Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Игра- конкурс "Jungle Call"

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Игра- конкурс "Jungle Call"

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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 20 города Йошкар-Олы»























(Внеклассное мероприятие-защита проектов  по теме

«Животный мир».

(учащиеся 3, 5, 6 классов.)










Садовина Л.В.,

учитель английского языка















1.     Приветствие  учителя

2.     Защита проекта по теме «The Wild Animals of Our Planet».

3.     Песня «The Safari Park».

4.     Защита проекта «Domestic Animals and Birds».

5.     Защита проекта «My Lovely Pet».

6.      Сценка «The Country Mouse and the City Mouse».

7.     Защита проекта «The Nation of Animal Lovers».

8.     Стихи о животных

9.     Защита проекта «Animals, Birds and Symbols»

10. Викторина «Animal World»

11. Список источников




























                                  The Wild Animals of Our Planet


Wild animals are animals which don’t live near people. They hunt small animals. They  are very dangerous.


Wild animals are strong. They are beautiful. They live in different places.


The animals which live in savanna: lions, hippos, zebras, giraffes and elephants.



The animals which live in the rainforest and tropics are tigers, parrots, monkeys.


The animals which live in the ocean are different fishes, whales, dolphins, sea-horses, sea-stars.


The animals which live in  Australia are kangaroos, koalas, giraffes, crocodiles, ostriches.


The animals which live in the polar regions: penguins, seals, polar bears,  reindeers.


The animals which live in the forest: foxes, wolves, bears, squirrels, hears, hedgehogs.


Some  animals live in the desert. They are camels, snakes, lizards and scorpions.


Приложение 1.




















The Safari Park.

Let’s go to the safari park

And see the animals before it’s dark.

The lion’s big and very strong,

And the kangaroo is jumping along!


The elephant is strong and grey,

The little panda is sleeping all day.

The big and hungry crocodile

Is watching me with a big toothy smile.


A monkey high up in the tree,

Is looking down and smiling at me!

Now have a look at the big brown bear;

And the tiger too, but please don’t stare!


Приложение 2.

Приложение 3.






















Domestic Animals and Birds


        At the Farm

If you live at a farm you’ll very soon find

There is plenty of work of many a kind,

Such as sowing the seed, and milking the cows,

And driving the sheep to green meadows to browse,

There are pigs and cows and oxen to feed,

And sometimes the horse to the field to lead.

Oh, there is plenty of work at the farm, you know,

With our four-footed friends, that we love so!


Domestic animals are animals which live near people on a farm. They eat grass, fruit and vegetables. They are very useful. People can’t live without animals. They help people to work. They give us food. We must take care of domestic animals.


The horse is a noble and useful animal. He is gentle and willing to work. He loves his master, and soon learns to know him. The horse is a clever animal. He can find his way home even if he goes by a new road. The horse feeds on grass, hay and corn.

Many people like to ride a horse especially children.


The cow is a very useful animal. The cow gives us milk and cream, from which we make butter and cheese. Milk helps us to be strong and healthy. From the cow we get leather and horn.

A young cow is called a calf. People keep the cows in cow-houses.

In summer cows and calves eat fresh grass, and in winter we feed them on hay.


The goat is also a very useful animal. It gives us milk. From goat’s  milk we can make butter and cheese. Goats are as big as dogs. They are very strong. They like to run, climb and jump. They can climb high hills. They like to fight.


Sheep live in many countries. The best kind of sheep are found in Middle Asia. They give us beautiful wool. In summer sheep are driven to browse. Sheep are meek and silly creatures, and somebody must look after them all the time. But they are very useful.


The hen is a domestic bird, but it can’t fly. It is not very big. It is white or colourful. It eats grass or grain. It gives us eggs.


In our class 45% pupils help their grandparents to take care of animals. They feed animals and watch for animals.

The goat is also a very useful animal. It gives us milk. From goat’s  milk we can make butter and cheese. Goats are as big as dogs. They are very strong. They like to run, climb and jump. They can climb high hills. They like to fight


Приложение 4.


My Lovely Pet


      My name is Natasha. I am nine. I have got a pet. It is my cat. Her name is Murka. She is five. My cat is not very big. She is grey and brown. She has got a long tail, big eyes, and ears. She has got long whiskers. My cat likes to  climb the trees. She can run fast. She likes to sleep with me. My little sister and me like to play with her. Murka is funny. My cat eats meat. She likes milk very much. She likes fish. I feed her every day. I love my pet.

























The Country Mouse and the City Mouse.


The Country Mouse: Hello. I am a Country Mouse. I live in the country.

The City Mouse: Hello. I am a City Mouse. I live in the city.

The Country Mouse: Hello! Glad to see you!

The City Mouse: Hello! Glad to see you too!

The Country Mouse: How are you?

The City Mouse: Fine. Thank you. And you?

The Country Mouse: I am fine too. Let’s have dinner together.

The City Mouse: Thank you!

The Country Mouse:

The City Mouse: (looks at the corn) What a funny dinner! Not a bit of cake or cheese. Come to my house.

The Country Mouse: Ok! Thank you very much.

The City Mouse: Come to the kitchen. There is a cake here! It is a very good cake. There is some cheese here. There are apples.

The Country Mouse: (hear a noise) What is that?

The City Mouse: That is a Cat. We must run.

The Country Mouse: I want to go home. I don’t like your house. I like my corn. It is better to be poor and happy than to be rich and live in fear.



















The Nation of Animal Lovers


The English are known as a nation of animal lovers. There is a pet in almost every family. Dogs, cats or budgies have a special place in the hearts of their owners.


Englishmen are sure that the person who loves animals can not be bad. They adore animals. They keep them for company.


In Great Britain there are many shops for pets. The owners can buy not only food for their lovers, but also clothes and toys.


Cats, dogs, parrots can do everything. The British people don’t punish animals. Though they punish their children if they notice their tricks.


In Great Britain there are many monuments to animals. For example in London. The monument is devoted to animals and insects which help people during the Second World War.


The memorial consists of horses, elephants, dogs,  two mules. They took an active  part during the war. One can see also glowworms which  help people to read letters in darkness.


In Great Britain there are also medals for animals. For example the dog Rob was awarded by medal because he made 20 jumps using parachute during the war.


Приложение 5.















Poems about animals



I think mice are very nice, 

Their tails are long, 

Their faces are small, 

They haven't any chins at all.

Their ears are pink,

Their teeth are white,

They run about the house at night.

They eat things They must not touch.

And no one seems to like them much.

But I think mice are very nice. 


Grizzly bear  

If you ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bear - 

You must never, never, never ask him where

He is going -  or what he is doing: 

For if you ever, ever dare 

To stop a grizzly bear - 

You will never meet 

Another grizzly bear.



Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
Where have you been?
I've been to London
To look at the Queen.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
What did you there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair.

Three little kittens

Three little kittens
They lost their mittens,
And they began to cry,
Oh, mother dear,
We greatly fear
Our mittens we have lost.

Lost your mittens,
You naughty kittens!
Then you shall have no pie. 
Miew, miew, miew,
No, you shall have no pie.

Three little kittens
Thet found their mittens,
And they began to cry,
Oh, mother dear,
See here, see here,
Our mittens we have found!

Found your mittens,
Your clever kittens,
Then you shall have some pie.
Purr, purr, purr,
Oh let us have some pie.


My Dog

My dog can’t talk

But he can bark.

 I take my dog

And go to the park.

I through him a stick

And he runs a race.

Then he comes back

And licks my face.



 "It is time for my piggies to go to bed,"

The nice, big, fat mother pig said.

"So I will count them first to see

If they have all come back to me.

One little piggie, two little piggies, Three little piggies dear.

Four little piggies, five little piggies.

Yes, they are all here!

 Why, they are the cutest piggies alive.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!"





















Animals, Birds and Symbols


      Life of people is closely connected with life of animals. From different kind of wild animals people have selected only about 50 kinds as domestic animals.

     Both domestic animals and wild animals play a great role in our life. That’s why people try to take care of them from ancient times.

     People considered that wild animals were strong, brave and dangerous. They wanted to have such characters as animals. People respected them. They thought that they had been animals. That’s why animals appeared in various religious. They became sacred.

     In many countries animals became symbols of Gods. In the ancient Greek mythology goddess Afina was represented together with an own. Own was a symbol of wisdom. Her father Zevs, king of Gods and all people, was represented with an eagle. That’s why we say that eagle is a king of birds.

     The symbol of Roman Goddess of love and beauty Venus was a pigeon. The God of the seas Neptun was drawn on a horse. Fauna was famous as the Goddess of animals.

     There were symbols at Christianity also. The symbol of Mark was a lion. The symbol of Luka was a bull. Ioan has got an eagle. Sacred people sponsored animals. 

     The symbol of medicine is a bowl with a snake. The snake symbolizes wisdom. According to legend the ancient Greek God of doctoring Asklepiy killed a snake. Another snake appeared with a grass in a mouth and recovered the killed snake. Asklepiy began to use this grass to recover people.

     Many different animals appeared in the sky with the help of ancient astronomers. Many stars are called by the names of animals: Big and Small she-bears, the Lion, The Whale.

     Different animals symbolizes different features of characters:

Camel - coolness,

Raven - cruelty,

Pigeon - innocence,

Hedgehog - wit,

Goat - slyness,

Swan - beauty,

Lion - power,

Fox - cunning,

Deer - speed,

Eagle - genius,

Elephant - good nature.

     In many countries favourite animals, birds became the symbols of the nation, the state. Such animals and birds we can see on flags and arms. On the arm of ancient Greece there was an owl. The arm of ancient  Rome was decorated with an eagle. There is a two-headed eagle on the arm of Russia. There  is a bald eagle on the arm of the USA.

     Animals and birds are represented on the arms of many Russian cities. On the arm of Yaroslavl we can see a bear, on the arm of Vladimir – a lion. The symbol of Nizhney Novgorod is an elk. The symbol of Kazan is a winged snake. A silver elk is represented on the arm of  Yoshkar-Ola. This elk is a master of our forests. This elk is also a symbol of power and generosity.

     We can see animals on national flags. In  Albania it is a two-headed eagle, in  Iran – a lion under the sun. There is a two-headed eagle on the flag of Russia.

     Many countries are associated with animals. The national symbol of Australia is a kangaroo and  emu. The national symbol of New Zealand is a kiwi. The national symbol of Russia is a bear.

     Animals and birds are closely connected with Olympic games. The Symbol of Olympic Games in Mexico was a pigeon Paloma. In 1972 in Munich participants of Olympic Games were met by a dog Valdy. In 1980 in Moscow the symbol was a smiling bear Misha. In 1984 in Los Angeles the most popular bird was an eagle Sam.

     Animals are also the symbols of parties in different countries. In Russia the symbol of «United Russia» is a bear. The symbol of democratic party in the USA is a donkey. The symbol of republic party is an elephant.

     A lot of animals, birds, fishes, insects are written in different fairy tales, legends and stories, such as wolves, foxes, hares, swans and so on.

     So you see that animals were a very important part of our life. And we can’t imagine our life without them nowadays.

Приложение 6.





















































Guess the animals

         god             (dog)        

         mekyno      (monkey)         

         tac              (cat)                  

         ogrf             (frog)

         omuse         (mouse)

         owc             (cow)

         ypon            (pony)

         ipg               (pig)

         sohre           (horse)


                                         Guess the Riddles

         Long ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They grow longer from day to day.          (Horse)

         Who is the king of the animal world?           (Lion)

         It is a domestic animal. It likes fish.              (Cat)

         This animal likes grass, gives milk.               (Cow)

         He is not a tailor, but carries needles with him.  (Hedgehog)


How long do animals live?

         Rabbits    (5 years)

         Dogs       (15 years)

         Pigs         (25 years)

         Sheep      (12 years)

         Goats       (15 years)

         Horses     (30 years)

         Cats         (13 years)

         Cows       (25 years)

         Camels    (40 years)


Match the name of the animal and its description.

The animal is afraid of everything.      (Hare)

The animal has a very bushy tail.        (Fox)

The animal sleeps all winter in a den.  (Bear)

He has a beautiful yellow skin with black stripes.    (Tiger)

She carries her babies in a pouch.          (Kangaroo)

The animal can live without water for a long time.  (Camel)

The animal with a white skin and black stripes.   (Zebra)

The animal has long hair around its neck.             (Lion)


Finish the saying


As brave as a …      (Lion)

As busy as a …       (Bee)

As cunning as a …  (Fox)

As fast as a …         (Hare)

As fat as …             (Pig)

As heavy as …        (Elephant)

As quite as …          (Mouse)

As slow as …           (Tortoise)



True or False


         Frogs cannot live in the sea.   (T)

         Some frogs live in Antarctica.  (F)

         There are poisonous frogs in Russia.   (F)

         Some tropical frogs have red eyes.   (T)

         Crocodiles can hold their breath for more than an hour.   (T)

         When crocodiles get hot, they rest with their mouths open. Birds sometimes fly into their mouths and pick food from between their teeth.   (T)

         In some Russian rivers there are crocodiles.  (F)

         The Nile crocodile  is the largest of all the world’s crocodiles.   (T)


Приложение 7.









Список источников

1. Дзюина Е.В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке. – М.: ВАКО, 2007. – 176 с.

2 .Ефанова З.А. Занимательные материалы по английскому языку 3-4 классы. – Волгоград: ИТД «Корифей». – 128 с.

3. Куклина И.П. Сказки и рассказы о животных: Книга для чтения на английском языке. – СПб.:КАРО, 2006. – 240 с.









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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Wild animals are animals which don’t live near people. They hunt small...

    1 слайд

    Wild animals are animals which don’t live near people. They hunt small animals. Some of them are very dangerous. Wild animals are strong. They are beautiful. They live in different places.
    The Wild Animals of Our Planet

  • The animals which live in a  savanna are lions, hippos, zebras, giraffes a...

    2 слайд

    The animals which live in a savanna are lions, hippos, zebras, giraffes and elephants.

    Wild Animals


    3 слайд


  • A lot of  animals live in the ocean, for example   different fishes, whales,...

    4 слайд

    A lot of animals live in the ocean, for example different fishes, whales, dolphins, sea-horses, sea-stars.

    Wild Animals
    Wild Animals

  • Kangaroos, koalas, live only in Australia.
Wild Animals

    5 слайд

    Kangaroos, koalas, live only in Australia.

    Wild Animals

  • The animals which live in the polar regions: penguins, seals, polar bears,  r...

    6 слайд

    The animals which live in the polar regions: penguins, seals, polar bears, reindeers.
    Wild Animals

  • Many animals live in the forest such as foxes, wolves, bears, squirrels, hear...

    7 слайд

    Many animals live in the forest such as foxes, wolves, bears, squirrels, hears, hedgehogs.
    Wild Animals

  • Camels, snakes, lizards and scorpions are 
known as animals of desert.Wild An...

    8 слайд

    Camels, snakes, lizards and scorpions are
    known as animals of desert.
    Wild Animals

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


    1 слайд


  • «The lions»«The tigers»

    2 слайд

    «The lions»
    «The tigers»

  • 1 Tell  us about yourself.
  2.Describe your captains.

    3 слайд

    1 Tell us about yourself.
    2.Describe your captains.

  • Name the animals!

    4 слайд

    Name the animals!


    5 слайд


  • What do    animals / birds/fish/insects     eat?

    6 слайд

    What do animals / birds/fish/insects eat?

  • What  can     animals /birds/fish/      do?

    7 слайд

    What can animals /birds/fish/ do?

  • Guess the animals

    8 слайд

    Guess the animals

  • Guess the animals
ogrf   -  frog    
sohre  -  horse 
onil -  lion

    9 слайд

    Guess the animals
    ogrf - frog
    sohre - horse
    onil - lion
    tac - cat
    earb- bear
    tibbar - rabbit
    ipg - pig
    omuse – mouse
    god- dog
    irgte - tiger

  • Guess the riddles

    10 слайд

    Guess the riddles

  • 11 слайд

  • 12 слайд

  • 13 слайд

  • 14 слайд

  • 15 слайд

  • 16 слайд

  • 17 слайд

  • 18 слайд

  • Jump  like a rabbit!
Walk like a tortoise!
Swim like a fish!
Fly like a bird!...

    19 слайд

    Jump like a rabbit!
    Walk like a tortoise!
    Swim like a fish!
    Fly like a bird!
    Run like a horse!
    Skip like a frog!
    Dance like a monkey!

  • Read the proverbs
Pat’s black cat is Pat’s black hat.
Snow is so snowy wh...

    20 слайд

    Read the proverbs
    Pat’s black cat is Pat’s black hat.
    Snow is so snowy when it is snowing

    3. The girl sees six big grey geese.
    4. A cup of nice coffee in a nice coffee-cup

  • The poems about the animals

    21 слайд

    The poems about the animals

  • Draw an animal with close eyes!

    22 слайд

    Draw an animal with close eyes!

  • Let’s do the  cinquain

    23 слайд

    Let’s do the cinquain

  • Tell us about your favourite animals!

    24 слайд

    Tell us about your favourite animals!

  • Let’s sing a song and dance!!

    25 слайд

    Let’s sing a song and dance!!

  • Did you like the game?

    26 слайд

    Did you like the game?

  • Thank you for your work!!

    27 слайд

    Thank you for your work!!

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Domestic Animals and Birds

    1 слайд

    Domestic Animals and Birds

  • At the Farm

If you live at a farm you’ll very soon find...

    2 слайд

    At the Farm

    If you live at a farm you’ll very soon find
    There is plenty of work of many a kind,
    Such as sowing the seed, and milking the cows,
    And driving the sheep to green meadows to browse,
    There are pigs and cows and oxen to feed,
    And sometimes the horse to the field to lead.
    Oh, there is plenty of work at the farm, you know,
    With our four-footed friends, that we love so!

  • Domestic animals are animals which live near people on a farm. They eat...

    3 слайд

    Domestic animals are animals which live near people on a farm. They eat grass, fruit and vegetables. They are very useful. People can’t live without animals. They help people to work. They give us food. We must take care of domestic animals.

  • THE HORSE     The horse is a noble and useful animal. He is gentle and willin...

    4 слайд

    The horse is a noble and useful animal. He is gentle and willing to work. He loves his master, and soon learns to know him. The horse is a clever animal. He can find his way home even if he goes by a new road. The horse feeds on grass, hay and corn.
    Many people like to ride a horse especially children.

  • THE COW     The cow is a very useful animal. The cow gives us milk and cream,...

    5 слайд

    The cow is a very useful animal. The cow gives us milk and cream, from which we make butter and cheese. Milk helps us to be strong and healthy. From the cow we get leather and horn.
    A young cow is called a calf. People keep the cows in cow-houses.
    In summer cows and calves eat fresh grass, and in winter we feed them on hay.

  • THE GOAT     The goat is also a very useful animal. It gives us milk. From go...

    6 слайд

    The goat is also a very useful animal. It gives us milk. From goat’s milk we can make butter and cheese. Goats are as big as dogs. They are very strong. They like to run, climb and jump. They can climb high hills. They like to fight.

  • THE SHEEP     Sheep live in many countries. The best kind of sheep are found...

    7 слайд

    Sheep live in many countries. The best kind of sheep are found in Middle Asia. They give us beautiful wool. In summer sheep are driven to browse. Sheep are meek and silly creatures, and somebody must look after them all the time. But they are very useful.

  • THE HEN    The hen is a domestic bird, but it can’t fly. It is not very big....

    8 слайд

    The hen is a domestic bird, but it can’t fly. It is not very big. It is white or colourful. It eats grass or grain. It gives us eggs.

  • In our class 45% pupils help their grandparents to take care of animals....

    9 слайд

    In our class 45% pupils help their grandparents to take care of animals. They feed animals and watch for animals.
    watch for

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


    1 слайд


  • The English people are known as a nation of animal lovers. There is a pe...

    2 слайд

    The English people are known as a nation of animal lovers. There is a pet in almost every family. Dogs, cats or budgies have a special place in the hearts of their owners.

  • Englishmen are sure that the person who loves animals can not be bad. T...

    3 слайд

    Englishmen are sure that the person who loves animals can not be bad. They adore animals. They keep them for company.

  • In Great Britain there are many shops for pets. The owners can buy not o...

    4 слайд

    In Great Britain there are many shops for pets. The owners can buy not only food for their lovers, but also clothes and toys.

  • Cats, dogs, parrots can do everything. The British people don’t punish a...

    5 слайд

    Cats, dogs, parrots can do everything. The British people don’t punish animals. Though they punish their children if they notice their tricks.

  • In Great Britain there are many monuments to animals. For example in Lon...

    6 слайд

    In Great Britain there are many monuments to animals. For example in London. The monument is devoted to animals and insects which help people during the Second World War.

  • The memorial consists of horses, elephants, dogs,  two mules. They took an ac...

    7 слайд

    The memorial consists of horses, elephants, dogs, two mules. They took an active part during the war. One can see also glowworms which help people to read letters in darkness.

  • In Great Britain there are also medals for animals. For example the dog...

    8 слайд

    In Great Britain there are also medals for animals. For example the dog Rob was awarded by medal because he made 20 jumps using parachute during the war.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


    1 слайд

    and SYMBOLS

  • Both domestic animals and wild animals play a great role in our life. Tha...

    2 слайд

    Both domestic animals and wild animals play a great role in our life. That’s why people try to take care of them from ancient times.

  • People considered that wild animals were strong, brave and dangerous. The...

    3 слайд

    People considered that wild animals were strong, brave and dangerous. They wanted to have such characters as animals. People respected them. They thought that they had been animals. That’s why animals appeared in various religious.

  • In many countries animals became symbols of Gods. 
In the ancient Greek...

    4 слайд

    In many countries animals became symbols of Gods.
    In the ancient Greek
    mythology goddess Afina was represented together with an owl. Owl was a symbol of wisdom. Her father Zevs, king of Gods and all people, was represented with an eagle. That’s why we say that eagle is a king of birds.

  • There were symbols at Christianity also. The symbol of Mark was a lion w...

    5 слайд

    There were symbols at Christianity also. The symbol of Mark was a lion with wings. The symbol of Luka was a bull.

  • The symbol of medicine is a bowl with a snake. The snake symbolizes wisd...

    6 слайд

    The symbol of medicine is a bowl with a snake. The snake symbolizes wisdom. According to legend the ancient Greek God of doctoring Asklepiy killed a snake. Another snake appeared with a grass in a mouth and recovered the killed snake. Asklepiy began to use this grass to recover people.

  • Many different animals appeared in the sky with the help of ancient astr...

    7 слайд

    Many different animals appeared in the sky with the help of ancient astronomers. Many stars are called in honor of animals: Big and Small she-bears, the Lion, The Whale.

  • Different animals symbolizes different features of characters:
Camel - coolne...

    8 слайд

    Different animals symbolizes different features of characters:
    Camel - coolness,
    Raven - cruelty,
    Pigeon - innocence,
    Hedgehog - wit,
    Goat - slyness,
    Swan - beauty,
    Lion - power,
    Fox - cunning,
    Deer - speed,
    Eagle - genius,
    Elephant - good nature.

  • In many countries favourite animals, birds became the symbols of the nat...

    9 слайд

    In many countries favourite animals, birds became the symbols of the nation, the state. Such animals and birds we can see on flags and arms. On the arm of Russia there is a two-headed eagle. On the arm of the USA there is a bald eagle. On the flag of Iran there is a lion under the sun.

  • Animals and birds are represented on the arms of many Russian cities. On...

    10 слайд

    Animals and birds are represented on the arms of many Russian cities. On the arm of Yaroslavl we can see a bear, on the arm of Vladimir – a lion. The symbol of Nizhney Novgorod is an elk. The symbol of Kazan is a winged snake.
    A silver elk was represented on the arm of
    Yoshkar-Ola. This elk is a master of our forests.
    This elk is also a symbol of power and generosity.
    Now it is a bear.

  • Many countries are associated with animals. The national symbol of Austr...

    11 слайд

    Many countries are associated with animals. The national symbol of Australia is a kangaroo and an emu. The national symbol of New Zealand is a kiwi. The national symbol of Russia is a bear.

  • Animals and birds are closely connected with Olympic games. 
     The Sy...

    12 слайд

    Animals and birds are closely connected with Olympic games.
    The Symbol of Olympic Games in Mexico was a pigeon Paloma. In 1972 in Munich participants of Olympic Games were met by a dog Valdy. In 1980 in Moscow the symbol was a smiling bear Misha. In 1984 in Los Angeles the most popular bird was an eagle Sam.

  • Animals are also the symbols of parties in different countries. In Russia...

    13 слайд

    Animals are also the symbols of parties in different countries. In Russia the symbol of the most popular party is a bear. The symbol of democratic party in the USA is a donkey. The symbol of republic party is an elephant.

  • A lot of animals, birds, fishes, insects are written in different fairy...

    14 слайд

    A lot of animals, birds, fishes, insects are written in different fairy tales, legends and stories, such as wolves, foxes, hares, swans and so on.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


    1 слайд


  • Guess the animals god                      

    2 слайд

    Guess the animals

  • Guess the RiddlesLong ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They...

    3 слайд

    Guess the Riddles
    Long ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They grow longer from day to day.
    Who is the king of the animal world?
    It is a domestic animal. It likes fish.
    This animal likes grass, gives milk.
    He is not a tailor, but carries needles with him.

  • Guess the RiddlesLong ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They...

    4 слайд

    Guess the Riddles
    Long ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They grow longer from day to day.
    Who is the king of the animal world?
    It is a domestic animal. It likes fish.
    This animal likes grass, gives milk.
    He is not a tailor, but carries needles with him.

  • Guess the RiddlesLong ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They...

    5 слайд

    Guess the Riddles
    Long ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They grow longer from day to day.
    Who is the king of the animal world?
    It is a domestic animal. It likes fish.
    This animal likes grass, gives milk.
    He is not a tailor, but carries needles with him.

  • Guess the RiddlesLong ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They...

    6 слайд

    Guess the Riddles
    Long ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They grow longer from day to day.
    Who is the king of the animal world?
    It is a domestic animal. It likes fish.
    This animal likes grass, gives milk.
    He is not a tailor, but carries needles with him.

  • Guess the RiddlesLong ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They...

    7 слайд

    Guess the Riddles
    Long ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They grow longer from day to day.
    Who is the king of the animal world?
    It is a domestic animal. It likes fish.
    This animal likes grass, gives milk.
    He is not a tailor, but carries needles with him.

  • Guess the RiddlesLong ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They...

    8 слайд

    Guess the Riddles
    Long ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They grow longer from day to day.
    Who is the king of the animal world?
    It is a domestic animal. It likes fish.
    This animal likes grass, gives milk.
    He is not a tailor, but carries needles with him.

  • Guess the RiddlesLong ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They...

    9 слайд

    Guess the Riddles
    Long ears, long ears. They like carrots. They like hay. They grow longer from day to day.
    Who is the king of the animal world?
    It is a domestic animal. It likes fish.
    This animal likes grass, gives milk.
    He is not a tailor, but carries needles with him.

  • How long do animals live?Rabbits

    10 слайд

    How long do animals live?

    5 years
    15 years
    25 years
    12 years
    15 years
    30 years
    13 years
    25 years
    40 years

  • Match the name of the animal and its description. The animal is afraid of ev...

    11 слайд

    Match the name of the animal
    and its description.
    The animal is afraid of everything.
    The animal has a very bushy tail.
    The animal sleeps all winter in a den.
    He has a beautiful yellow skin with black stripes.
    She carries her babies in a pouch.
    The animal can live without water for a long time.
    The animal with a white skin and black stripes.
    The animal has long hair around its neck.

  • Finish the sayingAs brave as …

As busy as …

As cunning as …

As fast as …

    12 слайд

    Finish the saying
    As brave as …

    As busy as …

    As cunning as …

    As fast as …

  • Finish the sayingAs fat as …

As heavy as …

As quite as …

As slow as …

    13 слайд

    Finish the saying
    As fat as …

    As heavy as …

    As quite as …

    As slow as …

  • True or FalseFrogs cannot live in the sea.
Some frogs live in Antarctica.

    14 слайд

    True or False
    Frogs cannot live in the sea.
    Some frogs live in Antarctica.
    There are poisonous frogs in Russia.
    Some tropical frogs have red eyes.

  • True or FalseCrocodiles can hold their breath for more than an hour.
When cro...

    15 слайд

    True or False
    Crocodiles can hold their breath for more than an hour.
    When crocodiles get hot, they rest with their mouths open. Birds sometimes fly into their mouths and pick food from between their teeth.
    In some Russian rivers there are crocodiles.
    The Nile crocodile
    is the largest of all
    the world’s crocodiles.

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