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Викторина по теме "История Англии. Достопримечательности."

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The quiz.


Вопросы по теме “The Geographical Position”

1. Name the sea between the island Great Britain and Ireland? (The Irish Sea).
6. On what continent are the British Isles situated? (Europe).
7. What is the official name of the Great Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).
17. What is the largest island of the British Isles? (Great Britain).
18. How many people live in the Great Britain?
(Nearly 60 million people).

Вопросы по теме “This is London”

5. What is the population of London? (7 million people).
8. How old is London? (More than 2 thousand years).
13. What is the official residence of the Royal Family? (The Buckingham Palace).
14. Name the castle, which now is a prison. (The Tower).
15. What is the other name of the Houses of Parliament? (The Westminster Palace).

Вопросы по теме “The Famous People and Traditions”

2. Where was the great Shakespeare born? (In Stratford-on-Avon).
3. What is the name of the popular Scottish poet? (Robert Burns).
4. What is the favorite holiday of English children? (The Christmas).
11. What is the favorite flower of Englishmen? (A rose).
12. What is Union Jack? (The national flag).

Вопросы по общей тематике

9. What language do they speak in the U.K.? (English).
10. In what countries is English used as the native language? (The USA, Canada, Australia, the New Zealand).
16. Do you like to speak English?

Questions to the first captain
1. What is the nickname of the British flag? (Union Jack)
2. What colour are London taxies? (Black)
3. What is the name of the national Scottish costume? (Kilt)
4. How many pence are there in one pound? (100)
5. What is the other name for the Houses of Parliament? (Palace of Westminster)

Questions to the second captain
1. Who can you see on the top of the column in Trafalgar Square in London?
(Admiral Nelson)
2. What colour are London double-deckers? (Red)
3. Who lived in Sherwood Forest? (Robin Hood)
4. What is the emblem of Wales? (The leek, the daffodil)
5. What is the other name for English football? (Soccer)

Questions to the third captain
2. What do many children usually say when they knock on their neighbours' door on
Halloween? ("Trick or Treat?")
3. Where can you see ravens in London? (The Tower of London)
4. What is the national Scottish musical instrument? (The bagpipes)

Questions to the fourth captain
1. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
2. What is the Queen's residence in London? (Buckingham Palace)

The UK

1. How many countries does the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of? What are they?

2. What is the symbol of the United Kingdom of Great Britain?

3. What is the name of the British national flag?

8. Why do the British people speak so much about the weather?

9. How is called the clock on one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament?

10. What river is London situated on?

The Sights of  London


1. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. They are changing the Guard every day at 11. 30 a.m. It opens to public in August and September.

(Buckingham Palace)


2. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now. There are a lot of interesting collections of guns there.

(The Tower of London)


3. English kings and queens are usually married here. Many of them are also buried here, as well many famous writers.

(Westminster Abbey)


4. This is the place where the Prime Minister lives and works.

( No.10 Downing Street)


5. MP's debate and argue here, and there is a clock tower with a famous bell in it.

(The Houses of Parliament)


6. This building was rebuilt by Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London in 1666.

(St. Paul's Cathedral)

7. This place has a memorial to Admiral Nelson and is also famous for its many pigeons.

(Trafalgar Square)


8. This is a stadium where Britain's Cup Final is played each year.

( Wembley Stadium)


9. It is famous for its outdoor entertainments and its Speaker’s Corner. On a Sunday morning anyone can make a speech about something he believes to be very important.

(Hyde Park)


10. There are hundreds of clips from films and TV-programmes in it. Everybody can act in a Hollywood Western or even draw an own cartoon film. The history and magic of cinema and TV is explained in it.

(The Museum of the Moving Image)


11. It is one of the most famous clocks in the world. It is a big bell too . You hear it every hour. You can hear it on the radio “ This is the BBC. The time is six o’clock.”

(Big Ben)


12. It is the second famous church in London. It is the greatest work of the architect Sir Christopher Wren.

(St. Paul Cathedrals)





1.     Every Tom, Dick and Harry –Иванов, Петров, Сидоров;

2.     Fire and water –огонь, вода и медные трубы;

3.     To be yellow – струсить;

4.     Every dog has his day – у каждого есть шанс на успех;

5.     Skeleton in one’s wardrobe - семейная тайна;

6.     Eagle eye – зоркий глаз;

7.     A sitting duck – доверчивый человек, которого легко одурачить;

8.     White elephant- дорогой , но бесполезный подарок;

9.     To give a black look-гневно взглянуть;

10. Snake in the grass- враг, претворяющийся другом;

11. Once in a blue moon- очень редко, почти никогда

12. To be (feel) blue- грустить, быть в плохом настроении


3. Какую женщину читатели журнала «Time» однажды выбрали "мужчиной года"? (Елизавету II);

4. В Британии существует словосочетание «come for tea» (приходи на чай). Что оно означает на самом деле? (Означает «come for the main evening meal» (приходи на вечерний прием пищи);

6. Какая буква английского алфавита чаще всего встречается в словах? (Это буква – е -);

7. Языковеды датируют появление первого английского слова 601 – 603 гг. н.э. Назовите самое старое слово английского языка, которое до сих пор успешно и широко используется. (Town);

8. В Великобритании существует очень нестандартный вид спорта: погоня за “этим предметом”. Смысл этой гонки заключается в том, чтобы догнать “этот предмет” , катящейся с крутого холма. Казалось бы, что все элементарно и просто: нужно всего лишь сбежать с холма, но “это” при движении развивает немалую скорость. Да и самим участникам приходится “лететь кувырком” в прямом смысле этого слова. Многие участники получают серьезные травмы: ушибы, переломы, сотрясения и т.д. Но что поразительно - так это огромнейшее количество участников этого соревнования. Победителем считается участник, который первым достиг подножья холма, он и получает “этот злосчастный предмет”. ( Гонки за сырной головой);

9. Первая почтовая марка поступила в обращение в мае 1840 года в Англии. Как называлась эта марка? Сколько она стоила? Что было изображено на ней? ("Черный пенни" - так называлась первая марка , потому, что печаталась черной краской с номиналом в один пенс. На марке была изображена королева Виктория.);

task: Match the holidays and their dates:

1. Christmas

a) February, 14

2. Halloween

b) April, 21

3. Queen’s Birthday

c) December, 25

4. St.Valentine’s Day

d) October, 31

task: Match the authors and their works:

1. R.Kipling

A. “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz


B. “Peter Pan”


C. “Rikki –Tikki -Tavi”


D. “Winnie-the-Pooh”


E. “Fables”

6. Jack London

F. “White Fang”

7.Arthur Conan Doyle

G. “The Lost World”


H. “Robinson Crusoe”

9. L.Carrol

I. “Through the Looking Glass”


task:  Choose the right answer.

There are … stripes on the American flag. 

A) twelve B) thirteen C) fourteen


 task: Choose the right answer.

The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA by … .

A) the UK B) Canada C) France 


task: Choose the right answer.

Who stood in London’s streets and helped children to cross them?

A) policemen  B) parents  C) lollipop ladies


task: Find the right answer.

What happened in the summer of 1666 in London?

A) The Olympic Games  B) The Great Fire C) The Festival


task: Find the right answer.

Which country is not a part of the UK?

A) Scotland  B) Wales  C) Iceland


 task: Choose the right answer.

London Zoo is situated in ... Park.

A) Hyde  B) Regent’s  C) St. James’s


task: Choose the right answer.

 It has been a fortress, a palace, a zoo, a treasury:

A) Big Ben B) Buckingham Palace C) The Tower of London


task: Choose the right answer.

Where does Queen Elizabeth live?

A) Tower of London  B) Buckingham Palace  C) Trafalgar Square

task: Match 2 columns:

1. 60884d8a35876b2a5b84fb66cc5

A. Charlie Chaplin

2. lennon_200709040317570

B. Winston Churchill

3. charlie-chaplin-431x300

C. John Lennon

4. 50256474_churchill_winston

D. Agatha Christie

task: Find the second part of the names of London’s places of interest:

1. the British

A. Palace

2. Buckingham

B. Gardens

3. the Houses of

C. Cathedral

4. Westminster

D. Museum


E. Abbey


F. Parliament

7. Windsor

G. Square


H. Castle


task: Choose the right answer.

Madame Tussaud’s Museum is famous for:

A) the history and magic of cinema and TV  B) wax figures  C) the statue of the famous Peter Pan







































4. C

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. C

10. B

11. C

12. B

13. C

14. B






























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