Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыWho are the best?

Who are the best?

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                           Who are the best?

The aim of the game:  өтілген оқу материалын сайыс түрінде

                                   қайталау,оқушылардың пәнге деген қызығушылықтарын

                                  арттыру.Ауызша сөйлеу,тыңдау,түсіну дағдыларын 


Aids: slides, riddles.

Procedure of the game:

Good afternoon dear Children and other guests! I’m glad to see you! The theme of our game is “Who are the best?” There are two teams in the competition. They are the pupils of 5th-6th form. First they introduce themselves.


Station1. “Secret Letter”

Name the words beginning with “a”,“b”


Station 2. Match these words with the transcriptions


Kate                                               [kait]                                                                                                        

late                                                 [ri:d]

fly                                                   [lain]

line                                                [pensl]

name                                              [plei]

Steve                                              [keit]

play                                                [flai]

read                                                [sti:v]

pencil                                             [neim]




Station 3. “Sand glass”

-         guess the words from the following letters:


wnrob, , yphap, tisers,

rkhomewo, erfath, lowyel, waethre, palep,welvet, hantepel

                                               (1word – 1point)

Station 4.“Odd Word”

find one odd word in each line

 (max. 10 points)

1.blue, black, pink, yellow, melon

2.speak, answer, sing, breakfast, translate

3.potato, tomato, carrot, pear, tree

4.tiger, lion, bird, elephant, rabbit

5.summer,  winter,  rain,  spring,  autumn

6.carpet, sausage, apple,  juice, cheese

7.teacher, pupil, blackboard, manager, book

8.mother, sister, aunt, dad, doctor

9.English,  Russian, Phone, Sport, Mathematics

10.table, bathroom,  armchair, lamp, sofa

Station 5.    “Mistakes”

find a spelling mistake in one word of each sentence. (max. 10 points)


I have brekfast at eight.

Her mather and father are teachers.

She is a doktor.

Five plus seven is tvelve.

My cat is fat and fanny.

The boy likes to sleep in a big ded.

His sun is good at Sport.

I like to drink koffee.

March, Aprel and May are spring months.

Nick’s eyes are broun.


Station 6.      “Countries”
               match the country with its capital: 
(max. 25 points)


-Russia, the UK, the USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Brazil, Japan, Ukraine.


-Tokyo, Kiev, Rome, London, Moscow, Washington, Berlin, Paris, Brasilia, Madrid

Station 7. “4 Themes


-name 10 words on the following themes:

 (max. 50 points)















The game is over.   Thank you for your attention! Good bye!










                                                Syrymbet Secondary School









                                 The game:

                         “Funny English”

                          (Бастауыш сыныптар онкүндік аясында өткізілген іс-шара)




                              (4th form)










                                       English teacher :Kenzhegalieva A.O.






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                           Who are the best?

The aim of the game:  өтілген оқу материалын сайыс түрінде

                                   қайталау,оқушылардың пәнге деген қызығушылықтарын

                                  арттыру.Ауызша сөйлеу,тыңдау,түсіну дағдыларын 


Aids: slides, riddles.

Procedure of the game:

Good afternoon dear Children and other guests! I’m glad to see you! The theme of our game is “Who are the best?” There are two teams in the competition. They are the pupils of 5th-6th form. First they introduce themselves.


Station1. “Secret Letter”

Name the words beginning with “a”,“b”


Station 2. Match these words with the transcriptions


Kate                                               [kait]                                                                                                        

late                                                 [ri:d]

fly                                                   [lain]

line                                                [pensl]

name                                              [plei]

Steve                                              [keit]

play                                                [flai]

read                                                [sti:v]

pencil                                             [neim]




Station 3. “Sand glass”

-         guess the words from the following letters:


wnrob, , yphap, tisers,

rkhomewo, erfath, lowyel, waethre, palep,welvet, hantepel

                                               (1word – 1point)

Station 4.“Odd Word”

find one odd word in each line

 (max. 10 points)

1.blue, black, pink, yellow, melon

2.speak, answer, sing, breakfast, translate

3.potato, tomato, carrot, pear, tree

4.tiger, lion, bird, elephant, rabbit

5.summer,  winter,  rain,  spring,  autumn

6.carpet, sausage, apple,  juice, cheese

7.teacher, pupil, blackboard, manager, book

8.mother, sister, aunt, dad, doctor

9.English,  Russian, Phone, Sport, Mathematics

10.table, bathroom,  armchair, lamp, sofa

Station 5.    “Mistakes”

find a spelling mistake in one word of each sentence. (max. 10 points)


I have brekfast at eight.

Her mather and father are teachers.

She is a doktor.

Five plus seven is tvelve.

My cat is fat and fanny.

The boy likes to sleep in a big ded.

His sun is good at Sport.

I like to drink koffee.

March, Aprel and May are spring months.

Nick’s eyes are broun.


Station 6.      “Countries”
               match the country with its capital: 
(max. 25 points)


-Russia, the UK, the USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Brazil, Japan, Ukraine.


-Tokyo, Kiev, Rome, London, Moscow, Washington, Berlin, Paris, Brasilia, Madrid

Station7. “4 Themes


-name 10 words on the following themes:

 (max. 50 points)















The game is over.   Thank you for your attention! Good bye!










                                                Syrymbet Secondary School









                                 The game:

                         “Funny English”

                          (Бастауыш сыныптар онкүндік аясында өткізілген іс-шара)




                              (4th form)











                                       English teacher :Kenzhegalieva A.O.

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