Инфоурок Другое КонспектыУрок по английскому языку на тему "Past Simple" (4 класс)

Урок по английскому языку на тему "Past Simple" (4 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Past Simple

    1 слайд

    Past Simple

  • 2 слайд

  • Snow came in the night like a wide cloud trembling down to the ground

    3 слайд

    Snow came in the night like a wide cloud trembling down to the ground

  • Watched


    4 слайд




  • They skate in the yard every day.
 They skated in the yard yesterday.


    5 слайд

    They skate in the yard every day.
    They skated in the yard yesterday.

    The weather is fine today.
    The weather was fine yesterday.

    We go to the park every day.
    We went to the park yesterday.

    I see my friend and his mother.
    I saw my friend and his mother.

    Children have five lessons every day.
    Children had five lessons yesterday.

  • walk – walked
be – was
play – played
fly – flied
like – liked
want – wanted...

    6 слайд

    walk – walked
    be – was
    play – played
    fly – flied
    like – liked
    want – wanted

    No mistakes – “5”
    1-2 mistakes – “4”
    3 mistake – “3”
    4-6 mistakes – “2”

  • General questionsDid you stay at home?
Did you fly to Rome?
Did your plane ar...

    7 слайд

    General questions
    Did you stay at home?
    Did you fly to Rome?
    Did your plane arrive at time?
    Did you have a good time?
    Did you swim in the sea?
    Did you watch TV?
    Did you spend a lot of money?
    Were your journey very funny?
    Were you happy?
    Were you sad?
    Were you angry?
    Were you glad?

  • Образец: I watched TV at night.
		Did you watch TV at night?

 I washed my h...

    8 слайд

    Образец: I watched TV at night.
    Did you watch TV at night?

    I washed my hands and face ten times.
    Did you wash your hands and face ten times?

    I played chess with a champion.
    Did you play chess with a champion?

    I helped my friends to do their homework.
    Did you help your friends to do their homework?

    I cleaned my teeth three times.
    Did you clean your teeth three times?

  • I played football yesterday.

When did you play football?
What did you play y...

    9 слайд

    I played football yesterday.

    When did you play football?
    What did you play yesterday?
    Who played football yesterday?

  •   Read–read-readWrite-wrote-written          Run-ran-run Think-thought-thought

    10 слайд


  •  Home Work

Ex.6 p.63
AB ex. 17 p.33

    11 слайд

    Home Work

    Ex.6 p.63
    AB ex. 17 p.33

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Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I (play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) _________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.



Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.



Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.




Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.



Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.



Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.



Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.



Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.



Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.



Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.



Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.



Yesterday I (walk)__________­­­­­­­­ in the park. The weather (be)________ warm and sunny. I( play)_________    with my friend there. We (fly) ________ a kite in the park. We (like)_________ it very much. We (want)___________ to go to this park next weekend, too.











































the letter















last summer?






2 hours ago?





the picture



the table?




the party










I can do it


I can’t do it


I need some help




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МОУ «Октябрьская средняя (полная) общеобразовательная школа»







Урока английского языка по теме:

«Вопросы в Past Simple»


(4 класс, УМК «Enjoy English», авторы: М.З. Биболетова,  Н.Н. Трубанева)








 Учитель I квалификационной категории

                                                       Хасанова Марина Валерьевна







Цель: формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.



1)     Формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения;

2)     Тренировка произносительных навыков учащихся.


1)     Развитие лингвистических способностей (фонетика, имитация, догадка и др.);

2)     Развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (мышление, память, внимание, восприятие, воображение и др.)


1)    Воспитание цивилизованной личности;

2)    Воспитание умения работать в парах;

3)    Воспитание чувства взаимопомощи и взаимоподдержки.

Оборудование: компоненты учебно-методического комплекта, компьютер, проектор, презентация, аудиозапись песни, раздаточный материал, схемы формул Past Simple, игрушка гнома.















Ход урока:

I.                Организационный момент


Teacher: Good morning, children! Nice to meet you! How are you?

P1: I am fine!

P2: I am OK today!

P3: I am wonderful today!

Teacher: Great! So, Let’s begin our lesson. Answer may questions, please.

1)    What date is it today?

2)    What day is it today?

3)     What season is it now?

4)     What’s the weather like today?

5)     What can people do in winter?


II.         Постановка целей и задач урока.


Teacher: Let’s remember the song about the little boy and fish.

Class: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Once I caught a Fish alive.

6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit may finger so.

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.

Teacher: Well done! Thank you.

What is the theme of our lesson? Today we are going to visit the town of the Past Simple. (Слайд 1). It’s a very beautiful town. Who lives in this town? Look! These are funny gnomes. (Слайд 2). They are nice, kind and friendly. They will show us the town. We will learn how to ask and answer the questions in the Past Simple, do exercises, read poems and play games at the lesson.


III.      Фонетическая зарядка.


1)    Teacher: What are these sounds? Name them, please.

P1: [ ai ]

P2: [ au ]

P3: [ ei ]

Teacher: It’s winter now. And our gnomes like this season very much. They want us to learn a poem.


Snow came in the night like a wide cloud trembling down to the ground.

(Слайд 3)

To tremble – дрожжать

Wide cloud – широкое облако

Ground – земля


2)    Teacher: Regular verbs live in town Past Simple. Let’s help our gnomes to put the regular verbs in their houses.


[ t ]                                             [ d ]                                                [ id ]


Watched                                    Played                                            Skated

Walked                                      Learned                                          Wanted

Talked                                       Tried                                               Collected

Finished                                     Cried                                               Painted

Looked                                      Smiled                                             Needed



(Глаголы находятся на карточках на подносе. Ученики подходят к доске, берут листок с написанным глаголом и «заселяют» его в нужный дом. Когда все выполнено и проверено по слайду, обучающиеся повторяют звуки с примерами за учителем).

(Слайд 4)


Teacher: Come to the blackboard, take a card with the verb and put it in the right house… Now let’s check up. Repeat after me all together.


IV.      Речевая разминка.


Teacher: Our gnomes are very industrious (трудолюбивые). They work in their workshop the whole day remaking the sentences from Present Simple into Past Simple. Let’s help them. ( по Слайду 5)


They skate in the yard every day.

They skated in the yard yesterday.


The weather is fine today.

The weather was fine yesterday.


We go to the park every day.

We went to the park yesterday.


I see my friend and his mother.

I saw my friend and his mother.

Children have five classes every day.

Children had five classes yesterday.


They live in a big city.

They lived in a big city last year.


Gnomes have tea and sandwiches for breakfast.

Gnomes had tea and sandwiches for breakfast yesterday.


Children do morning exercises every day.

Children did morning exercises yesterday.


V.          Повторение грамматического материала (утвердительная форма Past Simple)


Teacher: The gnomes prepared a task for you. You have got the cards with the text on your tables. You must put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple Tense. Don’t forget to sign your papers. Is it clear for you? So, start!


Yesterday I (walk)________in the park. The weather (be)_________warm and sunny. I (play)________with my friend there. We (fly)__________a kite in the park. We (Like)___________it very much. We (want)___________to go this park next weekend, too.


Teacher: Stop working! Now exchange you papers with your partners. Checkup the answers. Here they are. (Слайд 6) Put the marks.

Teacher: Pass me your works, please.


VI.      Физкультминутка.


     Up! Down! Up! Down!

     Which is the way to London town?

     Where? Where? Up in the air.

     Close your eyes –

     And you are there.


VII.  Введение нового материала по теме «Вопросы в Past Simple»

1)           Teacher: This is Ted. Ye is very curious (любознательный). He always asks a lot of questions. Читаем стихотворение на слайде 7. (Разыгрывается ситуация).

Gnome: Did you see a dog yesterday?

Teacher: Yes, I did.

Gnome: Did you play football yesterday?

Teacher: NoI didnt.


Teacher: Ребята, какое слово нам нужно для построения вопросов в Past Simple? (Did) Обратите внимание на форму глагола (объяснение правила по слайду 8 )


I washed my hands and face ten times.

Did you wash your hands and face ten times?


I played chess with a champion.

Did you play chess with a champion?


I helped my friends to do their homework?

Did you help your friends to do their homework?


I cleaned my teeth three times.

Did you clean your teeth three times?


2)           Teacher: Our gnomes are very industrious, but they have got helpers. These are the words What? Where? Who? How? Why? Which? When?

Look how they help them. (слайд 9)


I played football yesterday.


When did you play football?

What did you play yesterday?

Who played football yesterday?


VIII.                       Первичное закрепление введенного грамматического материала. Ознакомление с новыми неправильными глаголами.


Teacher: Children, look at the sentences in ex.24 on p. 57 in your textbooks. Use the example and make up the questions in the Past Simple Tense. Work in groups of 3.

Remember these irregular verbs and write them down in your copybooks: (Слайд 10).


Read – read – read

Write – wrote – written

Think – thought – thought

Run – ran – run


1)    We played badminton yesterday.

Did you play badminton yesterday?

Where did we play badminton?


2)    The children drew a nice picture last night.

Did the children draw a nice picture last night?

Who drew a nice picture last night?


3)    Jim read an interesting fairy tale last Sunday.

Did Jim read an interesting fairy tale last Sunday?

What did Jim read last Sunday?


4)    Jill wrote a letter to Santa Claus last week.

Did Jill write a letter to Santa Claus last week?

When did Jill write a letter to Santa Claus?


5)    They skied in the park yesterday.

Did they ski in the park yesterday?

Where did they ski yesterday?


6)    Simon caught a big fish a month ago.

Did Simon catch a big fish a month ago?

What did Simon catch a month ago?


IX.                Активизация построения вопросительных предложений в    Past Simple.


Teacher: The next task for you is to make up questions in the Past Simple.

You have got some cards with the words on your desks. I’ll say the sentence in Russian and you must come to me and take your place in the sentence.


1)    Ты написал письмо своей бабушке?

Did you write the letter to your Granny?


2)    Что ты делал вчера?

What did you do yesterday?


3)    Куда ты ездил прошлым летом?

Where did you go last summer?


4)    Ты играл в футбол два часа назад?

Did you play football 2 hours ago?


5)    Почему ты положил картину на стол?

Why did you put the picture on the table?


6)    Вечеринка была интересная?

Was the party interesting?


7)    Какие песни вы пели вчера?

What songs did you sing yesterday?


X.          Рефлексия.


Teacher: Children, it’s high time to finish our lesson. Did you like it? You were active, brilliant and bright. Is it clear how to ask and answer the questions in the Past Simple Tense? Take a paper face. And stick it on the board if you can do it, can’t do it or you need some help to do it.


XI.      Подведение итогов. Объяснение домашнего задания.


Teacher: Your home task will be: ex.6 p.63

                                                      AB .ex.17 p.33 (Слайд 11)


Teacher: Today we have done a lot of Different exercises. Thank you for your work. Your marks are…

The Lesson is over. Good bye and have a nice day!

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Краткое описание документа:

Цель: формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.



1)     Формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения;

2)     Тренировка произносительных навыков учащихся.


1)     Развитие лингвистических способностей (фонетика, имитация, догадка и др.);

2)     Развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (мышление, память, внимание, восприятие, воображение и др.)


1)    Воспитание цивилизованной личности;

2)    Воспитание умения работать в парах;

3)    Воспитание чувства взаимопомощи и взаимоподдержки.

Оборудование: компоненты учебно-методического комплекта, компьютер, проектор, презентация, аудиозапись песни, раздаточный материал, схемы формул PastSimple, игрушка гнома.


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