Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему: "Писатели Англии, США и Канады"

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему: "Писатели Англии, США и Канады"

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Внеклассное мероприятие на тему «Literature in English –speaking countries»

7-8 классы


 Цели :


 - познакомить воспитанников с образцами английской народной поэзии;


 - развить навыки устной речи;

 - развивать творческие способности воспитанников;

 - развивать коммуникативные навыки


- воспитывать интерес к чтению произведений английских американских и канадских  писателей;

 - прививать любовь к поэзии, желание открывать новые стороны творчества известных поэтов;

Воспитывать чувство ответственности за порученное дело и за итог в целом;





(Игра для трех команд, каждая команда готовит домашнее задание «Писатели Америки, Канады,Англии ». Жюри оценивает каждую команду. В конце игры объявляется победитель и награждаются грамотами участники.)


1)      Good day, students, guests.  As you know this year is the year of literature and we  are glad to see you today in our unusual lesson “literature in English-speaking countries”.

Tell me please do you like books? What kind of books do you  read?

Forever you can talk about the masters of fine words, regardless of their belonging to countries, Nations and epochs. Time passes and we again and again recall their names and poetical works. Shakespeare,Byron, Keats, Shelley, Carroll...

2)      Lets remember about these countries.

 (презентация история стран)

1.English-speaking countries

Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia   are English speaking countries. They are situated in different parts of the world and differ in many ways. The nature of these countries, their weather and climate and way of life of their people differ. Each coutry has it's own history customs, traditions, its own national holidays. But they all have a common language. English, the language of the people who left England to make their names in new countries.


1#Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is nearly as big as small of Europe. She shares with the USA the world’s largest seven lakes, as well as Canada’s longest river three in the world.

  The capital of Canada is Ottawa. In Canada there are people of many nationalities. There are two official languages in country, English and French. English spoken in Canada is a bit different from British English: there are some pronunciation and grammatical differences.

  The red and write Canadian flag shows a leaf of the maple tree , which grows in North America. The maple leaf is the official emblem of Canada.


2#Great Britain is an island nation. Usually  it is shortened to the United Kingdom or UK or Great Britain.  It's one of the world's smallest countries - it's twice smaller than France or Spain. However, there are only nine other countries with more people, and London is the world's seventh biggest city.

  In Britain you can meet people of many different nationalities.

  The capital of the UK is London. The official language is English. Do you know that English is made up of Anglo-Saxon,  French and Latin? It also includes a lot of words from Greek and other languages, even Russian.


3#The rose is the national emblem of England.

  Australia is the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world.  It is the only country in the world, which occupies an entire continent and some of the islands around it. It lies between the Indian and : the Pacific Oceans. It's a large country, but its population is only 18,3 million people.          There are «original Australians» who lived here long ago but most of population came to Australia from Britain, Ireland and other countries years ago. At present in Australia there are a lot of people from Russia.

  The capital of Australia is Canberra.

  English is the official language in Australia. But English spoken in Australia is a bit different from British English and American English.                                                                                                                                                Sometimes Australia is called «Oz» or «the Lucky Country»


4#United States one of the most powerful and advanced countries world. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the cast to the Pacific Ocean in the west and from Canada in the north to Mexico in the south. The capital of the USA is Washington, though some people think it's New York. This famous city is the financial and cultural center of the USA.

   The USA has the third largest population in the world. It's a real melting pot. English is the official language in the USA. But the English language spoken in my country is known as American English.


5#There are some differences between British and American English. For example a film in Britain is a movie in America, a postman is a mailman, the underground is the subway. But people speaking British English can be easily understood in the US. No problem. The second important language in the United States is Spanish.

  The motto of the country is «In God We Trust»


3)      We have 3 groups. Each group should think about the team’s name and submit the home work. So you have 3 min for thinking of your names. And our jury will evaluate each team. Lets play.

(Команды представляют свое домашнее задание и представляют названия своих команд)


We return to our theme and we are starting with British writers

(презентация Британские писатели)


  Charle Dickens  is one of the most famous English writers.

 He wrote: “Big hopes”, ”Life of David Coperfield told by himself”, “Cold house” and other novels…


   (1816 – 1855)

She  is an English writer. She was a teacher  in school.

 Her  novels are “The Teacher”, “The Town”, “Sherley”, “Jane Eyre” and others.


Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born  on the 30 of December in 1865 in Bombey.

 He wrote  poems and novels. The most popular  books are “The Jungle Book” and “Kim”. He was the fist English man who got  Nobel Prize in 1907. English short-story writer, novelist and poet, remembered for his celebration of British imperialism and heroism in India and Burma. Kipling was the first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1907). His most popular works include THE JUNGLE BOOK (1894) and the JUST SO STORIES (1902), a collection of tales about how animals came to be the way they are today.
Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay, India, where his father was an arts and crafts teacher at the  School of Art. His mother was a sister-in-law of the painter Edward Burne-Jones. India was at that time ruled by the British.

     He died  in 1936  in London.


(1890 – 1976)

 She took her husband’s surname (Christi). She is one of the most famous English writers .

 She wrote detective stories .Also she led Detective Club.

     One of her  well  known novel  is “Ten little Niggers”


(1832 -1898)

 English writer, mathematician, photographer and philosopher.

His most famous novel  is: “Alice in the Wanderland”.


( 1771 – 1832)

Walter Scott was born in Edinburgh.

A British (Scottish)  writer who is known all over the world. He created  the genre of historical novels. He had fantastic memory. 

His popular novels are “Aivengo” and ”Qventin Dorvar”.


       (1854 – 1900)

 He was  a novelist and a poet. He is famous for his plays . 

His most famous works  are  “The picture of Dorian Grey”, the play “Salomea” and the story “Kentervill’s ghost”.


(1856 -1950)

Was born  in Dublin, Ireland. British (Irish and English) writer, novelist, playwright, Nobel Prize in Literature. The second (after Shakespeare) most popular playwright in the English theater. The only person awarded both a Nobel Prize for Literature (1925, "For creativity, marked by idealism and humanism, a satire) and Academy Award winner (1938, with the script for the film "Pygmalion") . In the 1930's came to the USSR.


Презентации «американские писатели», «канадские писатели» (прослушивание)

4)      The next task is, each team has to complete the crossroad. And the jury will decide who is the quickest today . You have 10 min


5)      We have got a test,  try to receive points , 1 answer is just  1 point.


6)      The last………..you should write a latter. Also you have some rules of letter writing. Be attentive.

“….I like reading. And our lesson was unusual.  I know it sounds strange nowadays. What new information have you known today? How do you think is it important to read today? What kind of books do you like reading?....”

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.





Dear  Kate,

Tank you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Our lesson…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................................................................................................................................................

I think ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

I like to read………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….




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7)And now our jury  will check your works and count the points. Lets give them 5 minutes.


A book is one of the greatest wonders of the World. Together with characters you can find yourself in different , and countries have a lot of adventures. The book is a faithful friend. They form our values and characters of your favorite books: to be brave, honest. If you are not find of reading, take a book of your liking and read it.

So lets listen the results of our teams.


We want to finish with the poem “if” by Joseph Rudyard Kipling

 If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings – nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man my son!













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