Инфоурок Английский язык Рабочие программыРабочая программа по внеурочной деятельности для 5 класса

Рабочая программа по внеурочной деятельности для 5 класса

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Смирнов ю. а.


авторская программа

к элективному курсу «Современная Британия» для 10 и 11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка

Пояснительная записка                                                             2

Цели и задачи курса                                                                       –

Личностные, метапредметные и предметные результаты освоения

курса                                                                                              4

Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции                  6

Развитие универсальных учебных действий                                  7

Структура и содержание курса                                                8

Примерное календарно-тематическое планирование.

10 класс (34 часа)                                                                                 13

Примерное календарно-тематическое планирование.

11 класс (34 часа)                                                                                 20

Компоненты курса                                                                        26



СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ                                                                       90

Пояснительная записка

Последние десятилетия XX и начало XXI века ознаменовались глубокими политическими, социально-экономическими и социокультурными изменениями в российском обществе. Эти изменения оказали существенное влияние и на развитие образовательной сферы.

Интеграция России в единое европейское общеобразовательное пространство, процесс реформирования и модернизации российской школьной системы образования в целом и языкового образования в частности привели к переосмыслению целей, задач и содержания обучения иностранным языкам.

Современные тенденции обучения иностранным языкам предусматривают тесную взаимосвязь прагматического и культурного аспектов содержания с решением задач воспитательного и образовательного характера в процессе развития умений иноязычного речевого общения.

Предлагаемая программа разработана к новому элективному курсу «Английский язык. Современная Британия. X-XI классы» (М.: Просвещение, 2012 г.) автора Смирнова Ю. А.

Цели и задачи курса

«Современная Британия» (“Contemporary Britain”) – это элективный курс по страноведению Великобритании для 10 и 11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.

Цели курса: расширить и углубить знания учащихся о Великобритании, в частности о традициях, обычаях, современной жизни и проблемах этой страны; подготовить учащихся к сдаче Единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку и международных экзаменов через разнообразные тематические тексты и упражнения.


Задачи курса:

·        приобщить учащихся к культуре речевого этикета страны изучаемого языка;

·        сформировать умения представлять свою страну и ее культуру в условиях иноязычного общения;

·        совершенствовать умения учащихся работать с различными источниками информации, в том числе в сети Интернет;

·        развить умения аудирования и чтения аутентичных текстов страноведческого характера на английском языке;

·        развить умения монологической и диалогической речи на английском языке;

·        подготовить учащихся к сдаче Единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку и международных экзаменов.


Личностные, метапредметные и предметные результаты освоения курса


В процессе освоения курса у учащихся будут достигнуты определенные личностные результаты:

·       сформированность мировоззрения, соответствующего современному уровню развития науки и общественной практики, основанного на диалоге культур, а также различных форм общественного сознания, осознание своего места в поликультурном мире;

·       сформированность основ саморазвития и самовоспитания; готовность и способность к самостоятельной, творческой и ответственной деятельности (образовательной, учебно-исследовательской, проектной, коммуникативной);

·       сформированность толерантного сознания и поведения личности в поликультурном мире, готовности и способности вести диалог с другими людьми, достигать в нем взаимопонимания, находить общие цели и сотрудничать для их достижения;

·       сформированность навыков сотрудничества со сверстниками, детьми старшего и младшего возраста, взрослыми в образовательной, общественно полезной, учебно-исследовательской, проектной и других видах деятельности;

·       принятие и реализацию ценностей здорового и безопасного образа жизни:

·       потребность в физическом самосовершенствовании, занятиях спортивно-оздоровительной деятельностью, неприятие вредных привычек, курения, употребления алкоголя, наркотиков;

·       сформированность основ экологического мышления, осознание влияния социально-экономических процессов на состояние природной среды; приобретение опыта природоохранной деятельности;

В процессе освоения курса будут достигнуты определенные метапредметные результаты:

·       умение самостоятельно осуществлять, контролировать и корректировать урочную и внеурочную (включая внешкольную) деятельность; использовать различные ресурсы для достижения целей;

·       умение продуктивно общаться и взаимодействовать в процессе совместной деятельности, учитывать позиции другого, эффективно разрешать конфликты;

·       владение навыками познавательной, учебно-исследовательской и проектной деятельности, навыками разрешения проблем;

·       готовность и способность к самостоятельной информационно-познавательной деятельности, включая умение ориентироваться в различных источниках информации, критически оценивать и интерпретировать информацию, получаемую из различных источников;

·       умение ориентироваться в социально-политических и экономических событиях, оценивать их последствия;

·       владение языковыми средствами – умение ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку зрения, использовать адекватные языковые средства;

·       владение навыками познавательной рефлексии как осознания совершаемых действий и мыслительных процессов, их результатов и оснований, границ своего знания и незнания, новых познавательных задач и средств их достижения.

В процессе освоения курса у учащихся будут достигнуты следующие предметные результаты:

·       достижение уровня владения иностранным языком, превышающего пороговый, достаточного для делового общения в рамках выбранного профиля и для построения индивидуальной траектории развития;

·       сформированность умений перевода с иностранного языка на русский при работе с несложными текстами в русле выбранного профиля;

·       владение иностранным языком как одним из средств формирования учебно-исследовательских умений, расширения своих знаний в других предметных областях.


Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции

         В процессе изучения курса «Современная Британия» продолжается развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся (речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной):

-     речевая компетенция – функциональное использование изучаемого языка как средства общения и познавательной деятельности: умение понимать аутентичные иноязычные тексты (аудирование и чтение), передавать информацию в связных аргументированных высказываниях (говорение и письмо), планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение с учетом статуса партнера по общению;

-     языковая (лингвистическая) компетенция – овладение новыми языковыми средствами в соответствии с темами и сферами общения;

-     социокультурная компетенция (включающая социолингвистическую) – расширение объема знаний о социокультурной специфике страны изучаемого языка, совершенствование умений строить свое речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике с учетом ситуаций общения, умения адекватно понимать и интерпретировать лингвокультурные факты, основываясь на сформированных ценностных ориентациях;

-     компенсаторная компетенция – совершенствование умения выходить из положения при дефиците языковых средств в процессе иноязычного общения;

-     учебно-познавательная компетенция – дальнейшее развитие специальных учебных умений, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению иностранным языком, повышать ее продуктивность; использовать изучаемый язык в целях продолжения образования и самообразования, прежде всего в рамках выбранного профиля;

Развитие универсальных учебных действий

По мере освоения курса происходит развитие специальных учебных умений, обеспечивающих освоение языка и культуры: поиск и выделение в тексте новых лексических средств, соотнесение средств выражения и коммуникативного намерения говорящего/пишущего, анализ языковых трудностей текста с целью более полного понимания смысловой информации, группировка и систематизация языковых средств по определенному признаку (формальному, коммуникативному); заполнение обобщающих схем/таблиц для систематизации языкового материала, интерпретация лингвистических и культуроведческих фактов в тексте; умение пользоваться словарями различных типов, современными информационными технологиями.


Структура и содержание курса

Курс рассчитан на 68 часов в общеобразовательных учреждениях (34 часа – 10 класс, 34 часа – 11 класс).

Курс имеет модульную структуру и состоит из шести тематических модулей:

·       Module One. Introducing the UK

·       Module Two. The Four Constituent Countries of the United Kingdom

·       Module Three. The Political System of the United Kingdom

·       Module Four. Places

·       Module Five. The British Today

·       Module Six. Social Services in the UK

Каждый модуль состоит из нескольких уроков (Units), которые построены по принципу избыточности материала. Все уроки (кроме Starter Unit) соотносятся с основной темой модуля, имеют четкую структуру и состоят из следующих разделов:

·       Topical Discussion

·       Vocabulary Practice

·       RNE Practice

·       Project

Раздел Topical Discussion способствует тому, чтобы учащиеся могли понять ключевые моменты тематики модуля, обсудить ее и провести сравнение между Великобританией и Россией. В разделе предлагаются задания по аудированию, чтению (с различной стратегией) и говорению (диалоги, дискуссии, обсуждения). Задания и упражнения (перевод гимнов, народных песен, различные интересные факты про Великобританию с последующим обсуждением в классе или группе, чтение текстов различных жанров и т. п.) помогут сравнить две культуры – России и Великобритании и расширить кругозор учащихся. Некоторые упражнения раздела можно использовать в качестве домашней работы для учащихся.

Для тренировки полезной, и, возможно, новой для учащихся лексики, предназначен раздел Vocabulary Practice. В нем предлагаются упражнения на развитие языковой догадки (например, попытаться вначале объяснить значение выделенных слов на английском языке, перевести их на русский язык без помощи словаря) и на тренировку употребления лексических единиц в различных контекстах (перевод, составление собственных предложений и самостоятельное написание статьи или эссе).

Раздел RNE[1] Practice направлен на подготовку учащихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. В нем предлагаются зада­ния в формате этого экзамена на все виды речевой деятельности (говорение, аудирование, чтение и письмо). Некоторые задания предлагаются в формате международных экзаменов (например, IELTS). Материал раздела отражает основную тему урока и по­может учащимся не только узнать новое о Великобритании, но и потренироваться в выполнении заданий экзаменационного формата. Представленные в разделе тексты взяты из аутентич­ных источников, адаптированы под уровень зна­ний на данном этапе обучения, но не упрощены, что позволит учащимся проверить свои знания и определить уровень подго­товки к ЕГЭ. Многие тексты сопровождаются заданиями на об­суждение прочитанного материала. Упражнения этого раздела можно использовать в качестве домашней работы по усмотре­нию учителя.

Курс «Современная Британия» предполагает, что учащие­ся, работая над основной темой урока, должны самостоятель­но находить дополнительную информацию по ней и представ­лять свой отчет в классе в виде небольших докладов (не более 5 минут). Темы докладов к каждому уроку указаны в разделе Project. Презентация докладов не должна сводиться к их про­чтению перед классом (группой). Учащимся необходимо стараться пред­ставлять свои доклады в форме устного рассказа с использо­ванием заранее подготовленного письменного плана-ответа. Желательно, чтобы презентация докладов сопровождалась ил­люстративным материалом (фотографиями, буклетами, открыт­ками или, при наличии необходимого оборудования в классе, аудио- и видеоматериалами). Несомненный интерес вызовет электронная форма презентации. Доклады прослушиваются на уроке закрепления (Consolidation). Если учителю или уча­щимся не подойдет какая-либо тема, ее мож­но заменить по своему усмотрению. Учителю также необходимо следить за тем, чтобы все учащиеся в классе (группе) имели возможность выступить с докладами. Во время прослушивания следует порекомендовать остальным учащимся делать заметки и записи, так как в конце выступления докладчик может за­дать несколько вопросов одноклассникам по своему сообщению с целью проверки правильности понимания содержания докла­да. Таким образом, презентация доклада может быть использо­вана на уроке как форма аудирования с полным пониманием услышанного. В случае затруднения учитель сам может задать вопросы, привлекая тем самым внимание учащихся к докладу.

Урок закрепления завершает каждый модуль курса и со­держит задания на проверку знаний учащихся по пройденной теме. Он включает в себя тестовые задания, упражнения на пе­ревод предложений с использованием лексики пройденных уро­ков и другие упражнения на закрепление изученного матери­ала. Данные уроки могут использоваться учителем в качестве проверочных работ или основы для контрольных работ.

         В данную программу также включены проверочные тесты (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ 1, 2), которые предполагается выполнять по завершении работы над каждым уроком.

Вводный урок (Starter Unit) отличается по своей структуре от остальных уроков, так как в нем отсутствуют те разделы, которые есть в других уроках. Он содержит задания, которые выявляют и повторяют имеющиеся у учащихся представления и знания о стране изучаемого языка.

Курс также содержит и дополнительный урок (Additional Unit), посвященный спорту в Великобритании.

Заключительная часть учебного пособия содержит тексты аудиозаписей к упражнениям по аудированию. Их учащиеся могут использовать в качестве устных тем для промежуточных экзаменов.

Данное пособие не содержит ключей к заданиям, так как уча­щиеся, как показывает практика, зачастую не умеют правильно их использовать, что плохо сказывается на процессе. Кроме того, предполагается, что уровень знаний учащихся, исполь­зующих данный курс, должен быть достаточно высок, чтобы обходиться без ключей к заданиям. В помощь учителю в данной программе предложены ключи к контрольным заданиям.

Ниже предлагается примерное календарно-тематическое планирование для 10 и 11 классов.


Примерное календарно-тематическое планирование

10 класс (34 часа)

Звездочкой (*) отмечены упражнения, которые предполагают работу с картами

№ урока

Название урока

Topical Discussion

Vocabulary Practice

RNE Practice


Доп. упражнения

Домашнее задание




Starter Unit

с. 6, упр. 1А, В

с. 6, упр. 2

с. 6, упр. 3А, В

с. 7, упр. 4, 5

с. 9–10, упр. 7

с. 11, упр. 8, 9






с. 9, упр. 6



Unit 1. Geography of the UK

с. 11, упр. 1*, 2

с. 12, упр. 3

sovereign, constituent, to be linked, temperate, current, navigable, a witness/to witness, anthem

c. 14, упр. 8, 9  

с. 15, упр. 11

с. 16–17, упр. 12А



с. 18, упр. 12В




Unit 1. Geography of the UK

с. 12, упр. 4

с. 13, упр. 6А, В, С

с. 13, упр. 7*

sovereign, constituent, to be linked, temperate, current, navigable, a witness/to witness, anthem

c. 14, упр. 10А, В  

с. 18, упр. 13, 14

с. 19, упр. 15



с. 13, упр. 5

с. 20, project


Starter Unit

Geography of the UK




Тест 1





Unit 2. The National Identity of Britain

c. 21, упр. 1, 2

с. 22, упр. 3


personification, to mint, pamphlet, trademark, essence, support, starter, to wash down, pour, chatty, poll

c. 23, упр. 6, 7

с. 24, упр. 9А, В

с. 25, упр. 10А, В



с. 23, упр. 5B



Unit 2. The National Identity of Britain

с. 22, упр. 4, 5А


personification, to mint, pamphlet, trademark, essence, support, starter, to wash down, chatty, poll

с. 24, упр. 8А, В

с. 27, упр. 11

с. 28, упр. 12А, В

с. 29, упр. 13



с. 30, упр. 14

с. 29, упр. 12С

с. 30, project



The National Identity of Britain




Тест 2





Unit 3. Public Holidays, Traditions and Leisure Time

c. 30, упр. 1

с. 31, упр. 2

с. 32, упр. 4

с. 33, упр. 7


suburban, neatly-kept, competitive, boarding house, chore, to mow, confectioner, custard, to doze

с. 34, упр. 9

c. 34, упр. 10

с. 35–37, упр. 12А, В



с. 32, упр. 5, 6

с. 34, упр. 8

с. 37, упр. 13



Unit 3. Public Holidays, Traditions and Leisure Time

с. 32, упр. 3


suburban, neatly-kept, competitive, boarding house, chore, to mow, confectioner, custard, to doze

с. 35, упр. 11А, В

с. 39, упр. 14А

с. 41, упр. 15

с. 42, упр. 16


с. 43, упр. 17

с. 41, упр. 14В

с. 44, project


Public Holidays, Traditions and Leisure Time




Тест 3




Завершающий урок модуля; с. 44–48, упр. 1–5


Урок защиты проектов; с. 48, упр. 6




Unit 1. England

с. 49, упр. 1*

с. 49, упр. 2

с. 50, упр. 3

с. 51, упр. 4

to reside, advancement, medieval, to define, takeaway, origin, heritage, extinct

c. 53, упр. 8

с. 53, упр. 10


с. 53, упр. 7*

с. 55, упр. 11



Unit 1. England

С. 51, упр. 5А, В

to reside, advancement, medieval, to define, takeaway, origin, heritage, extinct

c. 53, упр. 9А, В


с. 56, упр. 12, 13

с. 57, упр. 14

с. 58, упр. 15А


с. 52–53, упр. 6А, В

с. 58, упр. 15В

c. 60, project






Тест 4





Unit 2. Wales

с. 60, упр. 1*, 2A, B

c. 61, упр. 4, 5

floral, mythical, paw, banner, affinity, harp, decreasing, mine, religious denomination, resort, rural, speckled, vineyard

с. 64, упр. 8, 9


с. 65, упр. 12А

с. 67, упр. 13


с. 62, упр. 6A, В

c. 63, упр. 7А, В

с. 67, упр. 12В



Unit 2. Wales

с. 61, упр. 3


floral, mythical, paw, banner, affinity, harp, decreasing, mine, religious denomination, resort, rural, speckled, vineyard

с. 65, упр. 10, 11А


с. 67, упр. 14

с. 68, упр. 15


с. 65, упр. 11В

c. 69, project






Тест 5





Unit 3. Scotland

c. 69, упр. 1*

с. 70, упр. 2, 3, 4*


rift valley, latitude, petrol, brewing, camp, pattern, fiddle

с. 72, упр. 7, 8

с. 73, упр. 11

с. 75, упр. 12


c. 72, упр. 6




Unit 3. Scotland

c. 70, упр. 5А


rift valley, latitude, petrol, brewing, camp, pattern, fiddle

с. 73, упр. 9, 10


с. 76, упр. 13А

с. 77, упр. 14

с. 78, упр. 15



с. 79, упр. 16


с. 72, упр. 5В

с. 79, project






Тест 6





Unit 4. Northern Ireland

с. 80, упр. 1*, 2A, B

с. 81, упр. 4, 5


deposit, scenic, arable, maritime, fresco, deforestation, wealth, facility, attachment, denomination, dogma, abolition, substitute

с. 82, упр. 8

с. 83, упр. 9

с. 84,  упр. 12




c. 82, упр. 7А, В




Unit 4. Northern Ireland

с. 81, упр. 3*

с. 81, упр. 6

deposit, scenic, arable, maritime, fresco, deforestation, wealth, facility, attachment, denomination, dogma, abolition, substitute

с. 83, упр. 10

с. 84, упр. 11

с. 86–88, упр. 13А, В

с. 88, упр. 14



с. 88 project


Northern Ireland




Тест 7




Завершающий урок модуля; с. 89–92, упр. 1–6


Урок защиты проектов; с. 92, упр. 7




Unit 1. The Monarch of the UK

c. 93, упр. 1, 2

с. 94, упр. 3, 4


to assent, commander-in-chief, consort, to dissolve, in accordance with, to reign, to retain, royal (regal), separation (of powers)

c. 97, упр. 7, 8

с. 98, упр. 11

с. 99, упр. 12



с. 103, упр. 15


Unit 1. The Monarch of the UK

с. 94–96, упр. 5А, В, С

с. 96, упр. 6


to assent, commander-in-chief, consort, to dissolve, in accordance with, to reign, to retain, royal (regal), separation (of powers)

c. 97, упр. 9, 10

c. 101, упр. 13

с. 102, упр. 14



с. 96, упр. 5D

с. 103 project



Unit 2. The Legislative Branch: the House of Commons

с. 103, упр. 1

с. 104, упр. 2А


affair, amendment, bankrupt, to attach, deposit, to disrupt, to expel, high treason, to house, to reject, insane, sitting, to submit

c. 106, упр. 5

с. 107, упр. 6

с. 108, упр. 10

с. 109, упр. 11



с. 105, упр. 3 а, b, с



Unit 2. The Legislative Branch: the House of Commons

с. 104, упр. 2В

с. 105–106, упр. 3 (презентация плана в классе)


affair, amendment, bankrupt, to attach, deposit, to disrupt, to expel, high treason, to house, to reject, insane, sitting, to submit

c. 107, упр. 7, 8

с. 108, упр. 9


с. 109, упр. 12




с. 111, project



Unit 3. The Legislative Branch: the House of Lords

с. 111, упр. 1, 2

с. 111, упр. 2

с. 112, упр. 3


barrister, hereditary, earl, by virtue, in contrast, steer, capacity, impartial, acclamation

c. 112, упр. 6, 7

с. 113, упр. 10

с. 114, упр. 11



с. 112, упр. 4



Unit 3. The Legislative Branch: the House of Lords

с. 112, упр. 5


barrister, hereditary, earl, by virtue, in contrast, steer, capacity, impartial, acclamation

с. 113, упр. 8, 9

c. 115, упр. 12

с. 116, упр. 13

с. 118, упр. 14, 15



с. 118, project,




Завершающий урок модуля; с. 119–121, упр. 1–3 или Test 8 (Units 1–3) – на выбор


Урок защиты проектов; с. 119–121; упр. 4


Примерное календарно-тематическое планирование

11 класс (34 часа)

* отмечены упражнения, которые предполагают работу с картой

№ урока

Название урока

Topical Discussion

Vocabulary Practice

RNE Practice


Доп. упражнения

Домашнее задание




Unit 1. London

с. 122, упр. 1*, 2

с. 124, упр. 5


insurance, slum, knighthood, landmark, display, luxurious, conductor

с. 125, упр. 8, 9

с. 126, упр. 12А

с. 129, упр. 13А


с. 131, упр. 13В

с. 125, упр. 7




Unit 1. London

с. 123, упр. 3

с. 124, упр. 4А, В*

с. 124–125, упр. 6А, В


insurance, slum, knighthood, landmark, display, luxurious, conductor

с. 125, упр. 10

с. 126, упр. 11

с. 131, упр. 14
с. 132, упр. 15А


с. 133, упр. 15В*

с. 129, упр. 12В

с. 133, project






Тест 1





Unit 2. Popular Cities and Destinations

c. 134, упр. 1

с. 135, упр. 2*, 3


concentric, to quarry, temple, secondhand, to lay claim, summer solstice, to drag, healing, excavation, cemetery, humankind

с. 136, упр. 8

с. 137, упр. 9

с. 138, упр. 11

с. 139, упр. 12



с. 135, упр. 4



Unit 2. Popular Cities and Destinations

с. 135, упр. 5, 6


concentric, to quarry, temple, secondhand, to lay claim, summer solstice, to drag, healing, excavation, cemetery, humankind

с. 137, упр. 10А, В

с. 140, упр. 13

с. 141, упр. 14, 15

с. 142, упр. 16



с. 135, упр. 7

с. 142 project


Popular Cities and Destinations




Тест 2




Завершающий урок модуля; с. 142–143, упр. 1–3


Урок защиты проектов; с. 143, упр. 4




Unit 1. British Celebrities

с. 144, упр. 1

с. 145, упр. 2, 3


a know-it-all, to be discharged, lorry, breakthrough, good looks, runner-up, sponsorship, recipient

с. 147, упр. 7, 8

c. 148, упр. 11

с. 150, упр. 12А



с. 146, упр. 4

с. 150, упр. 12В



Unit 1. British Celebrities

с. 146, упр. 4, 5, 6

a know-it-all, to be discharged, lorry, breakthrough, good looks, runner-up, sponsorship, recipient

с. 147, упр. 9

с. 148, упр. 10

с. 152, упр. 13

с. 153, упр. 14



с. 154, упр. 15

с. 154, project


British Celebrities




Тест 3





Unit 2. Multicultural Britain

c. 154, упр. 1, 2, 3

с. 155, упр. 4

to resist, genuinely, ethnic minorities, unprecedented, racial purity, equal

c. 156, упр. 7А

с. 157, упр. 7В, 10

с. 157, упр. 11А

с. 159, упр. 12



c. 158, упр. 1

с. 159, упр. 13

(на выбор)



Unit 2. Multicultural Britain

с. 155, упр. 5А, В

с. 156, упр. 6

to resist, genuinely, ethnic minorities, unprecedented, racial purity, equal

с. 157, упр. 8, 9

с. 159, упр. 14А

с. 160, упр. 14В (доп. упр.)

с. 160, упр. 15



с. 161, упр. 16

с. 161, project


Multicultural Britain




Тест 4





Unit 3. Teen Life and Issues in the UK

с. 161, упр. 1А

с. 162, упр. 1В, 2

c. 163–164, упр. 4А, В

necessity, rental, supply, withhold, to be earmarked, allowance, to run errands, burden

с. 164, упр. 6, 7

с. 166, упр. 11

с. 167, упр. 12А

с. 168, упр. 12В



c. 164, упр. 5



Unit 3. Teen Life and Issues in the UK

с. 162, упр. 3

necessity, rental, supply, withhold, to be earmarked, allowance, to run errands, burden

с. 165, упр. 8, 9, 10А, В, С

[сайт в помощь: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/4074004.stm]

с. 168–169, упр. 13А, В

с. 169, упр. 14

с. 172, упр. 16



с. 170–171, упр. 15А, В

с. 172, упр. 17

(на выбор)

c. 172, project,

повторить упр. 9-10А к тесту


Teen Life and Issues in the UK




Тест 5




Завершающий урок модуля; с. 144–173, упр. 1–5


Урок защиты проектов; с. 173, упр. 6




Unit 1. Education in Great Britain

c. 175, упр. 1, 2

с. 176, упр. 3

compulsory/mandatory, efficient, public funds, financial assistance, income, transition, to stream pupils on abilities, vocational subjects, to fail an exam

c. 179, упр. 7, 8

c. 180, упр. 11А, В

с. 181, упр. 12А, В



с. 183, упр. 15



Unit 1. Education in Great Britain

с. 176, упр. 4, 5, 6

compulsory/mandatory, efficient, public funds, financial assistance, income, transition, to stream pupils on abilities, vocational subjects, to fail an exam

с. 179, упр. 9

с. 180, упр. 10

с. 182, упр. 13, 14А, В

с. 183, упр. 14С (доп. упр.)

с. 185, упр. 16В (доп. упр.)



с. 184–185, упр. 16А, В

с. 186, project


Education in Great Britain




Тест 6





Unit 2. Health care in Britain

c. 186, упр. 1, 2

с. 187, упр. 3

voluntary, employee, employer, checkup, acupuncture, outpatient, inequality

c. 190, упр. 7

с. 191, упр. 8

с. 192, упр. 11А. В

с. 193, упр. 12



с. 188, упр. 4

с. 198, упр. 16А, В



Unit 2. Health care in Britain

с. 188, упр. 4, 5А, В

с. 189, упр. 6А, В


voluntary, employee, employer, checkup, acupuncture, outpatient, inequality

с. 191, упр. 9, 10

с. 194–195, упр. 13, 14



с. 197, упр. 15А, В

с. 199, project


Health care in Britain




Тест 7




Завершающий урок модуля; с. 199–201, упр. 1–4, 6 (доп. упр.)


Урок защиты проектов; с. 201, упр. 5



Additional Unit. Sports in Britain

с. 202, упр. 1, 2, 3

spectator, nobility, species, amateur, inflated, to speak for itself, to excite interest, to gamble, alumnus (alumni)

c. 203, упр. 6, 7 

с. 205, упр. 10

с. 206, упр. 11



с. 203, упр. 5


Additional Unit. Sports in Britain

с. 202, упр. 4

spectator, nobility, species, amateur, inflated, to speak for itself, to excite interest, to gamble, alumnus (alumni)

с. 204, упр. 8, 9А, В

с. 208, упр. 12

с. 209, упр. 13

с. 213, упр. 15 (доп. упр.)



с. 211, упр. 14

с. 213, project


Sports in Britain




Тест 8




Урок защиты проектов; с. 213, project


Резервные уроки


Компоненты курса

Курс «Современная Британия» включает в себя следующие компо­ненты:

·       Учебное пособие

·       Аудиокурс (доступен для бесплатного скачивания с сайта www.prosv.ru)

·       карта «Великобритания» (издательство «Просвещение», 2010 г.)

·       карта «Лондон» (издательство «Просвещение», 2007 г.).


Тест 1 (Module One: Starter Unit, Unit 1)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Choose the best possible answer to the question “What is a stereotype?” and circle it.

·       an idea about what a nationality is like;

·       a very firm and simple idea about what a particular type of person or thing is like;

·       a fact about a particular thing in a society;

·       the qualities that make up someone’s personality.

2. Answer these questions briefly.

1.     Do languages spoken in Britain vary in different regions of the country? _____________________________________________________________

2.     Which languages are spoken in Wales and Scotland? _____________________________________________________________

3.     Where geographically is the United Kingdom situated? _____________________________________________________________

4.     How many constituent countries comprise the UK? _____________________________________________________________

5.     Where is the highland territory in the British Isles situated? _____________________________________________________________

6.     What is the national anthem of Great Britain called? _____________________________________________________________

3. Express these in English.

Родной язык, двуязычный, диалект, признание, акцент, судоходный, гимн, свидетель, независимый (суверенный), течение, быть соединенным, умеренный климат, горная река.                                               

4. Complete the sentences with the words in the correct form.

1. The __________ of northern England share some features with Scots.

2. __________ signs (traffic signs, names of shops and places) are spread all over Wales.

3. People in the British Isles speak not only the varieties of __________ __________, but other languages as well.

4. Scots within Scotland and the regional varieties of English within England receive little or no official __________.

5. The Volga River is __________.

6. At the court session more than ten __________ were called.

7. The climate of the UK is generally __________ and oceanic with plentiful rainfall all year round.

5. Complete the sentences with the geographical names.

1. The __________ separates Great Britain from __________.

2. The country is washed by the __________ in the north.

3. The __________, called the “backbone of England”, are situated in the centre of England running to the north.

4. The second highest peak, __________, is situated in the Cambrian Mountains in __________.

5. The largest navigable river in Great Britain is the __________ which flows into the North Sea.

6. The __________, the most beautiful region on the British Isles and one of British fourteen national parks, is situated in the west.

7. The flag of the United Kingdom or __________ (unofficially “Union Jack”) dates back to the union of __________ and Great Britain in 1801.

Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________


Ключи. Тест 1


·       a very firm and simple idea about what a particular type of person or thing is like

1 point


1.     Do languages spoken in Britain vary in different regions of the country? Yes

2.     Which languages are spoken in Wales and Scotland? English, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic

3.     Where geographically is the United Kingdom situated? To the northwest of mainland Europe

4.     How many constituent countries comprise the UK? Four

5.     Where is the highland territory in the British Isles situated? In Scotland

6.     What is the national anthem of Great Britain called? “God Save the Queen”

12 points

(2 points for each complete answer)

3. Native language/tongue, bilingual, dialect, recognition, accent, navigable, anthem, witness, sovereign, current, to be linked (by), temperate, mountain river.

12 points


1. The dialects of northern England share some features with Scots.

2. Bilingual signs (traffic signs, names of shops and places) are spread all over Wales.

3. People in the British Isles speak not only the varieties of native languages (tongues), but other languages as well.

4. Scots within Scotland and the regional varieties of English within England receive little or no official recognition.

5. The Volga River is navigable.

6. At the court session more than ten witnesses were called.

7. The climate of the UK is generally temperate and oceanic with plentiful rainfall all year round.

7 points


1. The English Channel separates Great Britain from France.

2. The country is washed by the North Sea in the north.

3. The Pennines, called the “backbone of England”, are situated in the centre of England running to the north.

4. The second highest peak, Snowdon, is situated in the Cambrian Mountains in Wales.

5. The largest navigable river in Great Britain is the Thames which flows into the North Sea.

6. The Lake District, the most beautiful region on the British Isles and one of British fourteen national parks, is situated in the west.

7. The flag of the United Kingdom or “Union Flag” (unofficially “Union Jack”) dates back to the union of Ireland and Great Britain in 1801.

10 points

Критерии оценивания. Тест 1

Total 42 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–25

«4» = 26–37

«5» = 38–42


Тест 2 (Module One: Unit 2)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Complete the sentences briefly.

1) A Bobby is ______________________________________________________

2) Britannia is ______________________________________________________

3) The robin is the most _______________________________________________

4) A pub is a place __________________________________________________

5) Cricket is a national ________________________________________________

2. Arrange the British superstitions in the columns as in the example.

It is lucky to:

It is unlucky to:



0.     catch falling leaves in autumn;

1.     spill salt;

2.     put new shoes on the table;

3.     have a horseshoe over the door;

4.     touch wood;

5.     meet a black cat;

6.     say “white rabbits” three times on the first day of the month;

7.     break a mirror;

8.     open an umbrella indoors;

9.     find a clover plant with four leaves;

10.  walk under a ladder;

11.  pass someone on the stairs.

3. Put the right words to the definitions.

1.     the most important and distinctive feature of something, which determines its identity __________________________________________________

2.     a thin paper-covered booklet, often on a subject of particular interest ___________________________________________________________

3.     any distinctive sign or mark of a person or thing ____________________________________________________________

4.     practice of giving human characteristics to a thing or abstraction ____________________________________________________________

5.     talkative _____________________________________________________

6.     to have a drink with or after food or medicine ________________________

7.     the first course of a meal _________________________________________

8.     to make coins by stamping metal __________________________________

9.     the questioning of random people to find out the general opinion _____________________________________________________________

10.  to approve of an idea or of a person or organisation and help them to be successful ____________________________________________________

4. Complete the sentences with the words in the correct form.

  1. The history of Britannia symbol dates back to Roman times when Romans called their conquered territory “Britannia” and started __________ coins.
  2. John Arbuthnot wrote five satirical __________ in 1712 on the politics of those days.
  3. The bowler hat became the __________ of several well known Englishmen.
  4. The bulldog ymbolizes the very __________ of Britishness.
  5. The British first __________ milk in the cup and then add tea in it. After this “__________” comes the main course. Finally, if a person has any room left, toast and marmalade will finish the meal, all __________ __________ with large quantities of tea.
  6. Once, when a national newspaper made a __________ to decide Britain’s national bird, millions voted.


Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Ключи. Тест 2


1) A Bobby is a representative of the British police.

2) Britannia represents the personification of the British nationalism.

3) The robin is the most favourite British bird.

4) A pub is a place to have a drink and chat.

5) Cricket is a national leisurely game.

10 points (2 for each complete answer)


It is lucky to:

It is unlucky to:

0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11

1, 3, 7, 9, 10

11 points


1. essence; 2. a pamphlet; 3. trademark; 4. personification; 5. chatty; 6. to wash down; 7. a starter; 8. to mint; 9. a poll; 10. to support

10 points


  1. The history of Britannia symbol dates back to Roman times when Romans called their conquered territory “Britannia” and started minting coins.
  2. John Arbuthnot wrote five satirical pamphlets in 1712 on the politics of those days.
  3. The bowler hat became the trademark of several well known Englishmen.
  4. The bulldog symbolizes the very essence of Britishness.
  5. The British first pour milk in the cup and then add tea in it. After this “starter” comes the main course. Finally, if a person has any room left, toast and marmalade will finish the meal, all washed down with large quantities of tea.
  6. Once, when a national newspaper made a poll to decide Britain’s national bird, millions voted.

8 points


Критерии оценивания. Тест 2

Total 39 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–24

«4» = 25–34

«5» = 35–39

Тест 3 (Module One: Unit 3)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________


1. Answer these questions briefly.

  1. What are “bank holidays”? ____________________________________________________________
  2. What are the major traditions for Boxing Day? ____________________________________________________________
  3. How is Guy Fawkes Night celebrated? ____________________________________________________________
  4. What is one of the most famous leisure activities in Britain? ____________________________________________________________
  5. How can you explain the expression “lie-in”? ____________________________________________________________
  6. What is “Hogmanay”? ____________________________________________________________

2. What unusual British celebrations do you know? Put their names below.

3. Express these sentences in English.

1. Фильм был очень нудный (tedious), и я задремал. 2. В моей семье у каждого есть свои домашние обязанности. 3. Мне кажется, что у каждого человека должна быть мечта. Мечта моей мамы, например, – открыть кондитерскую, а у папы – пансионат. Я же предпочел свой собственный пригородный дом с аккуратным садом. 4. Мой друг всегда соперничает со всеми, не понимая, что это не очень хорошая черта характера.

4. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Tom who writes:

… Yesterday my friends and I went to our favourite café to celebrate the end of the term. This place is very good, really! They serve good quality meals, have a big variety of delicious “home-made” dishes. What we really enjoy is that the prices are quite reasonable and the atmosphere is relaxing, with the pleasant background music. Tell me, do you often go out? Do you have a favourite place in your city? Where do you usually go with your friends?

By the way, in a week I am going to a new art exhibition…

Write a letter to Tom.

In your letter

− answer his questions

− ask 3 questions about the new exhibition

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Ключи. Тест 3


  1. What are “bank holidays”? National holidays on which banks are closed.
  2. What are the major traditions for Boxing Day? People visit their friends and go for long walks. The rich give money and small presents to postmen, servants and the poor.
  3. How is Guy Fawkes Night celebrated? By burning a straw doll dressed in old clothes on a bonfire. There are fireworks displays. Children sing Remember, remember the fifth of November. Some dress in old clothes and beg in the street saying, Penny for the guy.
  4. What is one of the most famous leisure activities in Britain? Gardening.
  5. How can you explain the expression “lie-in”? To stay in bed in the morning for longer than usual.
  6. What is “Hogmanay”? New Year celebration in Scotland.

12 points (2 points for each complete answer)

2. The pancake race, Easter Parade, Cheese Rolling, Red Nose Day, The Straw Bear Festival, the church service with clowns.

6 points or more (1 point for each name)


1. The film was tedious and I dozed. 2. Everybody in my family has their own household chores. 3. I think that every person should have a dream. My mother’s dream is to open a confectioner’s and my father dreams of opening a boarding house. I would prefer having my own suburban house with a neatly-kept garden. 4. My friend is always competitive not realizing that this is not a good trait of character.

8 points (2 for each correct sentence)

4. [примерный ответ]




Hi Tom,

Thanks for your letter. It looks like you’re having a nice time! As for me, I don’t go out often now. My final exams are coming, and I spend much time preparing for the Russian National Exam.

As for favourite places here, I like the central park in downtown. There are several cafés there, a number of rides, fountains and many long and short alleys where one can walk and enjoy the nature. Sometimes my friends and I go cycling there at weekends. There’s an open-air theatre and in summers we go to see performances by a youth theatre company.

Tell me about the art exhibition. What is exhibited there, paintings or sculptures? Where does it take place? Are you going there alone or in a company of friends?

Write back soon!



10 points


Критерии оценивания. Тест 3

Total 36 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–22

«4» = 23–32

«5» = 33–36

Тест 4 (Module Two: Unit 1)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Complete the sentences with the right words.

  1. In the north England borders on __________ and in the west on Wales.
  2. England has a __________ climate, with big rainfall all year round, though the seasons vary in temperature.
  3. England is __________ in the east and warmest in the south.
  4. The two main traditional symbols of England are the __________ cross (the English flag), and the Three Lions coat of arms.
  5. The English flag has a red cross on the __________ background

2. Answer these questions briefly.

  1. What’s England’s geographical position in the British Isles like? __________________________________________________________
  2. What English significant authors do you know? ___________________________________________________________
  3. What are the peculiarities of English cuisine? ___________________________________________________________
  4. What are the English best loved sports? ____________________________________________________________
  5. What are the main religions in England? ____________________________________________________________

3. Express these in English.

Вымерший, определять, прогресс, наследие, еда «с собой», проживать, средневековый, по происхождению.

4. Complete the sentences with the words in the right form.

1. The word “__________” is not usually used in colloquial speech. People usually say “live” instead.  2. It is very hard to __________ the way dinosaurs looked like, as these animals became __________ long time ago.  3. If a person belongs to high class in Britain, it doesn’t mean that he/she is a millionaire or lives in a __________ castle. Such people usually have a very long family history and their own __________. They should also be noble __________.  4. – Oh, I am so tired of cooking! Let’s get a __________, shall we?  5. Mary decided to leave her job as a manager, because she couldn’t understand her responsibilities as no one clearly __________ them. 6. In the 21st century, cancer research has yielded significant __________. 7. England boasts a rich literary __________.

5. Complete the sentences. Put the words in brackets in the correct form.

1. England is (close)1 to Europe than any other part of Britain, divided from France only by a 52 km sea gap. 2. Most of England (cover)2 by hills, but the area is more mountainous in the north with a chain of the Pennines. 3. England’s economy is the (two)3 largest economy in Europe and the (five)4 largest economy in the world.

4. English coat of arms depicts three yellow lions on the red background with their right paws (raise)5. 5. Several songs often (consider)6 to be unofficial English anthems. 6. The con­struction of the Tunnel is one of the greatest tech­nological and engineering (achievement)7 of the 20th century.


Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Тест 4. Ключи


1. In the north England borders on Scotland and in the west on Wales. 2. England has a temperate climate, with big rainfall all year round, though the seasons vary in temperature. 3. England is driest in the east and warmest in the south. 4.

The two main traditional symbols of England are the St. George’s cross (the English flag), and the Three Lions coat of arms. 5. The English flag has a red cross on the white background.

5 points


  1. What’s England’s geographical position in the British Isles like? The central and southern two-thirds of the island.
  2. What English significant authors do you know? William Shakespeare, Daniel Defoe, William Makepeace Thackeray, the Bronte sisters, C.S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Charles Dickens, Mary Shelly, Herbert Wells, Rudyard Kipling, Agatha Christie. (at least 3 authors to be named)
  3. What is interesting about English cuisine? Almost no national dishes.

4.     What are the English best loved sports? Cricket, rugby, football, tennis and badminton.

5.     What religions can be found in England? Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, and Buddhism. (at least 3 religions to be named)

10 points (2 points for each correct answer)


Extinct, define, advancement, heritage, a takeaway, to reside, medieval, in origin.

7 points


1. The word “(to) reside” is not usually used in colloquial speech. People usually say “live” instead.  2. It is very hard to define the way dinosaurs looked like, as these animals became extinct long time ago.  3. If a person belongs to high class in Britain, it doesn’t mean that he/she is a millionaire or lives in a medieval castle. Such people usually have a very long family history and their own coat of arms. They should also be noble in origin.  4. – Oh, I am so tired of cooking! Let’s get a takeaway, shall we?  5. Mary decided to leave her job as a manager, because she couldn’t understand her responsibilities as no one clearly defined them. 6. In the 21st century, cancer research has yielded significant advancement. 7. England boasts a rich literary heritage.

8 points


1. closer; 2. is covered; 3. second 4. fifth; 5. raised; 6. are often considered; 7. achievements.

7 points

Критерии оценивания. Тест 4

Total 37 points

«2» = 0–11

«3» = 12–23

«4» = 24–33

«5» = 34–37

Тест 5 (Module Two: Unit 2)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Read the sentences and put “true” or “false”.

1.     Wales is approximately 224 kilometres from north to south. _________

2.     South Wales is an industrial area and this is where the three biggest cities are located. _________

3.     The climate of Wales is temperate and oceanic, as the mountains protect the region from cold. _________

4.     Due to poor quality soil, much of the country is not suitable for crop-growing. _________

5.     Those, who are not fluent in English and rarely use it, can be found in the farming community. _________

6.     The patron saint of Wales is Saint David. _________

7.     The onion is the national symbol of the country. _________

8.     The flag of Wales consists of a green dragon, with the raised right paw, on a red and white field. _________

9.     Wales is often known by the name “the Land of Song”. _________

10. The flute is the national instrument in Wales. _________

2. Complete the sentences with the right names.

  1. The national flower of Wales is the daffodil, worn on __________ on the 1st of March.
  2. There are several islands off the Welsh mainland with the __________ (the largest among them) in the northwest.
  3. The main industrial areas are in South Wales where the three biggest Welsh cities are located: __________ (the capital of Wales), Swansea, and Newport.
  4. Much of Welsh landscape is mountainous, including the __________, the highest mountain chain of Wales with __________, the highest peak in Wales.
  5. The official languages of Wales are __________ and __________.
  6. The largest religion in Wales is __________.

3. Express these words in English and match them with their definitions. There is one extra definition.

1. цветочный

2. мифический

3. лапа

4. флаг (знамя)

5. склонность (тяга)

6. арфа

7. уменьшающийся

8. разрабатывать рудник

9. курорт

10. сельский

11. виноградник

a)     becoming less

b)    place where many people go to for their holiday

c)     something related to the countryside

d)    take metals, minerals or precious stones from a hole or tunnel in the ground

e)     natural understanding or sympathy for sth

f)      covered with spots or marks

g)    musical instrument which consists of a row of strings stretched over a large frame

h)    farm that grows grapes and manufactures wine

i)       made of flowers or decorated with pictures of flowers

j)       legendary, imaginary or not real

k)    foot of some animals such as cats, dogs, and bears

l)       wide piece of cloth with a message or symbol on it, sometimes stretched between two poles


  4. Make sentences with the words from ex. 3.



Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________


Тест 5. Ключи

1. true; 2. true; 3. false; 4. true; 5. false; 6. true; 7. false; 8. false; 9. true; 10. false

10 points

2. St David’s Day; Isle of Anglesey; Cardiff; Cambrians, Snowdon; Welsh, English; Christianity

8 points


1. floral – i

2. mythical – j

3. paw – k

4. banner – l

5. affinity – e

6. harp – g

7. decreasing – a

8. mine – d

9. resort – b

10. rural – c

11. vineyard – h

11 points

4. Students’ own answers. 11 points – 1 point for each used word.

Критерии оценивания. Тест 5

Total 40 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–25

«4» = 26–37

«5» = 38–40

Тест 6 (Module Two: Unit 3)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Fill in the table with the right answers. Try to put as many as possible.

Water bodies



Largest cities



Mountains and peaks






Major industries




Emblems, symbols and flags


Popular national dishes






National musical instruments





National clothes



Famous museums




2. Match the words and word combinations with their definitions.

1. rift valley

2.     latitude

3.     petrol

4.     brewing

5.     camp

6.     pattern

7.     fiddle

a)     a set of lines, shapes, or colours that are repeated regularly (usually on materials);

b)    the process of making beer;

c)     the distance of a point on the Earth from the Equator, measured in degrees north or south;

d)    a musical instrument that you hold under your chin and play by pulling a bow across its strings;

e)     a valley with steep sides, produced when the land between two parallel cracks in the ground sinks;

f)      a place with tents or other shelters for people such as soldiers or prisoners to live in;

g)    a liquid used as fuel for cars and other vehicles

3. Express these sentences in English.

1. Я бы очень хотел научиться играть на скрипке. 2. Лагерь находился в большой долине с крутыми склонами. 3. На обратном пути у нас кончился бензин.  4. Моя сестра купила очень красивый ковер с узорами. 5. Чехия славится пивоварением. 6. Вчера учитель географии попросил меня назвать города, находящиеся на одной широте с Москвой, но я не знала, что ответить, поэтому получила плохую отметку.


Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Тест 6. Ключи


Water bodies

the North Sea

the Atlantic Ocean

the North Channel

the Irish Sea

Loch Ness

Largest cities




Mountains and peaks

Cheviot Hills

Scottish Highlands

Ben Nevis

The Southern Uplands


temperate and oceanic


Major industries


coal mining





electrical engineering

chocolate manufacturing



Emblems, symbols and flags



St Andrew’s Cross

Popular national dishes

Salmon Hash


Scotch Broth



Scottish English

Scottish Gaelic

National musical instruments







National clothes


tartan skirt (for women)

tweed jacket

stockings with garters

brogue shoes



Famous museums

The Museum of Childhood

The Royal Museum

The Museum of Transport

The Scottish Football Museum

The Museum of Ayrshire Country Life and Costume

Aberdeen Maritime Museum

Max. 50 points (1 point for each correct answer)

2. 1e, 2c, 3g, 4b, 5f, 6a, 7d

7 points


1. I’d like to learn to play the fiddle. 2. The camp was situated in a rift valley. 3. On our way back we ran out of petrol. 4. My sister bought a very beautiful carpet with patterns. 5. Czech Republic is famous for brewing. 6. Yesterday my geography teacher asked me to name the cities of the same latitude as Moscow, but I didn’t know what to say and got a bad mark.

6 points

Критерии оценивания. Тест 6

Total 63 points

«2» = 0–15

«3» = 16–28

«4» = 29–38

«5» = 39 and more

Тест 7 (Module Two: Unit 4)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Answer these questions briefly.

1. What’s the geographical position of Northern Ireland like? _________________________________________________________________

2. What is the highest peak in Northern Ireland? _________________________________________________________________

3. What is the capital city? _________________________________________________________________

4. What’s the climate of Northern Ireland like? _________________________________________________________________

5. What is the floral symbol of Northern Ireland? _________________________________________________________________

6. What’s the “Ulster Banner”? _________________________________________________________________

7. What are the major religious denominations in Northern Ireland? _________________________________________________________________

2. Complete the sentences with the right names.

1.     The centre of Northern Ireland’s geography is __________, the largest freshwater lake both on the Isle of Ireland and in the British Isles.

2.     The central upland area is in the __________, where the Sperrin Mountains with big gold deposits are situated.

3.     The valley of the Lagan River is dominated by __________, the capital of Northern Ireland.

4.     The weather is unpredictable all year round, and although the seasons are distinct, they are less distinct than in __________.

5.     The Northern Ireland economy is the smallest of the four economies in the __________.

6.     __________ is spoken as a first language by almost 100% of the Northern Irish population.

7.     Irish people wear shamrock on __________ which is celebrated on the 17th of March.

8.     The official flag of Northern Ireland now is the __________.

9.     “__________” is the national anthem played at state events in Northern Ireland.

10.  The best known traditional dish in Northern Ireland is the __________.

3. Express these words in English.

Залежь (месторождение), живописный, пахотный, фреска, вырубка леса, богатство, оснащение (оборудование), предпочтение (религиозное), учение, аннулирование (отмена), замена.

4. Make sentences with the words from ex. 3.






Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Тест 7. Ключи


1. What’s the geographical position of Northern Ireland like? The north of the Isle of Ireland.

2. What is the highest peak in Northern Ireland? Slieve Donard.

3. What is the capital city? Belfast.

4. What’s the climate of Northern Ireland like? Temperate maritime.

5. What is the floral symbol of Northern Ireland? The shamrock.

6. What’s the “Ulster Banner”? The flag which is not officially used since the abolition of the Parliament of Northern Ireland in 1973.

7. What are the major religious denominations in Northern Ireland? Protestant and Roman Catholic.

14 points (1 point for each complete answer)


1. The centre of Northern Ireland’s geography is Lough Neagh, the largest freshwater lake both on the Isle of Ireland and in the British Isles.

8.     The central upland area is in the Sperrins Region, where the Sperrin Mountains with big gold deposits are situated.

9.     The valley of the Lagan River is dominated by Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland.

10. The weather is unpredictable all year round, and although the seasons are distinct, they are less distinct than in Europe.

11. The Northern Ireland economy is the smallest of the four economies in the United Kingdom.

12. English is spoken as a first language by almost 100% of the Northern Irish population.

13. Irish people wear shamrock on St. Patrick’s Day which is celebrated on the 17th of March.

14. The official flag of Northern Ireland now is the Union Flag.

15. God Save the Queen” is the national anthem played at state events in Northern Ireland.

16. The best known traditional dish in Northern Ireland is the Ulster fry.

10 points

3. deposit, scenic, arable, fresco, deforestation, wealth, facility, attachment, dogma, abolition, substitute

11 points

4. Students’ own answers. 11 points – 1 point for each used word.

Критерии оценивания. Тест 7

Total 35 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–20

«4» = 21–30

«5» = 31–35

Тест 8 (Module Three: Units 1–3)


Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________


1.     Answer the questions briefly.

     1.      Who is currently the British Monarch? ______________________________________________________________

     2.      Who is the heir to the British throne?  ______________________________________________________________

     3.      What hypothetical powers does the Monarch possess?  ______________________________________________________________

     4.      What is the royal prerogative?  ______________________________________________________________

     5.      Who is practically the political head of the country? ______________________________________________________________

     6.      What political community is the Queen Head of? ______________________________________________________________

     7.      What’s the full name of the House of Commons?  ______________________________________________________________

     8.      What does each MP represent?  ______________________________________________________________

     9.      What is the procedure of General Elections? ______________________________________________________________

 10.      Can any British citizen become an MP? ______________________________________________________________

 11.      Who is the Speaker of the House of Commons?  ______________________________________________________________

 12.      How many members are there in the House of Lords now? ______________________________________________________________

 13.      What qualifications are needed for those who want to sit in the House of Lords?  ______________________________________________________________

 14.      Who presides over the House of Lords? ______________________________________________________________

2. Express these words and word combinations in English.

Одобрять (давать согласие), главнокомандующий, распускать (парламент), править, королевский, разделение (властей), поправка, государственная измена, отклонять (отвергать), заседание; адвокат, имеющий право выступать в высших судах; граф, по сравнению, беспристрастный.

3. Put the right word by the definition.

1. financially ruined ______________________________________

2. mentally ill ______________________________________

3. a husband or wife of a reigning monarch _______________________________

4. to direct the course of a vehicle or vessel with a steering wheel or rudder _______________________________

5. the maximum amount something can contain or absorb ____________________


Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Тест 8. Ключи


   1. Who is currently the British Monarch? Queen Elizabeth II.

2.     Who is the heir to the British throne? Charles, Prince of Wales.

3.     What hypothetical powers does the Monarch possess?  The right to choose any British citizen to be Prime Minister and the right to call and dissolve Parliament at any time.

4.     What is the royal prerogative? The ability to appoint ministers and declare war.

5.     Who is practically the political head of the country? Prime Minister.

6.     What political community is the Queen Head of? The Commonwealth.

7.     What’s the full name of the House of Commons? The Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled.

8.     What does each MP represent? One constituency.

9.     What are the General Elections? Elections of MPs to the House of Commons.

10. Can any British citizen become an MP? Yes, but there are restrictions.

11. Who is the Speaker of the House of Commons?  The presiding officer who presides over debates in the House of Commons.

12. How many members are there in the House of Lords now? 731.

13. What qualifications are needed for those who want to sit in the House of Lords?  A person must be 21 or older, a Commonwealth citizen and citizen of the Republic of Ireland. Other restrictions are the same as in the House of Commons.

14. Who presides over the House of Lords? The Lord Speaker.

28 points (1 point for each complete answer)

2. to assent, commander-in-chief, to dissolve, to reign, royal (regal), separation (of powers), amendment, high treason, to reject, sitting, to submit, barrister, earl, by virtue, in contrast, impartial

16 points

3. 1. bankrupt, 2. insane, 3. a consort, 4. to steer, 5. capacity

5 points

Критерии оценивания. Тест 8

Total 49 points

«2» = 0–20

«3» = 21–35

«4» = 36–43

«5» = 44–49



Тест 1 (Module Four: Unit 1)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Answer these questions briefly.

1. Who founded London and when?  _______________________________________________________________

2. What parts is London divided into? _______________________________________________________________

3. What statue is in Piccadilly Circus? _______________________________________________________________

4. Where is the residence of the Prime Minister? _______________________________________________________________

5. What are the most famous art galleries in London? _______________________________________________________________

6. What are the most famous London parks?  _______________________________________________________________


2. Complete the sentences with the right names.

1.     The _______________ is a big financial and business centre.

2.     After the _______________ of 1666 the City was rebuilt, stone and brick replaced medieval houses.

3.     The _______________, created in 1694 and nationalised in 1946, is a symbol of finance.

4.     The _______________ area is known for fashionable residential areas such as Notting Hill, Knightsbridge and Chelsea with very expensive property.

5.     _______________ is the heart of London.

6.     _______________ is Sir Christopher Wren’s creation.

7.     The _______________ was built as a residence for the King and his court.

8.     _______________, the famous clock named after Sir Benjamin Hall, is a reliable timekeeper and a much-loved landmark.

9.     _______________ is famous for a tall monument in the centre of it, called Nelson’s Column.

10. The _______________ is one of the biggest museums in the world containing a lot of artifacts and pieces of art.

11. But still one of the most famous museums in London is _______________,  which houses a great collection of wax figures of celebrities.

12. On the waterfront of the City is the famous _______________, the oldest construction in London built in the 11th century.

13. The Regent’s Canal leads to London _______________, a very rich district with beautiful luxurious houses.

3. Express these sentences in Russian.

1. Компания предлагает бесплатную страховку на случай пожара. 2. Этот район считается одним из самых бедных, где люди живут в трущобах. 3. Люди, которые внесли огромный вклад в культуру Великобритании, обычно получают рыцарское звание. 4. Эйфелева башня является одной из самых известных достопримечательностей Парижа. 5. В нашем музее вы можете увидеть выставку старинной мебели и посуды (tableware). 6. Номер для известного дирижера в отеле оказался роскошным, и он был благодарен за это организаторам концерта.

Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Тест 1. Ключи

1. Answer these questions briefly.

1. Who founded London and when? Romans in 55 BC.

2. What parts is London divided into? The City, the West End and the East End.

3. What statue is in Piccadilly Circus? The Statue of Eros.

4. Where is the residence of the Prime Minister? Downing Street 10.

5. What are the most famous art galleries in London? The National Gallery, the Tate Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery.

 6. What are the most famous London parks? Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Holland Park Gardens, Green Park, St. James’s Park, Regent’s Park.

 12 points (one point for each complete answer)

2. Complete the sentences with the right names.

1.     The City of London is a big financial and business centre.

2.     After the Great Fire of 1666 the City was rebuilt, stone and brick replaced medieval houses.

3.     The Bank of England, created in 1694 and nationalized in 1946, is a symbol of finance.

4.     The West London area is known for fashionable residential areas such as Notting Hill, Knightsbridge and Chelsea with very expensive property.

5.     Piccadilly Circus is the heart of London.

6.     St. Paul’s Cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren’s creation.

7.     The Old Palace of Westminster was built as a residence for the King and his court.

8.     Big Ben, the famous clock named after Sir Benjamin Hall, is a reliable timekeeper and a much-loved landmark.

9.     Trafalgar Square is famous for a tall monument in the centre of it, called Nelson’s Column.

10. The British Museum is one of the biggest museums in the world containing a lot of artifacts and pieces of art.

11. But still one of the most famous museums in London is Madam Tussauds Museum, which houses a great collection of wax figures of celebrities.

12. On the waterfront of the City is the famous Tower of London, the oldest construction in London built in the 11th century.

13. The Regent’s Canal leads to London Little Venice, a very rich district with beautiful luxurious houses.

13 points



1. The company provides free insurance against fire. 2. This district is considered one of the poorest, where people live in slums. 3. Those people who have contributed a lot to the British culture usually get a knighthood. 4. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in Paris. 5. In our museum you can see a display of ancient furniture and tableware. 6. The famous conductor’s hotel room turned out to be luxurious and he was very grateful to the organizers of the concert for this.

7 points


Критерии оценивания. Тест 1

Total 32 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–20

«4» = 21–28

«5» = 29–32

Тест 2 (Module Four: Unit 2)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Fill in the table with the necessary information.


Sights/interesting places

Facts/people/events connected with

























2. Complete the sentences with the right words.

1. Stonehenge is a set of _______________ rings on the empty Salisbury Plain.

It is a fantastic construction with many of the larger stones weighing 25 tons and _______________ from a location 18 miles away.

2. A popular theory of the 19th century was that the Druids, people that existed in Britain before the Roman conquest, had built Stonehenge as a _______________.

3. If Druids used Stonehenge for their ceremonies they got the site _______________.

4. Despite this, modern Druids have _______ ________ to Stonehenge and an annual ceremony takes place at Stonehenge during _______________.

5. Another mystery is how the makers moved these massive rocks for many miles, probably by _______________ them on wooden sledges.

6. The other one is that Stonehenge may have served as a “place of _______________”.

7. _______________ of graves in the area show that the remains of people buried there have signs of serious diseases or injuries.

8. A recent suggestion says that Stonehenge was probably a _______________ for people of high titles.

9. However, this place still remains a mystery and one of the most popular tourist attractions in the British Isles, and who knows, maybe in years _______________ will get the answers to all the questions raised.


Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________


Тест 2. Ключи




Sights/interesting places

Facts/people/events connected with


The Old Town Hall Museum, the “Smugglers’ Adventure” Museum, Fishmarket

Battle at Hastings in 1066 (between England and France); Hastings week on October 14


The Town Hall, the old Council House, the University of Birmingham

A metalworking centre, a national commercial centre


Oxford University, Oxford Brookes University, the Ashmolean Museum, the Christ Church Picture Gallery, the Museum of the History of Science

King Charles I used it as a capital in the 17th century


The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University, the Fitzwilliam Museum, the Folk Museum

The history dates back to Neolithic times, there used to be a Roman settlement


Ann Hathaway’s Cottage, the Holy Trinity Church, Butterfly Farm, the Insect City, the Teddy Bear Museum

William Shakespeare, the Royal Shakespeare Company



“The Beatles”, Liverpool Football Club

Max. 31 points (1 point for each correct answer)


1. Stonehenge is a set of concentric rings on the empty Salisbury Plain is one of the oldest, and certainly best preserved, megalithic structures on Earth. It is a fantastic construction with many of the larger stones weighing 25 tons and quarried from a location 18 miles away.

2. A popular theory of the 19th century was that the Druids, people that existed in Britain before the Roman conquest, had built it as a temple.

3. If Druids used Stonehenge for their ceremonies they got the site secondhand.

4. Despite this, modern Druids have laid claim to Stonehenge and an annual ceremony takes place at Stonehenge during Summer solstice.

5. Another mystery is how the makers moved these massive rocks for many miles, probably by dragging them on wooden sledges.

6. The other one is that Stonehenge may have served as a “place of healing”.

7. Excavations of graves in the area show that the remains of people buried there have signs of serious diseases or injuries.

8. A recent suggestion says that Stonehenge was probably a cemetery for people of high titles.

9. However, this place still remains a mystery and one of the most popular tourist attractions in the British Isles, and who knows, maybe in years humankind will get the answers to all the questions raised.

10 points

Критерии оценивания. Тест 2

Total 41 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–25

«4» = 26–37

«5» = 38–41

Тест 3 (Module Five: Unit 1)

Name __________________                                                           Form _________

Date ______________

1. Cross out the names of the famous people who were/are not British.

William Shakespeare, Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher, Charles Dickens, Lady Gaga, Arthur Conan Doyle, Liv Tyler, Alexander Bell, Hugh Jackman, Tom Cruise, Joanne Rowling, Johnny Depp, Robert Burns, Madonna, Robbie Williams, Halle Berry, David Beckham, Sean Connery, Victoria Beckham, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Sharon Stone, Sarah Brightman, Ewan McGregor, Boris Akunin, John Fowles.

2. Fill in the table with the names from ex. 1 (the ones you haven’t crossed out) according to the categories.















3. Write the correct words by their definitions.

  1. someone who is annoying because they always think that they know everything ____________________________________________________
  2. to be to dismissed from duty or employment _________________________
  3. a large motor vehicle for transporting heavy loads _____________________
  4. a time when you begin to be successful at sth _________________________
  5. an attractive appearance of someone ________________________________
  6. a person who comes second in a competition _________________________
  7. money given to an organisation to help pay for sth ____________________
  8. a person who receives something __________________________________


Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________


Тест 3. Ключи


William Shakespeare, Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher, Charles Dickens, Lady Gaga, Arthur Conan Doyle, Liv Tyler, Alexander Bell, Hugh Jackman, Tom Cruise, Joanne Rowling, Johnny Depp, Robert Burns, Madonna, Robbie Williams, Halle Berry, David Beckham, Sean Connery, Victoria Beckham, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Sharon Stone, Sarah Brightman, Ewan McGregor, Boris Akunin, John Fowles.

11 points



Robbie Williams

Ewan McGregor


Sarah Brightman

Victoria Beckham


Andrew Lloyd Webber


William Shakespeare

Charles Dickens

Arthur Conan Doyle

Joanne Rowling

Robert Burns

John Fowles


Alexander Bell


Queen Elizabeth II

Margaret Thatcher


David Beckham

15 points


1. a know-it-all, 2. to be discharged, 3. lorry, 4. breakthrough, 5. good looks, 6. runner-up, 7. sponsorship, 8. recipient

8 points

Критерии оценивания. Тест 3

Total 34 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–20

«4» = 21–31

«5» = 32–34


Тест 4 (Module Five: Unit 2)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Choose the best definition for the term “cultural diversity”.

·       the fact that people of different cultures exist within a society

·       a difference in races, language and traditions in big cities

·       a number of districts in cities where immigrants live and work

2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box in the right form.

employment, tolerance, condition, discrimination, urge, generation, multiracial, community, right

During the Second World War many Indians were fighting for the British Army. After the War, as the economic 1. __________________ in their native country were very poor, they decided to return to Britain, as they were the citizens of the British Empire and had the 2. __________________ to live and work in the UK, and many of them even considered Britain as their native country. In the middle of the 20th century Britain had an 3. __________________ for workers, as the economy was getting stronger, so a lot of young Indians and Pakistanis came to the country to get jobs easily. The British first treated the immigrants with 4. __________________. However, the fear that the newcomers would take their places at work and the rage of the racial 5. __________________ led to passing laws and regulations concerning immigrants. In 1962 the Commonwealth Immigration Act was passed and that meant that people from Pakistan, Jamaica, Canada, Australia and some other countries, could no longer come and live in Britain unless they had jobs there. Six years later a new Act was passed, and it meant that only those people who had fathers or grandfathers born in Britain could come to the country to live there. Still the problem of racial discrimination was big. Even after the Race Relations Act was passed, it was impossible for the newcomers to get skilled professional work, as the Act didn’t cover housing or 6. __________________. Over time, they intermarried with native Britons. It would be interesting to know how many British people who consider themselves racially pure have African slave 7. __________________ back in their family. And, of course, between the wars, black seamen turned ports like Liverpool and Cardiff into 8. __________________ areas. Yet there was a tendency for the black areas of these seaports to be isolated from the rest of the city. It was possible until not so long ago to visit Liverpool for the day and not be aware it had a big black 9. __________________. For a long time, even when it was acknowledged that there were people of different racial origin within the British Isles, there was an assumption that the white race and culture was, and should, be dominant.

3. Express these sentences in English.

1. Правительство сделало беспрецедентный шаг, запретив любые публикации о политических проблемах страны. 2. Я никогда не понимала выражения «расовая чистота». Объясни мне, пожалуйста, что оно означает. 3. Я до последнего сопротивлялся новым правилам, но ничего не помогло. 4. Во многих странах мира темнокожие люди обладают одинаковыми правами с белыми. 5. В крупных западных городах есть специальные районы, где живут расовые и этнические меньшинства. Таким образом, можно сказать, что в этих городах создается действительно многокультурное общество.

4. Fill in the table with the necessary information about British class system.



Grade “A” (Upper Class)



intermediate managerial, administrative or professional occupations

Grade “C1” (Lower Middle Class)



skilled manual workers

Grade “D”


Grade “E”



the unemployed, the poor and the homeless

Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Тест 4. Ключи


·       the fact that people of different cultures exist within a society

1 point


1. conditions, 2. right, 3. urge, 4. tolerance, 5. discrimination, 6. employment, 7. generations, 8. multiracial, 9. community

9 points


1. The government made an unprecedented step by banning any publications about political problems of the country. 2. I have never understood the term “racial purity”. Explain it to me, please. 3. I resisted the new rules till the bitter end, but nothing helped. 4. In many countries of the world black and white people have equal rights. 5. In large western cities there are special districts where racial and ethnic minorities live. Consequently we can say that a multicultural society is formed in these cities.

6 points




Grade “A” (Upper Class)

people with inherited wealth, from the oldest families, titled aristocrats

Grade “B” (Middle Class)

intermediate managerial, administrative or professional occupations

Grade “C1” (Lower Middle Class)

supervisory or clerical and junior managerial, administrative or professional occupations

Grade “C2” (Skilled working class)

skilled manual workers

Grade “D” (Working Class)

semi- and unskilled manual workers

Grade “E”

casual or lowest grade workers, pensioners and others who depend on the state for their income


the unemployed, the poor and the homeless

14 points (2 for each complete answer)


Критерии оценивания. Тест 4


Total 30 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–19

«4» = 20–27

«5» = 27–30


Тест 5 (Module Five: Unit 3)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Complete the table with the necessary information.




A child must go to school






A teenager can get a job, but work only 2 hours a day on weekdays (school days)


Teenage boys can go to prison for young people


1.     A teenager can leave school

2.     ______________________________________________

3.     Teenagers can buy cigarettes

4.     A teenager can get married, but only with parents’ permission

5.     ______________________________________________


1. _______________________________________________

2. Teenage girls can join the army


A teen becomes adult and can do anything without parents’ permission

2. Complete the sentences with the right words.

1. My mother can not understand why I need a laptop. She thinks that it’s not a life’s ____ for me now. 2. My teenage daughter is very naughty and stubborn. She is a real ____ for me! 3. Mary’s monthly ____ is very big, so she can afford to eat out every evening without cooking at home. 4. – Where is Michael? – He’s out ____ ____ for me. 5. I remember the times when I went to a video ____ to borrow some films to watch. Now I download films from the Internet. 6. Mark ____ his credit payment and he will be fined if he doesn’t make it within a month. 7. The expedition had a hard time when the food ____s ran out, but fortunately there were a lot of mushrooms and berries in the wood and they didn’t die of hunger. 8. Some of our company’s funds are ____ for educational seminars and programmes.

3. Write the English meanings for these slang words.

1.     bum _________________________________________________________

2.     cotch (kotch) down _____________________________________________

3.     feds _________________________________________________________

4.     jack _________________________________________________________

5.     lairy _________________________________________________________

6.     laters butters ___________________________________________________

7.     mouldies ______________________________________________________

8.     nim nim nim ___________________________________________________

9.     safa __________________________________________________________

10.  swag _________________________________________________________

11.  vanilla ________________________________________________________


Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Тест 5. Ключи





A child must go to school


The police can arrest a child, but can’t send one to prison


A child can buy a pet without parents


A teenager can get a job, but work only 2 hours a day on weekdays (school days)


Teenage boys can go to prison for young people


6.     A teenager can leave school

7.     A teenager can work full time

8.     Teenagers can buy cigarettes

9.     A teenager can get married, but only with parents’ permission

10. Teenage boys can join the army


1. A teenager can drive a car and ride a motorbike

2. Teenage girls can join the army


A teen becomes adult and can do anything without parents’ permission

16 points (2 points for each correct answer)


1. necessities, 2. burden, 3. allowance, 4. running errands, 5. rental, 6. withheld, 7. supplies, 8. earmarked.

8 points


1.     bum to enjoy something

2.     cotch (kotch) down to hang out, relax, chill out or sleep

3.     feds police (taken from the US word for the FBI)

4.     jack to steal or take

5.     lairy loud

6.     laters butters goodbye, see you

7.     mouldies parents

8.     nim nim nim said when someone is talking rubbish

9.     safa coolest of the cool

10.  swag extreme, scary

11.  vanilla boring

22 points (2 points for each correct word)


Критерии оценивания. Тест 5


Total 46 points

«2» = 0–12

«3» = 13–25

«4» = 26–40

«5» = 41–46

Тест 6 (Module Six: Unit 1)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Answer these questions briefly.

1.     From and until what age are British children required to have an education by law? _______________________________________________________________.

2.     Are children obliged to go to school, or is there any other alternative for them? _______________________________________________________________.

3.     What are the two types of British schools? _______________________________________________________________. 

4.     What can be done if a pupil’s parents can not afford to pay for a private school? _______________________________________________________________. 

5.     What are the four types of state schools? _______________________________________________________________.

2.     What is the so-called “Reception Class”? _______________________________________________________________.

3.     What’s the division of primary school? _______________________________________________________________.

4.     How do children transfer from one school to the other? _______________________________________________________________.

5.     What’s the age set for the transition from primary to secondary school? _______________________________________________________________.

6.      Can you explain what a “vocational subject” is? _______________________________________________________________.

7.      What exams must pupils take between the age of 14 and 16? _______________________________________________________________.

8.      What is the choice for pupils after these exams? _______________________________________________________________. 


2. Express these words and word combinations in English.

Государственные средства, доход, завалить экзамен, обязательный, профессиональные дисциплины, эффективный/квалифицированный, переход (из начальной школы в среднюю), разделять учащихся по их способностям, финансовая поддержка.

3. Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the box in the right form.

higher, further education, secondary, polytechnic, apply, entrance, grant, selective, post-graduate, research

Generally education in Britain after 16 is divided into further and 1. ___________ education. Having taken the GCSE examination students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland can stay at school or study in a 2. _____________________ college. Students over the age of 16 can also take courses in such colleges either part-time or in the eve­nings. Courses are organised by nearly 580 institutions of further education. In Britain, there are a number of ways to continue education after leaving 3. ___________ school at 16 or 18. Most post-school education is provided at universities, 4. ___________, colleges of further or higher education, adult education centres or various specialised colleges. Institutions of higher education are responsible for giving high-quality education. Degree-level courses are offered by universities and other institutions of higher education.

Entrance to such courses depends on the results of General Cer­tificate of Education (GCSE) and Advanced Level (A level), and an interview. Students do not directly 5. ___________ to the university they wish to attend, but through the Universities’ Central Council on Admissions (UCCA). Oxford and Cambridge Universities take part in UCCA but also have a system of 6. ___________ examinations and interviews by individual col­leges. All students on a university first-degree course are automatically eligible for a 7. ___________, awarded by a student’s Local Education Authority (LEA). The amount of the grant depends on the level of income of the student’s family. Because entrance to a higher education is 8. ___________, the majority of stu­dents successfully complete their course, which usually lasts three years. Most first degrees are for Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc). A higher degree is a 9. ___________ degree taken after a first degree, for example Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Science (MSc). Students may then go to 10. ___________ degrees such as Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Тест 6. Ключи


1.      From and until what age are British children required to have an education by law? From 5 to 16.

2.      Are children obliged to go to school, or is there any other alternative for them? They can be educated at home.

3.      What are the two types of British schools? State and private schools. 

4.      What can be done if a pupil’s parents can not afford to pay for a private school? Get financial aid from the school. 

5.      What are the four types of state schools? County, voluntary, special and self-governing schools.

9.      What is the so-called “Reception Class”? The pre-school class which children go to at the age of 4.

10. What’s the division of primary school? Infant and junior school.

11. How do children transfer from one school to the other? By taking tests.

12. What’s the age set for the transition from primary to secondary school? 11.

13.  Can you explain what a “vocational subject” is? Professional-oriented subjects that are not compulsory, but children can choose to learn them (for example, hairdressing, woodwork, business, etc.)

14.  What exams must pupils take between the age of 14 and 16? GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams.

15.  What is the choice for pupils after these exams? To leave school or go on studying there.

15 points

2. Public funds, income, to fail an exam, compulsory/mandatory, vocational subjects, efficient, transition, stream pupils on abilities, financial assistance

9 points


1. higher, 2. further education, 3. secondary, 4. polytechnic, 5. apply, 6. entrance, 7. grant, 8. selective, 9. post-graduate, 10. research

10 points

Критерии оценивания. Тест 6


Total 34 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–23

«4» = 24–29

«5» = 30–34

Тест 7 (Module Six: Unit 2)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Fill in the missing information about the National Health Service in Britain.

1. The functions of the NHS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Services for fees are:


3. When a person is ill he/she first needs to


4. The problems of the NHS are:


5. Private health care is sometimes funded by


6. Accessing NHS Scotland first means


7. NHS Wales also provides community services which include


2. Put the right words by the definitions.

1.     a medical treatment from China that involves putting special needles into particular parts of the body _____________________________________

2.     a situation in which people are not equal because some groups have more opportunities, power, money, etc. than others _____________________________________

3.     someone who is paid regularly to work for a person or an organization _____________________________________

4.     an examination by a doctor _____________________________________

5.     done because one chooses to do it, and not because one has to _____________________________________

6.     a person, company, or organisation that pays someone to work for them as a member of their staff _____________________________________

7.     someone who receives medical treatment at a hospital, but does not stay there for the night _____________________________________


Comment on the following statement.

An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

What is your opinion?

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:

− make an introduction (state the problem)

− express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

− give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it

− draw a conclusion

Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________

Тест 7. Ключи


1.     provides (almost) free health care to everybody

2.     eye tests, dental treatment and drug prescription charges, medicines

3.     call a local doctor

4.     not regular checkups for everyone, long waiting lists, the cost of treatment sometimes is greater than the NHS can afford

5.     employers through medical insurance

6.     registering with a general practitioner  and dentist

7.     district nurses, health visitors, midwives and community based speech therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists

14 points (2 points for each correct answer)


1. acupuncture, 2. inequality, 3. an employee, 4. a checkup, 5. voluntary, 6. employer, 7. outpatient

7 points

3. [Students’ own answers. 10 points]


Критерии оценивания. Тест 7


Total 31 points

«2» = 0–9

«3» = 10–22

«4» = 23–28

«5» = 28–31

Тест 8 (Additional Unit)

Name __________________                                                  Form _________

Date ______________

1. Complete the text with the right words.

The British people are called 1. “________________” in spite of the fact that some of them neither play games nor even watch them, but only speak about sports. Sport plays such a big part in British life that many 2. ________________ in the English language have come from the world of sport. For example, “to play the game” means “to be fair” and “that’s not cricket” means “that’s not fair”. Britain invented and developed many of the sports and games, which now are played all over the world. Having plenty of sports societies and clubs, thousands of people devote their leisure time to 3. ________________ and 4. ________________ games (such as table tennis, snooker etc), athletics, cycling, mountain climbing, boxing and other sports. 5. ________________, dog racing and motor racing are among the most popular sports in Britain, which usually attract many spectators. Some wealthy Britons enjoy very exotic kinds of sport, such as 6. ________________ or just hunting.

2. Express these words and word combinations in English.

Зритель, титулованное дворянство, вид (животных), любитель, надутый, говорить за себя, вызывать интерес, делать ставку, выпускник колледжа

3. Give Russian equivalents to these idioms connected with sports.

1.     Get off the hook ______________________________________________

2.     At this stage in the game ___________________________________________

3.     Blow the competition away _________________________________________

4.     Go to bat for someone _____________________________________________

5.     Jump the gun ______________________________________________

6.     Keep one’s head above water ________________________________________

7.     The ball is in your court ____________________________________________

8.     Level playing field ______________________________________________

9.     On the ball ______________________________________________

10.  Get a head start ______________________________________________

11.  Skate on thin ice ______________________________________________


Total: _______________ points

Mark: ___________________


1. sportlovers, 2. idioms, 3. outdoor, 4. indoor, 5. horse racing, 6. foxhunting

6 points


spectator, nobility, species, amateur, inflated, to speak for itself, to excite interest, to gamble, alumnus

9 points


1.     Get off the hook Избегать чего-либо, ускользать

2.     At this stage in the game В этот раз

3.     Blow the competition away Легко выигрывать

4.     Go to bat for someone Защищать кого-либо

5.     Jump the gun Начать делать что-либо слишком рано

6.     Keep one’s head above water Держаться на плаву

7.     The ball is in your court Решение остается за тобой

8.     Level playing field У всех равные шансы

9.     On the ball Быть готовым к чему-либо

10.  Get a head start Начать делать что-либо раньше других

11.  Skate on thin ice Рисковать

22 points (2 for each correct answer)

Критерии оценивания. Тест 8

Total 37 points

«2» = 0–10

«3» = 11–23

«4» = 24–31

«5» = 32–37



1.     Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт среднего (полного) общего образования (проект). [Электронный ресурс] // Режим доступа: http://standart.edu.ru, свободный. - Загл. с экрана.

2.     Примерные программы среднего (полного) общего образования. Английский язык [Электронный ресурс] // Режим доступа: http://www.ed.gov.ru, свободный. - Загл. с экрана.

3.     «Английский язык. Современная Британия. X-XI классы» / Ю. А. Смирнов. - М.: Просвещение, 2012.


[1] RNERussian National Exam (Единый государственный экзамен)

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