Инфоурок Внеурочная деятельность Научные работыПроект на тему: «Интернет-зависимость как реальная угроза обществу»

Проект на тему: «Интернет-зависимость как реальная угроза обществу»

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                                                                  Проект на тему:



Интернет-зависимость, проблема современного общества.





Ученицы9 класса

 Гаджиева Д.Руководитель:

Учитель: английского языка

                                                                                                     Буттаева З.О.


                                                                2016 года.









                                  The relevance of the topic:



I chose this topic because this issue is now more relevant among adolescents. Any kind of dependence in children appear very quickly, including dependence on television, Internet and computer games.

All we have in our lives from something or from someone specific. Since I live in the society of their own kind every day and support the vital functions of all sorts of "external" products, the emotions, the senses. What is the normal supply of all sorts of necessary and useful things — such as relationships with people, food, drink, Internet, differs from the pathology of addiction?

In my work I try to find answers to questions.


























Introduction ..................................................................................      4


1. What is Internet addiction .......................................................       5       

2. The impact of Internet addiction on adolescent health ........        7

3. The results of the social survey ..............................................          9

4. How to overcome dependence ..............................................          13

5. Conclusion ........................................................................,,,,            15

6. The  list  of references .............................................................         16




              The Аims and objectives of the project.



Objective: to determine the existence of a problem of Internet addiction among the students of our school.




1. To acquaint the students of our school with the problem of the modern society, Internet addiction.

2. To conduct a social study of Internet addiction of the students of our school.

3. To offer solutions to this problem





The relevance of the topic:



I chose this topic because this issue is now more relevant among adolescents. Any kind of dependence in children appear very quickly, including dependence on television, Internet and computer games.

All we have in our lives from something or from someone specific. Since I live in the society of their own kind every day and support the vital functions of all sorts of "external" products, the emotions, the senses. What is the normal supply of all sorts of necessary and useful things — such as relationships with people, food, drink, Internet, differs from the pathology of addiction?

In my work I try to find answers to questions.





Is it safe for PC health? Nowadays it is very difficult to imagine life without a computer. Computers are used wherever possible: the enterprises in the service sector and home. Is it safe for PC health?


Our generation worries a lot of questions. What makes the youth to go from an active lifestyle and spend hours on the Internet? Why Internet addiction is manifested in a kind of escape from reality? In my work I tried to identify the problem of Internet addiction among the students of our school, based on sociological studies.


About Internet addiction first appeared in the West in the mid-nineties of the last century. Internet addiction understand the visceral attraction to being in the world of the Internet, characterized by an obsessive desire to connect to, and then not to leave her.



The first signs of Internet addiction are many hours of ”chatting” in chat rooms, ICQ, forums, Odnoklassniki and Contacts, online gambling games and endless ”studying” all possible ”informative” Internet sites.


According to experts, Internet addiction affect approximately 5-10% of Internet users. Given that the age of the vast majority of users is between 10 and 35 years, the problem of Internet addiction is on a par with other social problems of youth.


I chose this topic because this issue is now more relevant among adolescents. Any kind of dependence in children appear very quickly, including dependence on television, Internet and computer games.



All we have in our lives from something or from someone specific. Since I live in the society of their own kind every day and support the vital functions of all sorts of "external" products, the emotions, the senses. What is the normal supply of all sorts of necessary and useful things — such as relationships with people, food, drink, Internet, differs from the pathology of addiction?




          In my work I try to find answers to questions.



What is Internet addiction?

The Internet in the United States and Western Europe developed much more than in Russia, the experience of these countries can be indicative. Currently intensively discussed and studied the phenomenon of "Internet addiction", or Internet addiction.




The word "addiction" means a compulsive need felt by a person and motivating him to certain activities; non-chemical addiction is addiction, where addiction becomes a behavioural pattern and not the substance; psychological dependence.

Internet addiction — a mental disorder: obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and painful inability to timely disconnect from it.


Gambling — proposed form of psychological dependence, which is manifested in the obsessive passion for computer games or gambling.


Behavioral Internet addiction is that people are so prefer life on the Internet that actually begin to abandon their "real" lives, spending up to 18 hours a day in virtual reality. Another definition of Internet addiction is "a compulsive desire to access the Internet while off-line, and the inability to get out of the Internet, being an on-line".



Discussion of this phenomenon began not so long ago: 1994, in K. young developed and placed on the web site of a special questionnaire and soon received nearly 500 responses, the authors of which 400 were found, according to the chosen criterion, the Internet-dependent people. In 1997-1999 were established research and consultative psychotherapeutic web service on the issue of IAD. In 1998-1999, he published the first monograph on this issue (K. Yang, D. Greenfield, K. Surratt).



Kimberly young leads 4 symptoms of Internet addiction:

1. The compulsive desire to check your e-mail.

2. The constant waiting for the next Internet.

3. Complaints surrounding the fact that people spend too much time on the Internet.

4. Complaints around that the person spends too much money on the Internet.

Исследователи отмечают, что большая часть Интернет-зависимых (91 %) пользуется сервисами Интернет, связанными с общением. Другую часть зависимых привлекают информационные сервисы сети.




Internet addiction may occur as dependence on various forms of Internet use, in its manifestations it is similar to the already known forms of additive behavior (e.g. alcohol or drugs). According to various studies, online addiction today are about 10% of users. But the question is: what is the difference between communicating in person communicating on the Internet? There is nothing wrong with that man he met in the Network, picking up new friends with common interests. Exactly the same can not be called a dependent of a person sitting behind the monitor with a buddy or a girlfriend with whom spend time outside the computer. Not even every gamer, contrary to popular belief, depend. If the teenager is cut in toys with friends, and then goes to play with them in basketball is quite healthy person. So the basis of Internet addiction almost always lies loneliness, a lack of other options of fun.



It is noted that if the formation of traditional types of addiction takes years for Internet addiction this term is sharply reduced: according to K. young, 25% of dependent acquired dependence in the six months after the start of work on the Internet, 58% -during the second half of the year, and 17 per cent soon after one year. Dependence, as a rule, to notice relatives and friends of addicta changes in his behavior, the order of the day.

According to research psychologists, most often Internet-dependent spend time in chat rooms, forums and blogs (37%), play online games (28%), participate in teleconferences (15%), checking emails (13%). And a very small percentage of people use the Network for its intended purpose – to extract the necessary information and news.

The most part of Internet addicts "sits" in the Network for communication. Internet addiction is becoming possible due to the differences of real communication from the virtual. The dominant factor, whereby the phenomenon is widespread, is the anonymity of the Network.

The Internet is a great way to overcome shyness and to feel more at ease, to say what they think, and to get feedback, to drain the accumulated negative day and to obscure the contradictions in life. With impunity. It's kind of a fantastic springboard for any of the most daring romantic adventure, flights of imagination and virtual love and friendship.

The impact of Internet addiction on adolescent health

When working on a computer people a long time to be without movement. But if in usual labor process the worker is distracted from the monitor, stands up, moves, then the child playing on the computer, spends a few hours, a whole day without movement. This mode of computer use causes irreparable harm to human health and the health of the child.

The spine and bones of an adult has already developed a certain normal posture, while the child's body is still quite flexible and is just beginning to develop the posture. Lack of movement leads to atrophy of the muscles of the back, abdomen, chest and neck, which leads to incorrect posture, curvature of the chest, the permanent bending position, and various diseases of the spine (hernia, slipped disk). In addition, the lack of movement when working on the computer entails – poor circulation and obesity heart. As a result of strokes, heart attacks and shortness of breath.


Also the computer has adversely affected not only the health of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, but also on the visual system of a person, especially a child.

Computer games can cause physical and psychological harm. Physical — sleep disturbance and eating habits, blurred vision. Psychological detachment from real life. When the time spent in isolation from real life, exceeds 10% of the time is dangerous.


Young growing bodies are especially prone to the negative impact of the visual, and neuro-emotional stress. That is why prolonged sitting leads not only to excessive fatigue of the child's body, but in the future can cause serious illness. In the evening if the child is excessively agitated, irritable and even aggressive if he's poor sleep and frequent waking at night is a sure sign that his communication with computer it is necessary to strictly limit.


In General, experts are still not clearly defined, how much time a child can spend on the computer. Usually doctors recommend to be limited to 1 hour per day.

When children or adults are busy with work-related eye strain, their eyes tired. Children in particular often get tired eyes, because their eyes and the muscles that control them, is not strong. Reading beyond measure,unlimited time sitting in front of the TV or computer demand from young eyes serious voltage. Most often the fatigue of view leads to the fact that children become lethargic and irritable.



Computer as safe as any other household appliance. But, as is the case with other appliances, there are potential health risks associated with its use. (By the way, many of these threats are connected

not only with computers but also with video games). Considering the impact of computers on health, we note several risk factors.

                These include:

issues of provocation of epileptic seizures;

      the problems associated with electromagnetic radiation;

           vision problems;

     the problems associated with the muscles and joints.In each of these cases, the risk level is directly proportional to time spent at the computer or near it.

Found that gambling can be addictive, in some ways similar to alcohol or even drugs. In childhood gambling addiction usually develops in relation to computer games. This is such a useful and necessary thing, as a computer, is fraught with another danger — the dependence on him.

Experts in the field of Internet addiction emphasize the passion for communicating on-line with friends over the network. It is dangerous because it can lead to a desire to replace real life, family, friends virtual life that meets almost any criteria.

Mental symptoms: feelings of joy, euphoria in contact with the computer or even when waiting, "anticipation" contact; lack of control over the time of interaction with the computer; a desire to increase the interaction time with the computer ("dose"); the emergence of a sense of irritation, or of oppression, of emptiness, of depression in the absence of contact with the computer; use of computer to relieve internal stress, anxiety, depression; emotional instability; obsessive desire to constantly check e-mail, low self-esteem, etc.

  The results of the social survey.

Among pupils of 5-9 classes a survey was conducted to determine the dependence of the students of our school from the Internet on the following issues:

1. How much time per day do You spend visiting web sites?

a) up To 2H.

b) From 2 p.m. Till 4 a.m.

c) More than 4 hours.

2. What website do You visit most often?

a) Classmates

b) V kontakte

c) Mail

d) Online games

e) Your variant

3. For what purpose You are on the site?

a) Communication

b) Dating

c) Game

d) information Search

e) Your variant

4. How long can You not go to the site?

a) No more than 1 day

b) From 2 days to 7 days

c) More than 7 days

5. Do You consider yourself addicted to the site?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Difficult to answer


  In the result of conducted research the following results were obtained :                                                                     








Which suggests that the problem of Internet addiction in our school teenagers

How to overcome the addiction.

Here are some simple recommendations:

The most obvious solution is to limit the amount of time spent at the computer without a break. It is recommended to do a short break every 30 minutes. Ideal "detente" between computer classes can be physically active, not requiring exertion of vision - a walk, a game of ball in the air or trip to the store.

Some experts suggest eye exercises to help avoid problems associated with computer use. It can be simple exercises such as, for example, tracking of objects moving in the visual field, or focus the view on distant objects. Alternating computer work with other activities useful by the fact that the latter often include visual motion, which are good exercises for the eyes.

If a person loses the ability to use a computer and the Internet, he experiences depressed mood, everything else in life loses its meaning. In advanced cases the dependent ceases to pay attention not only on others but also on yourself, on your appearance, ceases to perform basic hygiene procedures. Independent attempts to get rid of dependence often lead to depression which takes place, when the patient returns to usual activities.  The main problem is getting rid of any addiction is that the identity of the patient is distorted, disharmonious, and therefore even when active


How to overcome the addiction.

Here are some simple recommendations:

The most obvious solution is to limit the amount of time spent at the computer without a break. It is recommended to do a short break every 30 minutes. Ideal "detente" between computer classes can be physically active, not requiring exertion of vision - a walk, a game of ball in the air or trip to the store.

Some experts suggest eye exercises to help avoid problems associated with computer use. It can be simple exercises such as, for example, tracking of objects moving in the visual field, or focus the view on distant objects. Alternating computer work with other activities useful by the fact that the latter often include visual motion, which are good exercises for the eyes.

If a person loses the ability to use a computer and the Internet, he experiences depressed mood, everything else in life loses its meaning. In advanced cases the dependent ceases to pay attention not only on others but also on yourself, on your appearance, ceases to perform basic hygiene procedures. Independent attempts to get rid of dependence often lead to depression which takes place, when the patient returns to usual activities.

The main problem is getting rid of any addiction is that the identity of the patient is distorted, disharmonious, and therefore even when active

the desire to be cured to secure the results can be very difficult. In psychiatric practice have repeatedly seen cases when one is freed from drug addiction people become addicted to gaming. According to the doctors, craving for the game much stronger and get rid of it is harder than drugs.

In varying degrees this kind of addiction can suffer all people. Its development can influence even the change of political system, welfare. Gambling addiction characteristic of the infantile society: hope on luck, the game, fortune free from responsibility, from the need to make serious decisions.

The problem of treating gaming addiction, which is recognized as a serious threat to physical and mental health of the population, have caused serious concern in our country. 21-22 June 2010 in Moscow was held a scientific conference with international participation "Game addiction: myths and reality".

Speaking about specific measures for the prevention and treatment of gaming and computer addiction, Director of the State scientific center of social and forensic psychiatry named after V. P. Serbsky, the academician Tatyana Dmitrieva announced the creation of the ad hoc group to address these issues.

It is also planned to create a network of centres which will provide assistance to all who wish to overcome gambling addiction. Since official statistics on gambling in Russia created units will conduct and statistical research. In the near future is expected to launch the monograph on the problems of gaming addiction.

Often the apparent computer addiction can escape psychological problems, such as failure of a child in real life, the inability to communicate, social dezadorirovannoe.

Typically, a computer addict children and adolescents with fragile and conflict of family or school relationships, without attachment. They are in the virtual world an outlet and consider their stay in the network or success in a computer game sufficient to assert himself and to improve the psychological state.

Boys are attracted to the realization of their aggressive tendencies. Because virtually all teenage computer game built on aggression and killing. But role play is not mere entertainment. In this kind of games quickly absorbed behaviors. Therefore, in some countries, children under 18 are not permitted to play in some very aggressive computer games, since they can provoke immature, undeveloped personality on the implementation of the aggressive impulses are not in the game, and in life."

No less dangerous for the fragile psyche of children, experts say, is fraught with seemingly harmless online relationships. There are times when some mentally unstable adolescents "trying on" different virtual images, there are problems with the identification — alienation occurs "I", begins a split personality type of computer schizophrenia.

But even if the PC is not connected to the Internet, this does not mean that hours of seat is useful for children. "The computer distorts the child's thinking, learns to think creatively, and technologically. There is a task summary and a set of tools with which you can solve this problem. All! Thus, the child is programmed thinking, creative abilities do not develop. Robotics is thinking, you drop the emotions, the compassion, the humanity that had always been inherent to the children. Therefore, in my opinion, for a developing child's harmful computer. Than later the boy or girl will sit, the better", — said Yuriy Shevchenko




Child psychologists and psychiatrists believe that the only currently proven method of prevention of computer addiction in the child is a passion for activities not related to the frequent use of the computer, so it does not become a substitute for real life.

The task of adults is growing to show the person that there is a lot of interesting activities, particularly sports tourism that not only allow you to experience a variety of thrill, but also train the body and normalize psychological condition.

In conclusion we can say that in the treatment of Internet addiction the main thing – to prove to the man that live chat is more attractive than a virtual one. Pull a person from the Network, add them to other interests – the task is quite solvable.

 The list of references.

1. The explanatory dictionary under edition of doctor of Philology, Professor N. Yu.Shvedova, Moscow, "Russian language", 1984.

2. A medical book. Edited by V. I. Pokrovsky, edition, 1993.

3. Internet resources












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