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  • The Tower of Londonmade by    Belyakova S.V.

    1 слайд

    The Tower of London

    made by
    Belyakova S.V.

  • The White Tower was built in 1078 by William of Normandy, who is also known a...

    2 слайд

    The White Tower was built in 1078 by William of Normandy, who is also known as William the Conqueror.

    The Tower of London is the symbol of his power.
    The limestone came from Caen and the rag stone was brought from Kent.
    The White Tower’s dimensions are 11ft x 107 ft.
    It took 20 years to build because some parts rise to about 100 ft in height and 15 ft in thickness.
    Building the White Tower

  • As different kings and queens ruled England, they each added a certain buildi...

    3 слайд

    As different kings and queens ruled England, they each added a certain building to the Tower. Henry III was the one to make the White Tower cozy.
    After wards the Lion Tower was added, where lions were kept for entertainment.
    The area near the Tower of London

  • The Yeoman WardersWhen King Henry VII was at the throne, he formed a personal...

    4 слайд

    The Yeoman Warders
    When King Henry VII was at the throne, he formed a personal bodyguard to protect him. His guards were called the Yeoman Warders who still protect the Tower today.
    When King Henry VII was at the throne, he formed a personal bodyguard to protect him. His guards were called the Yeoman Warders who still protect the Tower today.

  • Prisoners at the Tower of LondonQueen Elizabeth I – she is known to be the on...

    5 слайд

    Prisoners at the Tower of London
    Queen Elizabeth I – she is known to be the only one who left the tower unexecuted.
    Anne Boleyn – she was murdered because Henry VIII was unsatisfied with the fact that she couldn’t give him a son.
    Sir Thomas More
       Lady Jane Grey

  • The Bloody TowerThis is the Bloody Tower, formerly known as the Garden Tower....

    6 слайд

    The Bloody Tower
    This is the Bloody Tower, formerly known as the Garden Tower.
    A number of people were imprisoned at the Bloody Tower, one of them happens to be Sir Walter Raleigh who wrote History of the World while being imprisoned there.

  • Historical facts of the Crown jewelsUsed today in Coronations & other ceremon...

    7 слайд

    Historical facts of the Crown jewels
    Used today in Coronations & other ceremonies.
    Been used by other English kings & queens since 1660 or earlier.
    Held as national heritage by The Queen as Sovereign.

  • Crown Jewels Collection includes regalia (items used at a coronation) other c...

    8 слайд

    Crown Jewels
    Collection includes regalia (items used at a coronation) other crowns & pieces donated by various sovereigns, church and banqueting plate, orders, insignia, robes, a unique collection of medals and royal christening Edward the Confessor (reigned 1042-1066) placed his Royal ornaments in the Westminster Abbey for safe keeping, Cromwell ordered that the regalia "be totally broken" because it was symbolic of the "detestable rule of kings

  • The Tower of London is the fortress in the historic centre of London, on the...

    9 слайд

    The Tower of London is the fortress in the historic centre of London, on the north bank of the river Thames. It is the oldest building in Great Britain. Now Tower is the historical site and museum.

  • Plans for the Tower Bridge were devised around 1876 when the east of London b...

    10 слайд

    Plans for the Tower Bridge were devised around 1876 when the east of London became extremely crowded and a bridge across the Thames in that area of the city seemed a necessity. It would take another eight years - and lots of discussions about the design - before construction of the bridge started. 

    The bridge, designed by city architect Horace Jones in collaboration with John Wolfe Barry, would eventually be completed in 1894. Five contractors and nearly 450 workers were involved in the construction of the 265 meter long bridge. It took 11,000 tons of steel to build the framework. At the time many people disliked its Victorian Gothic design, but over time the bridge became one of London's most famous symbols.

  • It is not known when the ravens first came to the Tower of London, but their...

    11 слайд

    It is not known when the ravens first came to the Tower of London, but their presence there is surrounded by myth and legend. Unusually for birds of ill omen, the future of both Country and Kingdom relies upon their continued residence, for according to legend, at least six ravens must remain lest both Tower and Monarchy fall.
    The first Royal Observatory was housed in the north eastern turret of the White Tower. Legend has it that John Flamsteed (1646 - 1719), the 'astronomical observator' complained to King Charles II that the birds were interfering with his observations. The King therefore ordered their destruction only to be told that if the ravens left the Tower, the White Tower would fall and a great disaster befall the Kingdom. Sensibly the King changed his mind and decreed that at least six ravens should be kept at the Tower at all times to prevent disaster.

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