Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему:"Friends and friendship"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему:"Friends and friendship"

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  • Do you have any problems with your friends?What do YOU think about friends an...

    1 слайд

    Do you have any problems with your friends?
    What do YOU think about friends and friendship?

  • FriendshipFriendship is a thing for two,
 Three or four, even more,

    2 слайд

    Friendship is a thing for two,
    Three or four, even more,
    Like a song that is made to sing.
    Friendship is a doing thing.

  • How do you know?How do you know
If someone is a friend?
For m...

    3 слайд

    How do you know?

    How do you know
    If someone is a friend?
    For me it’s a person
    Who stands by you till the end,
    A person who cares,
    A person who shares.
    A person who sticks around
    When you are falling down,
    A person who’s fair,
    Someone who’s always there.
    A friend betrays you never,
    And a friend lasts forever.

  • Hастоящий друг!Если что-то случится вдруг,
На помощь спешит настоящий друг!

    4 слайд

    Hастоящий друг!
    Если что-то случится вдруг,
    На помощь спешит настоящий друг!
    Друг тебя всегда простит
    И секрет он твой хранит.
    Если друг есть у тебя,
    Например такой, как я,
    Ты всегда под защитой друга ,
    И жить можешь без испуга.
    Дружба – она вечная
    И всегда сердечная.
    Друг не предаст тебя никогда,
    Настоящий друг – навсегда!!!

  • 1.TedI for one have a lot of friends. They are people who I can have great fu...

    5 слайд

    I for one have a lot of friends. They are people who I can have great fun with. When I’m in trouble they’re always there to cheer me up. Let’s take Jack, for example. He’s the one who I can turn to when I have problems at home. I can talk all my problems through with him. He’s supportive and can keep secrets. It’s important, isn’t it? And Jane? She’s so brainy! I always turn to her when I have problems with maths. Jessica is great at working on the computer. She teachers me how to work, too. She’s so kind and considerate. We have a lot of similar interests with Mike. And besides Mike is the only one I can play football with! Each time we all get together we have a good laugh. Sometimes we have arguments but we make up quickly. We are never bored!

  • What does Ted say about how many friends a person should have?
a) How many f...

    6 слайд

    What does Ted say about how many friends a person should have?

    a) How many friends has Ted got?
    b) What are Ted’s friends’ special interests?
    c) Why are they never bored?
    d) Why does Ted like friends?

  • 2.What does Ted say about how many friends a person should have?
a) Ted has...

    7 слайд

    2.What does Ted say about how many friends a person should have?

    a) Ted has got many friends: Jack, Jane, Jessica and Mike.

    b) Jack can keep secrets Jane is good at maths and is very brainy. Jessica is great at working on the computer. Mike likes to play football.
    c) They are always there to cheer him up. They help each other. They have similar interests.

  • 3.EllenFriendless? It’s a problems for me. I don’t have a brother or a sister...

    8 слайд

    Friendless? It’s a problems for me. I don’t have a brother or a sister. There is no one of my age I could have as a friend. I only have a cat to play with. Of course I mix with my classmates at school. But that is not the same as having a best friend who I could share my problems and secrets with.
    I don’t have anyone who I can have fun with or turn to for help. Nothing can replace a best friend. I’m bored to tears.

  • What does Ellen think of her being friends?
What does she think about having...

    9 слайд

    What does Ellen think of her being friends?

    What does she think about having a best friend?
    Why is Ellen bored to tears?
    Why does she need a friend?

  • 4.What does Ellen think of her being friends?
 a) She has got no friends.

    10 слайд

    4.What does Ellen think of her being friends?

    a) She has got no friends.
    b) She thinks that having a best friend means sharing problems and secrets.
    c) Ellen needs a friend because she has no one to play with, no one to turn to for help.

  • Joy.I have only one friend called Linda. She lives next door and we spend a l...

    11 слайд

    I have only one friend called Linda. She lives next door and we spend a lot of time together. She is great at keeping secrets!
    Like me, she likes music and reading but we’re both not very good at sports.
    She is a person I don’t need a break from.
    I can always rely on my friend. She cheers me up when I’m upset. I feel that I can turn to her if I have some problems. A lot of friend take a lot of time. We are just two and we are happy.

  • Is Joy happy with her only   friend?
How do Joy and her friend Linda spend th...

    12 слайд

    Is Joy happy with her only friend?

    How do Joy and her friend Linda spend their time together?
    Do you think Linda is a good friend to Joy? Why?

  • Is Joy happy with her only   friend? a) They  like music and reading. Sometim...

    13 слайд

    Is Joy happy with her only friend?
    a) They like music and reading. Sometimes they argue about little things.
    b) She’s good at keeping secrets. She is a person Joy doesn’t need a break from. She can always rely on her friend.
    c) Joy can always turn to Linda when she has some problems.

  • What do YOU think about friends and friendship?

    14 слайд

    What do YOU think about friends and friendship?

  • Culture.Mark the statements true or false
Americans who move from to city may...

    15 слайд

    Mark the statements true or false
    Americans who move from to city may change their circle of friends several times.
    In this culture we have similar levels of friendship with Britains or Americans.
    People in different cultures make and keep friend in different ways.
    Sometimes people who make friends behave differently in similar situations.
    There are qualities we all admire in friends, and things all of us would do for friends.
    When children wear friendship bracelet they want to show that clothes matter much to them.
    Friendship is universal. A close friend is a close friend anywhere.

  • Культура.Американцы, которые переезжают из города в город, могут менять круг...

    16 слайд

    Американцы, которые переезжают из города в город, могут менять круг друзей несколько раз.П.
    В нашей культуре у нас такие же степени дружеских отношений, как и у американцев и британцев.П.
    Люди в разных культурах заводят друзей и дружат по-разному. П.
    Иногда люди, которые подружились, ведут
    себя в похожих ситуациях по –разному.П
    У наших друзей есть качества, которыми
    мы восхищаемся, и есть вещи, которые
    все мы сделали бы для своих друзей. П
    Когда дети носят браслеты дружбы, они
    хотят показать, что одежда много значит для них.Н Дружба универсальна. Близкий друг- это друг в любом месте.П

  •  Creative work.

    17 слайд

    Creative work.

  • I go to school. I study in the seventh class .I have many friends but clos...

    18 слайд

    I go to school. I study in the seventh class .I have many friends but close friend is one. His name is Zhenya. On a vacation we play football, basketball , we go on a skating on trainings. Zhenya can help me a difficult minute. I am glad that I have such close friend.
    My friend.

  • My friend  Jacob.I have a friend called Jacob. He is my best friend. He lives...

    19 слайд

    My friend Jacob.
    I have a friend called Jacob. He is my best friend. He lives next door. Jacob is much older than I am but we do a lot of things together, Jacob and me. We love to play basketball together. Jacob is best at playing basketball. He helps me how to play basketball. In general, he is very shy. As a friend he is very kind and supportive. I am friends with him because he is reliable and easy to get along with. I think he will never betray me. Nor will I betray him.

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Повышение мотивации и эффективности обучения иностранному языку с помощью интерактивных тренажеров (на примере английского языка)

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Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

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