Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыВходная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса (УМК Кузовлев В.П. и др.)

Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса (УМК Кузовлев В.П. и др.)

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Test 5 Form

Make up sentences

1.     has, already, he, read, this book.

2.     are, two posters, there, on the wall.

3.     is going, my friend, to be, a doctor.

4.     she, never, been, has, to Africa.

5.     the museum, can, I, how, get to?

Use the right tense

1.     He ____to Moscow next December.

a)     go          b) will go    c) went

2.     They ___ just ___ him.

a)     has seen b) are seeing         c) have seen

3.     He ___his granny last weekend.

a)     visits      b) visit        c) visited

4.     I usually ___to bed at 11 o’clock.

a)     went      b) go           c) goes

5.     We ___  ___  a test now.

a)     are writing       b) is writing          c) have written

6.     She ____ her teeth every day.

a)     clean                b) cleans     c) cleaned

7.     They ___  ___ a good time near the lake now.

a)     have had          b) are having        c) will have

8.     My father ___ a big fish yesterday.

a)     catch      b) catches   c) caught

9.     He ___football every Sunday.

a)     played   b) plays      c) play

10.  I ____ be a reporter.

a)     am going to     b) am going          c) is going

Choose the right word

1). I live in Moscow. It is a very big ___

a)     town           b) city                  c) country

2). There are ___ of interesting places there.

a) a lot             b) much                c) many

3). You can see famous museums, ___and cinemas in Moscow.

a) books          b) theatres            c) buses

4). The most ___theatre is The Bolshoi Theatre.

a) popular                 b) old          c) new

5). There are a lot of ___ and green squares in Moscow, too.

a) parks                    b) cinemas            c) squares

6). You can find old beautiful ____in my city.

a) towns                    b)churches           c) bus stop

Translate from Russian into English

Овал: Famous, how can I get to, excuse me, thank you anyway, feed the pet, tell the way, I am sorry, I don’t know, straight on, across, to turn, right




1.     кормить питомца

2.     через

3.     тем не менее, спасибо

4.     извините

5.     правый

6.     повернуть

7.     как я могу добраться

8.     прямо

9.     подсказать дорогу

10. извините, я не знаю

11. знаменитый

Describe the picture

There is/There are

























Control Test  1 Term

Form 5 ___

1.     Make up sentences

1.has, already, he, read, this book. 2.are, two posters, there, on the wall. 3. is going, my friend, to be, a doctor.4. she, never, been, has, to Africa. 5. the museum, can, I, how, get to?

2. Use the right tense

11. He ____to Moscow next December.

b)    go          b) will go    c) went

12. They ___ just ___ him.

b)    has seen b) are seeing         c) have seen

13. He ___his granny last weekend.

b)    visits      b) visit        c) visited

14. I usually ___to bed at 11 o’clock.

b)    went      b) go           c) goes

15. We ___  ___writing  a test now.

b)    are writing       b) is writing          c) have written

16. She ____ her teeth every day.

b)    clean                b) cleans     c) cleaned

17. They ___  ___ a good time near the lake now.

b)    have had          b) are having        c) will have

18. My father ___ a big fish yesterday.

b)    catch      b) catches   c) caught

19. He ___football every Sunday.

b)    played   b) plays      c) play

20.  I ____ be a reporter.

b)    am going to     b) am going          c) is going

3. Choose the right word

1). I live in Moscow. It is a very big ___

b)    town           b) city                  c) country

2). There are ___ of  interesting  places there.

a) a lot             b) much                c) many

3). You can see famous museums, ___and cinemas in Moscow.

a) books          b) theatres            c) buses

4). The most ___theatre is the Bolshoi Theatre.

a) popular                 b) old          c) new

5). There are a lot of ___ and green squares in Moscow, too.

a) parks                    b)cities                 c) squares

6). You can find old beautiful ____in my city.

a) town                     b)churches           c) bus stop

4. Choose the correct answer

1. She likes … new teacher.

A) her         B) he           C) you

2. There … many animals at the zoo.

A) is            B) are          C)   was

3. I have got … friends at school.

A) many      B) much      C) a

4. Look at my new bike. Do you like .?

A) her         B) she         C) it

5. Sorry, he is not … home.

A) in           B) at            C) to

6. … is Sally? She's in the park.

A) Where    B) What      C) Who

7. Ann … speak English very well.

A) cans       B) can         C) can to

8. … she watch TV in the morning?

A) Do         B) Is            C) Does

9. My mother … milk with coffee.

A) not drinks B) not drinking C) doesn't drink

10. Mary … her homework now.

A) do B) does C) is doing

5.     Fill in the table.


































Control test 2 Term

Form 5___

I.                  Choose the right verb

1.     Kate _________ her grandmother in the garden now.

a)     helps     b) is helping         c) has helped

2.     Jim _______the paths yet.

a)     doesn’t sweep           b) isn’t sweeping            c) hasn’t swept

3.     Sam ______ his grandparents every weekend.

a)     visits     b) has visited        c) is visiting

4.     The boys ______ leaves in the park now.

a)     are raking        b) rakes      c) is raking

5.     ____ you____ to the seaside every summer?

a)     Do…go           b) Are…going      c) Does… going

6.     The visitors ______ the new collection in the museum now.

a)     has watched     b) watch     c) are watching

7.     They usually _____ breakfast at 8 o’clock.

a)     has         b) have       c) had

8.     The girls _____ soft toys for children every year.

a)     sews                b) sew         c) are sewing

9.     My mother _____ a new hat.

a)     is buying         b) buys       c) has just bought

10. He _____ as a doctor for 30 years.

a)     has worked               b) is working                 c) work


II.               Translate the word combinations. There are some extra words.

Овал: visit elderly and lonely people/children in a local hospital; clean up flats/houses/the floor/gardens; pick up litter/flowers/leaves/soft toys; water flowers/trees/gardens/grass; do pantomimes; collect secondhand books/soft toys; rake grass/leaves; sweep paths/the floor/gardens/houses; do the shopping/tricks; wash off graffiti; sew soft toys; clean up neighbourhood, help  elderly and lonely people.








1.Собирать подержанные книги и мягкие игрушки _____________________

2. Сгребать траву и листья _________________________________________

3. Подметать дорожки, пол, сад, дом_____________________________________

4. Навещать пожилых и одиноких людей, детей в местной больнице________

5. Поливать цветы, сад, деревья, сад, траву________________________________

6. Собирать мусор, цветы, листья, мягкие игрушки_________________________

7. Смывать граффити ______________________________________________

8. Делать покупки, трюки___________________________________________

9. Шить мягкие игрушки ___________________________________________

10. Убирать (мыть) квартиру, дом, пол, сад_____________________________


III.           Correct the mistakes.


1.     The children play with toys now. 2. Her parents grows vegetables in their garden every year. 3. She has swept the paths now. 4. My friend don’t live in the country. 5. She is sewing soft toys for 5 years.

IV.            Write V-ing where it is possible



















V.               Divide words into three columns

Овал: Every day, usually, now, since, at the moment, already, for, often, always, this week, just, sometimes

Present Simple

Present Progressive

Present Perfect





VI.            Fill in the table



Present Simple

Present Progressive

Present Perfect





Have/has +



Am not/is not/are not +



Do/Does +подл. +V






Control Test 3 Term

Form 5


1. Divide the words into two columns


The whole evening, yesterday, all day long, from 5 till 6 yesterday, last winter, 3 days ago, at 4 o’clock yesterday, in 2013


Past Progressive Tense

Past Simple Tense











2.     Make word combinations using these words

to colour


to gather

a flag

to light

greetings cards

to exchange


to send


to raise


to wrap


to hang


to decorate

traditional food

to cook

Christmas tree

3.     Choose the correct words

1.     I _______ my homework yesterday from 3 to 5.

a.      was doing

b.     did

c.      do

2.     Yesterday my sister was reading a book ________

a.      all day long

b.     last week

c.      every morning

3.     All my friends _________ to my birthday party last year.

a.      come

b.     came

c.      were coming

4.     While Mr. Smith ______________ a barbecue, his dog ______a sausage.

a.      was cooking, was taking

b.     was cooking, took

c.      were cooking, took

5.     __________the Wellers _________the parade on TV, the TV broke.

a.      during, watched

b.     while, were watching

c.      all day long, were watching

4. Fill in the prepositions of time

 __ September, __Christmas, __ Thanksgiving, __Sunday, __the morning, __summer, __2 o’clock, __1994, __night, __holiday, __weekends, __New Year’s Day, __Thursday evening.

5. Open the brackets


1.                 When I (to watch) _________________ TV, my parents (to come) _______home. 2. While I (to do) __________________ my homework, my mother (to cook) _____dinner. 3. My little sister (to sleep) ______, when I (to come) ______back. 4. He (to play) __________ tennis, when I (to see) _________ him. 5. When the woman (to come) _____into the room, children (to feed) _____the cat. 6. We (to go) ________ to the cinema, when we (to meet) ________ our granny. 7. They (to ski)_______for two hours yesterday. 8. She (to play)______ in the yard the whole evening yesterday.

6.     Correct the mistakes


1.Her parents watching TV when I come. 2. Mr Green was bought a new magazine last week. 3. Kate have just played tennis. 4. I decorated the Christmas tree the whole evening. 5. She was seeing an unusual bird in the tree yesterday.




Final control test

Form 5

1.     Fill in the necessary words.

Scrabble, the Simpsons, Brighton, the Emerald Isle, Art



1)    British pupils have ________________at school.

2)    British people like spending their holidays in _________________

3)    People often call Ireland __________________

4)    American children like watching ______________________on TV.

5)    British children like playing__________________________

2.     Find the right translation

Овал: without permission, excursion, a valley, to help elderly people, fair, to care about, remember, to rake leaves, to check, a local hospital




1)    заботиться_________________________________

2)    без разрешения___________________________________

3)    проверить________________________________________

4)    справедливый_____________________________________

5)    сгребать листья_____________________________________

6)    помогать пожилым людям__________________________________________

7)    местная больница______________________________________

8)    долина___________________________________

9)    помнить__________________________________

10)                       экскурсия__________________________________

3.     Put the questions

1)    We usually go to school every day.




2)    Yesterday my Mum bought a beautiful dress for me.




3)    Mary and Ann have already learnt all the irregular verbs.




4)    She is going to spend her holidays in the USA.




5)    You are reading an interesting book now.




6)    While my brother was watching TV I was helping my Mum to clean the flat.




7)    She hasn’t visited her relatives in Spain yet.




4.     Tick the right tense.


Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

Present Progressive

Past Progressive

Present Perfect

to be going to

Сейчас мы пишем итоговую контрольную работу








Я обычно обедаю в 2 часа








В то время как мама мыла посуду, я смотрела мультфильмы с сестрой.








Летом мы собираемся посетить Великобританию.








Прошлым летом я всегда вставал в 8 утра.








Может быть я посмотрю этот фильм завтра.








Вы уже закончили свою работу?









5.     Answer the questions

1.     Какие слова-маячки не используются в Present Simple?

a)     usually, often, sometimes

b)    yet,already,never

c)     every day,always, seldom

2.     Укажите форму ВГ в простом будущем времени

a)     will

b)    want

c)     won’t

3.     Назовите ВГ в Present Perfect  для 3-го лица ед.числа

a)     have

b)    is

c)     has

4.     Какой  «хвостик» будет иметь следующее предложение: You havent done this task,……..?

a)     have you

b)    haven’t you

c)     have they

5.     Укажите вторую  форму  глагола write

a)     written

b)    wrote

c)     writes

6.     Какие из перечисленных времен обозначают будущие действия?

a)     to be going to, Present Perfect, Future Simple

b)    To be going to, Present Progressive, Future Simple

c)     Present Simple, Future Simple, Past Progressive

7.     Укажите группу времен, обозначающие длительные действия

a)     Progressive

b)    Simple

c)     Perfect




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Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в начальной школе

Учитель иностранного языка в начальной школе

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4 ч.

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