Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "My Fair Lady"

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "My Fair Lady"

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Внеклассное мероприятие « Myfairlady»

(по мотивам    произведений Б.Шоу «Пигмалион», О.Уальда«Портрет Дориана Грея», сказок Ш.Перро)




Преподаватель: Свибович К.В.




Дата  проведения: 23.12.14 г.

Тема мероприятия: « My fair lady»

Цель: совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки учащихся


- развивать монологическую и диалогическую речь студентов;

 - развивать творческие способности учащихся;

 - воспитывать любовь и интерес к изучению английского языка;

 - повышать уровень эстетической культуры;

- приобщать учащихся к чтению иностранной  художественной литературы


Форма проведения: театрализованное представление

Технологии и методы обучения: театрализация, ролевая игра, метод проектов

Межпредметные связи: «Английский язык», «Литература», «Самопознание».

Оборудование: мультимедийное оборудование,театральные костюмы, декорации, диски с музыкальными записями





Ход мероприятия:

1.     Вводная часть.

Организационный момент.

 Приветствие, объявление  темы, цели и формы мероприятия.

2.     Основная часть.

Инсценирование фрагментов пьеыБ.Шоу «Пигмалион».     

Инсценирование фрагментов сказки Ш.Перро « Спящая красавица».

Инсценирование фрагментов сказки Ш.Перро «Золушка».

Инсценирование фрагментов произведения О.Уальда «Портрет Дориана Грея»

3.     Заключительная часть.



Act 1


Story – teller:(under the umbrella): It is evening. It is raining cats and dogs. The theatregoers are waiting for the cabs to take them home. Suddenly a young but very dirty flower girl offers flowers to an elderly gentleman. The second man writes her words down and repeats them. The girl begins to cry because she is afraid that the second man is a policeman.

The Daughter(in the space between the central pillars, close to the one on her left) I`m getting chilled to the bone. What can Freddy be doing all this time? Has been gone twenty minutes.

The Mother: Not so long. But he ought to have got us a cab by this.

Pickering: He wont get cab until half-past eleven, missus, when they come back after dropping their theatre fares.

The daughter: Other people got cabs. Why couldn`t he?

Freddy: there is not one to be had for love or money.

The mother: Oh, Freddy, there must be one. You cant have tried.

Freddy: Oh,  very well : I`ll go, I`ll go.

The flower girl: (picking up her scattered flowers and replacing them in the basket) There is menners of yet! Te-oobanchesovoylets trod in to the mad.

The mother:  (to  Higgins) Oh, sir, is there any sign of its stopping?

Higgins: I`m afraid not. It started worse than ever about 2 minutes ago.

The flower girl: If it’s worse it’s a sing its nearly over. So cheer up, Captain; and by a flower of a poor girl.

Higgins: Oh, what a terrible accent this stupid girl has. Are you from LissonGrove.

Crowd: Who are you? Are you policeman? Are you oracle?

Higgins: Simply phonetics. The science of speech. That’s my profession: also my hobby. Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby! You can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his  brogue. I can place any man within six miles. I can place him within two miles in London. Sometimes within two streets.

The flower girl: Ah-ah-ah-ow-ow-ow-oo!

Pickering: I am myself a student of Indian dialects

Higgins: Are you? Do you know Colonel Pickering, the author of Spoken Sanscrit?

Pickering: I`m Colonel Pickering. Who are you?

Higgins: Henry Higgins, author of Higgins`s Universal Alphabet.

Pickering: I came from India to meet you

Higgins: I was going to India to meet you.

The flower girl: Buy a flower, kind gentleman. I`m short for my lodging. Take the whole blooming basket for sixpence. (picking up a half-crown) Ah-ow-ooh.


Act 2

Story-teller: Mr. Higgins and Colonel Pickering are examining a piece of apparatus when Mrs. Pearce enters the room

Mrs. Pearce(to Mr. Higgins): A young woman wants to see you, sir.

Higgins: Show her in, Mrs. Pearce.

Higgins(recognizing her): Why, this is the girl whose words I jotted down last night. She is no use: I've got all the notes I need of the Lisson Grove accent. Be off with you.

The flower girl: Don't be so saucy. I ain't come here to ask for any compliment; and if my money is good enough I can go elsewhere.

Higgins: Good enough for what?

Theflowergirl: Good enough for ye-oo. I've come to have lessons, I am. And to pay for them too: make no mistake.

Higgins: Well!!! (Recovering his breath with a gasp) What do you expect me to say to you?

The f1оweг girl: Well, if you was a gentleman, you might ask me to sit down, I think.

Pickering: Sit down, please. What is your name? What do you want, my girl?

The flower girl(sitting down): My name is Liza, Eliza Doolittle. I want to be a lady in a flower shop. But they won't take me in unless I can talk more genteel. (Pointing to Higgins) He said he could teach me. And I am ready to pay him — not asking any favour — and he treats me as if I was dirt.

Mrs, Pearce: How can you be such a foolish girl as to think you could afford to pay Mr. Higgins?

Liza: Why shouldn't I? I know what lessons cost as well as you do, and I`m ready to pay you a sniffing. Take it or leave it.

Higgins (walking up and down the room): You know, Pickering, if you consider a shilling not as a simple shilling, but as a percentage of this girl's income, it works out fully equivalent to sixty pounds from a millionaire.

Liza(rises): Sixty pounds. What are you talking about? Oh — (She begins to cry.)

Higgins: Sit down. Here's a handkerchief for you.

Pickering: Higgins, I'm interested. What about the Christmas Ball? I'll say you are the greatest teacher alive if you make that good.

Higgins(tempted, looking at her): It's almost irresistible. She is so horribly dirty

Liza: Ah-ah-ow-ow-oo! I ain't dirty. I washed my face and hands afore I come, I did,

Pickering; Will you help us, Miss. Pearce?

Mrs. Pearce: Certainly. Come with me, Liza.

Story Teller: Next day Higgins started to teach her. (They learned sounds and tongue twister).

Higgins: Repeat after me: Rubber baby buggy bumpers.

Elizabeth: Rubber baby buggy bumpers.

Higgins: Today we`ll read a story “Sleeping Beauty” (Elizabeth read the story)

Sleeping beauty.


Author: King Stefan and Queen have had a child.All manner of folk came to the christening. Even three of the fairies who sought to foster peace and good will.

Green Fairy: Look, there's the baby!

Blue Fairy: Love Baby!

Pink Fairy:Concentrate, please! I'm not telling you again!

Come to the King. King Stefan stops them.

Pink Fairy: Greetings, Your Majesty! I am Knotgrass of the Moorland four folk.

Blue Fairy: I am Flittle, Your Kingship.

Green Fairy:And I am Thistletwit, Your Royals..

Queen: They bring gifts for our daughter.

Blue Fairy(nods): These are not just any old gifts. For you see, we are magic!

Pink Fairy: And very good with children.

King(allows):Very well.

Fairies comes to cradle.

Pink Fairy: Sweet Aurora. I wish for you the gift of beauty.

Blue Fairy: My wish is that you'll never be blue. Only happy, all the days of your life.

Green Fairy: Sweet baby. My wish for you is that you'll find...

Appears wicked witch.

Pink, Blue and Green Fairies: Oh no... this is wicked witch.

Wicked Witch: Well well. What a glittering assemblage, King Stefan.

Royalty... Nobility.. The gentry and... How quaint..Even the rabble.

I must say I really felt quite distressed of not receiving an invitation.

King: You're not welcome here.

Wicked Witch: Oh dear... What an awkward situation.

Queen: You're not offended?

Wicked Witch: Why no. And to show I bear no ill-will I too shall bestow a gift on the child.

King: No! We don't want your gift!

PinkandBlueFairies: Stay away from the princess!

Green Fairy: Yes, stay away!

Wicked Witch chases Faries and bends to cradle.

Wicked Witch: Listen well, all of you! The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty. Beloved by all who meet her.

Queen:That's a lovely gift.

King: Don't do this!

Wicked Witch: But... Before the sun sets on her 16th birthday she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning where and fall into a sleep like death! A sleep from which she will never awaken.

King:Wicked Witch, please don't do this. I'm begging you.

Wicked Witch: I like you begging.. Do it again.

King and Queen stand on knees.

King: I beg you.

Wicked Witch:Alright.. The princess can be woken from her death sleep. But only by true love's kiss.

This curse will last until the end of time! No power on earth can change it!

  Act 3

Story teller: Half a year has passed and now Elizabeth is ready for her first ball at Duchess` Palace.Guests on the Ball dancing the waltz.

Higgins: Let`s introduce you to the Duchess of Kerr. (They go to Her Grace).

Pickering: May I present Miss Elizabeth Doolittle (to Her Grace)

Her Grace: How do you do?

Elizabeth: How kind of you to let me come. (Elizabeth went away with Pickering)

Her Grace: Oh, professor good evening. Who is this charming girl you have brought? Is she a relation?

Higgins: No. Not of mine.

Her Grace: She appeared at our Christmas Ball like a Cinderella. You know this story. (Cinderella story)


Scene 1

(Music sounds.)
Author. This is the story of Cinderella. She is a beautiful girl. She hasn’t got a mother. She has got a father – Lord Basil, a stepmother – Lady Sybil and two stepsisters – Pat and Liz.
Cinderella. Good morning, Daddy, dear!
Father. Good morning, my child. How are you today?
Cinderella.Fine, Daddy.And you?
Father. Oh, I’m OK, but, my child…
Cinderella. Yes, Daddy?
(Enter Lady Sybil.)
Stepmother. Cinderella, what are you doing? You’re not working!
Stepmother.Work, girl, work. Make the breakfast. I’m hungry. I want my toast, jam, cheese and a cup of tea.
Cinderella. Yes, stepmother.
Stepmother. And you Basil, what are you doing? Helping the girl?
Father. Oh, no…
Stepmother. My daughters are coming down and they want their breakfast, too.
(Enters Pat.)
Cinderella. Good morning, sister.
Pat. Good morning, Mummy, dear.
Stepmother. And how are you today, Pat, dear?
Pat. Terrible, terrible.
Stepmother. Oh, dear.
(Enters Liz.)
Cinderella. Good morning, sister.
Stepmother. Ah, good morning, my child.
Liz. Morning.
Stepmother. And how are you today?
Liz. Terrible.
Stepmother. Oh, dear, you too?
Liz. Oh, my head…, my teeth…, oooh…
Pat. Hmmmmmmmm! Cinderella! Where is my breakfast? I’m hungry and thirsty. I want two eggs, cookies, two cups of tea, milk, sugar and six pieces of toast.
Liz. I want a cup of coffee… Oh, my head…
Pat. …with cheese…
Liz. Coffee.Black. No sugar. I want my breakfast now, Cinderella. Oh, my teeth…oooh…
Pat. …and an apple.
Cinderella. Yes, sister. Coming.

Scene 2

(Cinderella is sweeping the floor. Her stepmother is sitting in the armchair watching her critically.)
Pam. There will be a ball…
Liz. In the King’s Palace!
Stepmother. Well, I know all, but where is… Where is my dress? (to Cinderella.)
Pam. And mine? I want a beautiful red evening dress, a blue hat and red shoes.
Liz. And mine? I want a beautiful pink evening dress, a white hat and pink shoes.
Stepmother. Why can’t you find anything when I ask?
Oh, it’s not a difficult task.
Your dress is there.
Your dresses are here…
(She gives them the dresses.)
Stepmother. Be careful, dear. Don’t spoil them with your dirty hands.
Cinderella. Sisters, you are happy, aren’t you?
Pam (in great surprise). Do you also want to go to the ball?
Cinderella. Oh, I can’t dream of the ball at all!
Stepmother. Of course, you have much work to do. You must think about it, too.
Pam. First, you must mend my socks. (She gives Cinderella her socks with big holes.)
Liz. Clean the spoons, the knives and the forks. (She puts everything into Cinderella’s apron.)
Cinderella (in despair). Oh, yes, I’ll do everything, don’t worry. And then… can I go to the ball?
Stepmother. You can’t go to the ball.
Pat and Liz. You can’t go to the ball.
(Enters Postman.)
Postman. Oh, yes, she can. Look here. The invitation card says: “To Lord Basil and Lady Sybil and their three daughters”. So she can go to the ball.
Stepmother. Oh no, she can’t.
Postman. Oh yes, she can.
Pat and Liz. Oh no, she can’t.
Stepmother. Oh yes, she can.
Pat and Liz. What?
Stepmother. Yes, she can go to the ball. Of course, she can. Thank you, postman. You have a very busy day today. Goodbye, postman.
Cinderella, you can go to the ball. But first there’s some work for you to do. Make beds, go to the shop and buy food and drink, make tea, wash my dresses…
Liz. Wash my dresses.
Pat. And my dresses!
Liz. My stockings!
Pat. And my socks!
Stepmother. And only then you can make your dress for the ball. And then you can go to the ball.
Cinderella. Oh no! I can’t do all that today! How can I go to the ball now?!
(They leave the stage with their dresses.)

Scene 3.

(Cinderella is crying. Music sounds. The Fairy appears.)
Fairy. Why are you crying, dear child? Why? Please, don’t cry!
Cinderella. I can’t go to the ball because my dress is dirty and old. Who can help me?
Fairy. I know you are kind and pretty, my dear. I want to help you.
Cinderella. But who are you?
Fairy. I’m your Fairy Godmother, Cinderella. Please, look here. (She waves her magic wand.)
One, two, three… (Cinderella has a new dress. The Fairy has beautiful shoes in her hands and gives them to Cinderella.)
Cinderella. Oh, what do I see?
A dress and shoes for me…
Thank you, you are so kind!
I’m happy now. It’s really fine!
Fairy. But at 12 o’clock you must be at home, dear. Come home before that time. Do you understand?
Cinderella. Oh yes, yes. Thank you, thank you. Thank you very much, Fairy!
Fairy. Bye, Cinderella. Have a good time. And remember – you must back home before 12 o’clock.

Scene 4.

(At the King’s ball. The Queen and the King are opening the ball. The guests dance.)
Queen. The ball is on, please dance and play!
King. We want to make a happy holiday!
(Music and dancing. Suddenly Cinderella appears and the music stops.)
Queen (to the King). Who is that girl?
King. She is so nice and smart…
Prince. May I dance with you? Let’s start… You are a dream of my heart.
(Music again, they dance. Suddenly the music stops again. The clock strikes 12 times.)
Cinderella.It’s 12 o’clock and I must run. Good bye, dear Prince. I really had a great fun!
(She runs away having lost one of her shoes.)
Prince. Where have you run, the dream of my heart? I want to dance with you all night!
(He picks up the lost shoe and looks at it.)

Scene 5.

(The stepsisters and stepmother are talking. Cinderella is sitting aside, knitting something.)
Pat. A beautiful lady was at the ball. We really don’t know her.
Liz. The Prince wants to marry her.
Stepmother. But where is this herald going?
(The herald and Prince enter the room with Cinderella’s father.)
Prince. Please, try on this glass shoe.
Herald (looking through the long list). We know you were at the ball.
Pat (trying the shoe on). It’s too small.
Liz. It’s small for me, too.
Father. But look at my daughter. She has small feet.
Prince. Come here, and, please, take it. (Gives her the shoe)
Stepmother. But she didn’t go to the ball. She is Cinderella and that is all!
Cinderella. I want to try it on, Mum. Besides, I’ve got another one.
Pat. You were that wonderful lady, I see. Oh, Cinderella, excuse me.
Liz. And me.
Stepmother.And me.
Best wishes to you, my dear.
I know, you weren’t happy here.
Excuse me, too.
But what could I do?
Cinderella. I’m so happy today. Don’t cry.
I forgive all of you. Good-bye!
Prince. Be quick, let’s dance, my dear.
(They all dance.)


Story teller: Higgins continued to introduce her to other guests. Suddenly one guest came up to her. It was Dorian Grey.

Dorian Grey: Good evening. My name is Dorian Grey and I have visited many Balls and seen many pretty ladies but you are one of the most beautiful. What is your name?

Elizabeth: I glad to hear it, my name is Elizabeth Doolittle.

Dorian Grey:. I am often invited to different dinner parties and yesterday I visited one of them and met many interesting people (Dorian Grey story).


Oscar Wilde

 Dorian Grey


Dorian Grey:  - Good afternoon Lady Narborough!

Lady Narborough: - Good afternoon my dear Dorian. You are handsome as usual. I’m extremely sad, I haven’t met you in early life. I should have fallen madly in love with you.

Dorian Grey:  - You flatter me!

Lady Narborough: - Today I’ve a private party only for intimate friends. Here you can meet Ernest Harrowdon, he is one of those middle-aged mediocrities, who has no enemies.

Lady Roxton an overdressed woman of forty-seven.

Mrs. Erlynne, with delightful Venetian-red hair.

My daughter  Lady Alice Chapman and her husband Mr. Chapman.

Lady Narborough: -  Dear guests, please take your seats.

How horrid of Lord Henry to be so late! I sent round to him this morning  on chance, and he promised faithfully not to disappoint me.

Lord Henry: - Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen.

Dorian, what is the matter with you to-night? You are quite out of sorts.

Lady Narborough: - I believe he is in love, and that he is        

afraid to tell me for fear I should be jealous. He is quite right. I       

certainly should.

Dorian Grey:  - Dear Lady Narborough, I have not been       

in love for a whole week- not, in fact, since Madame de Ferrol left        


Lady Roxton:- How you men can fall in love with that woman! I really cannot understand it.

Lord Henry: - It is simply because she remembers you when you were a little girl, Lady Roxton. She is the one link between us and your short frocks.

Lady Roxton: - She does not remember my short frocks at all, Lord Henry. But I remember her very well at Vienna thirty years ago, and how                 

dicolletee she was then.

Ernest Harrowden: - She is still dicolletee. She is really wonderful, and     

full of surprises. Her capacity for family affection is extraordinary.     

When her third husband died, her hair turned quite gold from grief.

Dorian Grey:  - How can you, Ernest!

Mrs. Erlynne: - It is a most romantic explanation. But her third husband, Ernest! You don't mean to say Ferrol is the fourth?"                                                                    

Lord Henry: - Certainly, Lady Erlynne.

Lady Narborough: - I don't believe a word of it.

Lord Henry: - Well, ask Mr. Gray. He is one of her most intimate friends.

Lady Narborough: - Is it true, Mr. Gray?

Dorian Grey: - She assures me so, Lady Narborough. I asked her          

whether, she had their hearts embalmed and hung at her girdle. She told me she didn't, because none of them had had any hearts at all.

Lady Narborough: - Four husbands! Upon my word that is trop de zele.

Dorian Grey: - Trop d' audace, I tell her.

Lady Alice Chapman: - Oh! she is audacious enough for anything, my dear. And what is Ferrol like? I don't know him.

Mr.Chapman: - The husbands of very beautiful women belong to the criminal classes.

Lady Narborough: - Lord Henry, I am not at all surprised that the world says that you are extremely wicked.

Lord Henry: - But what world says that? It can only be the next world. This world and I are on excellent terms.           .        

Lady Roxton: - Everybody I know says you are very wicked.

Lord Henry: - It is perfectly monstrous, the way people go about nowadays saying things against one behind one's back that are absolutely and entirely true.

Dorian Grey: - Isn't he incorrigible?"

Lady Narborough: - I hope so. But really if you all          

worship Madame de Ferrol in this ridiculous way, I shall have to marry again so as to be in the fashion.                    

Ernest Harrowden: - You will never marry again, Lady Narborough. You were far too happy. When a woman marries again it is because she detested her first husband. When a man marries again, it is because he adored his first wife. Women try their luck; men risk theirs.

Lady Narborough: - Narborough wasn't perfect.

Mr.Chapman: - If he had been, you would not have loved him, my dear lady. Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them they will forgive us everything, even our intellects. You will never ask me to dinner again, after saying this, I am afraid, Lady Narborough; but it is quite true.

Lady Alice Chapman: - Of course it is true, my dear.  If we women did not love you for your defects, where would you all be? Not one of you would ever be married. You would be a set of unfortunate bachelors.

Lord Henry: - Fin de siècle.

Lady Narborough: - Fin du globe.

Dorian Grey: - I wish it were fin du globe. Life is a great disappointment.

Lady Narborough: - Ah, my dear, don't tell me that you have exhausted Life. When a man says that one knows that Life has exhausted him. Lord Henry is very wicked, and I sometimes wish that I had been. 

Lord Henry: - What nonsense people talk about happy marriages! A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her.

Lady Narborough: - Ah! what a cynic you are! You must come and dine with me soon again and tell me what people you would like to meet. I want it to be a delightful gathering.

Ernest Harrowden: - I like men who have a future, and women who have a past. Or do you think that would make it a petticoat party?

Lady Narborough: - I fear so.

Lord Henry: - Are you better, my dear fellow? You seemed rather out of sorts at dinner.

Dorian Grey: - Don't mind me, Harry. I am irritable, and out of temper. I shall come round and see you to-morrow or next day. Make my excuses Lady. Narborough. I must go home.

Lady Narborough: - All right, Dorian. I dare say I shall see you to-morrow at tea-time.


Freddy: (He came up to Elizabeth) You are the most beautiful lady on the Ball, could you give me a dance?

Elizabeth: It will be pleasant for me to except your invitation. (They are dancing)

Freddy: Miss Doolittle We have known for several days, and the impression that I’ve known you all my life. You stole my heart. I’m always spending nights under your balcony.  Eliza I love you.

Elizabeth: We could just be friends, from that very moment I`m not Miss Doolittle for you just Eliza, but now sorry, I have to go.

 Act 4

Story-teller: It is midnight, after the Ball. Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering are in Higgins' drawing room. Then Liza comes down. All of them look very tired.

Higgins: I wonder where the devil my slippers are!

Pickering: you've won your bet, Higgins. Eliza has been perfect.

Higgins: Thank God it's over.

Pickering: I think I shall go upstairs. Still it's been a great occasion, a triumph for you. Goodnight. (Hе goes.)

Higgins: Where are my slippers?

Eliza: Here are your slippers. Take them and may you never have a day's luck with them.

Higgins(astounded):  What's the matter? Anything wrong?

Eliza : Nothing wrong with you. I've won your bet for you, haven't I? That's enough for you. don't matter, I suppose.

Eliza: You don't care. I know you don't care. You wouldn't care if I were dead.

Higgins: But that's all over now. There is nothing more to worry about

Higgins : Now you are free and can do what you like.

Eliza: Where am I to go? What am I to do? What's to become of me?

Higgins : And what about your old idea of a florist's shop? You'll be all right.

Eliza: don’t carry about me, your slippers.

Higgins:yes, of course. You hurled them at me.

Higgins:(A pause.)What will you do?

Eliza:Freddy writes to me two or three times a day, sheets and sheets.. He has a right to if he likes, poor lad. And he does love me. Every girl has a right to be loved. Freddy has no money, but I'll marry him.

Higgins:Eliza, I said I'd make a woman of you; and I did. I like you like this.




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Краткое описание документа:

Внеклассное мероприятие "My Fair Lady" подготовлено по мотивам произведений Б. Шоу "Пигмалион", О. Уальда "Портрет Дориана Грея" и сказок Ш. Перро в форме ролевой игры и театрализации. В основе постановки лежит пьеса Б. Шоу "Пигмалион", в которую были включены сказки Ш. Перро "Спящая красавица" и "Золушка", а также О.Уальда "Портрет Дориана Грея". Данная постановка рекомендуется для учащихся старших классов.

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    Свибович Кристина Васильевна
    Свибович Кристина Васильевна
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    • Всего просмотров: 914
    • Всего материалов: 1

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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Технолог-калькулятор общественного питания

Технолог-калькулятор общественного питания

500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания испанского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 76 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Китайский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

Преподаватель китайского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 16 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Особенности подготовки к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС СОО

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 208 человек из 48 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 242 человека


Медико-педагогические аспекты обучения и тренировки

2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Эволюция классической музыки до романтизма

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Основы управления проектами

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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