Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыМодульный тест №2 для 8 класса УМК "Spotlight 8"

Модульный тест №2 для 8 класса УМК "Spotlight 8"

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме: «Еда и покупки»

для 8 класса УМК «Spotlight 8»

Контрольная работа проводится в рамках урока в форме теста по модулю 2 «Еда и покупки». Преимущество данной работы заключается  в форме работы. Тестовый формат позволяет сэкономить время при выполнении заданий. Все задания основаны на пройденном материале модуля 2.

Цель: контроль полученных знаний по теме: «Еда и покупки».


1.       Контроль знаний лексического и грамматического материала по теме;

2.       Контроль качества аудирования;

3.       Совершенствование навыков самостоятельной работы.


Содержание работы:

Test Module 2

8 formVariant 1


A You will hear an advertisement for a local cooking school. Listen and fill in the missing information.

Anne Marie’s school of cooking

A Fun and Creative Way to Spice Up

Your Dinner Table!

Learn how to create a 1)…………course meal.

Cost: 4) £……………..per lesson. 10% discount if you bring a friend.

Discover the secrets of 2)……………………cuisine.

Call Anne Marie Wells at 5)…………..to book a place on the course.

Classes last for 3)……………..minutes.


 Points:______ (5x3)


B Underline the correct item

6) Would you like to stay for dinner? We’re having roast chicken with poached/mashed potatoes.

7) We took Jane out to lunch to cheer her up, because she’s been going off/going through a rough time at work.

8) Milk and other dairy products are very appealing/nourishing for young children, as they help them grow strong and healthy.

9) Be careful not to spill the salt/spill the beans and tell John about the surprise party.

10) Dinner is almost ready. I just have to beat/grate the cheese for the pasta.

11) Joe eats out so often that he always welcomes the chance to have a nice home-cooked/undercooked meal whenever he visits his mother.

12) The new clothes shop has a great variety of jeans and shirts at very low/poor prices.

13) Jane made a delicious raw/spicy sauce for the spaghetti.

14) Nathan likes his steak well done/rare, so don’t cook it for more than ten minutes.

15) Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to set the table for a formal dinner; it’s a cup of tea/piece of cake.

Points:______ (10x1)


C Fill in: appealing, nourishing, lunchtime, packed, nursery, portions, basically

16) This restaurant serves very small……….. I’m always hungry after I leave here!

17) Babies drink a lot of milk as it’s very ……………for them and helps them to grow up strong and healthy.

18) Patty likes sharing her food with the other little children at the……………school.

19) Traditional Spanish tortilla, which is ………….a thick potato omelette, is very popular in Spain.

20) Could we meet at …………..?


Points:______ (5x2)


D Underline the correct item

21) Mum and Dad a pair of  leather Italian/Italian leather shoes for his birthday.

22) Chloe can’t make it to dinner tonight, but the good news is/are that she’ll be able to spend the whole weekend with us.

23) There were very little/few people at the restaurant, so it was easy for us to find a table.

24) What is Monica doing? She has been to/been in the dressing room for an hour.

25) Doctors say that it’s not a good idea to eat red meat more than once or twice a/the week.

26) Dad will be back in half an hour; he’s gone to/been to the newsagent’s to pick up today’s paper.

27) Emily’s family moved to Spain from-/the UK when she was still a baby.

28) Your doctor can give you some good advices/advice on how to follow a more balanced diet.

29) Whenever Paul goes to London, he stays at the/-Hilton Hotel.

30) This dish is delicious and doesn’t take much/many time to prepare.

Points:______ (10x2)

E Use the ideas to make sentences, adding a/an or the where necessary.

31) While/we/be/in Budapest/we/go/on boat trip/down/Danube

32) George/start playing/guitar/last June

33) Smiths/leave/for Canada/from/Gatwick Airport/yesterday

34) Tower of London/be/on north side of/Thames

35) We/miss/bus/to Liverpool/so we go there/by train


Points:______ (5x2)

Reading F Read the mail and choose A, B or C to complete the gaps.


A are coming

B come

C have come


A little

B few

C many


A a

B the

C -


A budgets

B bargains

C prices


A shoppers

B stalls

C malls


A charity

B good

C benefit


A shop

B sale

C bazaar


A many

B lot

C lots


A in

B with

C by


A chemist’s

B butcher’s

C optician’s  Points:______ (10x2)

Test Module 2

8 form

Variant 2


A You will hear an advertisement for a local cooking school. Listen and fill in the missing information.

Anne Marie’s school of cooking

A Fun and Creative Way to Spice Up

Your Dinner Table!

Learn how to create a 1)…………course meal.

Cost: 4) £……………..per lesson. 10% discount if you bring a friend.

Discover the secrets of 2)……………………cuisine.

Call Anne Marie Wells at 5)…………..to book a place on the course.

Classes last for 3)……………..minutes.


 Points:______ (5x3)


B Fill in: pickled, peel, dark, grated, overcooked, pinch, rare, bar, sparkling, litre.

6) I can’t stand …………..vegetables because I hate vinegar.

7) If you add a …………of salt, it will taste better.

8) Can I have a glass of ………..water?

9) Would you like a ………..of chocolate?

10) I’d like my steak …………, please.

11) Alan drinks a ……………of milk every day.

12) The vegetables were ……….and the meat was tasteless.

13) Can you ……….the potatoes, please?

14) Have you………the cheese?

15) I prefer ……..chocolate to the milk or white varieties.

Points:______ (10x1)

C Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

Demand, side, scrambled, pinch, stock, creamy, fussy, packed

16) I will have the grilled fish with steamed rice and a ……………..salad, please.

17) I really don’t know what to cook for Ben. He’s such a…………..eater that I’m afraid he won’t like anything I serve.

18) Liam is not a very honest person, so you should take everything he says with a ………….of salt.

19) Tony takes a ………………..lunch to work, because he doesn’t like leaving the office to eat out.

20) Linda is an excellent chef and her cooking skills are in great…………………… .


Points:______ (5x2)


D Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

21) Sheila …………(go) to the bazaar. She’ll be back in an hour.

22) You look sweaty! ……….(you/work) out?

23) How much …….(Helen/spend) on her English books?

24) The house smells wonderful……….(Mum/bake) a cake?

25) How long………..(Tom/save) to buy a new PC?

26) Robin …………(never/be) abroad.

27) He ………..(work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.

28) We ………..(not/buy) all our Christmas presents yet.

29) Joy ………….(clean) the house since 9 o’clock. Can you give her a hand?

30) ………….(you/ever/eat) Thai food?

Points:______ (10x2)

E Use the ideas to make sentences, adding a/an or the where necessary.

31) While/we/be/in Budapest/we/go/on boat trip/down/Danube

32) George/start playing/guitar/last June

33) Smiths/leave/for Canada/from/Gatwick Airport/yesterday

34) Tower of London/be/on north side of/Thames

35) We/miss/bus/to Liverpool/so we go there/by train


Points:______ (5x2)

Reading F Read the mail and choose A, B or C to complete the gaps.


A are coming

B come

C have come


A little

B few

C many


A a

B the

C -


A budgets

B bargains

C prices


A shoppers

B stalls

C malls


A charity

B good

C benefit


A shop

B sale

C bazaar


A many

B lot

C lots


A in

B with

C by


A chemist’s

B butcher’s

C optician’s

Points:______ (10x2)

Keys  - 85 points

Variant 1

Variant 2

A listening – 1) four, 2) international, 3) sixty, 4) fifty, 5) 694-3321

B mashed, going through, nourishing, spill the beans, grate, homecooked, low, spicy, rare, piece of cake

B pickled, pinch, sparkling, bar, rare, litre, overcooked, peel, grated, dark

C portions, nourishing, nursery, basically, lunchtime

C sound, research, moved, change, overtime

D Italian leather, is, few, been in, a, gone to, the, advice, the, much

D has gone, have you been working, has Helen spent, has mum been baking, has Tom been saving, has never been, he has been working, haven’t bought, has been cleaning, have you ever eaten

E 1) While we were in Budapest we went on a boat trip down the Danube. 2) George started playing the guitar last June. 3) The Smiths left for Canada from Gatwick Airport yesterday. 4) The tower of London is on the north side of the Thames. 5) We missed the bus to Liverpool, so we went there by train. 6) My parents go to the theatre twice a month.

F reading  a,b,a,c,b,a,b,c,a,c




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