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Урок с презентацией на тему "Архангельск - город поморов"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • ARKHANGELSK is the Town of Pomors.ЦЕЛИ:  Расширение знаний о главном  городе...

    1 слайд

    ARKHANGELSK is the Town of Pomors.
    ЦЕЛИ: Расширение знаний о главном городе региона, о его жителях и их предках.
    Пополнение лексического запаса.

    Развитие навыков аудирования незнакомого текста, навыков составления вопросов и вступления в диалог.
    Формирование умения обобщать полученные знания.

    Воспитание толерантности в отношениях.

  • Repeat the Words:order - указ
Terrible - Грозный
numerous –многочислен.
to de...

    2 слайд

    Repeat the Words:
    order - указ
    Terrible - Грозный
    numerous –многочислен.
    to derive - образовываться
    boggy - болотистый
    longitude - долгота
    marine - морской
    influence - влияние
    average - средний
    annually - ежегодно
    precipitation - осадки

    pulp-and-paper – целлюлозно-бумажный
    enterprise - предприятие
    timber – лес, древесина
    cardboard - картон
    amount - количество
    junction – узел, стык
    institution – учреждение
    merchant Marine School – школа торгового флота
    contemporary - современный
    diverse - разнообразный

  • ARKHANGELSKArkhangelsk, an administrative centre of the Arkhangelsk Region, w...

    3 слайд

    Arkhangelsk, an administrative centre of the Arkhangelsk Region, was founded in 1584 on the order of the Tsar Ivan the Terrible. It is situated mostly on the right bank of the Northern Dvina River and on the numerous islands in its mouth; the city stretches for about 40 km.

  • Solombala Island    The most famous among 12 large islands is Solombala. The...

    4 слайд

    Solombala Island
    The most famous among 12 large islands is Solombala. The name is derived from Karelian word «solenba» which means ‘boggy island’. The area of the municipality «The city of Arkhangelsk» is 29442 hectares.

  • Winter in ArkhangelskThe climate in the city longitude is sub-arctic, marine,...

    5 слайд

    Winter in Arkhangelsk
    The climate in the city longitude is sub-arctic, marine, with a long winter and a short cool summer. It is influenced by the Northern seas and the huge air masses from the Atlantic Ocean; the sun radiation is small. The average January temperature is 13 degrees below zero, the average July temperature is 17 degrees. Annually we have 529 mm of precipitation.

  • People of Arkhangelsk   The city population is 364 700 people by 01.01.2001.

    6 слайд

    People of Arkhangelsk
    The city population is 364 700 people by 01.01.2001.

  • Pulp-and-Paper     Enterprise     Arkhangelsk is a large research and industr...

    7 слайд

    Pulp-and-Paper Enterprise
    Arkhangelsk is a large research and industrial centre in the north-west of Russia. Here wood-working, wood chemistry, pulp-and-paper, fish-processing, machine-building, microbiology industrial enterprises are concentrated. 7700 enterprises are registered in the city, 2200 of them are large productions.

  • Wood Enterprise     The leading role belongs to the wood and timber industrie...

    8 слайд

    Wood Enterprise
    The leading role belongs to the wood and timber industries. Wood enterprises make more than 40 % of the whole amount of produce of the city. Timber, cardboard, pulp, as well as fish, are still the basics of Arkhangelsk trade with other regions of Russia and western countries.

  • Arkhangelsk Port     Arkhangelsk of our days is not only the largest sea port...

    9 слайд

    Arkhangelsk Port
    Arkhangelsk of our days is not only the largest sea port in the North, but a complex transportation junction connected to other regions of Russia by air, railway and automobile.

  • The Pomor State University     200 educational institutions work in Arkhangel...

    10 слайд

    The Pomor State University
    200 educational institutions work in Arkhangelsk today, as well as 18 municipal public health institutions.

  • Lakes near the University     Arkhangelsk is by right considered the largest...

    11 слайд

    Lakes near the University
    Arkhangelsk is by right considered the largest research centre in the Russian North. Graduates from the Pomor State University, the Northern State Medical University, the State Technical University, of the oldest in Russia Merchant Marine School are working in many regions of the country.

  • Lomonosov Theatre    Cultural life in contemporary Arkhangelsk is very rich a...

    12 слайд

    Lomonosov Theatre
    Cultural life in contemporary Arkhangelsk is very rich and diverse. There are three theatres in the city, the Pomor Philharmonic Society with a wonderful organ hall, a huge research library of more than 2 million books.

  • Singing and Dancing Ensemble “Siverko”     Arkhangelsk is proud of its famous...

    13 слайд

    Singing and Dancing Ensemble “Siverko”
    Arkhangelsk is proud of its famous museums, their general collection numbers more than 500 thousand items. The State Academic Northern Russian Folk Choir, Singing and Dancing Ensemble «Siverko», the Arkhangelsk Chamber Orchestra are well known in Russia and abroad.

  • International Cinema Festival “Sozvezdiye”      Arkhangelsk is a firework of...

    14 слайд

    International Cinema Festival “Sozvezdiye”
    Arkhangelsk is a firework of colours and festivals! The city hosted the International Cinema Festival «Sozvezdiye» and the Television Films Festival «Spolokhi», The Folklore Festival «The Pearl of the North», and Theatre Festival «European Spring» , festivals of jazz and classical music, world championships in bandy and thaekvon-do.

  • Find out English Equivalents to the Word Combinations:по Указу царя Ивана Гро...

    15 слайд

    Find out English Equivalents to the Word Combinations:
    по Указу царя Ивана Грозного;
    на бесчисленном количестве островов;
    название образовалось от…;
    «болотистый остров»;
    средняя январская температура…;
    529 мм осадков;
    научный и промышленный центр;
    ведущая роль принадлежит…;
    древесина, картон, целлюлоза…;
    комплексный транспортный узел;
    образовательные учреждения;
    по праву считается…;
    современный Архангельск;
    Государственный академический Северный русский народный хор;
    ансамбль песни и пляски;
    архангельский камерный оркестр;

  • ANSWER the QUESTIONS:What is Arkhangelsk?
When was Arkhangelsk founded?

    16 слайд

    What is Arkhangelsk?
    When was Arkhangelsk founded?
    Where is it situated?
    What is the most famous among twelve island?
    What is the climate of the city?
    What is the average January and July temperature?
    What is the population of the city?
    What enterprises are concentrated in Arkhangelsk?
    How many educational institutions work in Arkhangelsk?
    What educational institutions do you know in Arkhangelsk?
    Are there any theatres and museums in Arkhangelsk?
    What kinds of festivals did the city host last years?

  • PUT DOWN as many QUESTIONS  as YOU CAN:The graduates of Arkhangelsk work in d...

    17 слайд

    The graduates of Arkhangelsk work in different regions of our country.
    The Margaritinskaya Fair takes place in Arkhangelsk every year.
    Our region will celebrate the 300th anniversary of Lomonosov’s birthday in November.
    International Cinema Festival “Sozvezdiye” took place in Arkhangelsk last year.

    Send your classmate’s question in the indirect form.

  • GROUP PROJECTS:Group No1. PROJECT “The Pomors. Who are they?”
Group No 2. The...

    18 слайд

    Group No1. PROJECT “The Pomors. Who are they?”
    Group No 2. The advertizing-tourist project “Cultural Heritage Monuments of Arkhangelsk”.
    Group No 3. PROJECT “People are the main value of Arkhangelsk”.

  • REFLECTIONI think that the group No 1 (2, 3) has prepared an excellent (good,...

    19 слайд

    I think that the group No 1 (2, 3) has prepared an excellent (good, satisfactory) project.
    The presentation reflects the theme completely (not completely, partially). It has been done in a good (not very good, bad) way.
    Speech is clear, laconic (confused, chaotic).
    The group has (not) achieved the aim.
    The project deserves a mark “5” (“4”, “3”…).

  • The Ministry of Education, science and culture of the Arkhangelsk region   Th...

    20 слайд

    The Ministry of Education, science and culture of the Arkhangelsk region
    The Presentation is developed and created
    by Bulatetskaya Tatyana, the teacher of English. Severodvinsk Secondary school No13.

    2012 year

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Министерство образования, науки и культуры Архангельской области

Государственное автономное образовательное учреждение «АОИППК РО»

МОУ «СОШ №13» г. Северодвинска








«Архангельск – город поморов»

(обобщающий урок по региональному компоненту, 10 класс)



Булатецкая Татьяна Павловна,

учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ№13»

высшей категории








г. Северодвинск

2012 год

ЦЕЛИ: Расширение знаний о главном  городе  региона, о его жителях и их предках.

Пополнение лексического запаса.

Развитие навыков аудирования незнакомого текста, навыков  составления вопросов и вступления в диалог.

Формирование умения обобщать полученные знания.

Воспитание  толерантности  в  отношениях.


Ø Совершенствовать навыки произношения.

Ø Развивать навыки аудирования.

Ø Стимулировать воображение и творческую активность.

Ø Предоставить возможность проявить индивидуальные способности в создании презентаций.

Ø Совершенствовать навыки работы с компьютером.

При организации данного занятия использовались:

§  Личностно ориентированный подход к учащимся.

§  Повышение качества  обучения за счет внедрения активных форм и методов, использования технологий деятельностно-коммуникативного подхода.

§  Внедрение ИКТ: мультимедийные презентации учащихся, презентация урока.

§  Работа в группах по подготовке проектов-презентаций.



ТИП УРОКА: обобщающий урок по региональному компоненту к теме «Архангельск – главный город региона», 10 класс.






Данный урок проводился в рамках регионального компонента курса английского языка в 10 классе. Это обобщающий урок, задачей которого явилось развитие широкого спектра познавательных интересов и ключевых компетенций (информационной, коммуникативной, организационной, управленческой, ИКТ-компетентности). В ходе данного занятия учащиеся смогли испытать свои возможности в качестве гидов-экскурсоводов. Учащиеся познакомились с достопримечательностями Архангельска, узнали больше об известных людях Архангельской земли, об их предках поморах. Все виды работ были интересными для учащихся, позволили им проявить свои творческие способности. В конце урока учащиеся сами сделали  анализ и самоанализ их уровня подготовки к данному занятию. Результативность урока – высокая.

На уроке присутствовало 12 учащихся.

Получили «5» - 8 учащихся;

                   «4» - 4 учащихся;

                   «3» - 0 учащихся;

                   «2» - 0.

Процент успеваемости: 100%.

Качество успеваемости: 100%.











1. TEACHER: Comrades, today we shall speak about Arkhangelsk and its people. First of all we’ll look through the slide-film about Arkhangelsk, then we’ll fulfill some tasks and at last you will protect your projects. It’s our generalizing lesson on the theme. Tell me, please, what aims we’ll have to reach (определение целей и задач).

2. РАБОТА С ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЕЙ. TEACHER: Look at the slide and repeat the words after me, please (повторение лексики).

3. ПРОСМОТР СЛАЙД-ШОУ ОБ АРХАНГЕЛЬСКЕ. Чтение текста учащимися (без перевода).

¢ Arkhangelsk, an administrative centre of the Arkhangelsk Region, was founded in 1584 on the order of the Tsar Ivan the Terrible. It is situated mostly on the right bank of the Northern Dvina River and on the numerous islands in its mouth; the city stretches for about 40 km.

¢ The most famous among 12 large islands is Solombala. The name is derived from Karelian word «solenba» which means ‘boggy island’. The area of the municipality «The city of Arkhangelsk» is 29442 hectares.

¢ The climate in the city longitude is sub-arctic, marine, with a long winter and a short cool summer. It is influenced by the Northern seas and the huge air masses from the Atlantic Ocean; the sun radiation is small. The average January temperature is 13 degrees below zero, the average July temperature is 17 degrees. Annually we have 529 mm of precipitation.

¢ The city population is 364 700 people by 01.01.2001.

¢ Arkhangelsk is a large research and industrial centre in the north-west of Russia. Here wood-working, wood chemistry, pulp-and-paper, fish-processing, machine-building, microbiology industrial enterprises are concentrated. 7700 enterprises are registered in the city, 2200 of them are large productions.

¢    The leading role belongs to the wood and timber industries. Wood enterprises make more than 40 % of the whole amount of produce of the city. Timber, cardboard, pulps, as well as, fish are still the basics of Arkhangelsk trade with other regions of Russia and western countries.

¢ Arkhangelsk of our days is not only the largest sea port in the North, but a complex transportation junction connected to other regions of Russia by air, railway and automobile.

¢      200 educational institutions work in Arkhangelsk today, as well as 18 municipal public health institutions.

¢      Arkhangelsk is by right considered the largest research centre in the Russian North. Graduates from the Pomor State University, the Northern State Medical University, the State Technical University, of the oldest in Russia Merchant Marine School are working in many regions of the country.

¢     Cultural life in contemporary Arkhangelsk is very rich and diverse. There are three theatres in the city, the Pomor Philharmonic Society with a wonderful organ hall, a huge research library of more than 2 million books.

¢ Arkhangelsk is proud of its famous museums, their general collection numbers more than 500 thousand items. The State Academic Northern Russian Folk Choir, Singing and Dancing Ensemble «Siverko», the Arkhangelsk Chamber Orchestra are well known in Russia and abroad.

¢ Arkhangelsk is a firework of colours and festivals! The city hosted the International Cinema Festival «Sozvezdiye» and the Television Films Festival «Spolokhi», The Folklore Festival «The Pearl of the North», and Theatre Festival «European Spring» , festivals of jazz and classical music, world championships in bandy and thaekvon-do.


v TASK «Find English equivalents»:

-по Указу царя Ивана Грозного;

-на бесчисленном количестве островов;

-название образовалось от…;

-«болотистый остров»;

-средняя январская температура;

-529 мм осадков;

-научный и промышленный центр;

-ведущая роль принадлежит…;

-древесина, картон, целлюлоза;

-комплексный транспортный узел;

-образовательные учреждения;

-по праву считается;

-современный Архангельск;

-Государственный академический Северный русский народный хор;

-ансамбль песни и пляски;

-архангельский камерный оркестр.

v TASK “Answer the Questions to the Text”:

-What is Arkhangelsk?

-When was Arkhangelsk Founded?

-Where is it situated?

-What is the most famous among twelve islands?

-What is the climate of the city?

-What is the average January and July temperature?

-What is the population of the city?

-What enterprises are concentrated in Arkhangelsk?

-How many educational institutions work in Arkhangelsk?

-What educational institutions do you know in Arkhangelsk?

-Are there any theatres and museums in Arkhangelsk?

-What kinds of festivals did the city host last year?

v TASK «Make up Questions». [Учащимся предлагается  4 предложения об Архангельске. Им нужно к каждому предложению составить как можно больше вопросов и задать их в форме косвенного вопроса (повторение темы «Косвенные вопросы») своему соседу. Работа по цепочке.  Один составляет вопрос, другой передает его в форме косвенного.]

1.     The graduates of Arkhangelsk work in different regions of our country.

EXAMPLE: Who works in different regions of our country?

(Ann asked  who worked in different regions of our country?)

Where do the graduates of Arkhangelsk region work?

(Pavel wondered  where the graduates of Arkhangelsk region worked?)

Do the graduates of Arkhangelsk work in different regions of our country?

(Ksyusha  asked if the graduates worked in different regions of the country?)

……………… ……… ……. ……… ……… ………

2. The Margaritinskaya Fair takes place in Arkhangelsk every year.

3. Our region will celebrate the 300th anniversary of Lomonosov’s birthday in November.

4. International Cinema Festival “Sozvezdiye” took place in Arkhangelsk last year.


Group №1. Project «The Pomors. Who are they?»

(После представления проекта задают вопросы другим группам).

Questions: 1. Whose descendants were the pomors?

2. What kind of occupation was the main in the pomors’ village?

3. What  pomors’ traditions do you know?

Group №2.  Project «Cultural Heritage Monuments of Arkhangelsk».

Questions: 1.What monuments of architecture do you know in our region?

2. Where is the monument to Archangel Michael situated?

3. When was Obelisk Severa installed?

Group №3. Project «People are the Main Value of Arkhangelsk».

Questions: 1.What great man was born on the 19th of November 1711?

2. Who was a “singer of the Russian North”?

3. What national actress was born in Kotlas?

6.REFLEXION. (Учащиеся делают краткий самоанализ и анализ проделанной работы по проектам. Используют уже ранее используемые слова и выражения. См. презентацию).







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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


    1 слайд


  • YOU MUST KNOWArkhangelsk  is 426 years old. The city combines old traditions...

    2 слайд

    Arkhangelsk is 426 years old. The city combines old traditions and contemporary economical potential. It has become the centre of the region’s cultural life. A great number of talented, brave and self-denying people are born in this unique place. On the 19th of November we’ll celebrate the 300th anniversary of the greatest scientist Michael Lomonosov, who has glorified his native Arkhangelsk land all over the world. He was the first, but later there were many of them (great people).

  • Mikhailo Lomonosov (1711-1765 гг.) He was born on the 8 (19) of November 17...

    3 слайд

    Mikhailo Lomonosov (1711-1765 гг.)

    He was born on the 8 (19) of November 1711 in the village of Mishaninskaya Arkhangelsk region. Lomonosov is a great scientist, poet, educator.

  • Boris Shergin (1896-1973 гг.)is a writer, storyteller, specialist in folklore...

    4 слайд

    Boris Shergin (1896-1973 гг.)
    is a writer, storyteller, specialist in folklore. He was born in Arkhangelsk. The most part of his life he spent in Moscow, but all his work was dedicated to the Russian North, its nature and to the pomors.

  • Stephan Pisakhov (1879-1960 гг.)is “a singer of the Russian North”. He is a w...

    5 слайд

    Stephan Pisakhov (1879-1960 гг.)
    is “a singer of the Russian North”. He is a writer, storyteller, painter. S. Pisakhov explored the coast of the White Sea, the island of Novaya Zemlya as an ethnographer and specialist in folklore. He was a participant of the first Rusanov’s Polar expedition.

  • Shubin Fedot (1740-1805 гг.)is a great  Russian sculptor. He was born in Arkh...

    6 слайд

    Shubin Fedot (1740-1805 гг.)
    is a great Russian sculptor. He was born in Arkhangelsk region. In 1759 he left his native land.

  • Romanov Fyodor(1553-1633 гг.)is the Russian political figure, patriarch (1619...

    7 слайд

    Romanov Fyodor(1553-1633 гг.)
    is the Russian political figure, patriarch (1619). He was father of the first tsar from the Romanovs (Mikhail Fyodorovich). In 1601 he was cut into monks and named Philaret. He has been banished to the Antoniy Siyskiy Monastery in Kholmogory region.

  • Rosa Shanina (3.04.1924-28.01.1945)    is the soviet single sniper.  She has...

    8 слайд

    Rosa Shanina (3.04.1924-28.01.1945)
    is the soviet single sniper. She has shot 54 of fascist soldiers and officers. 12 of them were snipers. R. Shanina was born in the village of Yedma Ustyanskiy region Arkhangelsk oblast.

  • Fyodor Abramov (20.02.1920-14.05.1983)is a Russian writer. 
    F. Abramov wa...

    9 слайд

    Fyodor Abramov (20.02.1920-14.05.1983)
    is a Russian writer.
    F. Abramov was born in Vercola Arkhangelsk region. He had been an officer of military investigation at the Great Patriotic War. He has finished Leningrad University.

  • Nikolai Rubtsov(1936-1971)was born in the village of Yemetsk Arkhangelsk regi...

    10 слайд

    Nikolai Rubtsov(1936-1971)
    was born in the village of Yemetsk Arkhangelsk region. He was one of the most mysterious representatives of the Russian poetry, who predicted his own death in his poems.

  • Nicolai KuznetsovWas born on the 24 (11) of July 1904 in the village of Medv...

    11 слайд

    Nicolai Kuznetsov

    Was born on the 24 (11) of July 1904 in the village of Medvedky Velikoustyuzhskiy uyezd Arkhangelsk region. He was an officer of Navy Fleet of the USSR.

  • Timur Gaidar (8.12.1926 – 23.12.1999)was the soviet journalist, a writer and...

    12 слайд

    Timur Gaidar (8.12.1926 – 23.12.1999)
    was the soviet journalist, a writer and contr-admiral. He was the son of known writer Arcadiy Gaidar.

  • Vera Alentova (21.02.1942)     was born in Kotlas Arkhangelsk region. V.Alent...

    13 слайд

    Vera Alentova (21.02.1942)
    was born in Kotlas Arkhangelsk region. V.Alentova is the national actress of the USSR and Russia.

  • Alexander Veshnyakov (24.11.1952)    Was born in the village of Baikalovo Pri...

    14 слайд

    Alexander Veshnyakov (24.11.1952)
    Was born in the village of Baikalovo Primorskiy region Arkhangelsk oblast. He is a statesman, diplomat. A.Veshnyakov is plenipotentiary ambassador of Russia in the Latvian republic.

  • Sergey Glushko (TARZAN)Was born on the 8th of March 1970 in the small town of...

    15 слайд

    Sergey Glushko (TARZAN)
    Was born on the 8th of March 1970 in the small town of Mirny Arkhangelsk region. He is a striptizer and an actor.

  • We love our wonderful land and its beautiful people!  There are no such other...

    16 слайд

    We love our wonderful land and its beautiful people!
    There are no such other land and such people. We are proud of them!

  • The Project is made by the group:Veryuzhskaya Ann
Zagainova Anastasiya

    17 слайд

    The Project is made by the group:
    Veryuzhskaya Ann
    Zagainova Anastasiya
    Feliksova Ann
    Kochergina Ann

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The advertizing-tourist project “Cultural Heritage Monuments of Arkhangelsk...

    1 слайд

    The advertizing-tourist project
    “Cultural Heritage Monuments of Arkhangelsk”
    ЦЕЛЬ: Вовлечение в процесс изучения культурного наследия молодежи Архангельской области, других регионов.
    ЗАДАЧА: Познакомить с памятниками, заинтересовать .

  • ARKHANGELSK is a CENTRE of OLD CULTURAL TRADITIONSDo you want to enjoy unforg...

    2 слайд

    Do you want to enjoy unforgettable impressions, diverse colours of nature, original culture of the land where east and west meet? Do you want to see cultural heritage monuments of our beautiful land? If you do, come and watch them!

  • The Monument to Archangel MichaelIt is situated in front of the building of A...

    3 слайд

    The Monument to Archangel Michael
    It is situated in front of the building of Arkhangelsk archdiocese.

  • The Monument to M.V.Lomonosov1826 – 1829 г.г.
   I. P. Martos is the sculptor...

    4 слайд

    The Monument to M.V.Lomonosov
    1826 – 1829 г.г.
    I. P. Martos is the sculptor of the monument

  • The Monument to Peter the 1stIt was installed in honour of merits in the deve...

    5 слайд

    The Monument to Peter the 1st
    It was installed in honour of merits in the development of Arkhangelsk region

  • Obelisk SeveraIt was installed in 1930 in front of the building of regional a...

    6 слайд

    Obelisk Severa
    It was installed in 1930 in front of the building of regional administration in honour of foundation of Severniy Krai.

  • Old ArkhangelskYou can see the unique old building. It is one of great number...

    7 слайд

    Old Arkhangelsk
    You can see the unique old building. It is one of great number. Such old buildings are made of wood. Many of them are still used.

  • Arkhangelsk Nicola ChurchArkhangelsk is famous for its churches, cathedrals a...

    8 слайд

    Arkhangelsk Nicola Church
    Arkhangelsk is famous for its churches, cathedrals and monasteries. Their architecture is significant.

  • Arkhangelsk Elijah’s Cathedral

    9 слайд

    Arkhangelsk Elijah’s Cathedral

  • Arkhangelsk Troitskiy Church

    10 слайд

    Arkhangelsk Troitskiy Church

  • OLD WODEN CHURCH     There are many wooden churches in Arkhangelsk region. Th...

    11 слайд

    There are many wooden churches in Arkhangelsk region. They are small and nice. People like to attend them.


    12 слайд


  • Arkhangelsk Monument YungamThe monument is devoted to the young sailors who h...

    13 слайд

    Arkhangelsk Monument Yungam
    The monument is devoted to the young sailors who haven’t returned from the Great Patriotic War.

  • Mark in Arkhangelsk

    14 слайд

    Mark in Arkhangelsk

  • Arkhangelsk  Monument 1941 - 1945

    15 слайд

    Arkhangelsk Monument 1941 - 1945

  • The Monument to the Seal-rescuerThis animal saved the lives of people

    16 слайд

    The Monument to the Seal-rescuer
    This animal saved the lives of people

  • STEPHAN PISAKHOVThe Monument to the fairy-teller

    17 слайд

    The Monument to the fairy-teller

  • SOLOMBALA. Embankment of Sedov.The Monument to those who haven’t returned fro...

    18 слайд

    SOLOMBALA. Embankment of Sedov.
    The Monument to those who haven’t returned from the sea

  • Come to 0ur Region and Look at them by Your own Eyes  You will never regret a...

    19 слайд

    Come to 0ur Region and Look at them by Your own Eyes
    You will never regret about it!!!

  • The Project is made by the group of pupils: Shumovskaya Svetlana
Zavyalova An...

    20 слайд

    The Project is made by the group of pupils:
    Shumovskaya Svetlana
    Zavyalova Ann
    Mokeyev Pavel
    Menshikova Julia
    Aksenovskaya Nina
    Thank You for Attention!

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Подвиг поморских мореходов (2003).ppt

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  •  The Pomors. Who are They?

    1 слайд

    The Pomors. Who are They?

  • OriginThe Pomors were descendants of ancient Novgorod Slavs, and of Fino-Kore...

    2 слайд

    The Pomors were descendants of ancient Novgorod Slavs, and of Fino-Korelian tribes which came from the Arctic ocean and occupied these places.

  • Craft and FoodFish was the main richness, which had been given   to people. I...

    3 слайд

    Craft and Food
    Fish was the main richness, which had been given to people. It was their main food.
    The basic pomors’ craft was
    fishing. They went fishing
    in the river and in the White sea. Production of salt, merchant shipping, shipbuilding were well-developed too.

  • ClothesTheir clothes was made from the skin of  fur and sea animals, from woo...

    4 слайд

    Their clothes was made from the skin of fur and sea animals, from wool of pets.
    - Their footwear was made from leather, wool and wood.

  • TraditionsThere were many different traditions in the pomors’ settlements:

    5 слайд

    There were many different traditions in the pomors’ settlements:
    They didn't throw garbage neither in the river, nor in the sea, especially in the places of fishing.
    They didn't lock the doors and put a broom by the door.
    They welcomed strangers, gave them water and food, gave place to sleep in the house.

  • RELIGIONThe Pomors were      
    divided into the
    of O...

    6 слайд

    The Pomors were
    divided into the
    of Orthodox
    Church and into the

  • The POMORS’ TalesCulture of the neighbouring peoples made the significant inf...

    7 слайд

    The POMORS’ Tales
    Culture of the neighbouring peoples made the significant influence on the pomors’ folk creativity. Fairy tales about sea adventures and about nature were the most popular among people.

  • The Opinion of ForeignersMany foreigners, who visited Pomorie, gave the follo...

    8 слайд

    The Opinion of Foreigners
    Many foreigners, who visited Pomorie, gave the following description of the local population: the pomors are laconic, reserved people, always ready to help; they are friendly, trusting and hospitable.

  • We must be proud of our Ancestors.

    9 слайд

    We must be proud of our Ancestors.

  • The Project is made by the group of pupils:Shevelyova Kristine
Konoplyanko Da...

    10 слайд

    The Project is made by the group of pupils:
    Shevelyova Kristine
    Konoplyanko Darya
    Gladisheva Victoria
    Melnichenko Anastasiya

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Краткое описание документа:

Данный урок проводился в рамках регионального компонента курса английского языка в 10 классе. Это обобщающий урок, задачей которого явилось развитие широкого спектра познавательных интересов и ключевых компетенций (информационной, коммуникативной, организационной, управленческой, ИКТ-компетентности). В ходе данного занятия учащиеся смогли испытать свои возможности в качестве гидов-экскурсоводов. Учащиеся познакомились с достопримечательностями Архангельска, узнали больше об известных людях Архангельской земли, об их предках поморах. Все виды работ были интересными для учащихся, позволили им проявить свои творческие способности. В конце урока учащиеся сами сделали  анализ и самоанализ их уровня подготовки к данному занятию. Результативность урока – высокая.

На уроке присутствовало 12 учащихся.

Получили «5» - 8 учащихся;

                   «4» - 4 учащихся;

                   «3» - 0 учащихся;

                   «2» - 0.

Процент успеваемости: 100%.

Качество успеваемости: 100%.

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500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Повышение мотивации и эффективности обучения иностранному языку с помощью интерактивных тренажеров (на примере английского языка)

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 277 человек из 53 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 071 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Немецкий язык: теория и методика обучения иностранному языку в образовательной организации

Учитель немецкого языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 271 человек из 57 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 054 человека

Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания французского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 120 человек


Психология личности

5 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 36 человек из 23 регионов


Figma: продвинутый дизайн

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 61 человек из 24 регионов


Психические защиты и психоаналитический взгляд на личное развитие

10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 32 человека из 17 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 16 человек