Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыPresent Simple правила и упражнения, 5 класс

Present Simple правила и упражнения, 5 класс

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Present Simple

1.      Present Simple употребляется для выражения постоянного или повторяющегося действия.He lives in London.

2.      Present Simple употребляется также для обозначения действий, которые произойдут в будущем согласно календарю или расписанию.        My birthday is in May.

3.      Present Simple употребляется для обозначения действия, Которое происходит в момент речи с глаголами, которые не используются в Present ContinuousI hear you well.

Present Simple образуется с помощью инфинитива без частицы to, кроме третьего лица единственного числа, где глагол имеет окончание (e)s:We study English. He speaks English well.



Вопросительная форма простого настоящего времени:

Вопросительная форма простого настоящего времени образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола “do” (“does”-3л. Ед.ч.).

We go to school 5 days week.                                                                                                              

Общий вопрос: Do we go to school 5 days a week? Yes, wed do. No we don’t.        

Альтернативный вопрос: Do we go to school 5 or 6 days a week?                       

Разделительный вопросWe go to school 5 days a week, don’t we?                                     

Вопрос к подлежащему: Who goes to school 5 days a week? (всегда в 3л.ед.ч.)                  

(Обратите внимание на отсутствие вспомогательного глагола.) 

Специальный вопрос:  

1. What do we do 5 days a week?                                                                                     

 2. Where do we go 5 days a week?                                                              

  3. How often do we go to school?

                                               Pete plays football well.

Общий вопрос:  Does Pete play football well?                                                                                                              

Альтернативный вопрос: Does Pete play football or tennis well?                      

 Разделительный вопрос: Pete plays football well, doesn’t he?                                              

Вопрос к подлежащему: Who plays football well?

Специальные вопросы:   

1. What does Pete do well?                                                                             

 2. What game does Pete play well?                                                                                                    

 3. How well does Pete Play football?


Простое настоящее время выражает действие привычное, часто повторяющееся. Им обозначается также последовательность нескольких действий. В контексте  обычны следующие обстоятельства времени:

usually – обычно

sometimes – иногда

never – никогда

often – часто

always – всегда

seldom – редко

occasionally – время от времени

every day – каждый день

twice a week – два раза в неделю

on weekdays – в рабочие дни

on weekends – по выходным


Задание 1Дополните предложение с правильной формой глаголов в скобках

1.            I _____ to bed at 11.00 p.m. (go)

2.            Jack _______ fluent French, (speak)

3.            Her children       ____ game shows and cartoons, (enjoy)

4.            She always _____          funny jokes, (tell)

5.            My sister and I often _______to read newspapers in English. (try)

6.            People _______ personal computers at home, (use)

7.            It ________ him about half an hour to get home from college. (take)


Задание 2. Напишите утвердительные предложения с глаголом в правильной форме

Example: I don't go to school. — I go to school.

1. My mother doesn't come from Russia.

2. My friends don't live in Moscow. 

3. Paul Simon doesn't study at Trinity College.

4. My father doesn't work as an engineer.

5. My friends and I don't go to the cinema at weekends.

6. My friend doesn't wear jeans and a T-shirt to the institute.

1.    ____________________________________________________________

2.    ____________________________________________________________

3.   ____________________________________________________________

4.   ____________________________________________________________

5.   ____________________________________________________________

6.   ____________________________________________________________




Задание 3. Напишите отрицательные предложения

Example: I to the radio in the morning, (listen) — I don't listen to the radio in the morning.

1. I_______ the dog for a walk every day. (take)

2. She________ all the food in the nearest supermarket, (buy)

3. We________ to football matches every Sunday, (go)

4. This car_________ much money — it's rather old. (cost)

5. My friends__________ in a bank, (work)

6. Pete__________ early at weekends, (get up)


Задание 4. Добавь Do или  Does

Example: _____she live with her parents — Yes, she   ___.

Does she live with her parents? — Yes, she does.

___ you like your job? — No, I ___.

Do you like your job? — No, I don't.

1. ___ I speak good Italian? — Yes, you ___.

2. ___ you drive to work? — No, I___.

3. ___ they work hard at university? — Yes, they___.

4. ___ Alan smoke? — No, he___.

5. ___ Patrick like computer games and cartoons? —Yes, he___.            

6. ___children usually eat much ice-cream? — Yes, they ___.

7. ___ you take exams every month? — No, we ___.


Задание 5. Поставь общий вопрос

1. The shop closes at 5 o'clock.

2. They have parties every weekend. .

3. She speaks good English.

4. It rains a lot here in spring.

5. You drink a lot of tea.

6. They go shopping on Saturdays.

1.       ____________________________________________________________

2.       ____________________________________________________________

3.       ____________________________________________________________

4.       ____________________________________________________________

5.       ____________________________________________________________

6.      ____________________________________________________________


Задание 6. Поставь альтернативный вопрос и дай краткий ответ

Example: She (get up) early/late? — Does she get up late or early? — She gets up early.

1. He (go) to work by bus/by train?

2. Classes (start) in the morning/in the afternoon?

3. His mother (work) as a bank manager/as an economist?

4. Jacky (like) classical music/jazz?

5. The shop (close) at 5/at 6 p.m.?

6. His friends (watch) television/go out in the evenings?

7. You (play) the guitar/the piano?

1.       ____________________________________________________________

2.      ____________________________________________________________

3.       ____________________________________________________________

4.       ____________________________________________________________

5.       ____________________________________________________________

6.       ____________________________________________________________

7.       ____________________________________________________________




Задание 12. Переделайте данные предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные. Используйте конструкции don’t и doesn’t.

                1. Mary takes the dog for a walk in the evenings. 2. Peter buys a morning newspapers every day. 3. I come to every lesson. 4. We go to the seaside every summer. 5. You go shopping on Saturday morning. 6. Peter plays the piano very well. 7. The sun rises in the west. 8. My big brother knows everything. 9. Dogs like cats. 10. Some children like chocolate. 11. It rains often in summer.



Задание 13. Заполните пропуски, используя do или does.

1.       ..…… you want cream and sugar in your coffee?

2.       ....… the children go to bed very early?

3.       ....… that girl come from South America?

4.       ....… you know that Italian student?

5.       ....… Miss Stewart prefer coffee or tea?

6.       ....… your English lessons seem very difficult?

7.       ....… those two women understand that lesson?

Задание 16. Дополните предложения
1. My sister _________very clever. 2. What _________she do?  3. Who _________he? 4. She _________a teacher  at school. 5. Where _________your sister live? 6. Greta _________a little house in the country. 7. _________ Mary married? 8. _________Sam have any pets? 9. This girl _________called Mary. 10. She _________a lot of friends.  


Тексты для чтения


A little hare plays in the forest. He runs about and looks at trees and flowers. Suddenly he hears a noise. He looks up and sees a man with a gun. The little hare is afraid of the gun and wants to run away. The man raises the gun. He can kill the hare. Then the little hare cries out, “ Don’t kill me; I’m too small to make a good dinner for you. You may come to the forest and catch me when I am big, and you will have a good dinner.
The hunter smiles and puts down his gun. And then he says, “very well, I’ll come back to then forest when you are big. Only you must grow quickly!” And the hunter lets the little hare go. The hare runs away and calls out, “Catch me now, if you can.”


1. ответьте на вопросы:

1.       Where does the little hare play?___________________________

2.       What does he look at?___________________________________

3.       Does he hear a noise?____________________________________

4.       Whom does he see?_____________________________________

5.       Is he afraid of the man?___________________________________

6.       What is he afraid of?______________________________________

7.       What does the want to do?_________________________________

8.       Does the hare ask the hunter not to kill him?_________________________________________

9.       Is the hate a good dinner for the hunter? Why not?____________________________________

10.   When may the hunter come to the forest?_______________________________________

11.   Does the hunter let the hare run away?________________________________________

12.   What does the hunter ask the hare?__________________________________________

13.   Is the hare happy?____________________________________________________

14.   Is hunter kind?______________________________________________

My Friend’s Family

I have a friend. His name is Nick Wilson. He is 35 (years old). He is an engineer. He works at a big plant. He is married. He has a wife and two children, a son and a daughter.
Nick’s wife is 30. Her first name is Ann. She doesn’t work. She is a housewife. She runs the house. She shops, cooks meals, cleans the house and looks after the children. The girl’s name is Lucy. She is 5. The boy’s name is Pete. He is 3. The children don’t go to school, as they are too little. Nick’s father is dead. His mother is alive. She lives not far from Nick’s house.
Nick also has a brother and a sister. His brother is a worker. His sister is a doctor. Her husband is a teacher. He teaches French. Nick and his relatives are very nice people.
I often visit Nick and we always glad to see each other.

Philip’s  Working Day

I. Philip is a student. He studies English. He studies hard. He wakes up at 7 and goes to the bathroom. In the bathroom he washes, shaves and leans his teeth. Then he dresses. He puts on his suit, shirt and shoes. At 8 he goes to the kitchen. He has breakfast. For breakfast he has tea, bread and butter and bacon and eggs. During breakfast he listens to the radio.After breakfast he puts his books into the bag, puts on his coat and hat and goes to his college. He goes there by bus. He gets to his college at 9. 
II.When he comes to the college, he takes off his coat and hat and goes to the classroom. He greets his friends and sits down at his desk. He takes his books out of the bag and puts them on the desk. He takes his books out of the friends and sits down at his desk. When the teacher comes into the classroom, the students stand up. The lesson begins. At the lesson the students stand up. the lesson begins. At the lesson the students write, read and speak English. They ask questions and answer the teacher’s questions. During the break they play table-tennis or talk about new films, books and sport.
After classes Philip goes home. At home he rests and then he has dinner with his mother. For dinner they have soup, meat or fish. After dinner he does his homework. Then he watches TV or reads he does his homework. Then he watches TV or reads a book. At 10 he says good-night to his mother and to bed.



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