Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыГрамматический тест по английскому "Past tenses" (10 класс)

Грамматический тест по английскому "Past tenses" (10 класс)

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Variant 1.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms.

I.              Last year, Tom and Fiona 1) ...decided... (decide) to buy a house. They 2) ……….. (save up) for ages, and by the end of May they 3) ……… (put by) enough for the deposit on a house. They 4) …….. (live) in a tiny flat at the time and Fiona 5) ………. (insist) that she 6) ……… (want) a house with a big garden. They 7) …….. (search) for only a few days when they found exactly they 8) ……….(look for) - a two-bed roomed house in nearly an acre of garden. Unfortunately the owner 9) ……… (ask) much more than they 10)……… (be) willing to pay, and when they 11)……… (look) more closely at the interior, they 12)…….. (see) that whoever 13) ……….. (live) there before, 14)……..(make) an absolute mess of the walls and floors. Still, Fiona 15) ……….(like) the garden and the location so much that she 16)……… (manage) to convince Tom that, despite the price, it 17)…….. (be) the perfect house for them.


II.             Alexander the Great ...was born... (be/born) in 356 BC in Macedonia. He ……. (become) King when he was 20 and ……. (continue) the work that his father .........(begin). In 334 BC he ……. (invade) Persia and by his thirtieth birthday he …… (conquer) most of south-west Asia. However, while he ……. (plan) the invasion of Arabia he …….. (catch) a fever and ……. (die).


Variant 2.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms.

I.    Last summer some friends and 11) ...arranged... (arrange) to go camping. We 2)…….. (look) forward to going for weeks when finally the date of departure 3)…….. (arrive). We 4) …….. (load) the car with our luggage and 5)……..  (set off) early in the morning. The weather was perfect, the sun 6) ………. (shine) brightly and the wind 7) ……… (blow) gently. There 8) ………(not/be) a cloud in the sky! Shortly afterwards, while we 9)…… (travel) along the motorway, we 10)……. (notice) that the car 11) ……(make) a strange noise. Pete, who 12) ……. (drive) very fast, suddenly 13) ………. (stop) the car. Everyone 14) ………(get out) and

15)………. (go) round to the back of the car. To our surprise the boot was wide open – whoever 16)………(load) the luggage 17) ………. (not/close) it properly, and everything 18)………(fall out)!


II.   Last month Albert and I ……. (go) on a skiing trip to Scotland. We ……… (save up) for months and so we ………. (be) very excited when the time ……….. (come) to leave. We ……… (pack) our bags, ……..(get) in the car and …….. (set off). We ……… (drive) for six hours when Albert suddenly …….(remember) something - we ........ (forget) to pack the skis!


Variant 3.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms.

I.              Last year, Tom and Fiona 1) ...decided... (decide) to buy a house. They 2) ……….. (save up) for ages, and by the end of May they 3) ……… (put by) enough for the deposit on a house. They 4) …….. (live) in a tiny flat at the time and Fiona 5) ………. (insist) that she 6) ……… (want) a house with a big garden. They 7) …….. (search) for only a few days when they found exactly they 8) ……….(look for) - a two-bed roomed house in nearly an acre of garden. Unfortunately the owner 9) ……… (ask) much more than they 10)……… (be) willing to pay, and when they 11)……… (look) more closely at the interior, they 12)…….. (see) that whoever 13) ……….. (live) there before, 14)……..(make) an absolute mess of the walls and floors. Still, Fiona 15) ……….(like) the garden and the location so much that she 16)……… (manage) to convince Tom that, despite the price, it 17)…….. (be) the perfect house for them.


II. George Grimes …………. (wake up) feeling very odd. All through the night he …….. (dream) about strange creatures which …….. (try) to break in through his window. They ……… (have) horns and big green eyes and they ……… (seem) to be threatening him. “Oh well,” he ...... (think), “at least they aren’t real.” Just at that moment, however, a big scaly hand ……….. (come) crashing through the window!



Variant 4.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms.

I. Last summer some friends and 11) ...arranged... (arrange) to go camping. We 2)…….. (look) forward to going for weeks when finally the date of departure 3)…….. (arrive). We 4) …….. (load) the car with our luggage and 5)……..  (set off) early in the morning. The weather was perfect, the sun 6) ………. (shine) brightly and the wind 7) ……… (blow) gently. There 8) ………(not/be) a cloud in the sky! Shortly afterwards, while we 9)…… (travel) along the motorway, we 10)……. (notice) that the car 11) ……(make) a strange noise. Pete, who 12) ……. (drive) very fast, suddenly 13) ………. (stop) the car. Everyone 14) ………(get out) and

15)………. (go) round to the back of the car. To our surprise the boot was wide open – whoever 16)………(load) the luggage 17) ………. (not/close) it properly, and everything 18)………(fall out)!


II. When Bob ………. (invite) me to go fishing with him I ………. (be) excited because I ……… (never/go) fishing before. But as we …… (drive) to the river we ……. (see) the first black clouds and ten minutes later it …….. (rain) heavily. Three hours later, soaking wet, we ….. (still/look for) somewhere to get warm and dry.


Variant 5.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms.

I. Last year, Tom and Fiona 1) ...decided... (decide) to buy a house. They 2) ……….. (save up) for ages, and by the end of May they 3) ……… (put by) enough for the deposit on a house. They 4) …….. (live) in a tiny flat at the time and Fiona 5) ………. (insist) that she 6) ……… (want) a house with a big garden. They 7) …….. (search) for only a few days when they found exactly they 8) ……….(look for) - a two-bed roomed house in nearly an acre of garden. Unfortunately the owner 9) ……… (ask) much more than they 10)……… (be) willing to pay, and when they 11)……… (look) more closely at the interior, they 12)…….. (see) that whoever 13) ……….. (live) there before, 14)……..(make) an absolute mess of the walls and floors. Still, Fiona 15) ……….(like) the garden and the location so much that she 16)……… (manage) to convince Tom that, despite the price, it 17)…….. (be) the perfect house for them.


II.……… (you/enjoy) your holiday?” “No, it …….. (be) a disaster! As I ……. (get on) the plane, I found …….. (leave) my holiday money at home! I …… (save) for months to get that money. My father …….. (send) me a cheque, but it ……..  (take) five days to reach me.”


Variant 6.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms.

I. Last summer some friends and 11) ...arranged... (arrange) to go camping. We 2)…….. (look) forward to going for weeks when finally the date of departure 3)…….. (arrive). We 4) …….. (load) the car with our luggage and 5)……..  (set off) early in the morning. The weather was perfect, the sun 6) ………. (shine) brightly and the wind 7) ……… (blow) gently. There 8) ………(not/be) a cloud in the sky! Shortly afterwards, while we 9)…… (travel) along the motorway, we 10)……. (notice) that the car 11) ……(make) a strange noise. Pete, who 12) ……. (drive) very fast, suddenly 13) ………. (stop) the car. Everyone 14) ………(get out) and

15)………. (go) round to the back of the car. To our surprise the boot was wide open – whoever 16)………(load) the luggage 17) ………. (not/close) it properly, and everything 18)………(fall out)!


II. Alan ……. (work) in the same office for ten years before he ……. (apply) for another post with “Mask Ltd”. He …… (wait) for an answer for weeks when he …… (be/asked) to attend an interview with the Personnel Manager. He ........  (go) there dressed in an expensive suit which he …… (buy) the day before, only to find that they …… (want) someone to work as a cleaner.


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Variant 1.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms.

I. Last year, Tom and Fiona 1) ...decided... (decide) to buy a house. They 2) ……….. (save up) for ages, and by the end of May they 3) ……… (put by) enough for the deposit on a house. They 4) …….. (live) in a tiny flat at the time and Fiona 5) ………. (insist) that she 6) ……… (want) a house with a big garden. They 7) …….. (search) for only a few days when they found exactly they 8) ……….(look for) - a two-bed roomed house in nearly an acre of garden. Unfortunately the owner 9) ……… (ask) much more than they 10)……… (be) willing to pay, and when they 11)……… (look) more closely at the interior, they 12)…….. (see) that whoever 13) ……….. (live) there before, 14)……..(make) an absolute mess of the walls and floors. Still, Fiona 15) ……….(like) the garden and the location so much that she 16)……… (manage) to convince Tom that, despite the price, it 17)…….. (be) the perfect house for them.

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