Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыПроект по теме" Б. Шоу- ученик Чехова. Миф или реальность.

Проект по теме" Б. Шоу- ученик Чехова. Миф или реальность.

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Bernard Show- Chekhov’s disciple.
Myth or reality.


Project work

made by Kate Kapustina

the student of the 10th form

 ( boarding-school “ Pleskovo”.)





2. The trip to the USSR.

3. Creativity: a) Pygmalion

                        b) Heartbreak House

4. Last years.

Last year was the year of literature and this year is devoted to the cinema. It’s not a secret that nowadays teenagers are not fond of reading and know little about great writers and great books. The topics of these 2 years looked urgent and useful. I decided to start with myself and enrich my knowledge. It happened so that I found out last year we celebrated 160 years since Show’s birthday, who was one of the most famous Irish playwrights and critics. At the lessons of Russian Literature it was mentioned that he was a pupil of well-known writer Chekhov. I decided to find out if it was true and learnt as much as possible about his life. I strongly recommend you to watch the documentary film “Geniuses and villains” which shows us an unusual nature of his character. Today I would like to tell you about my work.

I decided to start from the very beginning. I found out that he was born in Dublin, Ireland, on July 26, 1856 in a family of drunker, that’s why he couldn’t have a happy childhood. Besides, his family was rather poor and they could hardly make their ends meet. That’s why Shaw was tutored by an uncle, and when he was ten years old, he entered the Wesleyan Connexional School in Dublin. It was a great surprise to know that he hated school and was one of the worst pupils. But he loved reading and writing.

Shaw was fifteen when his parents separated and his mother moved to London with her two daughters.  Shaw remained  in Dublin with his father, working as a land agent in an estate office. But when his sister in 1876, Shaw joined his mother's London household.

Determined to become a writer, Shaw set up at the British Museum reading and wrote  five novels between 1879 and 1883. But they had no success and were published much later. Not surprisingly, it was during this time that Shaw was involved with the socialists into  politics that defined his life. He became a dedicated socialist and an early member of the Fabian Society, which had decided to promote the spread of socialism by gradual reforms.

While working with the Fabians, Shaw met Charlotte, his future wife. They were married in 1898.  They said that they lived like a brother and sister. It looked very strange and had a lot of gossips, but nobody knew the truth.

The most important fact in his life was his journey to the USSR.

Since 21 to 31 of July 1931 Bernard Shaw visited the Soviet Union at the invitation of Stalin.
In an interview given in Berlin on the way home, Shaw praised Stalin as a politician:
"Stalin is a very nice person and is really the leader of the working class... Stalin is a giant, and all the Western leaders — the pygmies".
Returning from the Soviet Union, Shaw said:

"I'm leaving the state of hope and return to our Western countries of despair ".

We remember those awful times when the Soviet Union was against the whole world. But he found the courage and was self confident to go to Russia. So he impressed me greatly.

Now I’ll tell you about Show’s creativity.

The first play by Bernard Shaw, was presented in 1892. At the end of the decade he was already known as a playwright. He wrote sixty-three plays and novels, critical works, essays and more than 250000 letters. In one of his speech he said that he was afraid of weekends most of all. He was a real workaholic and didn’t like anything more than writing.

His main plays were:

·         Mrs. Warren’s Profession

·         Man and Superman

·         Pygmalion

·         Heartbreak House

The year 1912 brought what might be Shaw's most famous play- Pygmalion, which was transferred to the big screen in 1938. Shaw won an Academy Award for the screenplay. Besides he won a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925, so he was the only person who received so many awards. But he refused to take money and as always joked, saying that this award was given to  him because he hadn’t published any plays for that year. Pygmalion went on to further fame when it was adapted into a musical and became a hit.

But what about the statement, that Shaw was Chekhov’s disciple?
Speaking about Show as a pupil of our great writer Chekhov we should compare such 2 plays as «Heartbreak House» and «The cherry orchard».
The playHeartbreak House” was started by Bernard Shaw in 1913. According to the author he was influenced by Chekhov, whom he considered one of the best playwrights of his time. The book was finished in 1917, however, the author decided to publish it only after the war in 1919.

To his play “Heartbreak House” B. Shaw gave the subtitle “Imagination in Russian style” – so he defined the genre of his work. The English playwright  so as Chekhov, refers to the theme of bourgeois-aristocratic intelligentsia, and although his characters are the representatives of Western culture, acting in different historical and social circumstances, general dissatisfaction of surrounding life, the expectation of change becomes a fact of their everyday existence. We should say that the play develops Chekhov's traditions. For example, Show put their characters in the house, like a ship. The ship building is just as beautiful as the house, surrounded by a flowered cherry orchard. This house was inhabited by good, nice people leading empty lives and suffering from this. The same we see in Chekhov’s play.

The sound of an axe in the last act of “the Cherry orchard” will result in a buzz bomber at Show’s play. 

In the play by Bernard Shaw, as well as Chekhov’s one, there is no clear division into positive and negative characters. All the characters evoke sympathy and compassion. Shaw, of course, knew well the works of Chekhov, and thought that Russian problems can be transferred to any bourgeois or intellectual home in Europe. He did, moved them  in the house of captain Shotover. But Chekhov had great sympathy for the characters, while Show hadn’t. Orchard is a symbol of life and beauty. The Show’s boat is also a symbol of beauty, of poetry, but it’s  completely useless and have no future .

After analyzing two plays I really came to the conclusion that George Bernard Shaw can be regarded as a disciple of Chekhov, but at the beginning of my research I doubted. And it’s easy to understand.  A lot of times we were told that countries of Western  Europe were, are and will be more progressive than other ones. All the other countries followed their examples, trying to  reach the same standards, the same level of development. It looked curious and suspicious that such a great figure would find something new in Russian literature and appreciate our authors so much. But he did, despite all negative attitude to our country.
And now some words about the last days of this great man.

Shaw died in 1950 at the age of 94 while working on another play. In such way we can claim that he devoted his life to literature. He couldn’t leave the fact of his death without jokes and tricks. He asked to make such an epitaph on his grave. "England conquered Ireland. What would you have me do? To Conquer England." But immediately after that he left the will to mix his ash with the ash of his wife and dispel it in the garden. So, you can’t find his tomb anywhere.

The name of Bernard Shaw is immortal and people loved and remember him. So, The Shaw Theatre, Euston Road, London, opened in 1971, was named in his honor. The Shaw Festival, an annual theatre festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, began in 1962, and has grown into an annual festival with over 800 performances a year, dedicated to Shaw’s plays and his contemporaries.

He was a great mystery for people. On the one hand he knew the glory and success but didn’t think that it was the main thing in life. He was a great optimist with an unusual sense of humor, and his style of life, his behavior made him extremely popular not only with British people, but  he was a playwright number 1 in all the world.

Bernard Shaw was, as he seemed to me, quite a brave and serious man, who had courage to be a socialist in a bourgeois society, and showed love to the USSR in the years of "cold" war.  Secondly, I am proud of the fact that in Russia there were people such as Anton Chekhov – who became an example and a source of inspiration for people in other countries.
Speaking about myself, I opened a new author, learnt much and plunged into the historical era of the 20th century.


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