Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыВарианты контрольных работ по английскому языку для специальности "Гостиничный сервис".

Варианты контрольных работ по английскому языку для специальности "Гостиничный сервис".

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Краснодарского края

«Краснодарский торгово-экономический колледж»



Боголей Т.А.


Варианты контрольной работы № 1

по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса заочного

отделения специальности 43.02.11 Гостиничный сервис.


Методическое пособие



Краснодар, 2015

Составитель: Боголей Т.А, преподаватель английского языка ГБПОУ КК «КТЭК»


Рецензент:       Фоменко Е.А., преподаватель, английского языка ГБПОУ КК «КТЭК»


Пособие содержит варианты контрольной работы №1 для студентов 1 курса заочного отделения специальности  43.02.11 Гостиничный сервис, а также методические рекомендации по  выполнению работы.

Пособие рекомендовано к использованию на уроках английского языка, для проведения промежуточной аттестации студентов-заочников, для выполнения самостоятельных работ.



Утверждено на заседании цикловой методической комиссии общих гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин.


№ __ от _____________ 2015 г.

председатель ЦМК ______ И.Г. Дуброва








Методические рекомендации к выполнению контрольной работы.



Информационные источники, необходимые для выполнения контрольной работы.




Варианты контрольной работы № 1

Список использованных источников



















Основу рабочей программы учебной дисциплины

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык по специальности 43.02.11 Гостиничный сервис составляет содержание, согласованное с требованиями ФГОС среднего (полного) общего образования на базовом уровне.

Содержание программы направлено на достижение следующих целей:

- дальнейшее развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции (речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной):

речевая компетенция – совершенствование коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме); умений планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение;

языковая компетенция – овладение новыми языковыми средствами в соответствии с отобранными темами и сферами общения: увеличение объема используемых лексических единиц; развитие навыков оперирования языковыми единицами в коммуникативных целях;

социокультурная компетенция – увеличение объема знаний о социокультурной специфике страны/стран изучаемого языка, совершенствование умений строить свое речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике, формирование умений выделять общее и специфическое в культуре родной страны и страны изучаемого языка;

компенсаторная компетенция – дальнейшее развитие умений объясняться в условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передаче иноязычной информации;

учебно-познавательная компетенция – развитие общих и специальных учебных умений, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению иностранным языком, удовлетворять с его помощью познавательные интересы в других областях знания;

- развитие и воспитание способности и готовности к самостоятельному и непрерывному изучению иностранного языка, дальнейшему самообразованию с его помощью, использованию иностранного языка в других областях знаний; способности к самооценке через наблюдение за собственной речью на родном и иностранном языках; личностному самоопределению в отношении будущей профессии; социальная адаптация; формирование качеств гражданина и патриота.

В соответствии с программой студент должен:


- лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности;

- профессиональную лексику, необходимую для овладения устными и письменными формами профессионального общения на иностранном языке.


- общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

- переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;

- самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас;

Основой заочного обучения является самостоятельная работа студента по изучению программного материала. Студенту рекомендуется вести тематический словарь.

Подбор и составление функциональных ситуаций профессиональной деятельности, являющихся опорными для развития коммуникативных навыков, осуществляется по согласованию с преподавателями спец.дисциплин.












Методические рекомендации к выполнению

контрольной работы.


Выполнению контрольной работы предшествуют обзорные, установочные занятия и самостоятельная работа студента над программным материалом по рекомендуемой литературе, а также по другим учебным пособиям по английскому языку для средних специальных учебных заведений.                             














Информационные источники, необходимые для выполнения контрольной работы.


  1. Англо-русский словарь (любые издания)
  2. Онлайн-словарь «ABBYY Lingvo»: www.lingvo-online.ru
  3. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online: www.ldoceonline.com
  4. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е., Издательство "Юнвес", Москва, 1998 г
  5. Справочник по грамматике английского языка на www.study.ru









Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 1

Вариант 1

1.      Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык.



The word hospitality cones from ‘hospice’, an old French word meaning ‘to provide care and shelter’. The first institutions of this kind, taverns, had existed long before the word appeared. In Ancient Rome they were located on the main roads, to provide food and fresh horses and overnight accommodation for officials and couriers of the government with special documents. The contemporaries proclaimed these inns to be ‘fit for a king’. That is why such documents became a symbol of status and were subject to thefts and forgeries.

Some wealthy landowners built their own taverns on the edges of their estates. Nearer the cities, inns and taverns were run by freemen or by retired gladiators who would invest their savings in this business in the same way that many of today’s retired athletes open restaurants. Inns for common folk were regarded as dens of vice and often served as houses of pleasure. The owners were required to report any customers who planned crimes in their taverns. The penalty for not doing so was death. The death penalty could be imposed merely for watering beer!

After the fall of the Roman Empire, public hospitality for the ordinary travelers became the province of religious orders.  In these days, the main purpose of traveling was pilgrimage to the holy places. The pilgrims preferred to stay in the inns located close to religious sites or even on the premises of the monasteries. Monks raised their own provisions on their own grounds; kitchens were cleaner and better organized than in private households. So the food was often of a quality superior to that found elsewhere on the   road.

As travel increased during the Middle Ages, so did the number of wayside inns. In England, the stagecoach became the favored method of transportation. A journey from London to a city like Bath took three days, with several stopovers at inns or taverns that were  also called ‘post houses’. Guests often slept on mattresses put in what would be called the lobby, ate what they had brought with them or what they could purchase from the house. The fare was usually bread, meat, and beer, varied occasionally with fish.  Frequently, the main dish was a long-cooked, highly seasoned meat-and-vegetable stew.  But the diners who were frequenters were not choosy, so they did not question what they were eating.


2.      Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:


hospitality, to provide care and shelter, to be subject to thefts and forgeries, to be  regarded  as, common  folk, to be run  by, ordinary travelers, private households, the favored method of transportation.


3.      Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту:


1.      What is the origin of the word ‘hospitality’?

2.      Where were the ancient Roman taverns located?

3.      What was the most important function of a Roman tavern?

4.      Who ran the inns and taverns situated nearer the Roman cities?

5.      What did the contemporaries say about these places?

6.      What was the main purpose of traveling in the Middle Ages?

7.      What can you say about the inns run by monks in the Middle Ages?

Вариант 2

1.      Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык.




The most significant economic change for many countries of the world has been the development of mass tourism since World War II.

Tourism is a risky business: capital investment can be considerable, whereas the season in which to recoup expenditure may be short and can be disrupted by economic difficulties within a country and in neighbouring countries or by cool, rainy weather in summer. Furthermore, there is fierce competition to attract tourists, not only among different countries but also among the resorts within each country.

Tourism is a growing industry and one of the largest sources of foreign exchange. Enormous sums of money are injected into the economies of some nations by winter and summer tourism. Employment opportunities in the service sector increase substantially. The tourist trade is one of most important sources of employment and revenue and is served by numerous hotels and boardinghouses, youth hostels, restaurants, and retail businesses. Many cities are also important centres for international  conferences  and exhibitions.

The number of tourists increases steadily. In some countries, though, tourism has not been at the heart of their economies, so the lack of facilities makes travel in them a rugged experience. Nevertheless, it is becoming a part of governmental policies in those countries to include provisions for paved highways and hotel construction in each successive development plan. Thus, the tourist industry has been actively encouraged by the authorities. Luxury establishments are developed for wealthy foreigners.  Many workers find employment in tourism, now continuous through all seasons in many countries, binding the city’s economies ever more firmly to tourism. Tourism supports the many small businesses that provide food, lodging, fuel, and other supplies and   services.


2.      Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:


the development of mass tourism, furthermore, fierce competition, to attract tourists, resorts, to inject into, winter and summer tourism, tourist trade, sources of employment, revenue, boardinghouses.


3.      Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту:


1.      What has been the most significant economic change for many countries of the world since World War II?

2.      Why is tourism considered to be a risky business?

3.      Prove that tourism trade is the one of most important sources of employment and revenue.

4.      Name as many types of tourist accommodation as you can.

5.      Why has the tourist industry been actively encouraged by the authorities in many countries?

6.      Using your own words, explain why tourism supports many small businesses that provide food, lodging, fuel, and other supplies and services.




Вариант 3

1.      Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык.



I do it, you do it, even the ancient Greeks did it. Traveling for pleasure, travelling to experience new places and events, travelling to relax and get away from it all — in other words, tourism.

Ever since man first emerged from his cave-dwelling, it seems he felt the urge to travel. But tourism had to wait for the civilization of ancient Greece before it really got moving. The Olympic Games of 776 BC were the first international tourist event, with people travelling from many countries to watch and take part.

Of course, if you want to travel from A to B, a good road is always an advantage, and we have a lot to thank the Romans for here. During the heyday of the Roman Empire they built thousands of roads. Some of the first people to take advantage of these roads were religious travelers visiting cathedrals, shrines, or holy sites the word ‘holyday’, after all, originally comes from ‘holy day’. Pilgrims like Geoffrey Chaucer would tell each other stories to entertain themselves on the road. Nowadays we have the in-flight movie — in medieval times they had the Canterbury Tales!

Gradually, more and more people caught the travel bug. At first it was the nobility who set out in the 17th and 18th centuries on their Grand   Tours - an   essential   part   of every young gentleman’s education. At the same time the upper classes were flocking to spa towns like Bath and Cheltenham. They also enjoyed the healthy pleasures of sea-bathing at Brighton and other resorts.

But it was the developments in transport that really opened up the tourist industry.  First there were  stagecoaches  and  coaching inns. Then came steam, and suddenly the world was a smaller place. Steamboats crossed the English Channel, and railways stretched their iron webs across the civilized world. No sooner had the first railways been built in the 1830s than enterprising men like Thomas Cook in England began to exploit their potential by selling organized tours.

With excursions across continental Europe, the building of hotels and resorts to cater for the tastes of the pleasure-seekers, and the introduction of hotel vouchers and travelers’ cheques, the tourist industry in its modem form was born. By the end of 19th century the middle classes joined the tourist classes, and mass tourism was a reality.


2.      Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:


Ancient Greeks, to feel the urge to travel, to entertain oneself, the in-flight movie, to catch the travel bug, to flock to spa towns, to enjoy the healthy pleasures, enterprising men, to exploit the potential, to sell organized tours.


3.      Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту:


1.      What reasons are given for people wanting to travel?

2.      According to the text, what was the first international tourist event?

3.      Who was the first to take advantage of the Roman roads?

4.      Where does the word ‘holyday’ originally come from?

5.        According to the text, in what way do we entertain ourselves today while flying?

6.        Why did the nobility set out on their Grand Tours in the 17th and 18th centuries?

7.       Find four examples of improvements in transport.

8.        What did Thomas Cook do?


Вариант 4

1.      Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык.



There’s no need to agonize over where and when to take break next year: there are month-by-month vacation charts suggesting holidays each month to suit all tastes, from beaches, skiing, family and under-25 getaways to cruises and weekend escapes.

Who believes in Santa? Fly across the Arctic Circle to Finnish Lapland to meet him and take a reindeer sleigh ride.

Get next to nature for a close-up view of geysers and glaciers. Reykjavik isn’t cheap but it's clean — and the sights are stunning.

Tiptoe through the tulips on a Dutch bulb-fields tour. Take in Amsterdam’s canals and the Hague’s museums for more colour and culture.

Join a coastal steamer to discover Norway’s spectacular fjords and fishing villages.

Ski in the morning and go biking, hiking, rafting or play tennis or golf after lunch. A trip to Austria is offered for a week including breakfast, packed lunch and dinner with wine.

Celebrate the arrival of spring with a three-night gala weekend in Paris. A dinner and show at Lido or Moulin Rouge, plus a river cruise, will be provided. 

Hail a passing gondola or hop on a water bus for a city tour with a difference.  The canals and palaces of Venice give it a unique appeal.

Take a Turkish bath and tour the dazzling Topkapi palace, see Istanbul’s exotic attractions, have cheap shopping and enjoy eating out at excellent restaurants. Spend nights under the stars on a 14-day exploration of the deserts and mountains of Morocco.

Discover the temples, tranquility and superb sandy beaches of Bali, a desirable retreat for romantics, nature lovers and water-sports enthusiasts.

Sail around the Malay Peninsula and southern Thailand aboard a luxury motor yacht.

Camping expeditions may be an inexpensive, fun way of touring the western USA. You will visit San Francisco, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas.


2.      Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:


a holiday for all seasons, to fly across, to take a reindeer sleigh ride, to tiptoe through the tulips, Dutch, to join a coastal steamer, to believe in Santa, Norway’s spectacular fjords, to go biking, to celebrate the arrival of spring.


3.      Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту:


1.      Why is there no need to agonize over where and when to take break?

2.      According to the text, where can you go if you truly believe in Santa Clause?

3.       What can you do and see in Holland?

4.       Name as many types of tourist activities as you can.

5.       Why is it advisable to go to Turkey if you are a shopper-addict?

6.         Why is Bali considered to be an ideal place for people who seek tranquility?

Вариант 5

1.      Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык.





For millions of people around the world, the name Thomas Cook means traveler’s cheques and travel agencies but who was Thomas Cook? He was the first person to develop mass tourism. He organized excursions and tours which opened  up  the  world  of  travelling for pleasure to the middle classes. Many of the things which we now take for granted in modern tourism date back to Thomas Cook things like traveler’s cheques, hotel vouchers, and chartered transport.

Thomas Cook lived in Leicester in the centre of England in   the mid-19th century. He organized his first tour, a railway excursion from  Leicester  to Loughborough,  in  1841. A total of 570 passengers joined it. The excursion was so successful that Cook organized   other similar events. All of the early tours used the newly-invented railways.

Cook organized his fist major continental tour in 1855 but it lost money. However, by 1862 he had managed to negotiate cheaper rates for crossing the English Channel. The cheaper rates were in return for a guarantee that he would bring large numbers — the essence of mass tourism. Tours to France and to Switzerland became regular events. The Swiss in particular quickly recognized the need to build the things that the tourists wanted — hotels and other facilities — so a whole   tourist industry began to develop. After the opening of the

Suez Canal in 1869, Egypt also became a popular destination for Cook’s tours. In the early 1870s he organized the first round-the-world tour, lasting 222 days.

So in a little over thirty years the foundations of modern mass tourism were established.


2.      Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:


hotels and other facilities, to open up the world of travelling, to date back to, a total of, to join in, railways, in return for, similar events, the Suez Canal.


3.      Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту:


1.      What do millions of people around the world associate the name of Thomas Cook with?

2.      In what way did he contribute to the development of mass tourism?

3.      What was Cook’s first tour? When did he organize it?

4.      Was the first tour successful? Prove it using the text.

5.      What do we know about Cook’s first major continental tour of 1855?

6.      What did Thomas Cook manage to do in 1862?

7.         What event made Egypt a popular destination for Cook’s tours?

8.         When did Thomas Cook organize the first round-the-world tour?

Вариант 6

1.      Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык.



Freddie Laker was one of the pioneers of modern passenger air travel. He was born in England in 1922, and from an early age he was involved with aircraft. He was an aircraft engineer in the Second World War and also learnt to fly.

Laker’s business ability appeared soon after the war ended. In the Berlin airlift of 1948 he was one of a number of businessmen who bought and chartered planes to take food and supplies to the people of Berlin.

This early entrepreneurial experience led Freddie Laker to increased business activity in the 1950s. He was one of a number of businessmen who helped the rapid expansion of air travel, using recent developments in aircraft technology. In 1955, for example, he set up an air service carrying passengers and cars across the Channel between England and France.

It was in the 1960s and 1970s that the real growth in charter air travel happened, as more and more people wanted to go on package holidays. Laker was at the forefront of this. He ran British United Airways from 1960 to 1965, and Laker Airways from 1966 to 1982. His main achievement was to set up companies which were independent of the big state corporations, and to offer cheap flights for thousands of people. Perhaps the best example of this was the Sky train passenger service to the USA which started a price war on the transatlantic routes from 1977 to 1982. Freddie Laker helped to wake air travel a realistic and fairly cheap possibility for many travellers and tourists.


2.      Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:


modern passenger air travel, to be involved  with, to set up business, to be  at the  forefront  of something, an  air  service, an aircraft engineer, business ability, the Channel, to run British United Airways.


3.      Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту:


1.         What is Freddie Laker famous for?

2.         What did he do during the Second World War?

3.         Prove that Freddie Laker was a successful entrepreneur in the 1950s.

4.      When did the real growth in charter air travel happen?

5.      What contributed to the increase of air travel in the 1960s and 1970s?

6.        What companies did he run from 1960 to 1982?

7.        What can be considered as Freddie Laker’s main achievement?

8.        What was the Sky train passenger service to the USA aimed  at?

9.            Why should many tourists today be very grateful to Freddie Laker?



Вариант 7

1.      Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык.




Progressive hospitality companies are all customer-oriented   and do not spare efforts to gather  all relevant  information  about their current and potential guests. There are several simple techniques to do it properly. Most common of them is placing guest comment cards on dining room tables and  in  guest  rooms.  Or they are handed to departing customers. This technique provides useful information  and insights into problem areas. For example, several negative comments on food would indicate a potential problem for a restaurant, if no corrective action is taken.

A problem with guest comment cards is that they may not reflect the opinions of the majority of guests. Commonly, only those people who are very angry or very pleased take the time to complete a card. Thus comment cards can be useful in spotting problem areas, but they are not a good indication of overall guest satisfaction.

In order to identify frequent and repeat guests and give them top priority in a sales blitz, the company needs an automated guest history. It is also important to know the former frequent guests who are no longer using the hotel. Salespeople will want to call on these former clients to see if they can regain their business. This system offers competitive advantage to a chain, particularly a small chain.

One of the most useful sources of information is the company records. This information is vital in improving service, creating effective advertising and sales promotion programs, developing new products, improving existing ones, and developing marketing and sales plans. Unfortunately, many hospitality firms have only a vague idea of who their guests are.

In order to know more about their guests’ preferences, hospitality companies often hire disguised or mystery shoppers to pose as customers and report back on their experience. Some companies use shoppers to alert managers, so that they would pay more attention to important areas of the operation. But this technique works best if used for recognition and reward for good job performance. This is the concept of positive reinforcement. If employees feel that the only purpose of a disguised shopper program is to report poor service and reprimand them, the program will not fulfill its full potential. This technique can also be used for marketing intelligence.


2.      Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:


history,  a sales blitz, company records, managers, developing marketing and recognition and reward, a disguised shopper, to alert sales  plans,  unfortunately,


3.      Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту:


1.      What is the most common technique of gathering all relevant information about the current and potential clients which hospitality industry use today?

2.      Where are the guest comment cards usually placed?

3.      What are the guests supposed to do with the guest comment cards?

4.      Why is the information drawn from guest comment cards thought to be not  objective?

5.      Why can the guest comment cards still be very useful?

6.      What can the managers do with the help of automated guest history?


Вариант 8

1.      Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык.



Consume local produce whenever possible. If you insist on brand- name soft drinks and alcohol you will be contributing to the leakage of wealth out of the local economy. A recent World Bank analysis showed, that an average of only 9.1 per cent of all gross exchange earnings, were retained in the host country. This might not matter in Malta, but it certainly does in Mali.

Stay with the locals, preferably in bed and breakfast. This way, you directly increase their income, not that of a foreign-owned hotel chain. Use public transport instead of hiring a car. Not only will you help to reduce pollution, you will also meet more local people and gain a more authentic impression of the place.

About 12 per cent of all tourist spending goes on souvenirs. Choose the souvenirs you buy carefully. Learn about the country’s cultural heritage before going, so that you know what the local arts and crafts should be. Buy something authentic. In parts of Africa, South East Asia, and the Caribbean souvenirs are often made from endangered fauna and flora, and all over the world bizarre dolls and carvings with no intrinsic cultural value are sold to cater to Western tastes.

Be sensitive about photography. Knowing when (and when not) to take pictures, particularly of people, is an art. The rules differ between cultures, but if in doubt, leave it. You may unwittingly cause great offence. Use your camera to record flora, and fauna on film. Do not pick wild flowers — photograph them instead.

The question of giving money is always difficult to judge. When it comes to tipping, bargaining and giving to beggars, the best advice is probably to follow local practices. In Egypt, for instance, you generally do; in parts of Mexico, you don’t.

Being a good tourist, then, is largely about sensitivity and basic good manners. How to behave as a guest in a host country is all common sense, you might think. But how many tourists have you met who seem to have left their manners — and their consciences — at home?

2.      Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:


to consume, gross exchange earnings, this might not matter, a foreign-owned  hotel  chain, tourist  spending,  endangered  fauna and flora, bizarre dolls and carvings, to complain to a travel representative.


3.      Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту:


1.      Why do you think you have to consume local produce whenever possible?

2.      In what way can you directly increase the income of the locals?

3.      Why do you think it is necessary to learn about the country’s cultural heritage before going there?

4.      Why is it advisable to be extremely sensitive about photography?

5.      What can you learn from the text about the tipping practice?

6.      Why do you think it is advisable to complain to your travel representative if something goes wrong?

Вариант 9

1.      Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык.



Westminster has been at the center of political and religious power for a thousand years. In the 11th century, King Canute founded Westminster Palace and Edward the Confessor built Westminster Abby, where all English monarchs have been crowned since 1066. As modern government developed, the great offices of state were established in the area.

The name ‘Westminster’ is often used to mean “Parliament”;

the “Palace of Westminster” is the Parliament building – Houses of Parliament. The old Westminster Palace was almost totally destroyed by fire in 1834, and Parliament is now housed in the impressive neo- Gothic creation, built in 1840-—1852 on the site of the old royal palace. The only part of it that is still left is Westminster Hall, built in the 11th century, and rebuilt in the 14th century.

The Houses of Parliament contain the universal symbol of London, Big Ben. It is the bell which strikes the hours dictated by the Palace Clock in its 320-feet Tower. The great bell got its name in the 19th century after Sir Benjamin Hall, First Commissioner of Works, a very tall, stout man, whose nickname was “Big Ben”. The bell and the clock are on the clock tower of the complex. The Palace of Westminster has two miles of corridors and more than 1,000 rooms. When Parliament is sitting, a flag flies from the Victoria Tower (the tallest tower in the complex) and a light shines by night.

Close to the Houses of Parliament stands Westminster Abby. The first church on this site was an abbey dedicated to St. Peter. “West Minster” means “Western monastery”, showing its geographical relation to the City of London.  The official name of   Westminster Abby is the Collegiate Church of St. Peter in Westminster, but to all Englishmen it is “The Abby”. It was chosen by Edward the Confessor in 1065 for his coronation, and ever since it has been the scene of the coronation, marriage and burial of British monarchs and a place of tribute to Britain’s heroes. The Abby contains the bones of twenty English kings and queens and those of a great many poets, statesmen and soldiers. Here you may see the tomb of the Unknown Soldier (the Unknown Warrior) who represents in his native soil a million dead in the First World War.

In Westminster Abby most British monarchs since William the Conqueror have been crowned, and you may see the ancient Coronation Chair. The coronation of   Queen   Elizabeth II,   in 1953,   was the first   to   be   televised.


2.      Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:


to found, that is still left, to contain, which  strikes the hours, close to, the official name, here you may see, ancient, statesmen.

3.      Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту:


1.      How old is the Palace of Westminster?                                                                

2.      What    is the architectural style of the building?

3.      What is the other name for the Palace of Westminster?

4.      What part of the Parliament building is called Big Ben?

5.      How did Big Ben get its name?

6.      Are the present-day Houses of Parliament the original Westminster Palace?

7.      What signs show if Parliament is sitting?

8.      What is Westminster Abby famous for? What role does it play for the whole country?


Вариант 10

1.      Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык.



Hospitality services are intangible which means not only the fact that they cannot be seen, tasted, heard, or smelled but also that it is impossible to experience these services before they are purchased. It causes uncertainty in the customers about the quality of services they are going to purchase. Before boarding an airplane, passengers have nothing but a ticket and the promise of safe delivery to their destination. To reduce this uncertainty, the customers look for physical evidence that may provide information and confidence about the service. A hotel’s promotional material might include photographs

of the hotel’s public area, guest rooms, floor plans of a meeting hall (for meeting planners who might like to organize a meeting in the hotel), room capacities and furniture, the photographs of employees in the hotel’s uniform, of the exterior of the hotel, etc.

Everything about a hospitality company communicates something that helps to tangibilize its services. Red and white awnings, the outside patio and white striped building wall displaying the signs of the restaurant chain TGI Friday’s in large letters tell the potential guests that this restaurant offers informality and fun. A couple looking for an elegant, intimate atmosphere would be disappointed at Friday’s.

Similarly, the exterior of the hotel Hampton Inn’s suggests that it will provide clean, comfortable and safe lodging at moderate price. When guests arrive, they find no door clerks, concierge desk, or other features appropriate for an upscale hotel. Instead, they find an attentive desk clerk in an appropriate uniform and a small lobby with comfortable but moderate furnishing. In recent years, the so-called “greening” has become popular with the organizations of hospitality industry: the use of outside natural landscaping and the “fern bars” as a part of the interior.

Hospitality companies are very sensitive to protecting the visual image and overall appearance known as trade dress. The McDonald’s has brought suit against competitors who dared to copy any form of golden arches. Experts say that to compete effectively in today’s market, it is necessary to design an effective trade dress while taking care not to imitate too closely that of any competitor.


2.      Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:


a promotional material, a floor plan, specific, room capacity, lodging, a lobby, a door clerk, a concierge, a desk clerk.


3.      Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по тексту:


1.      What sort of information is   usually   given in typical promotional materials?

2.      What idea does the exterior of the restaurants belonging to the chain TGI Friday’s communicate?

3.      What does the exterior of the hotels belonging to the chain Hampton Inn’s suggest?

4.      What term is used in hospitality industry to refer to the use of vegetation as a means to decorate the building?

5.      What term is used to refer to the visual image and overall appearance of a hospitality company?

6.      What serves as a trade dress of McDonald’s and what part of it is so valuable for the company that they bring suit against competitors who imitate it?















Список использованных источников

  1. Английский язык в профессиональной сфере деятельности (для международного туризма и индустрии гостеприимства): практикум / О.Н. Бычкова, О.В. Кулик. Краснодар: Кубанский гос.ун-т, 2013.
  2. Robin Walker, Keith Harding. Tourism (1). Oxford University Press, 2012.
  3. Robin Walker, Keith Harding. Tourism (2). Oxford University Press, 2012.


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