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Презентация к проекту "Идиомы с обозначением цвета"

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  • Idioms with adjectives of colourMade by:
Zhakova Maria 9B
Teacher: alekseeva...

    1 слайд

    Idioms with adjectives of colour
    Made by:
    Zhakova Maria 9B
    Teacher: alekseeva l.v.

  • Aim and objectivesAim of my project: spotting, analyzing and studying the ori...

    2 слайд

    Aim and objectives
    Aim of my project: spotting, analyzing and studying the origin, meaning and usage of English phraseological units with adjectives of colour
    Project objectives:
    1) to study the notion and properties of phraseological units in the English language
    2) to research the meaning, origin and usage of English idioms with adjectives ‘black’, `red`, `white`, `green`, `blue`
    3) to conduct a survey aimed at checking frequency of the said English idioms in the speech of high school students
    4) to compile a thematic dictionary of English idioms with the adjectives `black`, `red`, `white`, `green`, `blue`

  • Results of the survey

    3 слайд

    Results of the survey

  • ‘Green’ Idioms To get the green light
Meaning: to get a permission for someth...

    4 слайд

    ‘Green’ Idioms
    To get the green light
    Meaning: to get a permission for something
    Example: After two years of waiting,
    the Smith family was given the green
    light to build a house on their land.

  • ‘Green’ Idioms Green-eyed monster
Meaning: jealousy
Example: William Shakespe...

    5 слайд

    ‘Green’ Idioms
    Green-eyed monster
    Meaning: jealousy
    Example: William Shakespeare (from “Hamlet”): “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green – eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on”

  • ‘Blue’ IdiomsFeel blue
Meaning: to experience sadness, sorrow, melancholy, d...

    6 слайд

    ‘Blue’ Idioms

    Feel blue
    Meaning: to experience sadness, sorrow, melancholy, downhearted, depressed.
    Example: Can you call Sally and try and make her laugh? She’s feeling blue after Mike left.

  • ‘Blue’ IdiomsOut of the blue
Meaning: suddenly, without warning.
Example: Mar...

    7 слайд

    ‘Blue’ Idioms
    Out of the blue
    Meaning: suddenly, without warning.
    Example: Mary just showed up at the house out of the blue yesterday. We thought she was still in Europe

  • ‘White’ idioms As white as a ghost
Meaning: this is how a person with a very...

    8 слайд

    ‘White’ idioms
    As white as a ghost
    Meaning: this is how a person with a very pale face is described. Usually this pallor is caused by fear or shock.
    Example: My friend turned as white as a ghost when she realized there was a stranger standing at her bedroom window.

  • ‘Red’ idioms Catch someone red-handed
Meaning:  to catch someone in the act o...

    9 слайд

    ‘Red’ idioms
    Catch someone red-handed
    Meaning: to catch someone in the act of doing something bad.
    Example: We caught Jake and Julia red-handed. They were hugging and kissing even though they deny it (say it’s not true).

  • ‘Red’ idioms Roll out the red carpet
Meaning: organize a Grand reception, tak...

    10 слайд

    ‘Red’ idioms
    Roll out the red carpet
    Meaning: organize a Grand reception, take on the highest level, literally “spread the red carpet”.
    Example: Simon is the favorite child. Every time he returns home to Australia his parents roll out the red carpet for him.

  • ‘Black’ idiomsBlack market
Meaning: illegal turnover, sale of goods.

    11 слайд

    ‘Black’ idioms
    Black market
    Meaning: illegal turnover, sale of goods.
    Example: People who can’t buy a gun legally with a permit usually can buy one on the black market.

  • ‘Black’ idiomsBlack eye
Meaning: a bruise near an eye.
Example: When Mel fell...

    12 слайд

    ‘Black’ idioms
    Black eye
    Meaning: a bruise near an eye.
    Example: When Mel fell down and hit her face on her brother’s toy truck she got a black eye.

  • Functions of idioms 1) The communicative function 
 Example: Peter was green...

    13 слайд

    Functions of idioms
    1) The communicative function
    Example: Peter was green with envy when his friend got a prestigious work.
    2) The nominative function
    Example: He knows how to make me laugh when I am disappointed – He knows how to make me laugh when I feel blue.
    3) The cognitive function
    Example: the phrase “green-eyed monster“ became an idiom after Shakespeare had used it in his text.
    “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It`s the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on“
    4) The evaluation function
    Example: She has got awful marks at school. She is the black sheep of the family.

  • Conclusion 42 idioms have been analyzed
 the survey was made 
 the functions...

    14 слайд

     42 idioms have been analyzed
    the survey was made
    the functions of idioms were studied
    a dictionary of idioms was made

  • Thank you for your attention!

    15 слайд

    Thank you for your attention!

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    Алексеева Лариса Васильевна
    Алексеева Лариса Васильевна
    • На сайте: 9 лет и 5 месяцев
    • Подписчики: 1
    • Всего просмотров: 18600
    • Всего материалов: 22

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