Материалы к умк "starlight"
Дополнительные упражнения к заданиям в учебниках УМК Starlight (издательство "Просвещение") классы 8 и 9.
Put the verbs in brackets into the (to)-infinitive or –ing form.
Match the sentences with the meanings
Match the sentences with the meanings
Make predictions about insect eating (pre-reading task)
1. Read the text. Answer the questions. 2. How does hypnotherapy work? Make up sentences using the word combinations.
1. Match the adjectives and nouns. 2. Fill in the prepositions. 3. Make up phrases with the following verbs. 4. Change from Active into Passive. 5. Put the steps in the logical order.
Match the following sentences with the correct tense description.

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