Инфоурок Сайты учителей Климчук Ирина Васильевна
Был(-а) онлайн: 2022-12-21 06:16

Климчук Ирина Васильевна

  • учитель английского языка
  • ГБОУ СОШ № 41
  • Россия
  • 13.05.1966

Категории по интересам:

Добрый день,уважаемые коллеги.Я работаю учителем английского языка с 1989 года,т. е. с момента окончания КГПИ,получив специальность учителя английского и немецкого языков.Начинала я свою трудо...
Статьи пользователя

Компьютерные курсы от автономного образовательного учреждения дополнитьльного профессионального образования Удмуртской Республики"Институт развития образования"15-19.04.19

Преподаватель -Никитин Андрей Геннадьевич.

Стихотворение на конкурс чтецов ,посвящённый Дню матери, 8-9 кл, 22.11.18 Сонеты У.Шекспира

SONNET L How heavy do I journey on the way, When what I seek, my weary travel's end, Doth teach that ease and that repose to say 'Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend!' The beast that bears me, tired with my woe, 5 Plods dully on, to bear that weight in me, As if by some instinct the wretch did know His rider loved not speed, being made from thee: The bloody spur cannot provoke him on That sometimes anger thrusts into his hide; 10 Which heavily he answers with a groan, More sharp to me than spurring to his side; For that same groan doth put this in my mind; My grief lies onward a...

Стихотворение на конкурс чтецов ,посвящённый Дню матери, 5-7 кл, 22.11.18

My Fortune, My Mother

How much I love you I can’t say:
It’s more than words can hold.
You’re all at once my rich, red clay,
My potter and my mold.
Yours the words that shaped my voice,
The spirit within mine.
Yours the will that shaped my choice,
My fortune, and my sign.

How lucky I was to have had you
At the core of me!
Wise and good, you always knew
Just what I could be.

And so I came to be someone
Whom I could be proud of.
For this I give my swollen sum
Of gratitude and love.
