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План урока по английскому языку на тему "Foreign languages in Our Life. The Complex sentences. English Tenses."

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                                                                                                                                               Бисалиева Ж.Е______



Урок №

Тема: Foreign languages in Our Life. The Complex sentences. English Tenses.

Цели:  Ознакомить учащихся с новым материалом. Тренировать  в восприятии речи на слух.


1)  Развивать навыки умения и говорения на основе содержания прочитанного текста.

2)  Развивать навыки и умения чтения текста про себя с опорой на догадку.

3) Повторение грамматической темы The Compound sentences.

Тип урока: Урок- беседа.

Оборудование: ИКТ, лекция соответствующая содержанию урока.


Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment: Good morning? Glad to see you! How are you? What date is it? Who is absent today? What problems have he (she)? Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s start!

- I’m sure that you are full of energy and ready to work hard.

Т: Today we are going to speak about the role of foreign languages in the life of the people and in your life. We are going to act dialogues, have some tasks in reading and listening comprehension, speak about professions dealing with English, get some new information, then we’ll review the rules of politeness in Britain.

Т: Let’s read the epigraph of our lesson. На доске: “Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know nothing of their own”. (J. Goethe). What do you think about it? Do you agree with the statement?

What questions would you like to discuss today?

-Why do people learn foreign languages?

 -What is the most popular language in the world?

II. Речевая зарядка: Funny English. Веселый английский

 (Команды по очереди называют английское слово).

1:Учу английские слова, беру я лишь разбег.

Я слово первое узнал: портфель и сумка – BAG.

2:Ученик к доске идёт, классная доска – BLACK-BOARD.

1:Вижу в классе много рук! Книга по-английски –BOOK.

2:Мальчик наш – лихой ковбой, мальчик по-английски – BOY.

1:Да, запомнить я сумею: стул мы называем – CHAIR.

2:Я приводил пример и замер: всё вдруг забыл…пример – EXAMPLE.

1:На окне цветок расцвёл, поливала его – GIRL.

2:Пришло письмо от Светы. Письмо и буква – LETTER.

1:Хоть и мало ему лет, знает он, что карта- MAP.

2:Послание, записку мы ждём уж целый месяц.

                 Послание, записка по-английски – MESSAGE.

1:Игра" Счастливый случай", идёт последний сейм.

                 Имя и фамилия по-английски - NAME.

2:По-английски каждый день ручку называем PEN.

1:Клоун наш Карандаш. Он умён и весел.

                 В Англии Карандаша называют – PENCIL.

2:Вопрос вполне уместен. Вопрос иначе - QUESTION.

1:Линейку я тебе вернула. Линейка по-английски – RULER.

2:В школе я вчера заснул. Школа по-английски - SCHOOL.

1:Вчера купила мама мне точилку, значит – SHARPENER.

2:Унывать совсем не будет, он студент английский - STUDENT.

1:Тише, дети, не кричите: в класс заходит – ENGLISH TEACHER.

2:Узнаешь из названия, о чём будешь читать.

                  Заглавие, название,  по-английски -TITLE.

1:Скажу лишь слово- он поймёт. А слово по-английски – WORD.

III. Brainstorming.

T: Choose the right variant.

1.England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland are

a) also native English speakers

2.Americans are


3.the capital of New Zealand is

c)varieties of English

4.the official language in Singapore is

d) all part of Great Britain

5.English is not

e) the most common first language in the world

6.There are many


1-d 2-a  3-b 4-f 5-e 6-c

IV. Checking up the home task: Text p167 By T. Ayapova

V. Demonstration of the new language:


around — вокруг, кругом
enrich —
a mother tongue —
родной язык

widespread- широко распространенный

sign-знак, подписывать


         When you were learning the meaning of the world “around” you were given an example of using it in the sentence “English around the world”. Let’s think why it is said so. “Do you speak English?”- this question is most frequently heard when people from different countries gather. Two thousand years ago, Latin was the world's most important international language. Today this title belongs to English. It's a global language of travel, business, pop culture, sport and science. Over one billion people speak English. That's almost one fifth of the world's population. For over 400 million it's their first language. For the other 600 million it's either a second language or a foreign language. Although there are about three thousand languages in the world, English is the most widespread. It is the official languages in many countries. It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of  the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, in the  Irish Republic and the Republic of  South Africa. It is also spoken as a second language in many parts of India and Africa.

   English is the most widely used language in international business, science and foreign affairs. Some people say that   English should be the international language because it is the most widespread language in the world. They think that many problems may be solved easier if everyone speaks English. So we can say English concerns everyone.

 Let’s put ourselves into the real conditions of our life.   English is everywhere. It is in signs, clothing, soft drinks and households products around the world. The names of pop-group, software and magazines are often presented in English. English words are used as an element magic on T-shirts, sweat shirts, and caps. Sometimes we use English words for effect rather than as a language, for example “OK!” or “no problem” to the end of the talk.

      Learning English is becoming important for everyone because we live in real life and we should know what is going on around us in the world. The world is changing rapidly in many fields, of technology, business, science, education, arts and medicine. These changes will influence us sooner or later. Today the Republic of Kazakhstan is interesting into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially important for us.

Now you are learning English and if you want to know it well you should always work hard. You may ask what should be done to know English better.

Shortly speaking you should

-enrich your vocabulary;

-use new words in grammar structures and conversation;

-read in English as much as possible;

-write in English not only exercises given by the teacher but do it in your own diary; write about the things which you have already learned in English;

-listen to BBC news in English;

-communicate if possible with English-speaking people; it will help you a lot.

Soon you will see your progress in English. Remember the rule: Learn speaking by speaking. Learn reading by reading.

VI. Questions:

1. What was the world's most important international language two thousand years ago?
2. How many people speak English as their first language, a second language or a foreign language?
3. How many languages are there in the world?
4. Why is it said English “
around the world”?
5. Where is English spoken?
6. What fields is English used in?

7. Why do you learn English?

VII. Practice.

Task 1




Task 2 Fill the table.



















































Task 3

You should combine these parts so as to get a popular name. Who will be the first? You can get 1 point for each right answer.

1. Mickey                                      a) Claus

2. Mary                                          b) Duck

3. Robinson                                   c) Pooh

4. Peter                                          d) Mouse

5. Donald                                       e) Poppins

6. Winny-the-                                f) Crusoe

7. Santa                                          g) Pan


VIII. Grammar revision:

IX. Text p162,165 by Meiramova

X. Relaxing

So now I give you 3 puzzles. Which are red, green and yellow.

Do you like the lesson?- Choose  a red one.

You don’t understand something – choose a green one.

You don’t like the lesson – choose a green one.

Thanks for your work. I hope our lesson will be useful for you. You should always remember that health is above wealth. Try to follow these rules and you will be strong? Healthy and study well.






























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