Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему " Travelling "

Презентация по английскому языку на тему " Travelling "

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Good morning, dear teachers!
     I’m very glad to see you.
     Welcome to...

    1 слайд

    Good morning, dear teachers!
    I’m very glad to see you.
    Welcome to our school!

  • The teacher of the English language
Ismailova Shirin

    2 слайд

    The teacher of the English language
    Ismailova Shirin

  • Class  9...

    3 слайд

    Class 9
    Learning foreign language
    especially English is a
    must of the present time.
    N. A. Nazarbayev

    The Theme of the lesson: Travelling
    To enrich students knowledge on the theme; to widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks;
    2.Developmental: to develop student’s skills in oral speech;
    to develop student’s writing, reading and speaking abilities.
    3.Cultural: To bring up student’s to respect and love foreign language and country.
    Type: combined.
    Visual aids: different tasks, pictures of cities,
    proverbs, conversation

  • The Procedure of the lesson:
                   1.Organization moment...

    4 слайд

    The Procedure of the lesson:
    1.Organization moment
    2.Checking up the homework
    3.Phys min
    4.New lesson
    5.Working with the text
    6.Visiting to cities
    7.Poems,song dialogues
    9.Giving homework
    10.The end of the lesson

    1.The org moment(2min)
    Good morning,guests and pupils!
    How are you! What date is it today?
    What day is it today?
    What season is it now?
    What is the weather like today?

    I divide the class into two groups.
    2.Checking up the homework
    What was the homework for today?
    Transport in London and inAstana.rkgldfl
    First ,I give you poster and you must protect the theme
    3.Phys min

  • Let’s dance !

                Physical training

    5 слайд

    Let’s dance !

    Physical training

  • 4.New lesson.  Travelling...

    6 слайд

    4.New lesson. Travelling
    New words
    travel –саяхаттау coach-алыс жолға жүретiн автобус
    trip-сапарға шығу dangerous- қауiптi
    to go on a trip- қысқа сапарға шығу hitch –hike-жаяу жұру, арасында көлiккe отыру
    to travel by plane-ұшақпен саяхаттау place of interest, sightseeing- көрiктi oрындар

    There are many ways of travelling. The whole world is open for travelling.
    Now you can choose any place on the earth and go there on your business or holiday. Certainly you
    should have enough money to go to the place which you have chosen.
    You can go to the place by sea ,by air ,by train and by bus.
    Coach tours are not expensive. They are planned as holidays .If you choose this kind of travelling you will have a chance to do a lot of sightseeing and have a good rest at the same time .During the holiday
    you can visit many cities and places of interest.
    Many people prefer travelling by car. This way you can visit the nearly towns and cities.
    Hiking is the cheapest and most popular ways of travelling. Travelling is of a great use for the development of a person. When travelling we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see at home.

    Task1 What is travelling?
    Are you fond of travelling? .mp4

    Video .First we go to Astana .Pupils are talking about sights of Astana. Working with picture
    Then we are flying to London. Video. The pupils speak about London.

  • Then we go to the Hotel  
           We have a rest and sin...

    7 слайд

    Then we go to the Hotel
    We have a rest and sing a song
    ”Thank you my friend“

  • Dialogues. About  Hotel.  At the  Customs. In the  street.About city.
You  wi...

    8 слайд

    Dialogues. About Hotel. At the Customs. In the street.About city.
    You will read many stories and poems in English.You will speak about country and city. What poems do you know about travelling?

    Travel is fast and great
    It gives you a chance to meet and
    It is like having a change to great
    It s not boring like looking at
    your own feet

  • Comprehension check
Are the statements true (T) or false (F)
1.People travel...

    9 слайд

    Comprehension check
    Are the statements true (T) or false (F)
    1.People travel countries to be educated .T. F
    2.Visiting museums is a way to have a realistic picture of a country. T F
    3.A tourist is an interesting place to visit. T F
    4.Astana is a beautiful city T F.
    5.While travelling you can find some things about yourself. T. F.
    6.You can get the same information by travelling or reading .T.F
    Task 3. Drag the words. Make the words.

  • 10 слайд

  • We were born in Kazakhstan. It is our native land. Look at this proverb : 

    11 слайд

    We were born in Kazakhstan. It is our native land. Look at this proverb :
    East or West home is best .
    What have you learned at the lesson?
    What activities do you like of all?
    I give you cards and write you opinion.
    Song: I just called to say I love you.
    Home work . Write essay Travelling.
    The lesson is over. Good bye. Thank you for attention.

  • Thank you for your

    12 слайд

    Thank you for your

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Краткое описание документа:


Class  9     


                                                                         Learning foreign language                       


                                                            especially English is a


                                                                  must of the present time.


                                                                             N. A. Nazarbayev




  The  Theme  of  the  lesson: Travelling






To  enrich students knowledge on the theme; to  widen their vocabulary through doing  different  tasks;


2.Developmental:  to develop  student’s skills  in  oral speech;


 to  develop student’s writing, reading and speaking abilities.


3.Cultural: To bring up student’s to respect and love foreign language and country.


Type: combined.


 Visual aids: different tasks, pictures of cities,


proverbs, conversation


The Procedure of the lesson:


                   1.Organization moment


                    2.Checking up the homework


                      3.Phys min


                        4.New lesson


                          5.Working with the text 


                            6.Visiting to cities


                              7.Poems,song dialogues




                                  9.Giving homework


                                    10.The end of the lesson




1.The org moment(2min)


Good morning,guests and pupils!


How are you! What date is it today?


What day is it today?


What season is it now?


What is the weather like today?




                             I divide the class into two groups.


                             2.Checking up the homework


                             What was the homework for today?


                             Transport in London and inAstana.rkgldfl


                             First ,I give you poster and you must protect the theme


                             3.Phys min





4.New lesson.  Travelling


                                               New words


travel –саяхаттау                                         coach-алыс жолға жүретiн автобус


trip-сапарға шығу                                        dangerous- қауiптi


to go on a trip- қысқа сапарға шығу          hitch –hike-жаяу жұру, арасында көлiккe отыру


to travel by plane-ұшақпен саяхаттау        place of interest, sightseeing- көрiктioрындар




There are many ways of travelling. The whole world is open for travelling.


Now you can choose any place on the earth and go there on your business or holiday. Certainly you


should have enough money to go to the place which you have chosen.


   You can go to the place by sea,by air,by train and by bus.


   Coach tours are not expensive. They are planned as holidays.If you choose this kind of travelling you will have  a chance to do a lot of sightseeing and have a good rest at the same time.During the  holiday


 you can visit many cities and places of interest.


   Many people prefer travelling by car.This way you can visit the nearly towns and cities.


    Hiking is the cheapest and most popular ways of travelling.Travelling is of a great use for the development of a person. When travelling we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see at home.




Task1                  What is travelling?


                  Are you fond of travelling?                                                  .mp4




Video.First we go to Astana.Pupils are talking about sights of Astana. Working with picture


Then we are flying to London.Video. The pupils speak about London.






Comprehension check

Are the statements true (T) or false (F)

1.People travel countries to be educated .T. F

2.Visiting museums is a way to have a realistic picture  of a country. T F

3.A tourist is an interesting place to visit. T F

4.Astana is a beautiful city T F.

5.While travelling you can find some things about yourself. T. F.

6.You can get the same information by travelling or reading .T.F  

Task 3. Drag the words. Make the words.


We were born in Kazakhstan. It is our native land. Look at this proverb :

East or West home is best.

What have you learned at the lesson?

What activities do you like of all?

I give you cards and write you opinion.

Song: I just called to say I love you.


Home work . Write essay Travelling.

The lesson is over. Good bye. Thank you for attention.






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Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Французский язык: теория и методика обучения иностранному языку в образовательной организации

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

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