Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыВнеклассное мероприятие. посвящённое 8 марта (10 класс)

Внеклассное мероприятие. посвящённое 8 марта (10 класс)

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(10 КЛАСС)

TASK 1                    FAMOUS W0MEN

1 She didn’t go to school and got her education at home. She took part in the war of 1914. She began to write detective stories in 1920 and became famous in 1926. She wrote 68 novels and more than a hundred stories. What is her name? (Agatha Christie )

http://lichnosti.net/photos/947/main.jpg http://go2.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//s1.tchkcdn.com/g2-kyYIYW1-_oL6k2qfEF21Kw/lady/640x480/f/0/1-3-5-9-12359/67541_agata_kristi.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_936

2 She was the partner of Alexander Zaitsev in figure skating? (Irina Rodnina )


http://mknews.de/upload/article_images/ec/c8/64/495_24993.jpg http://go2.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//www.innov.ru/upload/iblock/42c/42c0e8d61b33ea40fdb9712ef2a48af1.png&mb=imgdb_preview_354 http://podaril.ru/picture_library/d4bb9c1a196d.jpg http://900igr.net/datai/fizkultura/Irina-Rodnina/0002-003-I-dejstvitelno-vernyj-ved-eto-vyzdorovlenie-privelo-k-tomu-chto.jpg

3 She was the Russian ballet dancer. She was born in 1910 and died in 1998. She danced in the Kirov Theatre and in the Bolshoi Theatre. (Galina Ulanova)

http://www.peoples.ru/art/theatre/ballet/ulanova/ulanova_20103.jpg http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//www.pravda.ru/image/photo/9/6/9/203969.jpeg&mb=imgdb_preview_1105 http://pomnivsegda.ru/img/2/20/43120_64264_f.jpg http://city-ns.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Romeo-and-Juliet.jpg

4 She is the first woman who flew into the space. (Valentina Tereshkova)

http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//gimn26.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/blvoxd8_valentina_tereskova_1.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_1547 фото ТЕРЕШКОВА Валентина Владимировна


5 Name the only woman-scientist in the world who became a Nobel Prize winner twice. (Marie Curie became a Nobel Prize winner in physics and chemistry)


http://go4.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//img11.nnm.ru/e/2/c/3/a/bd3791d87d837ff252e40009c22_prev.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_164 http://go2.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//history-persons.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/img4f43fc3e00513.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_1357 http://go4.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/3/84/320/84320007_1330851966_mariyakyuri2.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_932 http://recuerdosdepandora.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/marie_curie.jpg

6 She ruled for the longest period in the English history, that is for 64 years. (It was Queen Victoria)

http://go2.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//monarchs19.narod.ru/vikt.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_1107 http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//mtdata.ru/u17/photoF344/20014014427-0/big.jpeg&mb=imgdb_preview_936 http://go4.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//www.flyex.ru/upload/q/new_queen_victoria.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_204 http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/Queen_Victoria_Golden_Jubilee.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_929 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/85/Victoria_in_her_Coronation.jpg


7 This monarch is known for saying “I know I have a body of a weak and feeble (немощный) woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King.” (It is Queen Elizabeth I)

http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/0/43/715/43715289_Dzhordzh_Gover.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_933 http://go2.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//i022.radikal.ru/1109/e8/c010d7edab45.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_1527 http://go2.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//i025.radikal.ru/1102/0d/9b0230bf5555t.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_1625 http://go3.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//i051.radikal.ru/1004/f9/e10e060f47d0.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_934

8 She is an American singer and actress. Her Broadway performance in the musical Барбара Стрейзанд / Barbra Streisand“Funny Girl” in 1964 made her a major star. (It is Barbara Streisand)

http://go2.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=http%3A//kards.qip.ru/images/celebrity/32/06/1586_src.jpg&mb=imgdb_preview_199 http://i45.tinypic.com/121pjr5.jpg




9 She was born in Kirovo-Chepetsk and now she is the Prima Ballerina of the Kremlin Ballet Theater, People’s Artist of Russia. (Natalia Balakchnicheva)

http://www.biletexpress.ru/picsss/balahnitschowa001.JPG http://www.smolart.com/artists/62/galeries/03.jpg http://pix.vashdosug.ru/pix/gallery/2/14193/big/90589.jpg 

10 She was born in Kirovo-Chepetsk. Now she is an actress of the Moscow Theatre Taganka (Yulia Stosharova)

http://media.theatre.ru/photo/38628_r.jpg http://media.theatre.ru/photo/53539_r.jpg











TASK 2                    QUIZ

1         Who was the first woman – the Prime Minister of Great Britain?
А: Margaret Thatcher
B: Eliza Brown
C: Condoleezza Rice
D: Eva Brown


2         What’s the name of Barbie's boyfriend?
А: Dean
B: Ken
C: Ben
D: Dan


3         What exhibits can we see in the famous Madame Tussaud’s museum?
А: fossil animals
B: exotic plants
C: wax figures

D: pictures


4         Norma Jean Baker is a real name of …
А: Diana Spencer
B: Britney Spears
C: Madonna
D: Marillyn Monroe


5         What title does Prince Charles, the eldest son of the British Queen, have?
А: Prince of England
B: Prince of Wales
C: Prince of Northern Ireland
D: Prince of Scotland


6         What was the surname of Sherlock Holmes’ housemaid?
А: Watson
B: Woodson
C: Hudson
D: Hoodson


7         How is the famous American film “Some like it hot” called in Russian?
А: «В джазе только девушки»
B: «Горячие головы»
C: «Кабаре»
D: «Веселые ребята»


8         Who is the head of Great Britain?
А: the Queen
B: the Prime - Minister
C: the President
D: the Chancellor















TASK 3                                  MONUMENTS to FAMOUS WOMEN

1 http://ljplus.ru/img4/c/r/cristobal_junta/IMG_4621.jpg Памятник королеве Виктории, Лондон, перед Букингенским дворцом

2 Конный памятник императрице Елизавете Петровне Памятник императрице Елизавете Петровне в Балтийске


3 Памятник Екатерине II в Санкт-Петербурге Памятник Екатерине II в Петербурге

4 http://russiantraveller.narod.ru/photo1427.jpg Статуя королевы Боудикки на мосту через Темзу

5 http://forum.awd.ru/gallery/images/upload/cd0/21c/cd021c6166aa900d3d101017c7e5b04c.jpg Памятник королеве-матери в саду Букингемского дворца (рядом с памятником, установленным в честь ее супруга Георга VI)

6 http://www.point.ru/static/galleries/0017/0017078/3418.jpg  Памятник Жанне Дарк в Париже

7 Памятник Валентине Терешковой   Памятник Валентине Терешковой  Памятник первой женщине-космонавту В.Терешковой на месте её приземления 16 июля 1963 г. возле с.Баево Алтайского края


8 http://www.tvoya-gazeta.com/images/stories/10_2012/pamiatnik_2012_10_15.jpg Памятник первой женщине-врачу в Российской империи Надежде Сусловой в Алушта



















(Guess the name)

1 Памятник Учительнице Учительница первая моя Белгород/My First Teacher

 2Памятники женщинам Жена моряка на Морском вокзале в Одессе./    Sailor’s Wife
3 Памятники женщинам Модница Нижний Новгород/Woman of Fashion

4 Памятники женщинам Ведьма Бостон/A Witch

5 http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/b/3/20/142/20142482_zheleznovodsk_hoyayka_m_goruy_i_dan_master.jpg Хозяйка Медной горы Железноводск/A Mistress of Copper Mountain

6 памятник бабушкам Бабушки у подъезда Новосибирск/Grannies by the Entrance


Task 5                                   WOMEN in PORTRAITS

(Name the painting and the artist)

1http://www.publibrary.ru/readers/beauty/images-beauty/Serov-Devochka-s-persikami.jpg Девочка с персиками Серов/A girl with peaches

2Kramskoy Portrait of a Woman.jpg Неизвестная Крамской/A Stranger

31832. BRULLOV VSADNICA1.jpg Всадница Брюллов/A Horsewoman

4Borovikovsky maria Lopukhina.jpg Портрет Лопухиной Боровиковский/The Portrait of Lopukchina

5Мона Лиза Мона Лиза. Леонардо да Винчи./The Mona Lisa

6 http://www.my-article.net/data/files/tiny-mce/68/img/gollandia/733257967.jpg Портрет Сары Сиддонс Гейнсборо/The Portrait of Sara Siddons


(Give Russian equivalents)

1 A man is as old as he feels, and a woman is as old as she looks.

Мужчине столько лет, на сколько он себя чувствует, а женщине – на сколько она выглядит. http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/4/78/337/78337154_0b0d2451884285369414a80f8bea4feb.jpg

2 The tailor’s wife is the worst clad. Жена портного одета хуже всех. http://printdigital.ru/img/seurat/seuratr018.jpg

3The cobbler’s wife is the worst shod Жена сапожника одета хуже всех. http://i035.radikal.ru/0906/7f/144fe23b4777.jpg

(THE COBBLER’S (сапожник) WIFE IS THE WORST SHOD (ОБУТЫЙ, причастие пр.вр от shoe).

4 Ceaser’s wife must be beyond suspicion Жена Цезаря должна быть вне подозрений. http://th00.deviantart.net/fs42/PRE/f/2009/091/8/5/Doll_Repaint__Elizabeth_Taylor_by_noeling.jpg

5 He that would the daughter win must with the mother first begin. Дочку сватать – за матушкой волочиться. http://miris-miris.ru/uploads/mam_i_doch2.jpg

6 A mothers love never ages. Материнская ласка конца не знает. http://n-europe.eu/content/sites/n-europe.eu.content/files/images/Kiss-3.jpg

7A man’s mother is the other God. Мамалучший друг. http://o-prirode.com/zurnaloprirode/mama/m01.jpg

8 Three women make a market. Три бабы – базар, а семь – ярмарка. http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/0/43/354/43354085_1241344092_sailormoongirlspic.jpg








TASK 7         Your Classmates                Part 1

1 What colour are the eyes of … ?

2 Whose  favourite sweets are …?

3 Whose favourite flowers are tulips?

4 Which girl likes reading?

5 Whose favourite season is winter?

6 Whose favourite colour is blue?

7 Which girl likes … (праздник) most of all?

8 Which present did … want to get for the 8th of March? Did she?

9 What does … want to be?

10 Whose hobby is swimming?
















 Your Classmates              Part 2   Who is Who?

(фото в раннем детстве)

Женя Мусихина   

Дарья Носкова  

Полина Орлова    

Даша Бронникова    

Кристина Ходырева   

Маша Беляева   

Полина Беляева 


Настя Дружинина





Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain
The dark days are gone and the bright days are here
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny one so true, I love you

Sunny (yeah eh), thank you for the sunshine bouquet (that sweet bouquet)
Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way
You gave to me your all and all
And now I feel ten feet tall
Sunny one so true, I love you

Sunny, thank you for the truth you let me see
Sunny, thank you for the facts from A to Z
My life was torn like a wind-blown sand
And the rock was formed when you held my hand
Sunny one so true, I love you


Sunny, thank you for the smile upon your face
Sunny, thank you for the gleam that shows its grace
You're my pawn of nature's flair
You're my sweet complete desire
Sunny one so true, I love you

Sunny (Sunny), yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny (Sunny, yeah), you smiled at me and really eased the pain
The dark days are gone and the bright days are here
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny one so true, I love you (eh-eh-eh)
I love you (oh my baby)
I love you (Sunny, oh yeah)
I love you (oh yeah, yeah)
I love you (Sunny, I love you)


D.I.S.C.O (3x)
She is disco

She is D delirious (
She is I incredible (
She is S superficial (
She is C complicated (
She is O oh, oh, oh

She is D desirable (
She is I irresistible (
She is S super sexy
She is C such a cute (
She is O oh, oh, oh

She is disco

She is D disasters
She is I impossible
She is S super special (
She is C crazy, crazy (
She is O oh, oh, oh ()




Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Give it, give it
Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme
All your love, all your love

Angel face, I love your smile
Love your ways, I like your style
What can I do to get closer to you?
Don’t think twice or count to ten
Don’t take advise, don’t ask me when
Just come my way, simply kiss me and say

Hand up, baby, hands up...

With you head up in the sky
Every day you’re walking by
Why don’t you never starts looking at me?
Stop that game, don’t waste your time
For all your dreams are matchin’ mine
No use to play hide and seek for a week

Hand up, baby, hands up...

Let me be your Romeo, your wonder boy
And your super champ
Let me take you to the milky way
On a holiday, on a holiday
Follow me, why don’t you follow me?
Just come my way simply kiss me and say


Come with me to Pasadena
Today at ten we will arrive
I have been in Pasadena
For a great deal of my life

Come with me to Pasadena
If you want to have some fun
Watch the dancing senioritas
In the heat of the sun

Come with me to Pasadena
Today at ten we will arrive
I have been in Pasadena
For a great deal of my life

Come with me to Pasadena
If you want to have some fun
Watch the dancing senioritas
In the heat of the sun

When I woke up today
I heard someone say
«Girl, it’s raining and
they`re expecting snow».

And this morning I knew
What I had to do
Take the next plane
And finally go

Come with me to Pasadena
Today at ten we will arrive
I have been in Pasadena
For a great deal of my life

Come with me to Pasadena
If you want to have some fun
Watch the dancing senioritas
In the heat of the sun



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