Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыGoing shopping Посещение магазина

Going shopping Посещение магазина

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Группа друзей наслаждается шоппингом




                                     GOING SHOPPING



                                                                                                                   Подготовила и провела

                                                                                                                   Мартынова Н.М.

                                                                                                                   учитель английского языка













Theme of the lesson                                                Going  shopping


Objectives of the lesson                                   1. Активизировать лексику предыдущего урока с

                                                                                опорой на картинки.

                                                                                   2.  Формировать навыки восприятия иностранной

                                                                          речи на слух.

                                                                     3. Развивать навыки устной речи учащихся на

                                                                         уровне диалогического высказывания. 

                                                                     4. Обобщить грамматический материал: There is

                                                                         There are… употребление глаголов  was и were

                                                                     5. Развивать фонематический слух, внимание,

                                                                         культуру общения


Тype of the lesson                                          Комбинированный


Equipment                                                     Тематические картинки, текст для аудирования

                                                                       «A Big Hand Better»,   магнитозапись   песни «My

                                                                         Bonnie Is Over the Sea», Spotlight. карточки    




I. The organizing moment   

Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine. How are you, children?

T- P1, P2, P3

-What is the date today? What day of the week is today? Who is absent? Why is he (she) absent

 a). Введение в языковую среду.   Беседа о погодеСтихи

   What is the weather like today?

   Do you  agree with…

   Why do you think so?

b). Reviewing the poems about spring.                                                           


c). Phonetic drills.

.  Work with the poem.


.Who is that?

-Only Grandma’s Pussy Cat.

.What do you want?

-A bottle of milk.

.Where is your money?

-In my pocket.

.Where is your pocket?

-I forgot it.

.Oh, you silly Pussy Cat!

Read it as a dialogue. Put in the rhyme any food you’d like to buy and act it out.

Very well, my dear friends!


II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Постановка задач урока

T. Well, the weather is good and when the weather is good we don’t want to stay at home.

    What do you usually do?

 Ps. I go out..                                                    I go to my granny.

       I go to the park.                                         I play football.             

       I visit my friends.                                      I go to the swimming pool.              

       I go to the cinema.

       I walk my dog.

 T. Ok. But some people like to ….. (guess)


Usually two or more people take part in this process.

They do it in a special place.

They do it very often.

Usually women like to do it, men don’t like.

They can’t do it without money.

T: What is it? 
P: Shopping


   T. And who likes going shopping? So. the weather is good and it’s a good opportunity to go shopping. Would you like to go? But first of all let’s remember the words on the topic “Shopping”. 

3.  Семантизация  лексики предыдущего урока. (Spotlight)

a)  Work with vocabulary

cashier   seller       shop-assistant    cash-desk   buy    shoe shop    toy shop   greengrocer’s shop

clothes’ shop   book shop    florist’s shop  record shop   chemist’s newsagent’s   bakery 


b) Guess the shop. (Work with cards) I have some words, but I don’t understand the spelling of them.  Help me, please.

a k r b e y                                e s o h    h o p s                           h t o c l s e 

r f o l i s t ’ s                             m i h c e t s ’s                               o k o b   p o h s

s f t a   o o d f                           y t o   p o h s                                f c e a

g e e r n r g o e r c ’s               r s t e u a a r t n                          e c r o d r   o p h s


c) Work with the picture.Ex.1 page 106

What can you see in the picture?

Is it big or small”

How many floors has it?

Where is the book shop?

What is there on the first (ground) floor?


d) T: You know we buy different things in different shops. Will you remind me where you can buy sweets (milk, fish, bread, meat, sugar etc.)
 P: We can buy … at the …

T. Where do we go if we want to buy something?

Who sells us things?

Where do we pay for our goods?

 Who does shopping in your family?

Do you go shopping?

Is it your duty?

What kinds of shops do you like to go to?

What can we buy at the  ……shop?

Where can we buy…           

4 Развитие умений вести диалоги этикетного характера в магазине.

a) Work with the expressions Ex.3 page 88

What can I do for you?                                      Any particular colour?

I am looking for…

 How much is it?                                                What’s the price for…?

What does it cost?                                              It suits me perfectly.

It isn’t quite what I want.                                   Have you anything a little cheaper?

You are hard to please.

b) T. As far as I know, your Mum left you a shopping list. One of the items was to go to the shop and buy something new, I mean clothes. So, I want to listen to your dialogues.  


  5.T. Well, we all go to this or that shop from time to time because it is really necessary to buy something. But there is a special category of people who can’t do without going shopping. They go there as we, for example, go to school. And I want to confess that one of you is a shopaholic too. Can you guess who this is?  NO…?  Oh, yes. You are quite right. It’s Vera. Vera, come here. I suppose, your classmates want to ask you some questions.

P1. Are you really a shopaholic?                                                                 

Sh. Yes, I am really a shopaholic.

P2. What is your favourite shop?                                                                 

Sh. My favourite shop is …  Well. I love them all.

P3. Who do you usually go shopping with?                                                 

Sh. I prefer to go shopping with my friend. She is a shopaholic, too.

P4. Do you like to buy things in a big or in a small shop?                            

Sh. Of course, in a big shop. It has a great choice of goods.

P5. Do you do shopping in a second hand shops?                                      

Sh. It depends.      Well, sometimes we do.

P6. Do you like flea market? Why?                                                            

Sh. Why not. I can always find something interesting there.

      (As for me, I don’t like flea markets. There are always many people there.)

P7. Do you buy things on line?                                                                           

Sh. It’s a good way of shopping. Why not?

P8. Is shopping on line a good idea? Why?                                                

Sh. Yes. On the one hand, things are beautiful, great and cheaper.

       But on the other hand, they really don’t look so.

P9. What do you spend your money on?                                                    

Sh.  As for me, I spend money on..

P10. Who gives you money?                                                                      

Sh. Parents.

11. Are your parents millioners?                                                                

12. Do you have problems with shop-assistants?                                        

13. Would you like to work as a shop- assistant? Why?                             

Sh. Oh, no. They should be so tolerant.  It’s difficult to deal with people. Buyers are as different as cheese and chalk.


6. T. You know, shopaholism is like a disease. It needs treating. What piece of advice would you give Vera?


Ps. 1. I think you should try to earn money yourself.

      2. Just so. Moreover, you need the doctor’s help.

      3. If I were your parents I wouldn’t give you any pocket money.

      4. You are right. As for me, I would pay more attention to studies than going shopping.

       5.  Go to the theatre, cinema.

       6. Do you have hobby? It can help you.


7. Т. Work with proverbs.

The more you have, the more you want.

A penny saved is a penny gained. Неистраченные деньги -  приобретенные деньги

 Waste not, want not.  Умеришь расходы, не будешь нуждаться.


8. Listening  “A bigger Hand Is Better”.


T.  Now it’s time to practice our skills in listening. Listen to the text “A Bigger Hand Is Better”

     and be ready to answer the questions.


a) Pre-listening activity.

Acquainting with new words.

     Cherry – cherries – черешни, вишни                        handful  - горсть          

     Basket – корзина                                                       pocket -    карман

b) Listening activity

 One day a woman goes shopping in the market with her little son. Soon they come to a man who is selling cherries. The man likes the small boy and says, “Well, my little man, take a handful of cherries”.

The boy comes to the basket of cherries. First, he wants to take some cherries from the basket and takes his hand out of the pocket. Then he takes it away. He doesn’tt take any cherries.

“Don’t you like cherries? The man asks. “Yes, I do”, says the boy.

The man takes a big handful of cherries and gives to the boy. “Thank you”, saes the boy and takes the cherries quickly.

“Bobby”, says the mother on the way home, “why didn’t you take the cherries yourself?” Because the man’s hand is bigger than mine”, was the answer.


c) Post-listening activity.

a). Answer the questions

What is the title of the text?

Who goes shopping?

Where do they go shopping?

Who is selling cherries?

Does the man like the boy?

Why do you think so?

Does the boy take cherries himself?  Why not?


d) Dramatizing the dialogue.

e) Work with cards. Fill in the gaps.

One day a woman goes shopping in the (school, market, florist’s shop).

The man is selling (apples, cherries, milk).

The cherries are in the (pencil-box, basket, in the shop).

The man likes (the woman, the small boy, the cherries).

The man takes a big handful of cherries and gives to the (boy, woman, seller).

The boy doesn’t take cherries from the ( basket, bag, shop).

The boy  takes cherries from the (man, seller, teacher).

The man’s handful is (smaller, bigger, happier).

9. Work in pairs.

  Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Let’s play! Imagine that we are in the shops. Divide into 3 groups. Grocer’s shop, baker’s and corner shop. You should act thethe dialogues. Is it clear?

Let’s begin! You can use the cards to help you.  


10. Grammar. There is (was )… There are (were)…

                (Work with grammar cards.)

11. T. Game. You know, yesterday I went shopping too. There are some things in my bag. Do you want to know what  there is? Then ask me questions.

E. g.  . Is there a bottle of milk in it?

            Are there apples in it?    Etc.  

12. Work with exercise 3b page 107 (orally)

13. Reading the dialogue of Ex. 2 page 106-107.

14. The song “My Bonny”.

15. Summing up

16. Homework.  Ex. 3b page 107 (in written form)


















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