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Внеклассная работа по английскому языку Лидер XXI века

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The leader of the XXI Century


Мақсаты: мектеп оқушылардың ағылшын тілінде сөйлейтін елдердің тарихы, салт-дәстүрін, олардың мәдениеті жайында білімдерін тереңдету, ой белсенділігін дамыту, дүниетанымын кеңейту, грамматикалық білім-білік дағдысын, ұлтаралық ынтымақтастыққа, өз елін қадірлеуге, сүюге тәрбиелеу.
The leader of the XXI Century
Moderator: - Good afternoon dear guests, teachers and students. Welcome to our intellectual show “ Leader of the XXI century”!
Well, we begin our game and I am glad to introduce the participants of our intellectual show.
We are glad to see all of you and hope you will enjoy our game.

I round “Baiga”
- you are welcome to enjoy the 1st round “Baiga”! I ask questions to participants and each correct answer gives you
Be careful! Good luck!

1. The head of Great Britain is
a) President
b) The Queen
c) People
d) The King
2. What is the nick name of the flag of the UK?
a) Union Jack
b) The Bald Eagle
c) The Golden Man
d) Uncle Sam
3. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?
a) in 1492
b) in 1592
c) in 1392
d) in 1692
4. How many stripes does the American flag have?
a) 13
b) 33
c) 30
d) 3
5. What was the first capital of the USA?
a) London
b) Washington D. C
c) Philadelphia
d) New York
6. There are ____ regions in our Republic.
a) 15
b) 9
c) 19
d) 14

II round Polyglot
The next round you will enjoy is “Polyglot”. here are some proverbs you have to find. Answers should be given in three languages ( English, Kazakh and Russian).
Each correct answer is equal to 10 points.

1. All is not ____ that glitters. (gold –
2. Curiosity killed the ____. ( cat –
мысықкошка )
3. Live and ____. (learn –
оқу-учить )
4. ___ may be known by its song. (bird –
құсптица )
5. Better late than _____. (never –
ешқашанникогда )
6. There is no place like ____. (home-
үйдом )
7. A tree may be known by its ____. (fruit-
8. Actions speak louder than ____. (word-
сөзслова )
9. _____ is power. (knowledge-
білімзнание )
10. An ____ a day keeps the doctor away. (apple –

III round Doda
Famous Americans-10 The first president of the USA.
Famous Americans – 20 The famous American writer who wrote “Romeo and Juliet”.
Famous Americans – 30 On the third Monday in February Americans celebrate Presidents Day. Two American presidents are honored on this holiday. Who are they?
History – 10 Kazakhstan was established as the republic of Kazakhstan in …
History – 20
When was Akmola renamed Astana?
History – 30 Almaty was the Capital of our country until..
Great Days – 10
This holiday honors our mothers, grandmothers, women in the world.
Great Days – 20
The Kazakhs celebrate this holiday on March. People pay each other Visits, forgive wrongs and cancel debts
Great Days – 30
When is Halloween celebrated?
The places to visit – 10 Where is Disneyland?
The places to visit – 20 In what US city the Statue of Liberty?
The places to visit – 30 A mountain on the boarder of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan where they boarder with China

IV round
There are some questions to a 30 seconds. The task is to answer the question as quickly as possible. Each correct answer is equal to 1 point.

The first student
1. Where is Disneyland? (In California)
2. Which month is the day of independence in Kazakhstan? (December )
3. The first Capital of our Republic.
4. What is the official language of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh )
5. The head of Great Britain? ( The Queen )
6. What is the national symbol of Kazakhstan? (golden man )
7. How many rooms are there in the White House? (132 )

The second student
1. The head of Kazakhstan is … (president)
2. What is the official language of the USA? (English)
3. The president of the USA? (Barak Obama )
4. Kazakhstan is situated in… (Central Asia )
5. Who was the first president of the USA? (Washington)
6. Ahmet Yassaui Mausoleum is in … (Turkestan )
7. Which month Nauryz is celebrated in Kazakhstan? (March)

The third student
1. The Kazakh traditional food is … (beshbarmak)
2. How many states does the USA consists of? (50)
3. What colour is our flag? (blue )
4. What is the official language of China? (Chinese)
5. The national emblem of England is … (rose)
6. Is Washington D. C a state? (No)
7. What is American` s national sport?
















The leader of the XXI century

Сыныптан тыс шараның тақырыбы: XXI ғасыр көшбасшысы

The theme: “The leader of the XXI century”
The type: competition
The aims:
1. To develop the pupil’s pronunciation in English
2. To develop their thinking and speaking
3. To check their knowledge
The aids: interactive board, papers, pens, numbers.
Dear teacher and spectators! Welcome to our competition that calls “The leader of the XXI century”. Let me introduce to you our players.
Our competition consists of 5 stages.
The first stage is “Baiga”
The second stage is “Polyglot”
The third stage is “Magic seven”
The forth stage is “Jorga”
The fifth stage is “riddles”
And we have dear jury that will marks our players. Let me introduce them to you. Zholdas Guldaria - the teacer of Kazakh language,
Kultanbaeva Bazar – the header of the school.
Players. Are you ready for this competition? Then let’s begin.
сөзі нені білдіреді? (Оқу)
2. How many letters are in English alphabet? (26)
3. One of the greatest symbol of the New York? (the Statue of Liberty)
4. The country with the largest population? (China)
5. The hottest continent of the world? (Africa)
6. The oldest university in England? (Oxford)
7. How many states in the USA? (50)
8. The biggest clock in the world? (Big Ben)
9. What is the holiday celebrated in England in 25 of December? (Christmas Day)
10. How many parts consists of Great Britain?
(4: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
The second stage, which calls “Polyglot”. I will say you some Kazakh proverbs, you must find the missed words and translate into Russian and English languages.
Білімнің жолбасшысы
Шәкірттің қолбасшысы
мұғалімучитель – teacher )
Жіпке ілдім мен өзім,
Кіп кішкентай күн көзін
шамлампочка – lamp )
Жұқа тақтай бөлшегі
Ұзындықтың өлшемі
сызғышлинейка – ruler )
Төрт қырлы өзі аппақ,
Тақтадағы ізі аппақ
бормель – chalk )
Үй ішін аралап, түнде көп жортады,
Қаптарды жарып, мысықтан қорқады
тышқанмышь – mouse )
Қағазды басып шығару құрылғысы?
баспапринтер – print )
Тілі жоқ өзінде, сөзі бар ізінде
қаламсапручка - pen )
Ілулі тұр кең алаң,
Керегімді мен одан
Жазып алам көшіріп,
Сүртемін сосын өшіріп
тақтадоска - blackboard )
Жеті өнер де аз..
жігітпарень – gentlemen /boy )
So the second stage is over. 2 players who got less balls must leave our competition.
The third stage is called “Magic seven”
сол жақ Great days:
This holiday honors our mothers, grandmothers, women in the world?
орта The places to visit:
The place for skating in Almaty?
оң жақ Sports and Games:
The Kazakh traditional horse races.
сол жақ
The Kazakhs celebrate this holiday on March 22. People pay each other visits, forgive wrongs and cancel debts?
орта The places to visit:
The old mausoleum in Turkestan. It is more than 1500 years old.
оң жақ Sports and Games:
This is an indoor game for two players. You need a special table, a racket for each player and a small ball.
сол жақ Great days:
One of the best holiday for children. The Americans celebrate it on October 31.
орта The places to visit:
The most popular place to visit in Kyrgyzstan – a huge lake that a trip to the mountains.
оң жақ Sports and Games:
An outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. The object of the game is to score a goal.
“Jorga”. The task is for you: to put the sentences in the right order. Are you ready, players? Let’s begin.
1. Yes, I can.
Can you swim?
Then let` s go to the swimming pool!

2. Yes, I have.
What` s his name?
Have you got a friend?

3. Hello, Asem!
I` m fine, thanks. And you?
Hello, Mike! How are you?

4. Can I take it?
Where is your book?
It` s there.

5. I went to the theatre. Did you see me?
Yes, I saw you.
Where did you go yesterday?
The next stage is called “Riddles”
1. My face is black.
As black as night.
On it with chalk.
All pupils write.
2. I am made of wood. I have four legs.
People seat on me. I am…
3. This is a house
With one window in it.
Showing films
Nearly every minute.
4. My nose is long My tail is short I am an
5. It is a big animal
It eats grass
It gives milk
What is it?
6. It is brown
It has got four legs
It sleeps in winter
What is it?
All of you come to the blackboard. You must stand there as a circle and sing a song all together. Let’s sing a song “May there always be sunshine!”
Congratulation winners.




The leader of the XXI centur

The leader of the XXI century”
Ақтөбе облысы Шалқар қаласы №1 орта мектептің
ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Тілеубергенова Гүлбану Жұмабекқызы
Сыныптан тыс шараның тақырыбы: XXI ғасыр көшбасшысы

The theme: “The leader of the XXI century”

The type: competition
The aims:
To develop the pupil’s pronunciation in English
2. To develop their thinking and speaking
3. To check their knowledge
The aids: interactive board, papers, pens, numbers.
Dear teacher and spectators! Welcome to our competition that calls “The leader of the XXI century”. Let me introduce to you our players.
Our competition consists of 5 stages.
The first stage is “Baiga”
The second stage is “Polyglot”
The third stage is “Magic seven”
The forth stage is “Jorga”
The fifth stage is “riddles”
And we have dear jury that will marks our players. Let me introduce them to you. Zholdas Guldaria-the teacer of Kazakh language,
Kultanbaeva Bazar –the header of the school.
Players. Are you ready for this competition? Then let’s begin.
сөзі нені білдіреді? (Оқу)
2.How many letters are in English alphabet? (26)
3.One of the greatest symbol of the New York? (the Statue of Liberty)
4.The country with the largest population? (China)
5.The hottest continent of the world? (Africa)
6.The oldest university in England? (Oxford)
7.How many states in the USA? (50)
8.The biggest clock in the world? (Big Ben)
9.What is the holiday celebrated in England in 25 of December? (Christmas Day)
10.How many parts consists of Great Britain?
(4: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
The second stage ,which calls “Polyglot”. I will say you some Kazakh proverbs, you must find the missed words and translate into Russian and English languages.
Білімнің жолбасшысы
Шәкірттің қолбасшысы
мұғалімучитель – teacher )
Жіпке ілдім мен өзім,
Кіп кішкентай күн көзін
шамлампочка – lamp )
Жұқа тақтай бөлшегі
Ұзындықтың өлшемі
сызғышлинейка – ruler )
Төрт қырлы өзі аппақ,
Тақтадағы ізі аппақ
бормель – chalk )
Үй ішін аралап, түнде көп жортады,
Қаптарды жарып, мысықтан қорқады
тышқанмышь – mouse )
Қағазды басып шығару құрылғысы?
баспапринтер – print )

7) Тілі жоқ өзінде, сөзі бар ізінде
( қаламсап – ручка -
pen )
8) Ілулі тұр кең алаң,
Керегімді мен одан
Жазып алам көшіріп,
Сүртемін сосын өшіріп
( тақта – доска -
blackboard )
9) Жеті өнер де аз..
( жігітпарень – gentlemen /boy )
So the second stage is over. 2 players who got less balls must leave our competition.
The third stage is called “Magic seven”
сол жақ Great days:
This holiday honors our mothers, grandmothers, women in the world ?
орта The places to visit:
The place for skating in Almaty?
оң жақ Sports and Games:
The Kazakh traditional horse races.
сол жақ
The Kazakhs celebrate this holiday on March 22. People pay each other visits, forgive wrongs and cancel debts?
орта The places to visit:
The old mausoleum in Turkestan. It is more than 1500 years old.
оң жақ Sports and Games:
This is an indoor game for two players. You need a special table, a racket for each player and a small ball.
сол жақ Great days:
One of the best holiday for children. The Americans celebrate it on October 31.
орта The places to visit:
The most popular place to visit in Kyrgyzstan – a huge lake that a trip to the mountains.
оң жақ Sports and Games:
An outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. The object of the game is to score a goal.
“Jorga”. The task is for you: to put the sentences in the right order.Are you ready,players? Let’s begin.
1.Yes, I can.
Can you swim?
Then let`s go to the swimming pool!

2.Yes, I have.
What`s his name?
Have you got a friend?

3.Hello, Asem!
I`m fine, thanks. And you?
Hello, Mike! How are you?

4.Can I take it?
Where is your book?
It`s there.

5.I went to the theatre. Did you see me?
Yes, I saw you.
Where did you go yesterday?
The next stage is called “Riddles”
1.My face is black.
As black as night.
On it with chalk.
All pupils write.
2.I am made of wood .I have four legs.
People seat on me. I am…
3.This is a house
With one window in it.
Showing films
Nearly every minute.
4.My nose is long My tail is short I am an
5. It is a big animal
It eats grass
It gives milk
What is it?
6. It is brown
It has got four legs
It sleeps in winter
What is it?
All of you come to the blackboard. You must stand there as a circle and sing a song all together. Let’s sing a song “May there always be sunshine!”
Congratulation winners.








“Leader of the XXI st century” The intellectual show

1. Introduction
2. The captains’ competition
3. “Who is the best?”
4. Who is clever?
5. “Do you know?”
6. “Who is the fastest?”
7. Imagination
8. Play a game “Merry lottery”
9. Play with spectator
1. The first task is “Introduction”.
Each team calls their name, motto and introduce their emblems
2. The second task “The captains competition”.
Each team’s captain makes a dialogue

3. The third task “Who is the best?” In this task one of you who gathered fewer points will choose one envelope. In these envelops there are two letters: A and B. I will read you 15 questions and all answers will start with the letter A or B. The same rules relates to our second participant. Is everything clear for you?

Letter A
The name of the fruit (Apple)
The river in the USA (Amazonka)
The name of the month (April)
A part of the body (Arm)
The name of the school subject (Algebra)
The capital of the Kazakhstan (Astana)
One of the oceans (Atlantic Ocean)
The famous Kazakh writer (Abai)
A funny story (Anecdote)
A story in the newspaper (Article)
A stupid animal (Ass)
A mathematical term (Axiom)
The first letter of the alphabet (A)
It is harmful for our health (Alcohol)
What cannot we live without? (Air)

Letter B
A little child (Baby)
The name of the fruit (Banana)
A part of the body (Back)
The antonym to the word “good” (Bad)
An object in the classroom (Blackboard)
A kind of the dance (Ballet)
The capital of Germany (Berlin)
The name of the school subject (Biology)
A lake in Kazakhstan (Balkhash)
The room where we sleep (Bedroom)
A person without money and a house (Beggar)
An important day for of all us which happens once every year (Birthday)
A colour (Black)
The member of the family (Brother)
A clever friend of the man (Book)
4. Who is clever?
There are cards with letters. You must choose any cards I’ll ask you a questions.
1. What colour are the crocodiles?
2. What is the biggest animal?
3. How many oceans are there on our planet?
4. What month is it now?
5. What can you see in the fridge?
6. What is the capital of the USA?
7. What is the weather like in Africa?
8. Who discovered America?
9. How old are you?
10. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain at present?
11. Who works at school?
12. Who sings the song “Yesterday”?

5. The fifth task of “Do you know?”
There is a table with numerals. You must choose any numeral and I’ll ask you questions

1. Where is Kazakhstan situated? (in Central Asia)
2. At what age do people vote in Kazakhstan? (18)
3. The most popular sport in England (football)
4. “ Romeo and Juliet” was written by… (Shakespeare)
5. What kind of buses are in London? (double - decker)
6. How many oceans are there on our planet? (4)
7. What is the capital of the USA?
8. What is the weather like in Africa?
9. Who discovered America?
10. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain at present?
11. The longest river in Great Britain (The Severn)
12. The capital of the USA (Washington)
13. What is the currency of the USA? (Dollar)
14. Who wrote the novel “Abai zholy”? (M. Auezov)

6. “Who is the fastest?”
Make as many new words out of this word:

7. Imagination
1. If I were a millionaire………
2. If I was a president of our country……………..

8. The eighth task is a game “Merry lottery”
The members of each team do different orders such as cry, write
Let’s play!
Drink Sleep Swim
Jump Smile Eat Clap
Fly Sing Clean Break
Run Read Ring Go
Write Sit Cry …

9. Play with spectator
Here are some proverbs you have to find…. Answer should be given in English, Kazakh, Russian
1. All is not…that glitters (gold –
2. Money spent on the ….. is never spent in vain (brain –
3. An …a day keeps the doctor away. (apple –
алма - яблоко)
4. Lost … is never found again. (time -
уақыт - время)
5. … is power. (knowledge –
білім - знание)
6. Better late than … (never –
ешқашан - никогда)
7. It is never too … to learn. (late -
кеш - поздно)
8. There is no place like… (home –
үй - дом)
9. Actions speak louder than … (words –
сөздер - слова)
10. A good … makes a good ending (beginning –
11. East or West home is … (best –
жақсы - лучше)
12. The books are our … (friends –
достар - друзья)
13. Time is … (money –
ақша - деньги)
14. Everything is good in its … (season –
мезгіл - сезон)
15. Everyone is a slave of his … (love –
махаббат - любовь)
16. Health is above … (wealth –
17. Habit is a second… (nature –
табиғат - природа)
18. Don’t play with… (fire –
от - огонь)
19. Money won’t make you… (happy –
бақытты - счастливый)
20. Daughter is a guest of…. (house –
үй - дом )

1. What is the highest mountain peak in Kazakhstan? (Khan Tengry)
2. How many parts of the country are situated on the Island of Great Britain? What are they? (3. England, Wales, Scotland)
3. What river is the capital situated on, in Great Britain? (on the Thames)
4. Who is officially the head of the country? (Queen or King)
5. What is the London home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)
6. What are the oldest English Universities? (Oxsord and Cambridge Universities)
7. How many people live in Britain? (more than 56 million)
8. Who is the National Hero of Brotain, the defender of the poor people? (Robin Hood)
9. Who was the first president of the USA? (George Washington)
10. Name the days of the week?(Monday……)
11. What holiday celebrated on the 25 th of December in Great Britain?
12. ‘Dandelion’ is an animal or a flower? ( a flower)
13. Who is the author of the novel ‘The way of Abay’? (M. Auezov)
14. What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? (an eagle)
15. The oldest name of the capital of Kazakhstan?(akmola, tselinograd)
16. When was the Declaration of Independence proclaimed? (16 december 1991)
17. What oceans is the USA washed by?
(the anlantic and )


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от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 62 человека из 29 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 87 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Преподавание русского языка как неродного в образовательном учреждении

72/108/144 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 75 человек из 28 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 230 человек


Анализ эффективности проектов

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Преодоление расстройств: путь к психическому здоровью"

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе


Переходные моменты в карьере

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе