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Урок-соревнование по английскому языку "The Most Quick - Witted one"

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Урок - соревнование по английскому языку

в 9 классе

«The most quick – witted one»

Учитель английского языка:

Вениаминова Лея Малануровна



Тема: «Профессия моего будущего»


Цель: а) умение работать с лексическим минимумом по теме урока;

           б) развитие навыков устной речи, умение концентрировать внимание             на владении материалом урока;

            в) воспитывать в себе интерес к своей будущей профессии, как можно больше узнать нового о пользе той или иной профессии человека.


Оформление: карточки, раздаточный материал, плакат с ребусом о профессиях, загадки, тексты.


Ход урока:


I. Beginning of the lesson.


1. Organization moment:

a) greeting of the pupils and guests;

b) introducing lesson theme;

c) get acquainted with the aims of the lesson.

2. Announce the steps of the contest:

a) Step1. Guess the profession

b) Step2. Questions: What job is it?

c) Step3. Find a profession (cards)

d) Step4. Show pictures

e) Step5. Reading a story

f) Step6. Chainword

3. Announce the steps for audience:

a) Step1. Translate words

b) Step2. Guess the riddles


II. Main Stage of the lesson.


Step1. Guess the profession.


a) 1. He works with many people.

    2. He must talk a lot.

    3. he must write a lot.

    4. He gets angry a lot.

    5. He laughs a lot.

    6. He uses a lot of chalk.                                                                 (teacher)


b) 1. He fixes things.

    2. He charges a lot.

    3. You call him for emergency.

    4. He comes to your house.

    5. He works with water.

    6. He uses wrenchers.

    7. He fixes sinks and toilets.                                                            (plumber)


c)  1. He works in the street.

     2. He works with sand, stones, water.

     3. He works with bricks.

     4. He lifts storeys.

     5. He works with houses.

     6. He makes flats.                                                                              (builder)


d)  1. He works with people.

     2. He travels a lot.

     3. He visits a lot of countries.

     4. He studies the life of foreign countries and people.

     5. He asks a lot of questions.

     6. He writes articles for newspapers.                                               (journalist)


e)  1. He works with people.

     2. He helps people.

     3. He looks after people.

     4. He examines people.

     5. He takes temperature of people.

     6. He prescribes medicine.                                                                  (doctor)


f)  1. He works with mechanisms.

     2. He works with tools.

     3. He is always hardworking.

     4. He helps people.

     5. He is always dirty.

     6. He is responsible for his job.

     7. He works with drivers.                                                                     (mechanic)


g)  1. He works with people.

     2. He works in a foreign country.

     3. He stands for his country’s interests.

     4. He defends his country’s interests.

     5. He defends people’s rights living in other countries.

     6. He can speak foreign languages.                                              (ambassador)


Step2. Questions. What job is it?


1.  Who makes books?                                                                        (publisher)

2.  Who can prepare food?                                                                   (cook)

3.  Who takes care about sick people?                                                 (nurse)

4.  Who flies to the space?                                                                 (cosmonaut)

5.  Who counts money in the office?                                                 (accountant)

6.  Who thinks about stories?                                                                  (writer)

7.  Who knows laws?                                                                            (lawyer)

8.  Who makes clothes?                                                                       (designer)

9.  Who repairs cars?                                                                           (mender)

10.Who can present songs?                                                                  (singer)

11. Who thinks about poems?                                                                   (poet)

12. Who translates words?                                                                    (interpreter)

13. Who can drives planes?                                                                      (pilot)

14. Who can repair furniture?                                                               (carpenter)

15. Who can give a lift to people?                                                       (taxi-driver)

16. Who works with different people?                                                (journalist)

17. Who works with soldiers?                                                               (general)

18. Who works and does a lot of work at home?                                 (housewife)

19. Who cleans streets, roads?                                                                 (dustman)

20. Who works with all pupils?                                                                (teacher)


Step 3. Find a profession


There are some cards with professions. These cards have some missing letters. The task is – to write the missing words.

D  _   _   _   _   _   R


R   _     _    _    _    _   R


M    _    _     _    R


C  _  _   _    _    _    _   _   T


T   _   _   _    _   _   R


N   _     _    _   E


I  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  R


L   _    _    _    _    R


A  _  _  _   _   _   _   _   _  R


P   _   _   _   _   _    _   _   R













Step4. Show pictures. Who is in the picture?


I will show you the pictures of people. Your task is to name their professions.



http://xn----7sbb3aaldicno5bm3eh.xn--p1ai/93/37.jpg          http://900igr.net/datai/chelovek/Professii-8.files/0005-004-Tantsory.jpg         https://go2.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=5055a8999a7d158&mb=imgdb_preview_1343   


http://immun.ru/files/photo/user/professii_vrach1.jpg      http://artist-gallery.ru/uploads/posts/2014-10/1413229801_2013-08-21_133314.jpg     http://oblgazeta.ru/media/cache/ea/62/ea628da1c0af2674170d1046598c5199.jpg


http://women-britva.ru/images/80405891.jpg      http://svopi.ru/uploads/posts/2015-10/1443859132_traktor.jpg    http://edunews.ru/netcat_files/1366/1894/h_138f736a3be17612727d5a05f2e5a1bb    


                         http://megaobzor.com/uploads/stories/76245/2.jpg    http://fb.ru/misc/i/gallery/40456/1293017.jpg



Step 5. Translate words.

This task is for audience. The task is – to make a translation of people’s professions.

















Step 6. Read a story. Name the profession.


In this step the 2 groups will have a short story, where there is a missed profession.  Give its name.


Text A. I am Carol Evans. I am 16 years old. I have got a part time job. I have got two little nephews and my parents ask me to look after them. I have been working as a ___________ since I was 12 years old. I love my job. My nephews are little and they sleep a lot. I can do a lot of work and watch TV. It is a good job.



Text B. I am Dmitry Sergeyev. I am 16 years old. I have a part time job.i like my job very much. I just work one morning in a week – on Saturday morning from 8 till 12 o’clock. I work in a snack – bar as a _________. My job is exciting. I  meet a lot of kids of my age there. They take ice – cream, juice or lemonade.



Step 7.  Chainword: name a profession.




Step 8. Riddles.


a) It is red. It is round. It is a vegetable.   (tomato)

b) It is round. It can be of different colours. We play with it it is made of leather, rubber.    (ball)

c) It has four legs. It has a tail. It gives milk. It is big.   (cow)

d) It is red. It is a flower. It is the symbol of England      (rose)

e) It is a place where you can see a lot of different animals from different countries and continents.    (Zoo)

f) It is an object where teachers write a lot of words, grammar   (blackboard)

g) It has no legs. But it can go every day and every night.    (clock)

h) It can repeat every language and every word after the man in the nature and in the mountains.     (echo)

i) It is yellow. It gives people shine and warmness. It can be seen at day time.    (Sun)


III. Conclusion.


In conclusion of our lesson I will tell all of the participants my thanks. And I wish all the students to use their vocabulary as much as possible. I wish you, dear boys and girls, to be active in every moment of your life.

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