north G.B. is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and in the east of Europe G.B. is washed by the North Sea. Now listen about parts of the UK. You should be attentive because after that will be a crossword. England. The capital of England is London. Magic England has beautiful landscapes. England is a country of red roses. Wales. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. There are many daffodils in the Wales Valleys. Scotland. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is famous for bagpipers. Some men wear kilts. A thistle is the symbol of Scotland. Northern Ireland. The capital of this country is Belfast. Ulster is an old name. The symbol is a shamrock and a red hand. 
Listen to the text about the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. It comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland. In the north G.B. is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and in the east of Europe G.B. is washed by the North Sea. Now listen about parts of the UK. You should be attentive because after that will be a crossword. England. The capital of England is London. Magic England has beautiful landscapes. England is a country of red roses. Wales. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. There are many daffodils in the Wales Valleys. Scotland. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is famous for bagpipers. Some men wear kilts. A thistle is the symbol of Scotland. Northern Ireland. The capital of this country is Belfast. Ulster is an old name. The symbol is a shamrock and a red hand. 
Listen to the text about the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. It comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland. In the north G.B. is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and in the east of Europe G.B. is washed by the North Sea. Now listen about parts of the UK. You should be attentive because after that will be a crossword. England. The capital of England is London. Magic England has beautiful landscapes. England is a country of red roses. Wales. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. There are many daffodils in the Wales Valleys. Scotland. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is famous for bagpipers. Some men wear kilts. A thistle is the symbol of Scotland. Northern Ireland. The capital of this country is Belfast. Ulster is an old name. The symbol is a shamrock and a red hand. 

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Class: 5

Theme: Great Britain.

Aims: 1. introduce new English words . 2. develop the memory and attention. 3. grow-up a sense of love to the subject.

Type of lesson: study of the new material

Equipment: stickers, books.


1) Ұйымдастырукезеңі.

Stand up! Stand strait! Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? And what about you? 

Who is on duty today? Who is absent?  What is the weather like today?

Let's start our lesson.

2) Үйтапсырмасынтексеру.  Learn the information

3) Жаңасабақтытүсіндіру.

Write down the date and we continue the  theme “Great Britain”.Today I’d like to tell you about the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. You will work with crossword. You recognize about parts of the UK. And certainly you will play some games. Be attentive. You should remember all new words and the names during the lesson. You will get marks at the end of the lesson. 


Read together the new words:

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

England           Scotland

Wales               British Isles

Atlantic Ocean

Europe             North Sea

London            Cardiff

Edinburgh        Belfast

Daffodils         Shamrock


The main part of the lesson.
The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Children, look at the blackboard. Listen, please the name of the country " The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Let’s repeat all together. Look at the map, please. Listen to the text about the United Kingdom.
The  United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. It comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland. In the north G.B. is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and in the east of Europe G.B. is washed by the North Sea. Now listen about parts of the UK. You should be attentive because after that will be a crossword. England. The capital of England is London. Magic England has beautiful landscapes. England is a country of red roses. Wales. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. There are many daffodils in the Wales Valleys. Scotland. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is famous for bagpipers. Some men wear kilts. A thistle is the symbol of Scotland. Northern Ireland. The capital of this country is Belfast. Ulster is an old name. The symbol is a shamrock and a red hand. 
Reading. Let’s repeat and read about these parts one’s again. 


"London Bridge”. Are you tired? Let’s play! 
to the poem, please: 
London Bridge is falling, 
Falling down, falling down 
London Bridge is falling down 
My fair lady. 
Repeat, please. 
Барлығымызтақтағашығайық, бір ойын ойнаймыз. Сендер  "London Bridge” көпір. Бір бірімен қосамыз. Қолдарымыз көтереміз және "London Bridge” өленді айтамыз. Артық сөзді айтқанда "lady” қолдарыз түсіреміз, көпірді бұзыламыз. Ал мен жүргізішім болып, келесі жүргізіші табамын.
Сабақты бекіту.  Екі топқа бөленеміз
: Great Britain and Northern Ireland: 
1) Who is quicker?
Қолынды көтеріндер
Find the right capital of the countries. What is the capital of…? England N. Ireland Wales Scotland is
Cardiff , Edinburgh,  London, Belfast.
Come here and give us the full answer. 
2) Using the map find, please: Where is situated England (Wales, N. Ireland, Gr. Britain, the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, London)? 
Crossword. You should remember about these countries and find the answers on my questions: 
Горизонталь бойынша: 
1. The main city of the UK. 
2. The old name of Nothern Ireland. . 
Вертикаль бойынша: 
1. The symbol of England. 
2. The country which have the capital Cardiff. 
3. This country has  beautiful landscapes. 
4. What ware the men of wales? 
 The end of the lesson 
Home task. Retell the text 
your mark is excellent 
Good (Not bad, bad) 
Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye!

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