Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыВнеклассное мероприятие с использованием информационных технологий

Внеклассное мероприятие с использованием информационных технологий

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Открытое внеклассное мероприятие

по английскому языку

с использованием информационных технологий

«Thanksgiving Day»

(6-8 класс)


Heap high the board with plenteous cheer,

and gather to the feast,

And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band whose

courage never ceased.

Alice W. Brotherton


         - знание и уважение традиций и обычаев стран изучаемого языка,

         - развитие творческой, познавательной активности учащихся.


Ход мероприятия

Звучит фонограмма песни “Michal, row the boat ashore”, на сцену выходят три ученика и декламируют Thanksgiving poemThe pilgrims came” (author unknown).

         Pupil 1:

The pilgrims came across the sea.
And never thought of you and me.
And yet it’s very strange the way
We think of them Thanksgiving Day.

         Pupil 2:

We tell the story old and true
Of how they sailed across the blue,


-And found a new land to be free
And build their homes quite near the sea.


         Pupil 3:

Every child know well the tale
Of how they bravely turned the sails
And journeyed many days and nights,
To worship God as they thought right.


Музыка звучит громче и учащиеся с вокальной группой поют песню Michal, row the boat ashore”.


Michal, row the boat ashore, Halilluiah,
Michal, row the boat ashore, Halilluiah.
Sister help to trim the sails, Halilluiah,

Sister help to trim the sails, Halilluiah.

The river is chilly and the river is cold, Halilluiah,

Michal, row the boat ashore, Halilluiah.

Chills the body but warm the souls, Halilluiah.

Michal, row the boat ashore, Halilluiah,

Pupil 4: On September 16, 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower, carrying 102 passengers sailed west. On November 11, 1620, the Mayflower reached North America.(слайд)

         Pupil 5: Only in December the pilgrims found a harbour which became the site of the town they named Plymouth. (слайд)

         Pupil 4: The Pilgrims sailed to America from Plymouth, England, in September, 1620. They came to America for religious freedom. They were among the first European settlers in America. (слайд)


         The Pilgrim: At first, the passengers enjoyed good weather at sea. But soon, strong winds and fierce storms developed. Our ship, the Mayflower, began to shake and leak. Finally, one of the main beams broke. Some of the passengers and sailors were afraid the ship could not cross the ocean. They wanted to return to England. But others felt confident. “If we do not use all the sails, and if we repair the main beam, we will not sink,” they promised. So everyone put his trust in God, and they all decided to continue. After a long struggle with the sea, the Mayflower came to land. What a joy the Pilgrims had when they realized where they were!


Pupil 6: 26 декабря 1620 года после двухмесячного плавания к берегам Массачусетса к мысу Cape Cod (Мыс трески) причалил корабль Mayflower («Майский цветок»). Большинство пассажиров принадлежало к преследуемой в Англии секте пуритан. Новоявленные пилигримы пустились в столь опасное путешествие в надежде основать на «девственных» берегах землю обетованную — «Новый Ханаан» (Ханаан — древнее название Палестины), в котором они смогут, наконец, обрести вожделенную свободу искать и находить Бога своим путем.


Pupil 7: В конце плавания, перед тем как сойти на неизведанную землю, пассажиры корабля — новые поселенцы — подписали документ, известный как «Соглашение на Мэйфлауре», которому американская историография придает судьбоносное значение, как зародышу конституционного самоуправления, «животворному семени» американской жизни и проявлению внутренней свободы духа, которую привезли с собой, минуя все «таможни», в Новый Свет религиозные диссиденты, оппозиционеры, бросившие вызов средневековой фанатичной старушке Европе.


Pupil 8: The Pilgrims’ first winter in the New World was difficult. They had arrived too late to grow any crops. Without fresh food, half of the Pilgrims died. The following spring the Indians taught the Pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant, and survive in America. (слайд)


         Pupil 9: The crops did well, and in the fall of 1621 the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate it with a Thanksgiving feast. (слайд)


         Pupil 8: They prepared a dinner of turkey, corn, beans, and pumpkins. They invited their Indian friends to share this three-day feast. (слайд)



Pupil 10: The Indians brought food to the feast, too (they even brought popcorn!). Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. (слайд)

         Pupil 1: It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Turkey is still the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert. (слайд)


Pupil 11:

The Thanksgiving Day Parade

Thanksgiving Day is here today,
the great parade is under way,
and though it’s drizzling quite a bit,
I’m sure that I’ll see all of it.

Great balloons are floating by,
cartoon creatures stories high,
Mickey Mouse and Mother Goose,
Snoopy and mammoth moose.

The bands are marching, here they come,
pipers pipe and drummers drum,
hear the tubas and the flutes,
see the clowns in silly suits.

It’s pouring now, but not on me,
I’m just as dry as I can be,
I watch and watch, but don’t get wet,
I’m watching on our TV set.


Pupil 10: Thanksgiving in America is not only giving thanks to God, one’s country and family members and eating too much, it also has such national entertainment as a Thanksgiving Day Parade and a professional football game broadcast on TV. The Gimbel Brothers started the parade tradition with a parade of toys in Philadelphia in 1920. The famous Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City is part of the traditional celebration. Millions of people watch it on TV every year. (слайд)


Разыгрывается сценка. “Встреча американцев с индейцами”.


         An Indian: Welcome! My name is Massosoit. (Исторически известно, что именно таким приветствием встретили индейцы американцев, т.к. один из индейцев знал несколько английских слов)

         An American: Hello! My name is William Bradley.

Садятся, раскуривают “трубку мира”. В это время ведущие делают краткое сообщение о том, с чего началось празднование Дня Благодарения.


         Pupil 2: After a successful harvest of 1621, Governor William Bradley decided to hold a special Thanksgiving feast and invited the Indian chief Massosoit and ninety Indian braves to attend. They brought deer meat, roasted wild turkeys and other wild game for the feast. They even brought popcorn to share!


Диалог между индейцем и американцем

            An American: - It is the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day! Here! Give me a hand!

         An Indian: - Yes, it’s nice! It’s nice to have Thanksgiving with a lot of people!

         An American: - Even if it isn’t your own family. This is a nice family, isn’t it?

К столу, накрытому скатертью со всех сторон выходят все остальные участники в костюмах индейцев и американцев. В руках поднос с жареной индейкой, пирогами, корзины, наполненные овощами и поют песню Over the river and through the wood”.

Over the river and through the wood,
To grandmother’s house we go.
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
Through white and drifted snow,
Over the river and through the woods,
Oh, how the wind does blow,
It stings the toes and bites the nose
As over the ground we go.


Over the river and through the woods
And through the barnyard gate.
We seem to extremely slow.
It is so hard to wait.
Over the river and through the woods.
Now Grandmother’s cap I spy.
Hooray for the fun is the pudding done,
Hurray for the pumpkin pie.


Pupil 3:

It’s time to show what we are thankful for,
Our mothers, our fathers, our friends and much more.

Затем все ставят на стол.

Американец обращается ко всем, стоящим у стола.

The table is set as we gather’ round,
With family and friends we all sit down
To the feast that we’ve made
Let’s all lift our voices and say,
“We are part of this wonderful world,
The wonderful world that we share.
Let’s show that we care.”


            An American: Somebody will have to say grace.

         An Indian: All words are good at times like these.


Все участники праздника поют хором.


A song” For health and strength “(sing as a round)
For health and strength and daily food
We praise thy name, O LORD!


Все берутся за руки и подхватывают песню.


         Сhorus: Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Работа со зрителями:

         Pupil 12: Imagine you are having a Thanksgiving feast. Read sentence by sentence what we would do. (слайд)

1. Set the table.
2. Take the roast turkey out of the oven.
3. Put all the food on the table.
4. Call your family to the table: “It’s time to eat!”
5. Sit down. Put your napkin on your lap.
6. Say prayers.
7. Carve the turkey.
8. Serve each person.
9. Enjoy.
10. Say: “I’m full.”


Pupil 13: All people give thanks for the good things that they have. In this spirit of sharing, people and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, the homeless.

         Pupil 14: Imagine the situation: you are at a Thanksgiving table. What would you express thanks for?

Возможные варианты ответов учащихся:

- I thank my friend because she understands me.
– I am thankful for being given a chance to meet so many good people.
– I thank my mother because she supports me in difficult situations.


Thanksgiving Action Poem

– When the Pilgrims sailed to this new land,
(put one arm out to represent land, use the other arm to make a boat sailing on “bumpy waves”)

– They met a friendly Indian band.
(clasp hands in a handshake)

– The Indians taught them to plant, hunt and fish,
(sow seeds, shoot arrows, cast fishing pole)

– Then they all had a feast with many a tasty dish.
(make eating gestures and pat stomach contentedly).


         Pupil 14: Thanksgiving is the unofficial beginning of the Christmas season, and in many cities and communities Thanksgiving marks the arrival of Santa Claus. Salesmen offer sales and discounts. People begin to buy presents for Christmas. Christmas carols are broadcast. To make your spirits bright we shall sing one because Christmas is coming.

         Pupil 15: : I thank all the participants for taking part in the holiday celebration. I thank you for being so nice, helpful. I hope you’ve learned much about Thanksgiving traditions.



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