Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект на тему "It's 5 o'clock tea or a story of one tradition"

Конспект на тему "It's 5 o'clock tea or a story of one tradition"

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"A story of one tradition, or 5 o'clock tea"
слушатель(ница) курсов по программе
«Содержание и методика преподавания английского языка»
Зданкевич Алина Сергеевна,












A story of one tradition, or 5 o'clock tea


I History of the afternoon tea

II Let's have some tea

2.1 Kinds of English tea

2.2 The English tea ceremony

2.3 Etiquette when attending a tea party.

2.4 Foods for an English Tea

2.5 How to Prepare for an English Tea

III Exercises.


“There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.”

Henry James

Author Profession: Writer

Nationality: American

Born: April 15, 1843

Died: February 28, 1916


есть несколько часов в жизни более приятных, чем час, посвященный церемонии, известной как послеобеденный чай.”Генри Джеймс





What is tea? Different people can answer in different ways. The doctor says that the tea is a cure for many diseases. An ordinary man says that tea is his daily morning drink. Merchant – that it's goods. Englishman - that it is a custom, Indian - it's a tradition, Chinese - that is the culture. In my speech, I decided to take a closer look the tea traditions of England. English - one of the nations who drink much tea in the world: they drink 120,000,000 cups of tea daily according to the research by UK Tea Council! In modern English, even there is a term of a person who is tea addicted - a tea-acholic.

II History

The whole world knows how the British love tea. It seems that the British drank tea at all times. But it was not.

The custom of drinking tea dates back to the third millennium BC in China and was popularized in England during the 1660s by King Charles II and his wife the Portuguese Infanta Catherine de Braganza.

Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. The Duchess would become hungry around four o’clock in the afternoon. The evening meal in her household was served fashionably late at eight o’clock, thus leaving a long period of time between lunch and dinner. The Duchess asked that a tray of tea, bread and butter (some time earlier, the Earl of Sandwich had had the idea of putting a filling between two slices of bread) and cake be brought to her room during the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her.

This pause for tea became a fashionable social event. During the 1880’s upper-class and society women would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o’clock.

II Let's have some tea

2.1Kinds of English tea

a.      Morning, the earliest tea, drink about six o'clock in the morning, sometimes straight in bed. The habit of "early morning cup" - the early cup of tea before washing and dressing - arose from the damp climate of England, famous for its morning mists. English wake up early, at 6-7 o'clock in the morning, and a cup of strong tea is just a need to wake up;

a.      - Then the tea is served about eight, at the first light breakfast. The British prefer to drink tea which is called «English Breakfast».

b.     - Later, at eleven or twelve, it is time to "lunch”. The British cannot have it without tea.

c.      English Afternoon Tea: Afternoon tea (because it was usually taken in the late afternoon) is also called "low tea" because it was usually taken in a sitting room or withdrawing room where low tables (like a coffee table) were placed near sofas or chairs generally in a large withdrawing room. There are three basic types of Afternoon, or Low Tea: Cream Tea — Tea, scones, jam and cream; Light Tea — Tea, scones and sweets; Full Tea — Tea, savories, scones, sweets and dessert.

2.2 Etiquette when attending a tea party.


2.3 Foods for an English Tea

 The tea party is traditionally a morning or afternoon snack, so that any food on hand from a piece of fruit to a granola bar can work for informal tea with a friend. Sometimes, tea may substitute for a meal, such as dinner. In this case, sandwiches or pasties (pastry pockets of meat and vegetables) may also be appropriate.

For a more formal tea, specific types of party foods are often served. Foods common at an English tea may include:

·         Tea sandwiches, such as ham or cucumber, on white bread with the crusts cut off.

·         Biscuits, known as cookies in the United States.

·         Scones, dense buttery discs, with jam and lemon curd, a spread made from eggs, butter, and lemons.

A formal tea also includes a centerpiece, a cake or pudding (dessert) as the focal point of the tea table or tray. Trifle, a layered dessert of berries, cream, is one easy option. A tart, a pastry with stewed fruit, is another popular choice. Indeed, any favorite dessert centerpiece can suffice in a pinch.

2.4 How to Prepare for an English Tea

To host a tea party, there is still much to do after selecting a tea and foods to serve.

1)    Select matching china, tea pot, and napkins for serving the tea.

2)    Invite as many guests as desired, but be careful to not exceed the number of matching tea cups and saucers.

3)    Find a place to display the tea party spread. A dining room table will do. Some people have special tea trays, large enough for the tea pot, creamer, sugar bowl, and all the dishes for the tea.

4)    Decorate the tea or tray with a small vase of flowers or other seasonal ornaments. A bough of holly might work well for a Christmas tea.

III Let's work!


1.     Match the idioms to their meanings in Russian:

1.be not one’s cup of tea  

2. not for all the tea in China 

3. be as good as a chocolate teapot   4.read the tea leaves 

5. a storm in a teacup

 6.take tea with somebody 


a.иметь мало толку

b.буря в стакане воды

c.вести дела с кем-то

d.ни за что на свете

e.предсказывать наобум

f.не по душе

2.     Let's prepare for the tea party!

Put the advices in the right order.

A.     Find a place to display the tea party spread. A dining room table will do. Some people have special tea trays, large enough for the tea pot, creamer, sugar bowl, and all the dishes for the tea.

B.     Decorate the tea or tray with a small vase of flowers or other seasonal ornaments. A bough of holly might work well for a Christmas tea.

C.     Invite as many guests as desired, but be careful to not exceed the number of matching tea cups and saucers.

D.    Select matching china, tea pot, and napkins for serving the tea.


To sum up my short speech answer the questions.

1.     Who drinks much tea in the world?

2.     They drink 120,000,000 cups of tea daily according to the research by UK Tea Council, don't they?

3.     Who's a tea-acholic?

4.     Was drinking tea popularized in England in 1660 or 1840?

5.     How many kinds of English do you remember?

6.     What do English call "low tea"?

7.     What food for an English tea can you name?

Thank you for listening.

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