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Клотова Татьяна Юрьевна

  • учитель английского языка
  • Россия
  • 26.09.1960

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A personal Letter

Dear Nick,

Thanks for your letter. It's always good to hear from you. It was an amazing idea to go hiking.

Let me tell you about my active holidays. First, I often go camping. In particular, I’d rather take walking holidays in the countryside than stay indoors on hot summer days. Second, lying by the pool is not my thing. I enjoy getting fit on active tours. My whole family is the best company for me on such tours. Finally, whitewater rafting is the extreme sport I‘d like to try. You know that I ‘m a thrill seeker and wish to get excitement in rafting of a lifetime.


Письмо другу

Dear John, Thanks for your letter. It's always good to hear from you. You’ll be surprised to know that this month is my friend’s birthday too. It’s really hard to buy a present for Nikita’s seventeenth birthday. I’m sure you‘ll definitely help me with this if I tell you about him. First, Nikita’s athletic. He‘s a striker in the football team. Every time, Nikita scores a goal, he gets so excited. Second, he often goes camping. In particular, he’d rather go for long walks in the countryside than stay in his flat on hot summer days. Finally, Nikita loves wearing sporty clothes. So, what specia...

Write a personal letter to your English-speaking pen-friend about the last filn you watched at the cinema

Dear Mike,

Thanks for your letter. It’s always good to hear from you.

Have you seen Arkansas? It was the last film I saw in the cinema. First, it’s an action film, which is my favourite kind. Second, it’s full of exciting action and special effects. They both make the film entertaining for the spectators. While you’re watching Arkansas, you don’t think about anything that. Finally, my attitude towards such effects is favourable.

In your letter, you shared with me some wonderful news about your friend’s performance in the theatre. I wish I knew more about it. Could you answ...