Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыДоклад на тему "Zodiac signs "

Доклад на тему "Zodiac signs "

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The choice of this topic is not accidental, because it’s interesting for everyone, and in this work you can find answers to all questions for each specific sign. The date of birth of a person is determined by his sign of the zodiac, and, knowing the sign of the zodiac, you can know the nature, behavior, emotional component of man, the most suitable type of activities and more. Also, knowing the signs of people can determine how they fit to each other, what is their compatibility. Finally, it's just very interesting to read about your zodiac sign, you can perform that fits the description and what not. It gives you the opportunity to look at ourselves as if from outside.

We believe that this topic is relevant , because the interest in understanding themselves and others will not disappear ever. In every man there is a mystery, but astrology gives you the opportunity to lift the veil of secrecy.

The aim of the study was

to identify the relationship of human nature from his zodiac sign.


1. Learn what zodiac sign is the patron birth date of my classmates.

2. To characterize each sign of the zodiac.

3. To give a general description of zodiac elements.

4. To know the effect of year of birth on the person's character.

5. To draw conclusions.

Methods of research: horoscopes, conduct survey of classmates.

This work contains a complete, although brief characteristics of each sign. The project reveals the most important aspects of signs that allows for the minimum amount of time to learn about your token the maximum of information.










1 Why have we Sign?

Since ancient times astrology was a highly respected science and even today, it remains widely practiced, which gives quite accurate predictions through the horoscope signs of the zodiac. We are all very different people and we are very interested to learn more about yourself what we know, as well as about other people, to understand their interests and motives. To know your horoscope means to help yourself in business and everyday life. To understand its role in life and fill it with meaning relationships with other people will help the study of astrological horoscope signs of the zodiac.

We decided to ask the classmates about the relevance of the chosen topic by means of a questionnaire. Students 7 "A" class was offered the following questions:

- Do you know your zodiac sign?

- Do you believe in horoscopes?

- Do you listen to your horoscope?

- Whether to follow the advice of an astrologer?

After talking with classmates, we have seen that the majority believe in horoscopes, and so we decided to examine in more detail what it is.

What is the horoscope?

To give a simple definition of astrology is impossible. This collection of characteristics tied to specific data about the person: his year, season or birthday. What is it – a set of characteristics that may be suitable to everyone or some specific age-old wisdom – like dispute has been going on for decades. Actually, this is the eternal question: to believe or not to believe in horoscopes.

What is your character? Imagine, you can be the judge of that, if you know the zodiac sign under which man is born to.

By definition, the sign of the zodiac is the constellation in which the sun was at the moment of our birth.

The zodiac sign is determined by the date of birth of the person and each of these 12 signs has the unique features and characteristics described in the horoscope signs of the zodiac, and most of us rightly believes that zodiac signs reflect the essence of our nature.

Every child is a personality. However, adults are sometimes not so easy to communicate with children, as it may seem at first glance. And in order to find an individual approach to each child, read the child's horoscope. It contains a lot of information that will help to find common language with any child, because the sign of the zodiac determines the basic traits and human behavior from a very young age.







There are twelve signs of the Zodiac. They represent basic traits of human personality. Characters are expressed through the characteristic qualities of man, distinguishing him from other people.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20) – children born in the spring, the restless and energetic, before starting to walk and talk. Very curious, "whyers". Before beginning to strive for independence. They have a vivid imagination, imaginative, unusually sensitive. Parents should guide and control them very tactfully. These children need to trust that they can fully demonstrate their abilities, capabilities.

TAURUS (April 21 - may 21) – these children are very affectionate. Methodically and meticulously to solve their problems. Attentive, hardworking and skillful, love everything to do with your hands. A very musical. Usually learn slowly, but thoroughly, can not stand rush. These children should be treated with approval, and they bloom like flowers under the sun.

GEMINI (may 22 - June 21) – an unusually playful, graceful, and artistic, restless and very fearful. They should try to do something useful. Sometimes are nervous. Parents need to develop their attention and systematic skills, while avoiding fanaticism. The twins are very sincere and instantly feel the lie.

CANCER (June 22 - July 22) – these children have unusually high spiritual needs, though at times they Express their feelings and desires clumsily. Rich inner life, discipline, boys are strongly attached to their mothers, Teens are prone to mood swings. These children need attention and understanding, so as not withered their loving souls.

LEO (July 23 - August 23) – the leaders and the leaders of the children in the best sense of the word. Invent new games and supervise them. Children usually love and respect. "The cubs" I love all kinds of parties and celebrations, often have dramatic abilities. Romantic nature start early to give up on life.

VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) – the children quickly and begin to speak earlier, neat and tidy, but bring parents a lot of trouble. Early for them to have their critical attitude to life. Often shy and sensitive to opinions of others. They like a lot to learn and to read.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) – a charming and enjoyable. Always in the limelight. They are easy to get along with adults and children. Calm balanced. By nature Libra – diplomats. They often shirk work, they need to build sustainable ideals.

SCORPIO (24 Oct - 22 Nov) is one of the strongest signs of the zodiac, and it is very difficult to educate children born under this sign. These children have a strong will and steady mind. They love to work and win, they can't retreat, usually not for years developed.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) – kids love sports and animals at home will not keep them. Children Sagittarians are sincere and talkative, have a sense of humor and is not prone to fruitless dreams and dreams even in adolescence. Do not tolerate injustice and lies. Usually love school and studying well. Sometimes lack of zeal and diligence. Archers can not tolerate any restrictions, they must be given maximum freedom.

CAPRICORN (22 Dec - 20 Jan) – these children are born with a sense of dignity, independent, soon begin to understand what you want. They have already determined tastes. Ambitious and usually successful learning, albeit slowly do everything. Don't like noisy children's games, careful, hardworking. Friends Capricorns are few, often one, but a best friend. Strictly adhere to family ties and traditions.

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 18) – these kids are smart, energetic, eager to learn as much as possible. Sometimes unstable, like recognition and praise, and a need in society and alone at the same time. Like to have fun. Resourceful, tactful and able to compromise, but in the end do as you want. Kind of a rough punishment. They need to communicate as equals, gently guide and direct.

PISCES (February 19 - March 20) – unstable and all have their own opinion. They are not easy to understand, they have frequent mood swings, but they are sincere and conscientious, they can be trusted. They need the support and approval of adults. Many children are artistic and musical, they like to read, though often inattentive. Pisces is the most sensitive of all zodiac signs. With them requires a special tact, gentleness and approval, so they believe in themselves.
























Of course, no horoscope can not 100% guarantee to say what the final fate of this or that representative of the sign cannot guarantee that the data matches the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac with the character of each person.


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