Инфоурок Английский язык Рабочие программыОценочные материалы по английскому языку

Оценочные материалы по английскому языку

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Пояснительная записка к тестированию по английскому языку

для учащихся 7 классов.

1. Назначение тестирования - определение уровня подготовки обучающихся 7 классов средней  общеобразовательной школы по  английскому языку(базовый уровень)  за  учебный  год .

2. Структура тестовой контрольной работы. Контрольная работа по английскому языку представлена одним вариантом, который включает 4 задания. 

Контрольная работа состоит из заданий по формированию навыков чтения (заданий на практическое использование языкового материала), по формированию навыков письма (заданий на практическое использование языкового материала), по формированию навыков говорения (говорение по  предложенной теме), по формированию навыков аудирования (заполнение пропущенных фраз, по прослушанному тексту).

Раздел «Чтение» проверяет, насколько хорошо обучающийся умеет:

- понять основной смысл прочитанного текста. Время выполнения заданий раздела «Чтение» - 20 минут.

Раздел «Говорение» (говорение по предложенной теме) проверяет, насколько хорошо обучающийся умеет:

- использовать значения и сочетаемости слов, знание фразовых глаголов,   правильное   использование разговорных клише.

Раздел «Письмо» проверяет, насколько хорошо обучающийся умеет:

- использовать грамматические и лексические навыки, а именно: знание значения и сочетаемости слов, образования слов, знание фразовых глаголов и различий в значении   синонимов   и   слов,   схожих  по   форме. Время выполнения заданий раздела 30 минут.

Раздел «Аудирование» (заполнение пропущенных фраз, по прослушанному тексту) проверяет, насколько хорошо обучающийся умеет:

        понять основной смысл прослушанного текста. Время выполнения заданий раздела «Аудирование» - 20 минут.

1 четверть

Критерии оценивания результатов контрольной работы:


Виды работ

Оценка «3»

Оценка «4»

Оценка «5»

Контроль навыков чтения.

4-5 балла

6-8 баллов

9-10 баллов

Контроль навыков аудирования.

4   балла

От 5 до 6 баллов

От 7 до 8 баллов

Контроль навыков письма.

От  9  до 17 баллов

От 18 до 25 баллов

От 26 до 30 баллов

Контроль навыков говорения.

От 5 до 8 баллов

От 9 до 14 баллов

От 15 до 20 баллов


Содержание 10 баллов. Взаимодействие с собеседником 4 балла. Лексическое оформление речи 2 балла. Грамматическое оформление речи 2 балла. Фонетическое оформление речи 2 балла.









Критерии оценивания результатов  контрольной работы к рабочей программе по английскому языку(уровень основного общего образования) к АОП основного общего образования для обучения  детей с ЗПР.


Виды работ

Оценка «3»

Оценка «4»

Оценка «5»

Контроль навыков чтения.

1-3 баллов

4 -5 баллов

6-10 баллов

Контроль навыков аудирования.

1-3   балла

От 4 до 6  баллов

От 7  до 8 баллов

Контроль навыков письма.

От  1  до 10 баллов

От 11 до 20 баллов

От  21 до 30 баллов

Контроль навыков говорения.

От 4 до9 баллов

От 10 до 15 баллов

От 16 до 20 баллов


1 четверть.


Контроль чтения.


Complete each sentence with one of the words or word combinations below (10 points).

official language, different languages, first, means of communication, only, British and American English, study, vocabulary, foreign languages, speak


English has become a 1) … within some countries where different groups of people speak 2)… . You must work hard to learn your 3) … foreign language. Some people can 4) … more than one language.  We must 5) … foreign language at school. There are some differences between 6) … . English is the 7) … in Australia. Most 8) … in the modern computer science is in English. English is the 9) … solution to the communicate problems. If a person doesn’t know 10) … he can’t hope to know all the news in his field.


Контроль говорения.

English is a language of the world.


Контроль письма.


1.      Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to get.

1.      We get__________ very well with our new neighbours; they are very nice people.

2.      In winter, when it`s dark  it is so difficult to get ___________in the morning.

3.      I asked the bus driver where I should get __________.

4.      Look at the time! Let`s get ___________to business.

5.      I can`t get ____________my dislike  of snakes.

6.      If the information gets __________, you`ll be very sorry about it.

7.      Jack is a terrible boy, he has got __________with my keys again.


2.      Complete the sentences using the new words.

1.      – Why does he speaks French so fluently? – Because it`s his mother t___________.

2.      Don`t be d________  about the results of your test: next time you`ll do better.

3.      I always use English- English dictionary and find them very h_________.

4.      I don`t like learning words in i__________. I prefer to learn them in sentences or word combinations.

5.      They invite the best i____________ to work an international conferences.

6.      An a____________ Russian should know at least one foreign language.

7.      May I answer the question now and write the spelling dictation a__________?

8.      The words «fashion» and «fashionable» are r_________.

9.      He p__________ his English very hard and soon became quite fluent in it.

10.  The day will come when I will r_________ my dream.

11.  It`s a_____________ two o`clock. Let`s have lunch.

12.  This textbook is full of d___________ exercises. They help us to remember grammar rules better.

13.  If you use the right intonation and v___________, you`ll never sound r__________, you`ll sound polite.



3.      Write the plural for each noun.

1.bath  2.penny  3.roof  4.schoolchild  5.deer


4.      Write the singular for each noun.

1.wives  2.men  3.mice  4.armies  5.oxen.


Контроль аудирования.


Listen to the text and say which of the two is right.


1. The writer found giving lectures (more difficult/easier) than writing books. 2. Last year he was invited to give a lecture to (Chinese/Japanese) students. 3. Most of his listeners (could/couldn't) understand spoken English. 4. The writer spoke to the students through (an interpreter/another lecturer). 5. The writer told the listeners a (sad/amusing) story. 6. The interpreter made his story very (long/short). 7. The students (laughed/didn't laugh) afterwards. 8. The interpreter (told/didn't tell) the writer's story in Japanese.


Laugh, Please

Once there lived a famous writer who practised giving lectures to university students. At times he found it far more difficult than writing books, especially when he talked to foreign students. Last year when the writer was visiting Japan he was invited to give a lecture to a large group of students. Hе knew that most of them could not understand spoken English. So he asked an interpreter to help him to make sure that the students would get the idea of what he was saying.,

His lecture went on very well. It seemed that the students didn't have a problem understanding him and made careful notes of the lecture. At the end of the lecture the writer, who liked to keep his listeners happy, told them an amusing story. The story was long and he stopped to allow the interpreter to translate it into Japanese. .The writer was very surprised when the interpreter did this in a few seconds and all the students laughed loudly afterwards.

When the lecture was over, the writer thanked the interpreter for his good work and then he asked him how he had coped with that long story so quickly, how he had made it so short.

"I didn't tell your story at all," the interpreter answered with a smile. "I just said, our lecturer has just told a funny story. You will all laugh, please."

2 четверть

Контроль чтения.


Complete each sentence with one of the words below (10 points).

free, student, compulsory, lines, suspension, solve, Mathematics, education (2), school


If all children must go to school to get secondary 1) … , it means that secondary education is 2) … . In Russia, Britain, Australia and in most developed countries secondary education is compulsory. A 3) … is a person getting education either at 4) … or University. Process of getting knowledge we call 5) … . It can be secondary or higher, paid or 6) … . A task to write some sentence many times is 7) …, it used as a kind of punishment. 8) … is a kind of punishment, when a student is not allowed to come to school for a few days or weeks. A school subject, when students must count, 9) … problems and do difficult tasks is 10) … .


Контроль говорения.


Different activities (hobby).


Контроль письма.


1.Complete the sentence with the verb to turn.


1.      I never noticed when the little girl turned_____________ a nice young lady.

2.      When I entered my room, I couldn`t believe my eyes: it looked as if someone had turned it _________.

3.      It`s funny how Jeff always turns _______ when we want to see him most.

4.      Will you turn the telly __________? I can`t hear.

5.      Helen turned the bag _________ but couldn`t find the keys.

6.      The game turned ___________ to be so exciting that we played it till late in the evening without noticing the time.


2. Complete the sentences using the new words

1.      One hundred years ago women spent a lot of time r___________ clothes for the whole family.

2.      In the picture you can see a narrow w____________ river running through the fields.

3.      Look at these lovely salad b___________ I  have just bought.

4.      «Hello, would you like to come in?» he  said smiling c___________ at us.

5.      The Smiths are at home: there`s l_________ in their window.

6.      If you want to open the door p___________ it, and if you want to close the door, p________ it.

7.      Are you hungry? I`ll be happy to s__________ these cheeses sandwiches with you.

8.      We quarreled yesterday and I r__________ a lot of things that I said.

9.      Good basketball players know how to b___________ the ball.

10.  Some people in our planet still s__________  their independence.

11.  K__________  little louder, the door is thick and I don`t think they can hear you.

12.  How many c__________ are you going to have on your birthday cake  this year?

13.  My home is rather c___________ to the new shop.

14.  I`m going to leave as soon as I can. This is my f_____________ decision.



3.Choose one the perfect tenses (present perfect, past perfect or future perfect) to complete the sentences.


1.  –Don`t water the flowers. – I already (water) them.

2.  After she (be) on holiday, she felt much better.

3.  I (finish) my article by the end of April.

4.  Tomorrow I (be) here for a year.

5.  After we (eat) the fish, we began to feel ill.

6.  I just (sit) down when Rebecca asked me to dance.

7. The farmer said he (feed) the ducks and was going to feed the cows.

8.  My father (mend) my bike. Now I can ride it again.

9.  John (make) chicken salad for lunch. I hope you`ll like it.

10.  I`m sure Jane (arrive) in Boston by the end of the week.

Контроль аудирования.


Listen to the text "Christopher's Toys"

to hum  — мурлыкать, бурчать под нос

"tight place"  — «узкое место», затруднительные обстоятельства

squeaky  — визгливый, плаксивый

Choose the right way to complete the sentences.

1.        Pooh was only ... younger than Christopher Robin.

a) a year b) two years c) three years

2.         Eeyore looked gloomy because his ... hung down.

a) tail b) ears c) neck

3.         Piglet was a present from ... .

a) a friend b) a neighbour c) Christopher's father

4.        Rabbit was ...

. a) a toy b) an animal c) an invented character

5.        Pooh couldn't climb out of Rabbit's hole because ... .

a)        he had eaten a lot

b)        he didn't try hard enough

c)       Rabbit didn't want him to go

6.        Staying in the hole Pooh ... .

a)        had a bowl of honey every day

b)        had some condensed milk every day

c)       had no meals at all

7.        Tigger arrived ... Pooh, Eeyore and Piglet,

a) at the same time as b) earlier than c) later than

8.        Pooh's house was ... an old walnut tree.

a) on b) inside c) under


Christopher's Toys

When Christopher Milne grew up he often had to answer questions about himself when he was a child, and about his toys.

He remembered that Pooh was his parents' present and the oldest, only a year younger than Christopher himself, and the most cheerful of them. He was Christopher's favourite toy and companion. It was Pooh to whom the little boy said "Good night" before falling asleep.

Eeyore, too, was a present. With time his neck had gone down and this had given him his sad and gloomy look.

Piglet was a present from a neighbour who lived close by. Rabbit was invented. At first he was just the owner of the hole in which Pooh got stuck and struggled to get free. Every child remembers how once Pooh was walking through the forest humming to himself

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,


Tiddle-iddle, tiddle-iddle,

Tiddle-iddle, liddle-iddle,


When he saw a hole, found out that Rabbit was in and pushed his way through the hole, the two had a bite after which Pooh couldn't climb out of the hole, though he pulled with his front paws and pushed with his back paws as hard as he could. For a long week Pooh had to stay in the hole — and have no meals: not a bowl of honey, not even a mouthful of condensed milk — and only when he got thinner Christopher Robin, Rabbit and Rabbit's friends and relations pulled Pooh out of the "tight place".

Both Kanga and Tigger arrived later, they were presents from Christopher's parents carefully chosen so that they could make new literary characters. As A. A. Milne said, "...you only had to look at them to see at once that Tigger was bouncy, Eeyore was gloomy and Piglet was squeaky."

Pooh's house was inside an old walnut tree. The tree was hollow inside and it was easy to climb in through a big opening in the trunk. It was the perfect tree house for a five-year-old. This was where Christopher and Pooh played their quiet, happy games together.






3 четверть .


 Контроль чтения.


Fill in the blanks with the following words. Use only one word in each space (10 points).

participants, competition, news, chance, tour,  chance in a million, lucky, luck, prize, world

Mr. Green: Hello!

Jack: Good evening. This is Jack. Can I speak to Bob, please?

Mr. Green: Hang on a moment, Jack. I’ll get him.

Bob: Hi, Jack! What’s up?

Jack: Hi, Bob! Good 1) … . Did you answer the questions for the World Teenagers’ 2) …?

Bob: Yes, I did. And you helped me. We both tried our 3) … .

Jack: We have won it! We are 4)…!

Bob: That’s great! It was a 5) … . There were many 6) … . But we were in 7) ... and we won a 8) … .

Jack: So get ready for the 9) … round the 10) … .

Bob: Touch wood.

Jack: OK. Bye!


Контроль говорения.

Reading books.


Контроль письма.


1.      Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to rush.


1.      Everyone rushed ____________the room to see what was happening.

2.      Don`t rush ___________conclusion. This is not her final decision.

3.      I`m afraid we`ll have to rush the old lady ___________hospital.

4.      The big cock rushed __________ the little chick.

5.      Jane was very hungry and rushed ___________ her sandwich as soon as it was brought.

6.      Please don`t rush __________without knocking.


2.      Complete the sentences with the new words.


1.      Mr. Williams is such a g____________ person; you can never make him smile.

2.      How much does your luggage w___________?

3.      The branches b____________ in the wind.

4.      My granny was a___________ about us when we didn`t come home on time.

5.      – What`s the matter? – Oh, nothing in p_____________.

6.      She is very f_________ about the books her daughter read.

7.      Do you give your s_____________ word that you won`t go there?

8.      Don`t  m__________ - I can`t understand what you`re saying.



3.      Complete the dialogues using comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives.


1.      A. This ruler is too short, I need a ______________one.

B. Here you are. This is the ______________I`ve got.

2.   A. This bike is  very expensive.  Have you got any that is ____________?

B.  Sorry, the _____________ makes have been sold out.

3.     A.  This piece of apple pie is too big for me. Can I have a ____________ one?

B.  All right.  Take this one. It is the ___________of all.

4.     A. These video films are very old . Haven`t you got any ____________videos?

B.  Sorry, the ___________videos have all gone.

5.      A.   I thought this test would be ____________ than the last one. That one was very


B.  Alas! It is the _____________ test we have ever had.



Контроль аудирования.


Listen to the text "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp".

M  Morocco  — Марокко (государство на севере Африки)


certain          — некий, какой-то

jewels      — драгоценности

lastly        — наконец

Answer these questions.

1. Where did Aladdin and his mother live? 2. Where did their relative come from? 3. What presents did he bring to Aladdin's household? 4. What did Aladdin's "uncle" ask the boy to do? 5. The journey was going to be long, wasn't it? Do you think it was a boring journey? 6. Where did they stop? 7. How did the hole appear in front of them? 8. What did the "uncle" ask Aladdin to search for in the garden?


Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

In one of the cities of China there once lived a poor woman. She lived in a tiny house. She had only one child, Aladdin, so there, were only two of them in the household. When Aladdin became a teenager a rich man came to their house and introduced himself. He said he was their relative. Neither Aladdin nor his mother knew that Aladdin's father had a brother, but they welcomed their guest and gave him food. Aladdin's uncle had brought them some presents. The boxes contained plates, clothes, sweets. Aladdin's uncle had transported them from Morocco. The presents impressed Aladdin and his mother and they looked at the uncle in fascination. Later Aladdin was taken aback when the man asked his nephew to take him to the mountains. He knew it would take them long to get there, but he agreed. He was sure they would be able to manage that long and dangerous journey.

The next day they started their adventure. They walked many miles every day. Aladdin's uncle was a good storyteller and he told the boy many interesting things. Then they came to a certain rocky place. For some reason the uncle decided to stop there. He made a fire, picked up a tiny stone from the ground and threw it into the fire. At once there was a great noise, and a hole opened in front of them. Aladdin stood pop-eyed. His uncle asked him to go down into the hole and search for a garden with a fascinating fruit-tree with fine jewels on it. Under that tree Aladdin had to search for an old lamp. He had to go down into the hole all by himself and to search carefully everywhere. The boy's uncle asked him not to hurry and to keep a watchful eye on all the trees in the garden. He also asked Aladdin to let him know if he had found the lamp. "Before you come back," said the uncle, "put some fruit in your pockets. But don't push or rub the lamp. Lastly take this ring, it will keep you safe." "But why do you want the lamp, Uncle?" Aladdin asked. "The lamp is under the spell. Just go down." So Aladdin went down into the earth.







4 четверть.


Контроль чтения.

Complete each sentence with one of the words below (10 points).

bad, tongue, ill, nose, temperature, medicine, cough, runny,  flu, bed


Doctor: Well, what’s the matter with you?

John: Oh, doctor. I’m very 1) … .

Doctor: Then show me your 2) … . Have you taken your 3) … ? What is it?

John: Doctor! It’s 38.3, and I feel 4) …, I have got a 5) … and a 6) … 7) … .

Doctor: Well, I think you have got 8) … . Take 9) … and stay in 10) … .

John: Goodbye, doctor. Thanks a lot.

Doctor: Be healthy.


Контроль говорения.


Контроль письма.


1.Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to run.

1.      He ran _________ to sea at the age of fourteen and never returned home.

2.      She doesn`t like your success: that`s why she`s always running you _________.

3.      The electric battery won`t work. It has run __________.

4.      Our food is soon run  ___________

5.      A small rabbit has been run ___________ by a bus. Poor little thing!

6.      I`m afraid we have run ____________of petrol.



2.Complete the sentences with the new words.


1.      The child`s eyes almost p___________ out of her head with excitement.

2.      –Do you need any help with those heavy bags? - No, thanks, I can m___________.

3.      Chinese art has a great f__________ for my granny.

4.      This is a c___________ little house.

5.      What`s on the t___________ today?

6.      What does your sister do? She is a l_____________.

7.      John p___________ up the stick for the old lady.

8.      Let`s not s_______________ this wonderful day by having a quarrel.

9.      The lion d_____________ a deer/

10.  The police emptied her bag and examined the c____________.


3.Fill in the articles where necessary.


1.      Brazil  exports a lot of __________coffee.

2.      Gold is __________metal.

3.      Jane always has ________ light breakfast in the morning.

4.      __________ lunch that was served yesterday was really very good.

5.      Shall we go for ________ walk after __________ supper?

6.      Would you like __________ ice cream?

7.      Pas me _________sugar, please.

8.      Has she ever eaten ___________brunch?

9.      Do you like ___________fish and chips?


Контроль аудирования.


      Listen to the text "Favourite Sports and Games",  and choose the right item:

1.        One of Sophia's favourite sports is ... .

a) skiing b) rowing c) fencing

2.        Patrick's favourite games are ... .

a)                  football and tennis

b)                  volleyball and basketball

c)                  football and volleyball

3.        Sophia is ... at skiing.

a) very good b) rather poor c) not great

4.        Sophia prefers to ski in the ... .

a) forest b) mountains c) valley

5.        Patrick thinks skiing is very ... .

a) dangerous b) cheap c) exciting

6.        Patrick plays volleyball ... .

a) in the summer b) in the winter c) all the year round

7.        Patrick plays football ... .

a)                  in the summer

b)                  in the winter

c)                  all the year round

8.        Patrick is ... at playing football.

a) very good b) rather poor c) very bad

9.        Patrick plays football ... .

a)                  only on the beach

b)                  only at the sports centre

c)                  in different places



Favourite Sports and Games

Patrick: So, Sophia, what are your favourite sports?

Sophia: It's really difficult to say. I play tennis, table tennis, volleyball. I go in for swimming and do some skating and skiing in winter.

Patrick: Are you good at skiing?

Sophia: I am not the world's greatest skier. I'm a careful skier. I enjoy skiing in the forest but I like skiing in the mountains most of all. The most wonderful thing about skiing for me is the light and sunshine high in the mountains and the speed.

Patrick: A lot of people like it though skiing in the mountains is very expensive. You need a special kind of equipment, skis, boots, ski-suits. But I agree it is very exciting especially when you "fly" down the mountains. But I myself go to the mountains very seldom.

Sophia: What games do you prefer to play?

Patrick: I play football and volleyball, they are my favourite games. You can play them with your friends and practically all the year round.

Sophia: Do you play football and volleyball regularly?

Patrick: Well, it depends on the season. During the summer I play football and volleyball on the beach, and that's only once a week on Sunday or on Saturday. But in spring, autumn and winter I play football regularly.






















1 четверть

Контроль чтения.

1) means of communication, 2)  different languages, 3) first, 4) speak, 5) study,  6) British and American English, 7) official language, 8) vocabulary, 9) only, 10) foreign languages


Контроль аудирования.



1. more difficult  2. Japanese  3. couldn't  4. an interpreter 5.amusing   6. short   7. laughed 8. didn't tell.



Контроль письма


1.      1.along  2.up  3.off  4.down  5.over  6.out  7.away

2.      1.tongue  2.disappointed  3.helpful  4.isolation  5.interpreters  6.average  7.afterwards  8.related  9.practised  10.realize  11.almost  12.drill   13.vocabulary  14.rude

3.      1..baths  2.pennies  3.roofs  4.schoolchildren  5.deer

4.      1.a wife  2.a man  3.a mouse  4.an army  5.an ox.

2 четверть.

Контроль чтения.

1) education, 2) compulsory, 3) student, 4) school, 5) education, 6) free, 7) lines, 8) suspension, 9) solve, 10) Mathematics



Контроль аудирования


1-a  2-c   3-b  4-c   5-a   6-c  7-c   8-b



Контроль письма



1.      1. into, 2. upside down,  3. up,  4. up/down, 5. inside, 6. out.

2.      1. repairing,  2. winding, 3. bowls, 4. cheerfully, 5. light, 6. push/pull, 7. share,

8. regret(ted), 9. bounce, 10. struggle, 11. knock, 12. candles, 13. close, 14. firm.

3.  1.have already watered, 2.had been, 3.will have finished, 4.will have been, 5.had eaten,           6.had just sat, 7.had fed, 8.has mended, 9. has made, 10.will have arrived.



3 четверть.

Контроль чтения.

1) news, 2) competition, 3) chance, 4)  lucky, 5) chance in a million, 6)  participants, 7) luck, 8) prize, 9) tour, 10) world,


Контроль навыков письма

1.      1.into/in  2.at  3.to  4.at  5.at  6.in.

2.      1.gloomy  2.weigh  3.bent  4.anxious  5.particular  6.fussy  7.solemn  8.mumble.

3.      1.longer, longest  2.cheaper, cheapest  3.smaller, smallest  4.newer, newer/ newest  5.easier, the most difficult.

Контроль аудирования.


1.Aladdin and his mother lived in one of the cities of China. 2 Their relative came from. Morocco. 3. The boxes  with presents contained plates, clothes, sweets. 4. The man asked his nephew to take him to the mountains. 5 Yes, it was. No, it wasn`t 6. They stopped in a certain rocky place. 7. The man made a fire, picked up a tiny stone from the ground and threw it into the fire.

8 The man asked to search for a garden with a fascinating fruit-tree with fine jewels on it.


4 четверть.

Контроль чтения.


1) ill, 2) tongue, 3) temperature, 4) bad, 5) cough, 6) runny, 7) nose, 8) flu, 9) medicine, 10) bed


Контроль навыков письма



1.      1.away   2.down  3.out  4.out  5.over  4.out

2.      1.popped  2.manage  3.fascination  4.cosy  5.telly  6.librarian  7.picked  8.spoil  9.devoured  10.contents.

3.      1. -  2.a  3.a  4.the  5.a, -  6.an 7.the  8.-  9.-

Контроль аудирования.


Keys 1.a  2.c  3.c  4.b  5.c  6.a  7.c  8.a  9.c


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