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Проектная работа "Princess Diana. Myth or reality"

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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

Гимназия №16 «Интерес»





























                                                                          Student: Sorokoletova Zlata

                                                 Form: 9 B

                                                                         Teacher: S.A. Alenchikova










Lubertsy, 2018                                      






I.      Introduction.                                                                                         3

II.   The main body:

1.     The childhood.                                                                                    -

2.     The youth.                                                                                           4                                                                                       

3.     The family.                                                                                          -

4.     New love.                                                                                            5

5.     A farewell to Diana.                                                                            5

     III. List of literature.                                                                                 7
































The idea of this project came to me in the time of a sad jubilee for many people all over the world – the tragical death of Princess Diana. This fatal car accident happened ten years ago on the 30th of August in Paris. This event had serious consequences for the royal family. A series of royal scandals, such as the divorce of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, and then Diana’s death have damaged the reputation or the royal family and made many people believe that the days or the British royal family are nearly over.

We learned from TV programmes and newspapers that people still remember Diana and still mown for her. So we got interested in the life of this wonderful woman and decided to do a research in this sphere. We got and studied much information about the origin of the Princess , her childhood, marriage, family life and public activity. And we want to find an answer to the question: “Was Diana happy?” The youngest girls hope to marry a prince. They think that the life of a Princess looks like a fairy-tale. Diana managed to do it. But did it make her happy? Why did she divorce Prince Charles? Why did she leave the Royal family?

Diana was an outstanding woman of the 20th century. She was a symbol of modernity and became a source of inspiration and support for many people all over the world. But her life was not as happy as it can seem at first sight. In the project we want to compare the imaginary and real life of Princess Diana.


The childhood.

Diana Fransis Spencer was born on the 1st of July 1961 in the family of Mrs. Fransis Rosh Shend Kidd and Edward John Spenser, viscount Oltporskiy.

He was the heir of a big fortune and the estate in the area of 13 thousand acres.

Diana’s mother grew up in a very aristocratic family and was approached the court yard of the English monarchs. Later five year old Di could play with Her Majesty in the house and her elder sister Sara would get acquainted to the heir to the throne Prince Charles – Diana’s future husband. But the truth is that Diana was not a desired child for her parents. There had already been two sisters in the family Sara and Jane. But the father John Spenser wanted a son very much. And in 1958 Fransis gave birth to a daughter who was given a name Diana. After her birth Fransis left the family and John started to drink. There was a choice for the children – father or mother. If Diana saw her father with a decanter of brandy or sherry, she closed the door and having gone down on a step of a ladder, took seat their and silently, waited when the father would call her. Often she cried. She felt herself unhappy and depressed. She still hoped that mother would return. The girl loved her mother with all her heart understood that they all, four children of Spenser gradually turned into a secret instrument of rivalry between parents. Each day off they were given expensive gifts: toys, cakes, sweets. They spend magnificent vacations in the Scottish manor of Kidd where all of them had a separate room and a personal pony. But there was no geniality, sympathy, affection. There was no feeling of security and unity, feeling of own importance


                                                                                                                                and necessity, everything that children in full families have. And up to the end of

her life Mrs. Kidd published a book where she frankly describe Diana’s childhood,

 her bulimia, her children’s secrets and pranks – all details that mother usually, keep in their hearts and didn’t tell anybody. The Princess was inconsolable. She thought that her mother had betrayed her. Diana found out that she was alone, that mother doesn’t love her. Mrs. Kidd didn’t support the daughter during her divorce with Prince Charles thought had declared in one or the interviews that ‘Being released from such responsibility as a royal tiara was an improbable success.’ Princess was offended not only by her mother’s simplified perception of her divorce. Four months before death, Princess didn’t approach to the phone when her mother called and sent her letters back not having unpacked them. There were stamps on the envelopes with the words “to return to the sender”. Diana couldn’t also forgive her mother and brother that they didn’t let her come back home and live in the House after her divorce.

The youth.

Diana received prestigious education in Switzerland, but she wasn’t good at studying and she hardly passed her final examinations. Later she moved to London, where she rented the apartment in the suburb of the city. She earned money by cleaning apartments and baby sitting. She did this despite of her charm, grace of manners attracted young people. When Prince got acquainted with Lady Spenser, he was the intelligent, quite mature person with charming manners, who had received fine education. He seemed to be too unsociable and reserved. Diana didn’t take him seriously because he counted her sister Sara. One summer day they met spent some time together and everybody understood that Prince had chosen Diana. Next day the press started talking about it and newspaper photographers began hunting Lady Di. Later her pictures appeared in magazines and newspapers. In February, 1981 press office of the Buckingham palace officially declared engagement of Prince the Wales and countesses Diana Frensis Spenser. The wedding took place in St. Paul’s cathedral on the 29 of July. It was love story of the century which had opened a new page in a history of England and all dynasty of Windsors. In early morning on the 28 of July, 1981 about 600 thousand people already stood along the London’s streets to welcome a wedding procession on all its way from Buckingham palace to St. Paul’s cathedral. On the 1 of August the happy pair went to Gibraltar by the plane of the royal air forces.


Prince William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor, the future king was born on the 21 of July 1982. Two years later on the 15 of September Diana gave birth to her second son Henry Charles Albert David. Now William is 25 and Harry is 23 years old. Nobody will ever forget the poignant image of Princes William and Harry walking behind Princess Diana’s coffin in 1997. Even though both boys deeply loved and missed their mother, they managed to hold back their tears and demonstrated incredible self-control. In November 1995 Diana appeared in a popular telecast “Panorama”, giving amazing TV interview to its host Martin Beshir. Diana spoke



about their marriage, their problems and relations between her husband and

Kamilla. Soon queen Elizabeth recommended Charles and Diana to divorce. Divorce was made officially out the next summer.

New love.

When Diana had recovered from break with Charles everyone began to speak about her new romantic relations with Dody Al-Fayed, the son of Arabian millionaire Mohammed Al-Fayed, the owner of luxurious hotels. Diana and Dody had known each other for several years, but started to meet only in 1997. On the 30 of August, after cruise over the Mediterranean Sea on board of yacht, they came to Paris and had supper at the restaurant of hotel “Ritz”. Wishing to avoid a meeting with journalists, they left the hotel through a service exit and went by Mercedes S-280 to Dody’s apartment. The details of tragedy aren’t known exactly but the result was terrible – Diana and Dody were killed in a car accident in the underground tunnel. Princess Diana, who was deeply loved and admired both in Britain and abroad, died.

A farewell to Diana.

Thousands of people were deeply touched by her death. Crowds of grieving people carried flowers, toys, wreath to the gate of Kensington and Buckingham palaces. On the 6 of December more than one million people built along a route of a funeral procession – from Kensington palace to Westminster Abbey. Many people wonder how they were so deeply touched by Princess’s death. The most of people didn’t meet her in a real life. But she entered their houses from the screens of TV’s, from pages of newspapers and magazines. The secret of her popularity is her human nature, her kindness and charm. Diana participated in collecting and transporting donations to Fund of help to sick AIDS, Royal Fund Mardsen, children’s hospitals and clinics. Her last mission was to prohibit the use of anti-infantry mines.


The result of our research we presented in form of a table. The first column contains the events of Princess’s life as ordinary people see from TV programmes and newspapers, the second – her life in reality.




Full and happy family

Parents’ divorce and damaged relations with mother

Good education in prestigious university

Hardly passed her examinations

Happy marriage

Prince Charles was unfaithful to Diana with Kamila Parker

Entered a royal family

Misunderstanding and scandals with mother-in-law

Prince Charles loved Diana

Princess wasn’t loved by her husband

She had many friends

She was a lonely person

Smart appearance and good health

Serious problems with health (bulimia)

She looked calm and confident

She had breakdowns, tried to commit suicide several times


Having studied Diana’s biography, the details of her private life, I came to a conclusion that you can’t be happy only because of noble origin, high social status or a big fortune. Sometimes the only thing you need, the only thing you lack is the love and understanding of one person in the world.







































List of literature:

1.     Донелли П. «Жизнь и смерть принцессы», М.,2000

2.     Princess Diana Biography com. https://www.biography.com/people/princess-diana-9273782

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The idea of this project came to me in the time of a sad jubilee for many people all over the world – the tragical death of Princess Diana. This fatal car accident happened ten years ago on the 30th of August in Paris. This event had serious consequences for the royal family. A series of royal scandals, such as the divorce of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, and then Diana’s death have damaged the reputation or the royal family and made many people believe that the days or the British royal family are nearly over.

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