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1. Помоги Колобку написать буквы в алфавитном порядке.

S, P, N, D, I, Z, F, U, K, W



2. Выбери предложение, которое соответствует картинке.

a)  The cat is ugly and angry.

b)  The cat is big and sad.

c)  The cat is fat and bad.

d)  The cat is nice and merry.


3. Помоги Незнайке назвать цвета воздушных шариков.


a)orange, red, blue and grey.

b)orange, red, black and green.

c)orange, red, blue and green.

d)orange, red, blue and brown.

4. Помоги Карлсону отгадать загадку. 

It is not big. It is nice. It is red and yellow. It is brave. It can’t swim. It can run, fly and sing. It lives in the farm. Who is it?


a)   a dog

b)   a cockerel

c)    a pig

d)   a rabbit


5. Раздели сочетания букв на слова, и ты узнаешь, что умеет делать домашнее животное Джейн.







6. Помоги Лунтику составить и записать слова из данных букв.

a)r, a, e, b, v - ....................

b)g, r, o, t, s, n - .................

c)c, u, d, k - ........................

d)c, k, l, o, c - .....................

e)n, e, v, e, s - ....................

f)b, a, c, k, l - .....................


7. Помоги попугаю Кеше заполнить таблицу,  выбрав из списка слов те, которые можно заменить на she, he, it, they


rabbits, Kate, Nick, hen, foxes, stick, Ann, frog, pigs, Tom, bag, Pamela, Jim, pens, box, tennis, dogs




















8. Помоги Малышу выбрать правильный ответ на вопрос.

http://allforchildren.ru/pictures/mult_s/mult9.jpg                                     a) Yes, Nick can.     

 Can Nick’s cat swim?  b) Yes, it is.

                                c) No, Nick cannot.

                                d)Yes, itcan.                                     


9.Помоги Незнайке назвать школьные принадлежности.

a) a bag, a pen, a pencil-box, a pencil

b) a bag, a pencil, a pencil-box, a pen

c)a pen, a bag, a pencil-box, a pencil

d)  a bag, a pencil-box, a pencil, a pen



10. Помоги Винни Пуху составить предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

                a) you, run, well, Can?

        b) dog, My, brave, strong, is, and.

        c) Bob, funny, likes, dogs.

        d) has, a big, frog, got, green, She      


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Входная контрольная работа (6класс)


1. В каком из слов звук, передаваемый буквой “o”, произносится иначе, чем в остальных:

a) phone  b) know  c) sorry  d) zero  e) no  f) home  g) go

2. В каком из слов звук, передаваемый буквой “s”, произносится иначе, чем в остальных:

a) six  b) miss  c) bus  d) house  e) spoon  f) stair  g) busy

3. В каком из слов звук, передаваемый буквой “c”, произносится иначе, чем в остальных:

a) cat  b) coat  c) country  d) city  e) cry  f) can  g) clock

4. В каком из слов звук, передаваемый буквой “s”, произносится иначе, чем в остальных:

a) balls  b) boys  c) stools  d) dogs  e) cats  f) pens  g) bags

5. В каком из слов звук, передаваемый буквосочетанием “ed”, произносится иначе, чем в остальных:

a) finished  b) worked  c) asked  d) wanted  e) stopped  f) talked  g) passed



1) Выберите и вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово:

1. The person who sings songs is a…

a) doctor   b) singer   c) spaceman

2. The person who plays in film is an …

a) writer   b) engineer   c) actor

3. The person who takes part in sport competitions is a …

a) pop singer   b) sportsman   c) actress


2) Распределите глаголы в два столбика – правильные и неправильные:

did, went, lived, came, visited, wanted, flew, showed, bought, skated, had, danced, swam, watched.


3) Выберите по смыслу нужное слово (many or much):

1. There is … snow in the streets.

2. How … books are there on the shelf?


4) Выберите правильную форму глагола (am, is, are):

1. I … in the seventh form.

2. What … your name?

3. The boys … English.


5) Выберите правильную форму глагола to have (have, has, had):

1. My sister … got three dogs.

2. We … English three times a week.

3. Yesterday I … 5 lessons.


6) Подберите глаголы в два столбика прошедшую форму из второго столбика:

1. be

2. meet

3. drink

4. take

5. have

6. leave

7. do

8. go

9. eat

10. buy

a) went

b) was/were

c) bought

d) drank

e) ate

f) met

g) did

h) had

i) left

j) took


 7)  Составьте предложения из данных слов:

1) a, I, goldfish, have.

2) He, two, has got, bananas.

3) uncle, My, has, a, bicycle.

4) you, many, cassettes, have got.


1) Подберите к формулам соответствующую временную форму:

1. V, Vs

2. am, is, are + Ving

a) Present Simple

b) Present Continuous


2) Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени – now, every day, at the moment, in the morning:

1. The baby is crying…

2. I get up at 7 a.m….

3. We have breakfast …

4. They are doing homework…


3) Вставьте глаголы do, does am, is или are:

1. … you sleep well? Yes, I …

2. … your sister wash the plates? Yes, she …

3. My sister … playing chess now.

4. Mary … not drive a car.

5. Children … not doing their homework now.

6. I … watching TV at the moment.


4) Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. She … milk every morning. (drinks, drinking, drink)

2. We ___ to the park now. (goes, are going, go)

3. The woman ___ shopping now. (goes, is going, go)

4. She often ___ her red dress. (wears, is wearing, wear)

5. Look! The cat ___ up the tree. (climbs, is climbing, climb)

6. They ___ to the theatre every Sunday. (go, goes, are going)

7. Father always ___ these newspapers. (read, reads, is reading)

8. I ___ a letter at the moment. (write, am writing, writing)


IV. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа:

Tony and Alison are friends. Tony is twelve. Alison is eleven. Tony is English. Alison is Scottish. Alison is with her cat. The cat’s name is Lucky. Lucky is very kind. She is white and grey. Lucky is Alison’s friend. The cat is her good friend. Tony is with his dog. His dog’s name is Ben. He is grey. Tony’s dog is very clever. The dog is Tony’s great friends. The cat is not the dog’s friend.


1) Tony and Alison are…

a) classmates   b) friends   c) pupils

2) Tony is…

a) eleven   b) twelve   c) ten

3) Alison is …

a) ten   b) twelve   c) eleven

4) Tony is from…

a) Scotland  b) Wales  c) England

5) Alison is from…

a) England  b) Scotland  c) Wales

6) Alison has … and Tony has…

a) a cat, a parrot   b) a dog, a fox   c) a cat, a dog

7) The cat is very…

a) clever   b) kind   c) angry

8) The dog is very…

a) kind   b) angry  c) clever

9) Alison’s good friend is …

a) Tony   b) Ben   c) Lucky

10) Tony’s good friend is …

a) Ben   b) Lucky   c) Alison


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       6th form unit 8


Name:___________________________                  Class: ____________________

Data: ____________________________                 Mark: ____________________




1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right words

When we have 1) …time, we usually need something that can interest us.

Some people use radio or television to entertain 2)…. They switch on the radio set or TV set and 3)… the programme they like best. Some people like music. They 4)… to various concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs, and see dances. Those who are 5)…of sports listen to or watch football and hockey matches. These are 6)… most 7)… kinds of sports. If we want to go out, there are 8) … cinemas, theatres, museums, clubs in our country or we can 9)… our free time on a picnic. People like to sit in the 10)… and enjoy 11)….


1.  a) free

2.  a) yourselves

3.  a) take  

4.  a) listen  

5.  a) like     

6.  a) a          

7.  a) fantastic

8.  a) much  

9.  a) spend     

10.a) outdoors

11.a) air

b) no       

b) yourself

b) see

b) hear    

b) fond    

b) the      

b) polite  

b) very   

b) find   

b) open air

b) nature

c) good

c) themselves

c) choose

c) watch

c) interested

c) –

c) popular

c) a lot of

c) arrange

c) picnic

c) fun


2. Choose the correct variant

1. When I was a child I … to be a doctor.

a) wanted            b) want        c) has wanted

2. She…. just …. to her teacher.

a) is speaking      b) have spoken    c) has spoken 

3. Margaret … to school yesterday.

a) doesn’t go       b) didn’t go     c) won’t go

4. My bother can't talk to you at the moment. He …...

a) works              b) worked        c) is working       

5. When ... you …. to London?

a) did  go             b) have gone    c) has gone

6. How often ... they …. TV?

a) do watch          b) has watched   c) does watch

7. I can't open the door. I …. a key.

a) lost                 b) have lost       c) loses

8. Phone me tomorrow. I ….. at home.

a) am                   b) was         c) will be

3. Put in the prepositions if necessary

1). Ben is fond … collecting models of cars.

2). Is he going to get rid … these clothes?

3). We will go to the country … car.

4). Charlie Chaplin is famous … his films.

5). Miranda was tired … his boring story.

6). Can you take the rubbish … please?

7). He wanted to join … this club.


4. Ask 4 types of questions about the sentence:

My niece has arranged a wonderful picnic.



































6th form unit 8


Name:___________________________                  Class: ____________________

Data: ____________________________                 Mark: ____________________




1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right words

Next Sunday will be an 1)…day for our family. It will be our 2)… birthday. My brother Nick decided to buy a present for her. Our mother is 3)… of 4)… operas, so Nick is 5)… to find a CD with her 6)…. serial. I think she will enjoy 7)... it without annoying 8)….

Our mum has 9)…. She likes eating sweet things like pudding, pies, biscuits, cakes, rolls, jams any time. And I want to cook a 10)…cake for her 11)…. It is not easy but I hope that I will cope with it.
I think it is a great pleasure to make our close people happy.


1.  a) usual 

2.  a) mothers’

3.  a) like

4.  a) theatre  

5.  a) going   

6.  a) loving        

7.  a) watch

8.  a) advert 

9.  a) a sweet tooth   

10.a) taste

11.a)  herself

b) bad    

b) mother’s

b) enjoy

b) show    

b) want  

b) favourite     

b) seeing 

b) comedy   

b) sweets

b) delicious

b) himself

c) unusual

c) mothers

c) fond

c) soap

c) decide

c) like

c) watching

c) programme

c) a good taste

c) funny

c) myself


2. Choose the correct variant

1. Where are the children? They …. in the garden.

a) played      b) play    c) are playing

2. George …. at work last week because he ….. ill.

a) hasn’t been, was    b) didn’t be, is   c) wasn’t, was

3. How much ... it ….to send a letter to Canada?

a) does cost        b) is cost         c) do cost

4. The City Museum …… at 5 o'clock every evening.

a) closed          b) has closed      c) closes
5. Mozart …..from 1756 to 1791.

a) has lived      b) lives             c) lived

6. Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks I…. already ….. it.

a) have read    b) read      c) am reading

7. Put the old bread in the garden. The birds ….. it.

a) are eating    b) will eat   c) ate

8. It's Kate's birthday tomorrow and I …. her a present yet.

a) didn’t buy    b) hasn’t bought     c) haven’t bought


3. Put in the prepositions if necessary

1). His aunt liked … traveling most of all.

2). My nephew doesn’t want to give …playing tennis.

3). Mike and Tom have a lot … common.

4). It was his duty to take care … his sick mother.

5). Don’t forget to change rubles … dollars.

6). I get … early in the morning.

7). The weather is fine today. Let’s go … a walk.


4. Ask 4 types of questions about the sentence:

My brother Nick decided to buy a present for our mother.




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Входная контрольная работа по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой 8 класс

I вариант

1.We….in London now.

    A.live              B. lives               C. have lived


2. Last night I….a wonderful dream.

    A. have           B. had.               C. am having


3. I have many friends….are interesting

    A. It                B. Them              C. They


4. I can see a lot of…in the yard.

     A. childs               B. children          C. childrens


5. India….in Asia.

     A. is situated                B. is proud of               C. is interested in


6. My parents…allow me to go out.

     A. doesn’t                B. don’t                 C. not to


7. We are going to the theater… Sunday.

       A. in                B. on                 C. at


8. It usually…me ten minutes to get to the Post Office.

      A. take                 B. took           C. takes


9. Russian…by many millions of people.

     A. are spoken               B. is spoken              C. speak


10. The film…last year.

     A. is shown           B. were shown              C. was shown


11. Our new English textbook ….next year.

       A. will be published                     B. is published                 C. was published


12. Whose ticket is this? (It belongs to you)

       A. mine             B. yours              C. ours


13. Have you seen the boy…won the competition?

        A. who                  B.which               C.-                                         


14. Our house is…good.

       A. quite                  B. quiet               C. quietly


15. Pay attention…your pronunciation.

       A. in                B. at                 C. to

16. I can speak neither  French nor German.-English is…foreign language I can speak.

       A. only          B. the only                   C. one


17. Напишите предлог, который нужно вставить в предложение

       1. Listenme attentively!


18. Напишите глагол в той форме, которую требует предложение.

       If I were you, I…go to the party.


19. Tom…know my address. (not)


20. The window…by my dad every day.(open)


Дополните перевод предложений, вписав недостающие слова.


21. We can speak three….. Мы можем говорить на трех языках.


22. …I go out? Можно мне выйти?


23. May I….you? Можно вас побеспокоить?






Входная контрольная работа по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой 8 класс

II вариант


1. We….in Moscow now.

     A .live                 B. have lived               C. lives


2. Yesterday I….a wonderful dream.

     A. had             B. have.                C. am having


3. I have many friends….are interesting

     A. They               B. Them                C. It


4. I can see many…in the yard.

    A. childs              B. childrens                 C. children


5. India….in Asia.

    A. is proud of          B. is situated            C. is interested in


6. My parents…allow me to go out.

     A. don’t               B. doesn’t                 С. not to


7. We are going to the theater… Saturday.

     A. in             B. at               C. on


8. It usually…me ten minutes to get to the Post Office.

      A. takes          B. took                  C. take


9. English…by many millions of people.

    A. is spoken              B. are spoken                 C. speak


10. The film…yesterday.

     A. was shown           B. were shown              C. is shown


11. Our new English textbook ….next year.

     A. was published              B. is published              C. will be published


12. Whose ticket is this? (It belongs to you)

      A. yours                 B. mine                   C. ours


13. Have you seen the boy…won the competition?

       A. which              B.who               C.-


14. Our school is…good.

        A. quite             B. quiet           C. quietly


15. Pay attention…your pronunciation.

      A. in                    B. at                  C. to


16. I can speak neither French nor German.-English is…foreign language I can speak.

      A. the only                B. only              C. one


17. Напишите предлог, который нужно вставить в предложение

       1. Listenme attentively!



18. Напишите глагол в той форме, которую требует предложение.

         If I were you, I…go to the party.


19. I…know his address. (not)


20. The window…by my dad yesterday.(open)


Дополните перевод предложений, вписав недостающие слова.


21. We can speak three….. Мы можем говорить на трех языках.                                     


22. …I go out? Можно мне выйти?


23. May I….you? Можно вас побеспокоить?

















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Входной тест (9 класс)

Часть 1. Лексика

А1. _____ plan and design towns and houses for us.

1) Producers 2) Architects 3) Reporters

А2. A book giving information about everything is _____.

1) a handbook 2) an encyclopedia 3) a dictionary

А3. Thomas has _____ his leg.

1) destroyed 2) damaged 3) broken

А4. _____ is a programme about the latest events and politics.

1) The news 2) Game show 3) Soap

А5. I still feel a bit hungry. Can I ask for ____?

1) our advice 2) their help 3) another sandwich

А6. A tree without leaves is a _____ tree.

1) leafiness 2) leafless 3) leafy

А7. _____ is a sudden shaking of the ground.

1) A flood 2) A drought 3) An earthquake

А8. Due to high sea pollution whales have became _____.

1) responsible for it

2) endangered animals

3) out of danger

А9. The eye doctor advised us to _____.

1) read more books about computers

2) spend more time in front of TV

3) spend less time in front of the computer

А10. This packaging company _____ using environmentally friendly materials.

1) is famous for 2) throws away 3) is in danger

Часть 2. Грамматика

А11. _____ Earth moves round _____ Sun.

1) An … – 2) The … the 3) – … –

А12. They prefer _____ to disco.

1) go 2) to go 3) going

А13. She _____ for three hours.

1) has been cooking 2) has cooked 3) cooked

А14. We are used _____ lunch together.

1) having 2) to have 3) to having

А15. It started to rain when Nick and I _____ in the river.

1) swam 2) have swum 3) were swimming

А16. Mum asked me _____ late.

1) not be 2) not to be 3) don’t be

А17. By the time they got to Ann's place all the guests _____.

1) had left 2) left 3) have left

А18. If she had heard the conversation, she _____ there.

1) won’t come

- 2 -2) doesn’t come

3) wouldn’t have come

А19. Alice asked Sam if he _____ to the country the next day.

1) would go 2) goes 3) will go

А20. We must protect our beautiful beaches from litter pollution if we want to keep them as the main tourist _____.

1) attractive 2) attraction 3) attract

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    Андреева Юлия Николаевна
    Андреева Юлия Николаевна
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    • Подписчики: 20
    • Всего просмотров: 54479
    • Всего материалов: 51

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки



500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету "Английский язык" в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО

36 ч.

1700 руб. 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 135 человек из 43 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 911 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Английский язык для IT-специалистов

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1580 руб. от 940 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 146 человек из 44 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 62 человека

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3950 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 230 человек из 53 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 458 человек


Психологическая помощь и развитие детей: современные вызовы и решения

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Финансы и управление в медиакоммуникациях

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Развитие дошкольного мышления

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 19 человек