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 Проектная работа «Семейные традиции в России и Китае»












Выполнила: ученица 7«А»

Байрамова Айсу

Научный руководитель:

учитель английского языка Изетова С.Ш.






















2024 г.



1.      Introduction……………………………………………………………………….……3

2.      The main types of family traditions…………………..……………………………......4

3.      Family traditions in Russia……………….…………………………….………….…..6

4.      Family traditions in China………………… ………………………………………….8

5.      Differences in traditions………………………………………………………………10

6.      Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….11

7.      Literature ……………………………………………………………………………..12






















Family and family traditions are the foundations of parenting. Each house has its own set of specific rules and habits that family members follow. Family traditions and customs help to interact with society, make a close-knit family, strengthen family ties, improve mutual understanding and reduce the number of litters. In family circles, where the traditions of family education exist and respected, children listen to the opinion of their parents, and parents pay attention to children’s problems and help them cope with them. The concept “family” is one of the key concepts in the Russian and Chinese culture. As a phenomenon, family includes a certain number of close people bound by sibs.

The role of family traditions:

Ø   traditions give a sense of stability;

Ø   they cultivate respect for elders;

Ø   instill a craving for work and order;

Ø   they unite their relatives;

Ø   it allows you to feel like an integral part of something big and strong, what we call the cell of society;


     Family traditions play an important role in the life of a modern person. They help strengthen family ties, create a sense of belonging and security, and convey values and cultural heritage. In today’s fast pace of life, when every day is filled with work, study and other responsibilities, family traditions become an oasis of calm and stability. They allow the family to spend time together, communicate and enjoy each other.










The main types of family traditions

There are many different family traditions. They can be divided into  several main categories:

Ø Festive traditions

Ø Culinary traditions

Ø Traditions of parenting

Ø Spiritual traditions



1. Holding family holidays and birthdays: family members congratulate each other, have warm conversations together, give gifts, thereby strengthening family intimacy.

2. Household chores: everyone does something to maintain cleanliness and order in the house – cleaning, putting things out and so on.

3. Joint trips to the cinema, circus, water park, visits to other countries, family trips.

4. Another family tradition is the rituals of farewell and greeting. Family members wish each other good dreams, kiss, hug, and so on.

Family vacations can also be considered as a part of a family tradition — perhaps visiting certain places every year or participating in activities such as camping or skiing when it's time for a vacation often becomes intimate memories that children carry with them into adulthood. Another important part of the tradition is the exchange of gifts during special occasions such as the birth of a child.


These rituals can range from family games on Fridays to birthday celebrations with special trips — in any case, they instill responsibility and set boundaries that children will be guided by when they grow up. As an added bonus, it also gives children memories that can be passed down from generation to generation!

Some families may even arrange an overnight outing at the lodge, where they can spend time together playing board games or watching movies late into the night. Another popular tradition is to celebrate holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving and birthdays with special dishes.








Family traditions in Russia

Since ancient times, the traditions of the people have been considered family values, which not only distinguished one nation from another, but also helped to unite a wide variety of people. The family traditions of the Russian people are the most interesting part of the history and culture of the Russian state, which introduces us to the experience of our ancestors.

Russia has a unique culture that is full of interesting customs and traditions. Each family, apart from the common traditions of the people, has its own customs and habits. They bring harmony of relationships and a sense of reliability in the house. It may seem to some that there are no traditions in their family. But sometimes, a completely insignificant family "habit" can become a wonderful tradition.

Let's start with the national holidays.

Here we will focus on six favorite and "popular" holidays. All of them play an important role for Russians in creating a family, raising children, and preserving traditions and customs.

♦ New Year

♦ The Nativity of Christ

♦ Carnival

♦ International Women's Day

♦ Victory Day

♦ Easter

In Russia, great importance has always been attached to the family and its values. In traditional Russian culture, the family is a union between a man and a woman based on respect and trust for each other.

Historically, family traditions in Russia have deep roots. Joint holidays from wedding anniversaries and birthdays of children and parents to holidays such as New Year, Christmas and Easter.


Many families attach great importance to these special moments and celebrations. They help strengthen the bonds between relatives and create pleasant memories that will be stored for many years.

In Russian family the relationships between husband and wife are subject to common Christian traditions. Piety is an important element in family life of the Russian nation, even in entire spiritual life: God created human as his own kind. Man and woman, husband and wife, should be united during their whole life. Devine connection between husband and wife is the symbol of the symbol of connection between God and people.


Russian traditions:

·        In honor of the birth of the child, the father plants a tree. It is a strong family tradition.

·         The important matters were decided at family councils, where even small children were present. They began to imitate adults. They learned obedience.

·        Every year the International Family Day is celebrated around the world on May 15. On this holiday, it is customary to remember the special importance of relatives and friends. It is also celebrated in Russia.

·        In Russia, Christmas is also celebrated with traditional customs that include cooking at home as well as outdoor activities such as ice skating or skiing in winter weather.

·        Birthdays in Russia. The celebration usually includes treats for friends and family, receiving guests, giving gifts. A birthday is celebrated as a home (family) holiday, however, there is also a tradition to congratulate colleagues on their birthday and celebrate the holiday with colleagues.

·        Mother's Day in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. On this day people congratulate mothers, grandmothers and pregnant women. Concerts are organized for moms, matinees are held in schools and kindergartens, there are social events and flash mobs. Children give drawings, postcards and crafts.





Family traditions in China

Family was the main value of the Chinese people thousands of years ago. The accepted norms dictated the roles assigned to the family. To date, little has changed.

The most important events are celebrated with relatives. Favorite holidays include weddings, birthdays, New Year and International Women's Day.

In China, they are very fond of gifts, and both to give and to receive. They become a kind of offerings that symbolizes sympathy and reverence. And it doesn't matter if these are expensive, inexpensive or handmade gifts. The main thing is a pure heart and observance of customs: gifts are accepted and handed over with both hands, with a slight respectful bow.

For a Chinese person, family is the most valuable thing. It has been the case for many centuries.

Literally 30-40 years ago in China, the decision to create a new family was made by the parents of the future newlyweds. And the newlyweds got to know each other already at the wedding. It is not uncommon for a decision on marriage to be made even before the birth of the future bride and groom.

Confucianism has been guiding Chinese culture for thousands of years, its influence on family life is huge. Thus, family relationships between husband and wife are vested in accordance with feudal moral code: Husband is his wife’s chief. Women have to abidden by norms of behavior in family.



Respect for elders is instilled in the Chinese family literally from the cradle. Older people are carriers of wisdom and traditions, so they need to be honored, and in every possible way listen to their advice. Any meal begins with the fact that the eldest of the family can start eating first, and the rest starts eating after them.

In China, the key family values are harmony in the family, equality between man and woman, harmony between husband and wife and respect for elders.

The phrase "family is life" is applicable to Chinese culture. Family is very important, because it is the foundation of Chinese society.

Without it, there is neither society nor the state. At the same time, without a family, there would be no personality. Everyone is born into a family where they feel safe. Thus, the family is also the fortress of a person's social existence.

In order to live, we struggle with difficulties, wander in search, succeed or fail in society.





Chinese traditions:

·        Children's Day in China, June 1st. Now, on June 1, various festive events for children are held in China, concerts, drawing contests are organized, and gifts are distributed in different provinces for children living in orphanages. Many museums, exhibitions, parks, and cinemas are open to children for free. Parents give gifts to children and take them to cafes and parks.

·        On the 15th day of the 8th month of the Lunar calendar, China celebrates the Mid-Autumn Holiday of Zhongqijie, it is also commonly called the "Moon Festival" or "Reunion Holiday". This holiday traditionally coincides with the time of the mid-autumn harvest, which gave it its main name. It is believed that on this day the full moon in the sky is "the brightest and roundest for the whole year."

·        The history of this holiday goes back to the ancient rites of sacrifice — the autumn worship of the Moon. For the Chinese people, this holiday symbolizes family reunion and harmony. They believe that the full moon symbolizes reunion, harmony and happiness.

Differences in traditions

Нow are they similar:

Ø From an early age, Russian and Chinese children were instilled with respect for their elders and a love of work, both mental and physical.

Ø Both Russia and China eventually came to relative equality in family relations.

Ø In Chinese and Russian culture, a man and a woman were presented as a single whole.


Ø At the moment, China has a policy aimed at reducing the birth rate. In Russia, the opposite policy is in effect.

Ø China has long been a closed country that has not been influenced from outside. Russia was influenced by Europe and Asia for long periods, which naturally affected family relations





To sum it all up, we can conclude that there are more similarities than differences between the Russian and Chinese families. It indicates the residual closeness of the similarity of the characters of these similar countries. We begin to better understand the cultural characteristics of two countries because we got to know the family traditions of given countries, and this is necessary for the establishment of friendly relations between countries. The concept “family” is an important component of person’s mentality both in Russia and China, as a language and culture unit it reflects peculiarities of the national culture.



















1.     Yu Guojun. Similarities and differences between Chinese and Russian cultural customs // Mirovaya kul'tura. — 2001. — № 2.

2.     Zhao Minshan. Comparative study of the Russian Chinese language and culture // BeijingMilitaryYiWenPress. – 2018.

3.     Russia Beyond // https://www.rbth.com/

4.     Live Science // https://www.livescience.com/44154-russian-culture.html

5.     Facts and Details // https://factsanddetails.com/china/cat4/sub21/entry-7496.html

6.     The China Culture Corner // https://chinaculturecorner.com/2013/06/21/the-chinese-family/

7.     Paramount Insights // https://insights.paramount.com/post/in-china-family-and-cultural-traditions-are-strong/
















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