Инфоурок Другое ПрезентацииОТКРЫТЫЙ УРОК по английскому языку “Travelling around the world” “Complex Object”

ОТКРЫТЫЙ УРОК по английскому языку “Travelling around the world” “Complex Object”

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Subject	Predicate	Complex Object	 Nominative Part	Verbal Part	 	Want Would li...

    1 слайд

    SubjectPredicateComplex Object Nominative PartVerbal Part Want Would like ExpectAnn Tom A girl me you him her us themto do To be made To be allowedto do Let Makedo

  • “The most important three words you can say to yourself: Yes, I can!” Complex...

    2 слайд

    “The most important three words you can say to yourself: Yes, I can!” Complex Object

  •  Task 1 The story of Cinderella

    3 слайд

    Task 1 The story of Cinderella

  • Complete the story with the following verbs with or without - to - 	You all k...

    4 слайд

    Complete the story with the following verbs with or without - to - You all know the story of Cinderella. Cinderella was very unhappy because her stepmother didn’t love her and expected the poor girl … the house, … the meals, … the plates, and … many other things. Poor Cinderella was made … all the work all the day long. But her stepmother never wanted her own daughters …. Cinderella with this work. She never made her own daughters … or … or … . They didn’t do anything except enjoying themselves. Their mother wanted them … Prince, so she only let them … pretty dresses all the day long. They also wanted poor Cinderella … more pretty dresses for them. But Cinderella was not allowed … these pretty dresses. Cinderella was a kind girl and tried very hard to please her stepsisters.

  •  Task 2 His name is Mr. Brown. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

    5 слайд

    Task 2 His name is Mr. Brown. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

  • Don’t be late! I. II. Mr. Brown wants … Mr. Brown wants … Bob, stop crying! ....

    6 слайд

    Don’t be late! I. II. Mr. Brown wants … Mr. Brown wants … Bob, stop crying! . Cook dinner for my family, please! Mary, send this letter tomorrow! III. Mr. Smith IV. she Mr. Smith is allowed … Mr. Brown made … Mr. Green

  • Go to the doctor! Don’t lie on the floor! V. Mike VI. the child Mr. Brown wan...

    7 слайд

    Go to the doctor! Don’t lie on the floor! V. Mike VI. the child Mr. Brown wanted … Mr. Brown doesn’t let … Dance quickly! Go for a walk with your dog! VII. they VIII. Nick Mr. Brown would like … Nick was made …

  • Kate, stop jumping! Clean the house! X. Mr. Bell . Mr. Brown wants her …	 Mr....

    8 слайд

    Kate, stop jumping! Clean the house! X. Mr. Bell . Mr. Brown wants her … Mr. Bell was made … IX Go in for sports! Put your money in the bank. XI. They XII. Mrs. White Mr. Brown makes … Mr. Brown expects …

  • Task 3 Stop and check Express the same in English with the help of the follo...

    9 слайд

    Task 3 Stop and check Express the same in English with the help of the following words in the right order

  • 1. Я хочу, чтобы Джон убрал свою комнату. 2. Я хотела бы, чтобы Мэри помыла...

    10 слайд

    1. Я хочу, чтобы Джон убрал свою комнату. 2. Я хотела бы, чтобы Мэри помыла посуду после еды. 3. Мама ожидает, что мы будем добрыми и дружелюбными.

  • 4. Я позволяю ему вернуться в 5. 	 5. Мне не разрешают стать актером. 	 6. Ан...

    11 слайд

    4. Я позволяю ему вернуться в 5. 5. Мне не разрешают стать актером. 6. Анне хотелось бы, чтобы мы пошли в зоопарк.

  • 7. Я заставлю их ответить на этот трудный вопрос. 	 8. Ученики хотят, чтобы и...

    12 слайд

    7. Я заставлю их ответить на этот трудный вопрос. 8. Ученики хотят, чтобы их учителя были добрыми. 9. Учителя хотели бы, чтобы их ученики были умными. 10. Она заставила его рассказать правду.

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Краткое описание документа:

Theme:                       Complex object


Teaching aims:          - teaching to pronounce of sounds;

         - teaching new vocabulary and use it;

         - teaching grammar, using it in speech and writing;

         - teaching speaking skills, listening skills, working on the computer skills;

         - teaching students’ skills of working with the interactive board and  


Developing aims:       - to develop students’ memory, imagination, motives of learning English,                             creative thinking, logical thinking, fluent reading and speaking.

Educational aims:      - to bring up tolerance to group mates, good manners, politeness, ability to                            listen to other  students’ answers, attention, ecological culture, humanity.

Type of the lesson:      Consolidation with using computers and interactive board;

Equipment and visual aids: Computers and interactive board



I.   Organization moment.

II.  Phonetic drill.

III. Revision of grammar “Complex Object” (with the help of the interactive board and computers)

Task 1. Complete the table


1. What does the sentence with Complex Object consist of?     

    The sentence with Complex Object consists of a Subject, a Predicate, and Complex Object.   

2. What does Complex Object consist of?

     Complex Object consists of two parts: Nominative part and Verbal part.

      Nominative part can be: Names of the people, of the animals; nouns; pronouns in object case.      

      Verbal part can be: a verb with –to-, a verb without –to-, or a verb with ending –ing-.


 IV. Consolidation of the grammar.

Task II. Look at the pictures and say what people want, would like, expect etc. Bob to do/do/doing.

  1. Mr  Brown wants … (“Stop screaming at the top of your voice!”)
  2. Mrs Green doesn’t let … (“Don’t touch the flowers!”)
  3. Mrs White would like … (“Be the best student in your class!”)
  4. Bob’s mother and father let … (“Invite your friends to your birthday party!”)
  5. Bob’s Granny wouldn’t like … (“Don’t tell lies!”)
  6. Bob’s Grandfather makes … (“Set to work!”)
  7. Yesterday Mary watched … (Bob likes to play football)


Task III. Complete the sentences using the following words.


1. Я хочу, чтобы Джон убрал свою комнату.

            I want John to clean his room.

2.Я хотела бы, чтобы Мэри помыла посуду после еды.

            I would like Mary to wash up after meals.

3. Наша мама ожидает, что мы будем добрыми.

            Our Mother expects us to be kind.

4. Мы не заметили, как они вернулись.

5. Мистер Браун почувствовал, как маленькая девочка коснулась его руки.

6.Анну заставили выучить стих наизусть.

7.Я слышала, как она плакала.

8.Мне не разрешают приходить домой поздно.


TaskIV. Complete the table using Active or Passive Voice.




  1. The teacher made us set to work.



  1. The children were not allowed to play the computer.
  1. My parents make me go to bed early.



  1. We are made to wear a school uniform by our director.
  1. She made him stay at home.



  1. I was not allowed to help him.
  1. She let me go to the Zoo with her.




Task V. Computer Test.



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