Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку „What do you know about Australia? “

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку „What do you know about Australia? “

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

 средняя общеобразовательная школа № 38







Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

What do you know about Australia? “

9 класс






       Учителя: Иванова Л.И.                                     

Олефиренко Е.П.









Сургут, 2015


1.     Повышение мотивации к изучению  английского языка

2.     Расширение кругозора учащихся

3.     Воспитание познавательного интереса к стране изучаемого языка

4.     Знакомство учащихся с интересными и мало известными фактами по географии, истории, о животном мире, культуре страны изучаемого языка


1.     Обобщить и систематизировать полученные знания, умения и навыки по теме «Австралия»

2.      Совершенствовать навыки говорения и умения воспринимать иноязычную речь на слух

3.     Развивать умение работать в коллективе

Оборудование: компьютер


1.     Карта Австралии

2.     Раздаточный материал

3.     Компьютер

4.     Проектор













I.         Вступительное слово учителя


-         Good morning, dear students. I’m glad to see you. Welcome to our quiz. Our quiz is devoted to Australia. We have three teams today. The first team is called “English speaking kangaroos”. The name of the second team is “Australian Aborigines”. And please welcome the third team “Governor-General”. It’s the time to introduce the teams themselves and their captains.

-         Our judges are … today.

-         Our narrators are …

-         I wish you to be active and quick-witted today, to show everything what you know about Australia. I believe this competition will be fair. Good luck in our quiz.

II.      Основная часть

-         I’ll explain the rules of our game. It consists of 5 rounds. And now is the first guest.  It will be a little warm-up. Answer the questions and get one point for correct answer for your team.

1.      Is Australia a country, a continent or an island? (continent)

2.      What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)

3.      Who is the head of state in Australia? (The British Queen – Elisabeth the second)

4.      Who discovered Australia? (James Cook)

5.      Who were the first Australians? (Australian Aboriginals)

6.      Who were the first Europeans to visit to Australia? (the Dutch - голландцы)

7.      What is the official name of country? (The Common Wealth of Australia)

8.     What branch of economy is best developed? (Agriculture)

9.      Why is the Great Barrier Reef Known all over the world? (It is the longest coral reef in the world)

10.  What is the official currency in Australia? ( Australian dollar)

11.  What is the hottest month in Australia? Why?(January, because it’s the middle of summer)

12.  In which Australian city were the 2000 Olympic Games held? (Sydney)


-         The second round is the contest of captains. I invite captains to the board to blitz quiz.

Narrators read questions in turn:

1.     Sometimes this country is called “the upside down world”. Can you guess why? (New Year is in the middle of summer. Winter comes in July and summer begins in December. The winter months are never cold. Hot winds blow from the north, cold winds blow from the south. It lies in the Southern Hemisphere.)

2.     What role does the British Queen play in the life of Australia? (Formally the head of state is the King or Queen of England represented by the Governor-General (генерал-губернатор).

3.     How was Australia used until the middle of the XIX century?  (as a prison)


-         The third round is reading the text about Australia. You have 3 minutes for a task. After that you will have to finish the sentences. Narrators, could you help me? Give tasks to students.


Read the text and finish the sentences.

     Only Dutch sailors reached the shores of unknown continent, but no one settled there until the English Captain Cook discovered the East Coast in 1770.

When settlement began in 1788 the continent was inhabited by about 300 000 people who are now called Aborigines. Diseases brought by settlers caused many deaths among the Aborigines and now there are only about 60 000 of them. At the beginning of the 19th century the English colonists gave the fifth continent the name Australia or “the unknown southern land”.  At first nobody wanted to live there because it was used as a prison where the British government was sent British prisoners. Most of Australia is semi desert, so most people in Australia live in the south-east.

     The climate is hot and Australians boast that they can sleep outdoors all the year around. The sun shines brightly in winter and in summer. Snow and ice are rare, except in the high mountains. There are not many rains and droughts are a constant anxiety. In bad times and in the driest parts many animals may die for want of water.

     Today Australia is an independent federative state and a member of Commonwealth. Formally the head of state is the King or Queen of England represented by the Governor-General.

1.     … reached the shores of unknown continent.

2.     The English … discovered the East Coast in 1770.

3.     The continent was … by Aborigines.

4.     It was given the fifth continent the name …, which means … 

5.     At first Australia was used as a …

6.     Most of Australia is … 

7.     They can sleep … all the year around.

8.     Many animals may die for …

9.     Australia is now an independent federative state and a member of …


The fourth round are riddles about animals. Narrators, give tasks to students.


Read and guess what it is.

         This animal has a very specialized diet – it eats only the leaves of trees. It gets most of its moisture from its food and rarely drinks water. This animal is good in climbing trees and spends most of its life in eucalyptus trees.

Moisture [                ] – влага


Read and guess what it is.

         This bird cannot fly, but it has strong legs and massive feet and can run with a speed up to 48 km/h. It’s the second largest bird in the world. It usually eats grass, berries, fruit and insects, but it has been known to swallow marbles, nails and even coins.

It has been known to – Известно, что

Swallow - глотать

Marble - шарик

Nail – галька


Read and guess what it is.     

         This animal has sharp spines, which protect it from enemies. If it is attacked, it rolls itself into a ball or digs down into the soil, this way it hides its soft face and those parts, where there is no spine.  

Spine – колючка, шип



-          It’s the time to check your answers.  After a few minutes our judges tell us how many points each team have won? Записать на доске.

-         And the last task we will do together. Look at the blackboard and fill the table.



The capital of Australia



Main cities

Sidney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth


Geographical position

south-east of Asia

is washed by the Timor Sea, the Coral sea, the Tasman sea, the Pacific and Indian ocean



In the left-hand corner of the flag we can see the British flag (the Union Jack). On the blue field of the flag are shown the stars of the Southern Cross in white.



the kangaroo and the emu and a twig of wattle


Winter months

June, July, August


Summer month

December, January, February



koala, kangaroo, emu, dingo, echidna, duck-bill



eucalyptus, bottle tree





Main activities

cricket, tennis, football, swimming, surfing


National day

26/01 the British flag was set in Sidney 1788


Industry, export

wool, fruit, meat, sugar, metal and minerals



         The fifth round is the dialog about Australia (Millennium 9 класс, Раздел 5 «Поехали в Австралию»).


III.             Заключительная часть.  Подведение итогов. Награждение

-         The game is finished. Let’s give the word to our judges. What is the score of the game? Look at the blackboard and compare your answers. (Записать на доске)

-         Do you want to visit Australia? Why? Why not?














Приложение 1

1.      Sometimes this country is called “the upside down world”. Can you guess why?

2.      What role does the British Queen play in the life of Australia? (Formally the head of state is the King or Queen of England represented by the Governor-General

3.      How was Australia used until the middle of the XIX century? 

Приложение 2

Read the text and finish the sentences.

     Only Dutch sailors reached the shores of unknown continent, but no one settled there until the English Captain Cook discovered the East Coast in 1770.

When settlement began in 1788 the continent was inhabited by about 300 000 people who are now called Aborigines. Diseases brought by settlers caused many deaths among the Aborigines and now there are only about 60 000 of them. At the beginning of the 19th century the English colonists gave the fifth continent the name Australia or “the unknown southern land”.  At first nobody wanted to live there because it was used as a prison where the British government was sent British prisoners. Most of Australia is semi desert, so most people in Australia live in the south-east.

     The climate is hot and Australians boast that they can sleep outdoors all the year around. The sun shines brightly in winter and in summer. Snow and ice are rare, except in the high mountains. There are not many rains and droughts are a constant anxiety. In bad times and in the driest parts many animals may die for want of water.

     Today Australia is an independent federative state and a member of Commonwealth. Formally the head of state is the King or Queen of England represented by the Governor-General.

1.     … reached the shores of unknown continent.

2.     The English … discovered the East Coast in 1770.

3.     The continent was … by Aborigines.

4.     It was given the fifth continent the name …, which means … 

5.     At first Australia was used as a …

6.     Most of Australia is … 

7.     They can sleep … all the year around.

8.     Many animals may die for …

9.     Australia is now an independent federative state and a member of …


Приложение 3

Read and guess what it is.

         This animal has a very specialized diet – it eats only the leaves of trees. It gets most of its moisture from its food and rarely drinks water. This animal is good in climbing trees and spends most of its life in eucalyptus trees.

Moisture [                ] – влага


Read and guess what it is.

         This bird cannot fly, but it has strong legs and massive feet and can run with a speed up to 48 km/h. It’s the second largest bird in the world. It usually eats grass, berries, fruit and insects, but it has been known to swallow marbles, nails and even coins.

It has been known to – Известно, что

Swallow - глотать

Marble - шарик

Nail – галька


Read and guess what it is.     

         This animal has sharp spines, which protect it from enemies. If it is attacked, it rolls itself into a ball or digs down into the soil, this way it hides its soft face and those parts, where there is no spine. 

Spine – колючка, шип


Приложение 4

Пассажир: Извините. Мне нужна ваша помощь. Я лечу в Австралию. В какое окно регистрации мне следует подойти?

Работник аэропорта 1: Могли бы вы показать ваш билет? Которой авиакомпанией вы летите?

Пассажир: Я лечу с British Airways.

Работник аэропорта 1: Какой ваш номер рейса?

Пассажир: Мой номер рейса 653.

Работник аэропорта 1: Вам нужно окно регистрации номер 6.

Пассажир:  Где находится окно регистрации номер 6.

Работник аэропорта 1: На первом этаже здания аэропорта



Турист: У меня каникулы в две недели. Я намереваюсь отправиться в путешествие в Австралию. Не могли бы вы помочь мне? (Мне нужна ваша помощь)

Тур агент: Конечно! Куда в Австралии хотели бы вы поехать? Какие места хотели бы вы посетить?

Турист: Я бы хотела поехать в самые интересные места в этой стране.

Тур агент: Австралия действительно имеет полный список туристических привлекательностей. Вы могли бы начать ваше путешествие в Сиднее. Это один из самых старых и больших городов в Австралии. Вы сможете посетить Botanic Gardens, Sydney Opera House, Harbour Bridge и, конечно же, вы сможете увидеть две тысячи наскальных рисунков аборигенов. Здесь имеется много музеев, много художественных галерей, много выставок, ресторанов и кафе на открытом воздухе, где вы сможете вкусную местную еду.

Турист: That sounds fine.



Турист: Я намереваюсь отправиться в путешествие в Австралию. Я уже купил два билета. Вы предоставляете жильё?

Работник гостиницы: Certainly, sir! Мы имеем все виды жилья: отели, мотели, хостелы. Если вы не хотите беспокоиться о чем-либо, вам следует заказать комплексное турне, которое включает путешествия, гостиницу, еду.

Турист:  Я хочу заказать двухместный номер со всеми возможными удобствами: стиральной машиной, посудомоечной машиной, микроволновой печью, плитой, чайником, утюгом, холодильником, компьютером и спутниковым телевидением.

Работник гостиницы: Just a moment…  Let me see. Двухместный номер имеется в распоряжении на эту дату.

Турист: It’s a good idea! Имеется интернет в номере?

Работник гостиницы: Dont worry!

Турист: А какой вид из окна?

Работник гостиницы: Этот номер с красивым видом на Sydney Harbour.

Турист: Yes, fine! That sounds great.








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