Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыКонтрольная работа за 1 четверть, УМК Кузовлев, 8 класс

Контрольная работа за 1 четверть, УМК Кузовлев, 8 класс

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Test. 1st term

1.       Oral Comprehension. Listen to the recording and fill in the missing information

The type of tour__________________________

The time the tour starts at_________________________

Places to visit_______________________________

How long the tour lasts___________________________

The price of the ticket for children____________________

2.       Reading. Read the text and say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1) The United States is an old country.

2)      It is rich in customs and traditions.

3)      Some of them are connected with American history.

4)      On the Independence Day the Americans unite for picnics, barbecues and to watch films.

5)      Many Americans take part in local festivals and fairs.

6)      These celebrations include special food, drink and entertainment.

7)      The history of the USA is long.

The Holidays in the USA.

     The United States is a young country. But it is rich in customs and traditions. People from the east to the west of the USA happily celebrate local and national occasions. Some of them, like Thanksgiving day, are connected with American history. Others, like Christmas are associated with religion. Independence Day that marks the birth of the country is widely (широко) celebrated by the Americans. Wherever ( где бы ни были ) Americans are on the day they always unite for picnics, barbecues and to watch fireworks. Many Americans follow their local or ethnic traditions and take part in local festivals and fairs (ярмарки). These celebrations include special food, drink and entertainment (развлечения). Although (хотя) the history of the USA is not long, the country has a long list of national, ethnic and regional celebrations.

3.       Grammar.  Transform the sentences so they have the similar meaning.

1)      People think that the Scandinavians are reserved and slow.

2)      We know that the Christmas is the most popular holiday in Britain.

3)      Some people consider that the Russians like the countryside very much.

4)      People believe that the Germans work hard.

5)      They say that the Americans are boastful.

4.       Vocabulary.  Complete the sentences using a word or a prepositions in the brackets.

1)      Don’t stare (at/to) people.

2)      Don’t jump (-/into) the queue.

3)      Make way (for/to) older people.

4)      Keep (a/-) distance talking to people.

5)      Give (up/in your place in favour of older people.

6)      Queue (at/in) line waiting (for/-) service.

7)      You can shake (hands/a hand) if you want to.


5.       Vocabulary. Fill in the words from the box.

anniversary       unite customs                      atmosphere follow ignore connected fireworks

Most British people are proud of their traditions and 1)_______and they carefully2)________ them.

The British preserve the traditions that were introduced centuries ago and the traditions that are rather new. 

Most people widely celebrate the main religious festivals of Christmas and Easter. But not all of England’s festivals are 3)__________ with religion, many are connected with British history.

Many people enjoy royal occasions. Some people just like the4)________ of such celebrations, other think that they5) __________the nation.

Coronation Day, for example. It marks the 6)____________ of the date when Elizabeth II became Queen.

Some royal occasions include a parade of the guards and 7)__________.

But there are people in Britain who live through occasions without knowing that they have happened or they just8)____________ them.

6.       Writing. Your British friend is coming to Russia for summer holidays. Give him at least 3 advices about good manners in Russia.


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