My Job

Внеклассное мероприятие в 5 классе «Знатоки английского языка»

2016-2017 учебный год

Цель: закрепление имеющихся знаний в области английского языка посредством игровой ситуации.


  • повышать познавательный интерес учащихся к языку через использование игровых моментов;
  • раскрыть творческие потребности учащихся;
  • закрепить умение употребления в речи разговорной речи;
  • развивать мышление и память учащихся;
  • развивать умение работать в команде.

Ход занятия:

Good morning! I am glad to see. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It will be a lesson-competition “Express on English”. Everybody will have possibility to be a winner. Be very attentive!

Two teams will take part in our competition. The first team is pupils of the 5, the second team is pupils of the 6.

Let` s begin!

Основная часть:

I round – Our first task is patters.

Each team gets patters. Read them on your cards and try to pronounce them correctly.

(Кто лучше и чётче произнесет скороговорки, тот и победит).

1. Geb is Bob’s dog. Tob is Mob ‘dog.

2. Sid sees six trees.

3. A girl sees three big grey geese.

4. Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat.

5. A cup of nice coffee is in nice coffee-cup.

II round – Verses. Now you get the verses and try to put in the missed words. (Рифмованные загадки, в которых пропущено слово)

1. How much is two plus two.

…apples for little Sue. (four)

2. How much is three plus three.

… apples on the apple – tree. (six)

3. My dog has four legs. I have only… (two)

My dog likes to run, I like to run too.

4. Eleven little boys are playing ball with Ben.

Two boys go away and there are… (ten)

5. Five little girls as you can see

Are in the garden under the… (tree)

6. I see nine apples on the apple – tree

Six of them fall (падать) and now they are… (three)

III round – You must write words in the alphabetical order

hello football listen speak look

video English write sing mother

read sandwich cinema zoo theatre

IV round – You must find odd word and explain

Найти лишнее слово в группе.

1. Bear 2.Blue 3. Mother 4.Aunt

Tiger Two Black Sister

Fox Eight Pink Mother

Cow Eleven Violet Father

5. Jump 6.Ugly 7. Eyes 8.Chess

Girl Nice Nose Football

Climb Fat Boy Flag

Swim Grey Teeth Rugby

V round –Fill the gaps with am, is, are

  • I … fine.
  • You … from England.
  • He … very strong.
  • My sister … busy.
  • I have a cat. It … fat.
  • Trees … green in spring.
  • My brother … good at school.
  • They … not good friends.
  • I … in class five.

VI round – Кто быстрее? Счёт до 20

I invite one person from each team, who can well count. Here is a table with numbers up to 20, written in the spread. You have to call the numbers in sequence showing them. Jury takes the time.

Приглашаю одного участника от каждой команды, умеющего хорошо считать. Перед вами таблицы с числами до 20, написанными в разброс. Вы должны последовательно называть числа, показывая их. Для каждой команды – отдельная таблица. Жюри засекает время.





















VII round – Шифровальщик

I read the text twice; you must listen and draw pictures on the text.

Учитель зачитывает текст 2 раза. Затем дети выполняют задание на время. Когда рисунки отдают жюри.

This is a yard.

There is a small house in the yard.

The house has six windows and one door.

There are two green apple trees in the yard.

There is a black dog under the tree.

Заключительный этап урока:

It’s time to finish our competition. The teams, the captains and their classmates have done their best to win. We are happy to have such clever pupils. Now we’ll find out who is the winner today. Let's listen to the judges.

Dear friends, Do you like our competition? I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. What do you like best of all? Thank you for your work. The party is over.

I’d like to tell you that the English language is very useful. The English language is very important. Try to get only excellent marks in English. Good-bye. See you soon.

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