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Работа с текстами. Подготовка учащихся к сдаче ЕГЭ

    При подготовке учащихся к сдаче экзамена в формате ЕГЭ необходимо обращать внимание на работу с текстами различных типов и жанров. Помимо тестов учебника часто использую статьи из англоязычных газет и журналов, справочников, материалов Internet.

  Ежегодные демонстрационные варианты КИМов позволяют заранее ознакомить учащихся с видами заданий экзамена по всем разделам. Это помогает активизировать обучение стратегии работы с различными  заданиями.

  Раздел «Чтение» ЕГЭ включает в основном задания  на установление соответствий, множественный выбор, заполнение пропусков, установление логической последовательности.

 При обучении различным видам чтения использую подобные задания,  а также упражнения на исправление логических и информационных ошибок, заполнение

многообразных таблиц, схем, информационных неравенств.  На уроках предлагаю выполнять ребятам задания, оформленные точно так же как и материалы ЕГЭ, обращаю внимание на соблюдение отведённого для чтения времени. Это помогает приучить учащихся к формату экзамена, подготовить их психологически к его сдаче.

Считаю, что приведённые в этой статье тексты позволят расширить кругозор учащихся, обогатить их социокультурные знания. Тексты различной сложности и, соответственно, задания разного характера помогут проводить дифференцированную работу на уроке, организовать работу в группах и парах.

 В презентации предлагаю наглядные материалы, используемые при проведении уроков данного цикла (В.П.Кузовлев Unit 2 “Western Democracies. Are They Democratic?” Lesson 2 “How Much Power Does the American president Have?”)



White House, 1831

White House, official residence of the president of the United States, built in its original form between 1792 and 1800, and situated at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. It has been known variously as the President's Palace, the President's House, and the Executive Mansion, but has always been most popularly known as the White House. This designation became official in 1901, when Theodore Roosevelt had the name imprinted on his stationery The White House has been the home of every president in American history with the exception of George Washington, who approved the act that led to its construction. Although it has been subject to numerous renovations and additions, it has retained its classical simplicity.

The White House was designed by the Irish-American architect James Hoban. Constructed of Virginia sandstone, the main building is a stately white edifice built in the classical style associated with the 16th-century Italian architect Andrea Palladio. On the ground floor are cloakrooms, a china room, the kitchen, and the library. On the first floor are the formal state rooms, which are open to the public. The private apartments of the president occupy the second floor of the main building, and the third floor consists chiefly of guest rooms and staff quarters.

During the War of 1812, British troops set fire to the structure on August 4, 1814, destroying the interior. Hoban supervised its reconstruction, which was completed in 1817, and also added the south portico. The White House was substantially renovated between 1948 and 1952, during the administration of Harry S. Truman, and refurnished a decade later, during the administration, of John F. Kennedy. A permanent art collection was assembled for the Executive Mansion, and in 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson issued an executive order establishing the Committee for the Preservation of the White House.

"White House," Microsoft(R) Encarta(R) 97 Encyclopedia, (c) 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation.

Установите соответствия между датами и событиями. Используйте букву только один раз. Одна информация лишняя.

Запишите ответы в таблицу:























The Committee for the preservation of the White House was established




Hoban supervised the construction of the White House.




The White House was built in its original form




The name (the White House) became official




The reconstruction was completed




The White House was renovated




The interior was destroyed




The White House was refurnished









The White House was built in its original form




The interior was destroyed




The reconstruction was completed




The name (the White House) became official




The White House was renovated




The White House was refurnished




The Committee for the preservation of the White House was established


Заполните таблицу недостающей информацией из текста:






The interior was destroyed




The name (the White House) became official




The White House was refurnished


The Committee for the preservation of the White House was established


Найдите в тексте описание событий, произошедших в эти годы. Заполните информацию в таблицу:


















Заполните таблицу информацией из текста:

What    Who




Who by







































Найдите в тексте информацию об этих людях.



Theodore Roosevelt


George Washington


James Hoban


Andrea Palladio


Harry Truman


John Kennedy


Lyndon Johnson



Theodore Roosevelt


George Washington


James Hoban


Andrea Palladio


Harry Truman


John Kennedy


Lyndon Johnson








the American president


the Irish-American



the Italian architect



whose name


whose style


under whose



during whose administration





1.     The President`s Palace, the President`s House, the Executive Mansion  are …

2.     1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is …

3.     Virginia sandstone is …

4.     On the first floor of the White House you can visit …

5.     The American presidents and their families live…


Закончите вторые предложения так, чтобы они имели то же значение, что и первые.

Начните вторые предложения с данных слов

(слова менять нельзя).


1. The official residence of the president of the USA has always been most popularly known as the White House.

The White House is… .

2.  In 1901 Theodore Roosevelt had the name of the White House imprinted on his stationery.

The name of the White House …  .

3. The private apartments of the president occupy the second floor of the main building.

On the second floor of the main building there are …  .

4. In 1817 Hoban completed the reconstruction of the White House and added the south portico.

 The south portico …  .



1. The White House is the most popular name of the official residence.

2. The name of the White House was imprinted on Roosevelt`s stationery.

3. On the second floor of the main building there are private apartments of the president.

4. The south portico was added to the White House in 1817 by Hoban.


 New York. The Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty is a splendid statue, which stands on a small Bedloe's Island at the entrance to New York harbour. Its top reaches 305 feet (nearly 100 metres) above the water level.

The Statue of Liberty is the work of the well-known 19th-century French sculptor Frederic Bartholdi. The statue is made from copper sheets and it is hollow inside. 225 tons of metal were used for its construction. Inside there is a circular stairway from the base to the crown. There is also a lift in it.

The figure shows a young woman freeing herself from shackles. She holds a torch in her right hand above her head, and in her left hand is a tablet, with the date "July 4th, 1776" on it, which symbolizes the Declaration of Independence. The torch lights up at night, the statue stands on the east side of Manhattan Island.

The Statue of Liberty was built on funds collected in France and symbolizes the friendship of the United States and France of those days. The statue, presented to the United States of America in 1884, became national monument in 1924.



Explain the names and the dates:

1. Bedloe`s  Island

2. Frederic Bartholdi

3. July 4th, 1776


Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски (1-6)  частями предложений, обозначенными буквами А-G.  Одна из частей лишняя. Запиши букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.














New York. The Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty is a splendid statue, 1 ... . Its top reaches 305 feet (nearly 100 metres) above the water level.

The Statue of Liberty is the work of the well-known 19th-century French sculptor Frederic Bartholdi. The statue is made 2... and it is hollow inside. 225 tons of metal were used  3... . Inside there is a circular stairway 4... . There is also a lift in it.

The figure shows a young woman freeing herself from shackles. She holds a torch in her right hand above her head, and in her left hand is a tablet, with the date "July 4th, 1776" on it, which 5... . The torch lights up at night, the statue stands on the east side of Manhattan Island.

The Statue of Liberty was built on funds collected in France and 6... . The statue, presented to the United States of America in 1884, became national monument in 1924.


A.  symbolizes the friendship of the United States and France of those days

     B. which stands on a small Bedloe's Island at the entrance to New York harbour

     C. from the base to the crown

     D. from copper sheets

     E. as a present of French people

     F. for its construction

         G. symbolizes the Declaration of Independence



Capitol of the United States, Washington, D.C. Capitol of the United States, seat of the US Congress in Washington, D.C. Built on a hill popularly called Capitol Hill, the Capitol contains floor space equivalent to 1.6 ha (4 acres); its grounds cover 62.7 ha (155 acres). The Capitol, built in Neo-Classical style, is constructed of white marble, except for the centre part of the west front, which is in Virginia sandstone painted white. The iron dome, also white, is surmounted by a statue of a woman representing Freedom (5.943 m/19.5 ft), by the American scuiptor Thomas Crawford. The height of the Capitol from the baseline on the east front to the top of the statue is 87.6 m (287.5 ft). Important parts of the Capitol include the Rotunda, directly under the dome, the Senate Chamber in the north wing, the House Chamber in the south wing, the National Statuary Hall (housing statues of famous Americans from every state), and the President's Room. Until 1935, the US Supreme Court met in the Old Senate Chamber, which was located in the original north wing.

  The original design of the Capitol, by William Thornton, a doctor, was made in 1792, and the cornerstone was laid by George Washington on September 18, 1793; Congress occupied the original north wing in 1800. Seven years later the main building was completed. During the War of 1812, invading British troops set fire to the structure, gutting the interior, but it was reconstructed after the war. Charles Bulfinch, who became Capitol architect in 1818, built the Rotunda and the west central portico. The Capitol was completed and given its present appearance by Thomas U. Waiter, who finished the new north and south wings in the 1850s and the cast-iron dome in 1863.

J. George Stewart renovated the east front in 1962, and George M. White restored the west front during 1983-1987.

"Capitol of the United States," Microsoft(R) Encarta(K) 9/ bncyciopedia. (c) 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Выбери правильное продолжение предложения. Заполни ответы в таблицу.

1. In the text it is told about

   a. the capital of the USA

   b.the seat of the American Congress

   c.the iron dome


2. According to the text the Capitol is built of

a.white marble

b.white marble and Virginia sandstone

c.Virginia sandstone

d.white iron


3. The idea of the Capitol`s construction belonged to

a.George Washington

b.William Thornton

c.Charles Bulfinch


4. In paragraph 2 it is told about

a.the original design of the Capitol

b.the architects of the Capitol

c.the facts from the history of the Capitol`s construction











Соотнеси  части предложений. Одна информация лишняя (A-H). Запиши ответы в таблицу:

1.The Capitol of the USA is ...

2.The Capitol Hill is ...

3.White marble is ...

4.Thomas Crawford is ...

5.George Washington  was ...

6.William Thornton was ...

7.The National Statuary Hall is ...


A. a hall of the Capitol housing statues of famous Americans.

B. the seat of the American Congress.

C. material of which the Capitol is constructed.

D. a place where the Capitol is built on.

E. the American sculptor

F. the president who laid the cornerstone of the Capitol

G.a person who made the original design of the Capitol

H. the Capitol architect

















Составь предложения и запиши их. Используй слова из каждого столбика:

Finish the sentences:

1.The Capitol of the USA

2.The Capitol Hill

3.White marble

4.Thomas Crawford 5.George Washington  6.William Thornton

 7.The National Statuary Hall







a place

the seat

the material

the president

a person

a sculptor






  statues of famous Americans  are .

  laid the cornerstone of the Capitol.

  the Capitol is built on.

  made the original design of the Capitol.

  the Capitol is constructed of.

  the American Congress works.

  made the statue of a woman on the dome of the Capitol.

  made the iron dome of the Capitol.



 1.The Capitol of the USA ...

 2.The Capitol Hill ...

 3.White marble ...

 4.Thomas Crawford....

 5.George Washington ...

 6.William Thornton ...

 7.The National Statuary Hall ...


Match the figures and their meaning:

Соотнеси цифры и их значение. Одна информация лишняя. Запиши ответы в таблицу:

A. 1.6 ha (4 acres)

B. 62.7 ha (155 acres)

C. 5.943 m (19.5 ft)

D. 87.6 m (287.5 ft)

1. the height of a statue surmounted on the dome.

2.floor space equivalent

3.the height of the Capitol                                       

4.the height of the iron dome

5.the Capitol`s grounds













   В соответствии с государственным образовательным стандартом  главным практическим результатом чтения должна явиться информация.

Следовательно, основным показателем успешности овладения учащимися навыками чтения становится степень извлечения ими информации из прочитанных текстов. 

 Единый государственный экзамен предполагает проверку умений учащихся читать, понимать и осмысливать содержание текстов с  различной степенью проникновения в содержащуюся в них информацию.  Предусматривается  проверка понимания основной темы текста,  его структурно-смысловых связей, логической связи в предложении и полное понимание прочитанного.

Имея три часа в неделю, позволяю проводить уроки чтения, на которых готовлю учащихся к сдаче ЕГЭ, знакомлю с форматом экзамена, учу стратегии чтения текстов различных жанров, тренирую в выполнении разнообразных заданий.

В данной статье приведены некоторые из текстов и заданий по чтению, используемые автором в 10 классе при изучении второго цикла учебника В.П.Кузовлева ( “Western Democracies. Are They Democratic” Lesson 2 “How Much Power Does the American president Have?”)




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Данная статья рассказывет о работе с текстами различных типов и жанров, используемых мною на уроках английского языка. Помимо тестов учебника часто использую статьи из англоязычных газет и журналов, справочников, сети . Предлагается дополнительный материал к учебнику

В.П.Кузовлева Unit 2 “WesternDemocracies. AreTheyDemocratic?” Lesson 2 “How Much Power Does the American president Have?”.




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