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презентация по английскому языку на тему "Taganrog is My Little Birthplace"

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  • Taganrog is My Little BirthplaceУчитель английского языка МОБУ СОШ №32

    1 слайд

    Taganrog is My Little Birthplace
    Учитель английского языка МОБУ СОШ №32
    Зюкина Елена Ивановна
    высшая квалификационная категория

  • 2 слайд

  • "Лестница идет прямо в Греческую улицу, и на верху ее сделана площадка вроде...

    3 слайд

    "Лестница идет прямо в Греческую улицу, и на верху ее сделана площадка вроде открытой террасы с лавками... невольным образом отдыхаешь здесь лишние полчаса, ибо вид на рейде, особливо к вечеру, когда возвращаются лодки каботажные и замелькают огоньки в каютах, ни с чем не сравним".
    П. Свиньин 1825

  • In my opinion, Chekhov is the greatest Russian dramatist and short story writ...

    4 слайд

    In my opinion, Chekhov is the greatest Russian dramatist and short story writer. I'm never tired of reading and rereading his plays and humorous stories.
    Heroes of Chekhov’s stories

  • A famous Russian writer A.P.Chekhov was born here and we can visit his house....

    5 слайд

    A famous Russian writer A.P.Chekhov was born here and we can visit his house. It is a museum now. There is also an old house where F.Ranevskaya lived. There are many ancient houses in Taganrog. Our city is connected with such names as Alexander the first,A.S. Pushkin, Chaikovskiy, Garibaldy and some modern famous people.

    The Famous Persons

  • What Taganrog famous for?Taganrog famous for his history.In Taganrog was born...

    6 слайд

    What Taganrog famous for?
    Taganrog famous for his history.In Taganrog was born A.Chehov,the famous russian writer.Chehov famous for his stories and novels such as ''Kashtanka'' ,''Palata №6'' and other.

  •    My native townKomarova Anastasia
Form 10

    7 слайд

    My native town
    Komarova Anastasia
    Form 10

  • famous people Мany well-known personalities was born in Taganrog or visited t...

    8 слайд

    famous people
    Мany well-known personalities was born in Taganrog or visited this town. Its a A.P. Chekhov, Garibaldi, Faina Ranevskaya.

  • the city's parksTaganrog has 3 Park: Gorky Park, Seaside Park and Park trehso...

    9 слайд

    the city's parks
    Taganrog has 3 Park: Gorky Park, Seaside Park and Park trehsotletiya. Gorky Park is in the middle of the city. I live across from the Seaside Park.

  • A stone staircase is one of the most wonderful places in the town. It was bui...

    10 слайд

    A stone staircase is one of the most wonderful places in the town. It was built in 1823 by the means of a rich Greek merchant Depaldo.
    The length of the staircase is 108 metres, and the width is 6.5 metres. The author of this project is an architect Franz Boffo. 10 years later an octagonal pedestal with a sundial was built at the top of the stairs. Nowadays its marble face displays the time.
    During the Crimean War in 1855, the town was bombed by Anglo-French squadron. Enemy troops tried to capture the town several times, but the steep banks and the courage of the defenders of Taganrog prevented them. Then the enemy sailors of about a hundred of people, grouped at the stone stairs, trying to climb them up. Cossak detachment met them with a rifle fire and stopped their attack. Having lost a lot of people the enemy retreated.

  • Many famous people walked down the stairs: the famous Russian writer A.P. Che...

    11 слайд

    Many famous people walked down the stairs: the famous Russian writer A.P. Checkov, P.I. Tchaikovsky, I.K. Aivazovsky, K.A. Savitsky, K.G. Paustovsky, the children’s writer I.D. Vasilenko and others.
    The stone staircase was first planted in November 1879. In 1934 the reconstruction of the staircase was started. It was planned to install up to 30 antique statues. By May 1935 the basic work was finished.

  • In 1972 the stone staircase was reconstructed again. There is a nice traditio...

    12 слайд

    In 1972 the stone staircase was reconstructed again. There is a nice tradition in our town: when after the graduation ceremonies at schools thousands of students come to the stone stairs to meet the dawn and the beginning of a new life.
    In 2006 the new reconstruction was held, during which the old Sarmation stairs were replaced with granite. But some citizens think that the historical flavour of the stone stairs was destroyed.
    In 2012 the stone staircase was included in the regional stage of the competition “The Miracle of Russia 2012”. (1740)

  • Tasks:1. Match the following words with their definitions.
1. Length -...

    13 слайд

    1. Match the following words with their definitions.
    1. Length - a) subunit of a cavalry
    2. Octagonal - b) first light of a day
    3. Squadron - c) measurement from end to end
    4. Troop - d) flat figure with eight sides and angles
    5. Dawn - f) unit of a cavalry, armoured vehicles or artillery
    2. Use the phrases from the text instead of the expressions in bold.
    1. At the present time its marble face displays the time.
    2. Enemy troops tried to make a prisoner of the town several times.
    3. It was planned to fix the statues.
    4. A group of men met the enemy sailors and stopped them.
    5. The enemy army went back.

  • 3. Read the text and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F...

    14 слайд

    3. Read the text and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).
    1.The stone staircase was built in 1825.
    2.In 1833 a sundial was built at the top of the stairs.
    3.Nowadays people can notice the time.
    4.Cossak detachment couldn’t stop the enemy troops.
    5.The first reconstruction finished in 1934.
    6.The famous stone staircase is the winner of the competition “The Miracle of Russia 2012”.
    4. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
    1.Nowadays its ___________ face displays the time.
    А. Marble C. Historical
    В. Beautiful D. Granite
    2. In 1934 the reconstruction of the staircase was__________________.
    А. Start C. Over
    В. Finished D. Started
    3.The stone staircase was built in___________________.
    А. 1855 C. 1823
    В.1833 D. 1934
    4.In 1972 the stone staircase was______________ again.
    А. Opened C. Rebuilt
    В. Finished D. Reconstructed

  • 5. Put the parts of the text into the logical order.
A. In 2006 the new recon...

    15 слайд

    5. Put the parts of the text into the logical order.
    A. In 2006 the new reconstruction was held, during which the old Sarmation stairs were replaced with granite. But some citizens think that the historical flavour of the stone stairs was destroyed.
    B. During the Crimean War in 1855, the town was bombed by Anglo-French squadron. Enemy troops tried to capture the town several times, but the steep banks and the courage of the defenders of Taganrog prevented them. Then the enemy sailors of about a hundred of people, grouped at the stone stairs, trying to climb them up. Cossak detachment met them with a rifle fire and stopped their attack. Having lost a lot of people the enemy retreated.
    C. Many famous people walked down the stairs: the famous Russian writer A.P. Checkov, P.I. Tchaikovsky, I.K. Aivazovsky, K.A. Savitsky, K.G. Paustovsky, the children’s writer I.D. Vasilenko and others.
    D. A stone staircase is one of the most wonderful places in the town. It was built in 1823 by the means of a rich Greek merchant Depaldo.
    E. In 2012 the stone staircase was included in the regional stage of the competition “The Miracle of Russia 2012”.
    6. Dialogue
    You and your friend are going to make a project for your class about a famous stone staircase. You want your project to be interesting and exciting. Discuss how you will organize it.

  • Keys:1.             2.
1.C          1.nowadays
2.D          2. to capture the...

    16 слайд

    1. 2.
    1.C 1.nowadays
    2.D 2. to capture the town
    3.A 3. to install
    4.F 4. a detachment
    5.B 5. retreated

    3. 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F

    4. 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D

    5. DBCAE

  • Источники:1. Учебный словарь современного английского языка. Автор А.С. Хорнб...

    17 слайд

    1. Учебный словарь современного английского языка. Автор А.С. Хорнби Издательство «Просвещение» 1984г.
    2. Англо-русский словарь. Автор В.К. Мюллер
    Издательство «Русский язык» 1994г.
    3. ru.wikipedia.org. Каменная лестница (Таганрог)

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Heroes of Chekhov’s stories

In my opinion, Chekhov is the greatest Russian dramatist and short story writer. I'm never tired of reading and rereading his plays and humorous stories.


A famous Russian writer A.P.Chekhov was born here and we can visit his house. It is a museum now. There is also an old house where F.Ranevskaya lived. There are many ancient houses in Taganrog. Our city is connected with such names as Alexander the first,A.S. Pushkin, Chaikovskiy, Garibaldy and some modern famous people. 

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