Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыОткрытый урок по английскому языку на тему Famous people of Kazakhstan

открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Famous people of Kazakhstan

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Theme: «Famous People of Kazakhstan»

Class: 10b 


. to introduce to biography of F. Ongarsynova, V. Katsev
• to recapitulate the words on the topic and grammar 
(Conditional sentences); 
• to practice reading the text for the information; 
• to develop reading, listening and speaking skills; 
• to bring up love for the outstanding peoples of Kazakhstan; 
• to teach the children to help each other. 
Equipment: A computer, a whiteboard, the presentation «Famous people of Kazakhstan». 
1. Organization moment: Good morning.  Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Let`s review about Canada.

2. Checking up home task:  Slide 1


   Where is Canada situated?

   What is the capital of Canada?

   Who are the natives of Canada?

   What languages do people speak in Canada?

   What is the population of Canada?

   Is Canada a country of mountains, rivers and lakes?

   What kind of state is Canada?

   How many provinces and territories does it consist of? 

   Look at the  blackboard.

   -What do you see?

   -What peoples  photos?


3. Introducing a new material: Today at the lesson we’ll speak about famous people of Kazakhstan. (pupils write the date and the theme in their copybooks). You’ll be able to read the text and to speak about famous people. I want you to remember the rules of our English lessons. Look and read after me all together: 

At first  - new words

 Famous – известный, знаменитый

To be born (was born) – родиться (родился)

To be awarded (was awarded) – быть удостоенным(был награждён)

A poet - поэт

Honored - заслуженный

Outstanding - выдающийся

Journalism – журналистика

Сhief architect – главный архитектор

«No generals in art, art all - ordinary soldiers»-нет генералов в искусство, искусство все - простых солдат ".

Editor-in-Chief – главный редактор

To contribute – способствовать

The Badge of Honor Order –Знак Почета

Merits - заслуги

You know  at the age of 74 years passed away famous Kazakh poet Fariza Ongarsynova . Cause of her death was not disclosed.

Fariza Ongarsynova - poet , writer, People Republic of Kazakhstan , State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan , social activist, author of a number of poetry books and publications. She was born December 25, 1939 in the village Manash now Atyrau region. In 1961 he graduated from the philological Fariza Ongarsynova Gurievsky Faculty Pedagogical Institute (now Atyrau ) .

And now our librarian Gulnara Adiullovna will tell you about Fariza Ongarsynova.

Now we`ll concluse about F.Ongarsynova.

Task1. Say what it means.

1.      (1939-2014)

2. Manash village of Novobogatin district of Guryev oblast

3.Kommunistik  Enbek, Leninshil Zhas and Kazakhstan Pioneri

4. the Badge of Honor Order

5. 74

Task 2. Put the verbs in correct form. Form conditional sentences.

1.      If you (to read) Farisa Ongarsynova`s poems, you will (to be impressed) by these poems.

2.      I (to wish) Fariza Ongarsynova (to be) next to us.

      3.  I (will be glad) if you (to tell) me Fariza Ongarsynova`s biography.
The work is done well.

Look again. – Who of these peoples do you know else?  It is a famous honored architect of our republic.

The teacher of technology,art Kurmanova K.H. will tell about this man.
Checking comprehension. Pupils choose a colour and do task.

green – to read the text

yellow – to retell the text

brown – to translate the text

blue – to make up sentences

Farewell ceremony for Kazakh renowned poetess, writer and outstanding public figure Fariza Ongarsynova will be held in the Korme exposition center in Astana on Monday, January 27.

Fariza Ongarsynova died aged 74 after a long illness on January 24, 2014.
President of Kazakhstan sent a telegram of condolences to the family and friends of the of poetess. 

Fariza Ongarsynova was born December 25, 1939 in Manash village of Novobogatin district of Guryev oblast. In 1961 she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Guryev Pedagogical University. After graduation she worked as a teacher then as a principal of rural schools. Since 1966 she found herself in journalism. She contributed to such newspapers as
Kommunistik  Enbek, Leninshil Zhas and Kazakhstan Pioneri.  Fariza was Editor-in-Chief of Ak Zhelken newspaper.
Her first collection of poems Nightingale was published in 1967. After then she published a number of poetic books both in Kazakh and Russian languages. Besides, she is the author of several feature essays ,a documentary story entitled Kamshat.
For outstanding merits for the Motherland Fariza Ongarsynova was awarded the Badge of Honor Order, several medals and was given the title of "People's Writer of Kazakhstan".

Vladimir Katsev born September 7, 1929 in the Ukraine, in the city of Kremenchug , Poltava region . In 1963, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Academy of Architecture in Moscow . He was a Fellow of the Fine Arts and Architecture Commission of the State Prize of Kazakhstan in the field of literature , art and architecture of the Government of Kazakhstan.Katsev is an author and the chief architect of the building projects Almaty circus, swimming pool "Dynamo " , boarding house, swimming pool and sports hall ski base " Chymbulak " Almaty city administration building , fountain " Oriental Calendar " by the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan .

In addition, his works including monuments VI Chapaev (Uralsk ) G.Musrepov (Almaty ) and A. Moldagulova (Aktobe ) .

Father of two daughters , the youngest - Marianne Intercession , an actress of the State Academic Russian Drama Theatre  named after M. Lermontov .

Died famous Kazakhstan  architect Vladimir Katsev. The architect died at age 85 after a long illness. His architectural creations - the skating rink "Medeo" building Almaty Circus Sports Palace Baluan Sholak - became a true symbol of Almaty. Master used to say that "no generals in art, art all - ordinary soldiers."

1.      If Fariza Ongarsynova is alive, she will be 75 years old.

2.  When I go to Almaty, I shall visit Vladimir Katsev`s projects.

3.  If I were you, I would discuss today`s theme with your classmates

Giving the marks.

Home task: to prepare a presentation of one of famous people.


















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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The 10th of February.Class Work.Famous people of Kazakhstan.

    1 слайд

    The 10th of February.
    Class Work.

    Famous people of Kazakhstan.


Checking up home task

    2 слайд

    Checking up home task

  • Where is Canada situated?What is the population of Canada?What is the capital...

    3 слайд

    Where is Canada situated?
    What is the population of Canada?
    What is the capital of Canada?
    When did Canada gain it`s independent ?
    How many provinces and territories does it consist of?
    Who are the natives of Canada?
    What languages do people speak in Canada?
    Who is the head of Canada?

  • New words
Famous – известный, знаменитый
To be born (was born) – родиться (ро...

    4 слайд

    New words
    Famous – известный, знаменитый
    To be born (was born) – родиться (родился)
    To be awarded (was awarded) – быть награжден
    A poet - поэт
    Honored - заслуженный
    Outstanding - выдающийся
    Journalism – журналистика
    Сhief architect – главный архитектор

  • «No generals in art, art all - ordinary soldiers»-нет генералов в искусство,...

    5 слайд

    «No generals in art, art all - ordinary soldiers»-нет генералов в искусство, искусство все - простых солдат ".
    Editor-in-Chief – главный редактор
    To contribute – способствовать
    the Badge of Honor Order – Знак Почёта
    Merits - заслуги

  • 6 слайд

  • 7 слайд

  • 8 слайд

  • 9 слайд

  • 10 слайд

  • 11 слайд

  • 12 слайд

  • Fariza Ongarsynova

    13 слайд

    Fariza Ongarsynova

  • Фариза Оңғарсынова - Халық жазушысы.1939 жылдың 5-желтоқсанында Гурьев (қазі...

    14 слайд

    Фариза Оңғарсынова - Халық жазушысы.
    1939 жылдың 5-желтоқсанында Гурьев (қазіргі Атырау) облысы, Новобогат ауданына қарасты Манаш ауылында туған.
    1961 жылы Гурьев мемлекеттік педогогикалық институтының тіл-әдебиет факультетін бітіріп, Балықшы ауданының Еркіндала, Октябрьдің 40 жылдығы атындағы қазақ мектебінде ұстаздық еткен.

  • 1966-1968 жж. Гурьев облыстық «Коммунистік еңбек» газетінің партия тұрмысы бө...

    15 слайд

    1966-1968 жж. Гурьев облыстық «Коммунистік еңбек» газетінің партия тұрмысы бөлімінде әдеби қызметкері.
    1968-1970 жж. республикалық «Лениншіл жас» газетінің Ақтөбе, Гурьев, Орал облыстары бойынша меншікті тілшісі қызметін атқарған.
    1970-1978 жж. республикалық «Қазақстан пионері» газетінің бас редакторы, 1978 ж. желтоқсаннан «Пионер» журналының бас редакторы.

  • Алғашқы өлеңдері баспасөз беттерінде 1958 жылдан бастап шыққан. Әр жылдары 2...

    16 слайд

    Алғашқы өлеңдері баспасөз беттерінде 1958 жылдан бастап шыққан. Әр жылдары 20-дан астам өлең жинақтары, очерктері, таңдамалы шығармалары, «Біздің Камшат» повесі, аудармалары «Жазушы», «Жалын», «Молодая гвардия» баспаларынан жарық көрді.
    Орыс, туысқан республикалар ақындарының, Чили ақыны П. Неруданың жырларын, кейбір драмалық шығармаларды қазақ тіліне аударған.

  • 1979 жылы жарық көрген «Сенің махаббатың» жинағындағы «Сырласу немесе ақын ә...

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    1979 жылы жарық көрген «Сенің махаббатың» жинағындағы «Сырласу немесе ақын әйелдің анасымен диалогы» атты поэмасы ақын творчествосының шындық шырқауы, негізгі қағидасы. Шындық, қайсарлық, адамгершілік, махаббат, сенім сияқты философиялық категориялар Ф. Оңғарсынованың поэмасында нанымды, салмақты көрініс тапқан.

  • 1984 жылы «Үйім – менің Отаным», «Маңғыстау монологтары», «Революция және мен...

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    1984 жылы «Үйім – менің Отаным», «Маңғыстау монологтары», «Революция және мен» өлең топтамалары үшін Қазақ КСР Мемлекеттік сыйлығының лауреаты атанды.
    Ленин комсомолы Орталық Комитетінің, Қазақ КСР Жоғарғы Кеңесінің Құрмет Грамоталарымен, «Құрмет Белгісі», «Парасат» ордендерімен марапатталған. 
    Республика мәдени-ағарту ісіне еңбегі сіңген қызметкер. 
    Қазақстан Республикасы Парламенті Мәжілісінің депутаты болған.

  • Photograph album

    19 слайд

    Photograph album

  • «Жүрек сенсің...» деген өлеңіндегі төмендегі жолдарды оқыған кезде азаматтық...

    20 слайд

    «Жүрек сенсің...» деген өлеңіндегі төмендегі жолдарды оқыған кезде азаматтық сарын, ар-ождан тазалығына тәнті боласыз.

    Бар сияқты менде де сана шыдам,
    Жылағанды демеуге тағы асығам,
    Жасайын-ақ десем де бір астамдық,
    Қорқам ардың айбалта – жазасынан.

  • Task1. Say what it means.

2. Manash village of Novobogatin distr...

    21 слайд

    Task1. Say what it means.

    2. Manash village of Novobogatin district of Guryev oblast
    3.Kommunistik Enbek, Leninshil Zhas and Kazakhstan Pioneri
    4. the Badge of Honor Order
    5. 74

  • Task 2. Put the verbs in correct form.
 Form conditional sentences.

If you (...

    22 слайд

    Task 2. Put the verbs in correct form.
    Form conditional sentences.

    If you (to read) Farisa Ongarsynova`s poems, you will (to be impressed) by these poems.
    I (to wish) Fariza Ongarsynova (to be) next to us.
    3. I (will be glad) if you (to tell) me Fariza Ongarsynova`s biography.

  • Vladimir Zelikovich Katsev

    23 слайд

    Vladimir Zelikovich Katsev

  • Sports Palace named B.Sholak

    24 слайд

    Sports Palace named B.Sholak

  • Alpine Sports Complex "Medeu"

    25 слайд

    Alpine Sports Complex "Medeu"

  • Building Almaty Circus

    26 слайд

    Building Almaty Circus

  • Fountain "Oriental Calendar" by the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of K...

    27 слайд

    Fountain "Oriental Calendar" by the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Boarding house, swimming pool and sports hall ski base Chymbulak

    28 слайд

    Boarding house, swimming pool and sports hall ski base Chymbulak

  • Building Almaty akimat

    29 слайд

    Building Almaty akimat

  • V.I. Chapaev monument in Uralsk

    30 слайд

    V.I. Chapaev monument in Uralsk

  • Checking comprehension. 
to read the text...

    31 слайд

    Checking comprehension. 

    to read the text
    to retell the text

    to translate the text
    to make up sentences

  • Fariza Ongarsynova died aged 74 after a long illness on January 24, 2014.Pre...

    32 слайд

    Fariza Ongarsynova died aged 74 after a long illness on January 24, 2014.
    President of Kazakhstan sent a telegram of condolences to the family and friends of the of poetess. 

    Fariza Ongarsynova was born December 25, 1939 in Manash village of Novobogatin district of Guryev oblast. In 1961 she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Guryev Pedagogical University. After graduation she worked as a teacher then as a principal of rural schools. Since 1966 she found herself in journalism. She contributed to such newspapers as Kommunistik Enbek, Leninshil Zhas and Kazakhstan Pioneri. Fariza was Editor-in-Chief of Ak Zhelken newspaper.
    Her first collection of poems Nightingale was published in 1967. After then she published a number of poetic books both in Kazakh and Russian languages. Besides, she is the author of several feature essays like Heightand a documentary story entitled Kamshat.
    For outstanding merits for the Motherland Fariza Ongarsynova was awarded the Badge of Honor Order, several medals and was given the title of "People's Writer of Kazakhstan".

  • Vladimir Katsev born September 7, 1929 in the Ukraine, in the city of Kremenc...

    33 слайд

    Vladimir Katsev born September 7, 1929 in the Ukraine, in the city of Kremenchug , Poltava region . In 1963, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Academy of Architecture in Moscow . He was a Fellow of the Fine Arts and Architecture Commission of the State Prize of Kazakhstan in the field of literature , art and architecture of the Government of Kazakhstan.Katsev is an author and the chief architect of the building projects Almaty circus, swimming pool "Dynamo " , boarding house, swimming pool and sports hall ski base " Chymbulak " Almaty city administration building , fountain " Oriental Calendar " by the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan .
    In addition, his works including monuments VI Chapaev (Uralsk ) G.Musrepov (Almaty ) and A. Moldagulova (Aktobe ) .
    Father of two daughters , the youngest - Marianne Intercession , an actress of the State Academic Russian Drama Theatre named after M. Lermontov .
    Died famous Kazakhstan architect Vladimir Katsev. The architect, who is known as a man of the, died at age 85 after a long illness. His architectural creations - the skating rink "Medeo" building Almaty Circus Sports Palace Baluan Sholak - became a true symbol of Almaty. Master used to say that "no generals in art, art all - ordinary soldiers."

  • If Fariza Ongarsynova is alive, she will be 75 years old.
2.  When I go to Al...

    34 слайд

    If Fariza Ongarsynova is alive, she will be 75 years old.
    2. When I go to Almaty, I shall visit Vladimir Katsev`s projects.
    3. If I were you, I would discuss today`s theme with your classmates.

  • Home task: to prepare a presentation of one of famous people.

    35 слайд

    Home task: to prepare a presentation of one of famous people.

  • Thanks for your attention!

    36 слайд

    Thanks for your attention!

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Краткое описание документа:

Theme: «Famous People of Kazakhstan»

Class: 10b 


. to introduce to biography of F. Ongarsynova, V. Katsev
• to recapitulate the words on the topic and grammar 
(Conditional sentences); 
• to practice reading the text for the information; 
• to develop reading, listening and speaking skills; 
• to bring up love for the outstanding peoples of Kazakhstan; 
• to teach the children to help each other. 
Equipment: A computer, a whiteboard, the presentation «Famous people of Kazakhstan». 
1. Organization moment: Good morning.  Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Let`s review about Canada.

2. Checking up home task:  Slide 1


   Where is Canada situated?

   What is the capital of Canada?

   Who are the natives of Canada?

   What languages do people speak in Canada?

   What is the population of Canada?

   Is Canada a country of mountains, rivers and lakes?

   What kind of state is Canada?

   How many provinces and territories does it consist of? 

   Look at the  blackboard.

   -What do you see?


   -What peoples  photos?

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Повышение мотивации и эффективности обучения иностранному языку с помощью интерактивных тренажеров (на примере английского языка)

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Курс повышения квалификации

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Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания китайского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

36 ч. — 144 ч.

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Практика гештальт-терапии: техники и инструменты

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