Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация-игра по английскому языку "Здоровье" (10 класс)

Презентация-игра по английскому языку "Здоровье" (10 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • 1 слайд

  • Names of Specialists

    2 слайд

    Names of Specialists

  • When a person has a bad toothache he (she) goes to a........DENTIST

    3 слайд

    When a person has a bad toothache he (she) goes to a........

  • When you have some problems with your eyes you go to see anOculist

    4 слайд

    When you have some problems with your eyes you go to see an

  • When a person has a sharp pain in the heart they go to ...cardiologist

    5 слайд

    When a person has a sharp pain in the heart they go to ...

  • When you catch cold you are attended by atherapist

    6 слайд

    When you catch cold you are attended by a

  • When your nervous system is out of order you consult a ... 

    7 слайд

    When your nervous system is out of order you consult a ...


  • When your little sister or brother has a high temperature your parents send f...

    8 слайд

    When your little sister or brother has a high temperature your parents send for a
    children’s doctor

  • Who performs operations at hospital?surgeon

    9 слайд

    Who performs operations at hospital?

  • Who is the doctor’s assistant in looking after the sick or injured people. nurse

    10 слайд

    Who is the doctor’s assistant in looking after the sick or injured people.

  • The doctor who looks after sick animals.Veterinary

    11 слайд

    The doctor who looks after sick animals.

  •  General Knowledge

    12 слайд

    General Knowledge

  • What should you do every morning to be healthy?

    13 слайд

    What should you do every morning to be healthy?

  • What is the normal temperature of a person?

    14 слайд

    What is the normal temperature of a person?

  • A client of a doctor, dentist, etc., whether sick or not.patient

    15 слайд

    A client of a doctor, dentist, etc., whether sick or not.

  • A piece of paper where a doctor writes what medicine you need

    16 слайд

    A piece of paper where a doctor writes what medicine you need

  • A small ball of medicine which is swallowed whole.pill

    17 слайд

    A small ball of medicine which is swallowed whole.

  • The act of introduction of a drug in solution into the bodyinjection

    18 слайд

    The act of introduction of a drug in solution into the body

  •  A tool that measures temperaturethermometer

    19 слайд

    A tool that measures temperature

  • In what direction should you brush your teeth? up and down

    20 слайд

    In what direction should you brush your teeth?
    up and down

  • Health and food

    21 слайд

    Health and food

  • What colour is brain food?

    22 слайд

    What colour is brain food?

  • What fruits have a lot of vitamin C?

    23 слайд

    What fruits have a lot of vitamin C?

  • You eat these vegetables and fruit if you want to relax.

    24 слайд

    You eat these vegetables and fruit if you want to relax.

  •  What colour of food should you eat before saying goodnight?

    25 слайд

    What colour of food should you eat before saying goodnight?

  • Which harmful food do you know?

    26 слайд

    Which harmful food do you know?

  • What is a calorie? a unit of energy

    27 слайд

    What is a calorie?
    a unit of energy

  • Finish the proverbs.

    28 слайд

    Finish the proverbs.

  • An apple a day keepsthe doctor away

    29 слайд

    An apple a day keeps
    the doctor away

  •  After dinner sleep a whileafter supper walk a mile

    30 слайд

    After dinner sleep a while
    after supper walk a mile

  • Health is thegreatest wealth

    31 слайд

    Health is the
    greatest wealth

  • Wealth is nothing health withouthealth

    32 слайд

    Wealth is nothing health without

  • Eat to live, not …live to eat

    33 слайд

    Eat to live, not …
    live to eat

  • Word quiz

    34 слайд

    Word quiz

  • This is the place where we go when we are illhospital

    35 слайд

    This is the place where we go when we are ill

  • We have this feeling when we are hurt or ill. pain

    36 слайд

    We have this feeling when we are hurt or ill.

  • A pain that a person has for a long time.ache

    37 слайд

    A pain that a person has for a long time.

  •  When you have pain in your throat. sore throat

    38 слайд

    When you have pain in your throat.
    sore throat

  • The body’s reaction to a difficult situation.

    39 слайд

    The body’s reaction to a difficult situation.

  • The First Aid Station telephone

    40 слайд

    The First Aid Station telephone

  •  Something that shows the presence of bodily disorder

    41 слайд

    Something that shows the presence of bodily disorder

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Краткое описание документа:

Brain-Ring “Health” (“Spotlight” the 10-th form Module 6) Цель урока: обобщить и систематизировать и получить знания о здоровье учащихся по теме “Health”. Задачи урока: Образовательные: повторить и углубить знания обучающихся по теме «Здоровье»; активизировать познавательные способности обучающихся. Развивающие: развивать познавательные способности учащихся; развивать логическое мышление, память, внимание; развивать навыки и умения устной речи обучающихся; развивать творческие способности учащихся. Воспитательные: воспитывать умение работать командой; воспитывать уважение к сопернику, воли к победе; воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка. формировать иноязычную культуру учащихся. Вид: урок-игра. Форма работы: групповая. Оборудование: Доска. Презентация в Power Point. Ход урока I. Организационный момент. Игра состоит из 6-ти заданий (категорий). В каждой категории по 8-10 вопросов разной степени трудности. Соответственно количество баллов за каждый вопрос разное. Задания не предусматривают предварительной подготовки, а рассчитаны на знания, имеющиеся у учащихся по этой теме на данный этап обучения английскому языку. Учащиеся делятся на две команды. II. Постановка цели и задач урока. III. Сообщение правил игры На экране демонстрируется презентация. Участвуют две команды. В жюри 1 человек для подсчёта баллов. Проводится жеребьёвка (Определяется команда, которая первая начинает игру). Для выполнения задания даётся 1 минута .По истечении этого времени капитан или кто-то из членов команды отвечает. Если ответ неправильный, даётся возможность ответить второй команде, и ход переходит к ней. Игра проводится ведущим (учителем). Вопросы, задания и ответы (скрыты) на экране. Жюри оценивает ответы и ведет подсчет баллов. IV. Проведение игры Учитель: Good morning, dear friends, it’s a great pleasure to welcome you here. The topic of our lesson is “Health”. We’ll have an unusual lesson. Today we will discuss . We’ll play a game “Brain Ring”. There are two teams and they’ll compete with each other, and one team will win the game. Let’s meet our jury for our game… I. Names of Specialists When a person has a bad toothache he (she) goes to a... (dentist) When you have some problems with your eyes you go to see an ... (oculist) When you have a pain in the throat you consult a ... (throat-specialist) When a person has a sharp pain in the heart he (she) goes or calls a ... (сcardiologist) When you catch cold you are attended by a ... (therapist) When your nervous system is out of order you consult a ... (nerve – specialist) When your little sister or brother has a high temperature your parents send for a ... (children’s doctor) Who performs operations at hospital? (a surgeon) Who is the doctor’s assistant in looking after the sick or injured people. (a nurse) The doctor who looks after sick animals. (vet) veterinary doctor II. General Knowledge quiz 1. What should you do every morning to be healthy? 2. What is the normal temperature of a person? 3. A client of a doctor, dentist, etc., whether sick or not. (a patient) 4. A piece of paper where a doctor writes what medicine you need. (prescription) 5. A small ball of medicine which is swallowed whole. (pill) 6. A person who prepares and sells medical goods. (chemist) 7. The act of introduction of a drug in solution into the body. (injection) 8. A tool that measures temperature. (thermometer) 9. Who discovered x-rays? (German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen) 10. In what direction should you brush your teeth? (up and down) III. Health and food (10 form pg 102-103) Rainbow of food. 1. What do red foods get you? (moving, active life) 2. What colour is brain food? (orange) 3. What fruits have a lot of vitamin C? (mangoes, oranges, lemons, peaches) 4. What foods make us more optimistic? (yellow) 5. You eat these vegetables and fruit if you want to relax. (green foods) 6. What colour of food should you eat before saying goodnight? (blue) 7. What colour of food make people more creative? (purple food) 8. Fruits that lower the temperature 9. Which harmful food do you know? (chips, sugar, fast food, cola etc.) 10. What is a calorie? (a unit of energy) IV. Teeth 1. The hardest material in the teeth body (enamel) 2. To have good teeth we need …(calcium) 3. What kind of toothpaste should we use to have good teeth? (fluoride) 4. How many milk teeth do we have in our childhood? ( about 20) 5. What is caused of tooth decay? (the acid that we have in the mouth made from the sugar we eat) 6. How many types of teeth have we got? (3) 7. What are the main types of teeth? (incisors, canines, molars) 8. What are two main parts of a tooth? (the crown, the root) V. Finish the proverbs. 1. An apple a day keeps …(the doctor away). 2. Early to bed, early to rise makes …(a man healthy, wealthy and wise). 3. After dinner sleep a while, …(after supper walk a mile). 4. Health is the …(greatest wealth). 5. Tastes …(differ). 6. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure …(and enjoy life as it is). 7. Gluttory kills more men …(than a sword). 8. Wealth is nothing …(without health). 9. A sound mind in …(a sound body). 10. Eat to live, not …(live to eat) VI. Word quiz 1. This is the place where we go when we are ill. (hospital) 2. We have this feeling when we are hurt or ill. (pain) 3. A special van that takes people to a hospital. (an ambulance) 4. A pain that a person has for a long time. (ache) 5. An illness that makes you cough and sneeze. (cold, flu) 6. When you have pain in your throat. (sore throat) 7. A disease that many people in a place have at the same time .(epidemy) 8. The body’s reaction to a difficult situation. (stress) 9. The First Aid Station telephone. (103) 10. Something that shows the presence of bodily disorder. (symptoms) VII. Подведение итогов. Учитель : Our Brain Ring is over now. You can see the results of our game on the blackboard. I give the floor to our jury! Please…Tell us the winner of the game!

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