Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыМетодическая разработка урока по теме "Hot Spots"

Разработка урока/теста по теме "Hot Spots" к уч Starlight 6 Unit 1b (Reading-T/F/NS; Present Simple-Pr Continuous; vocabulary work (with keys)

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Starlight 6          Module 1b “HOT SPOTS”           Test  


1. Read the text and choose the best title:       


 a)  A family weekend    b) Visiting an Amusement Park        c) Summer holidays

             I love going to the amusement park! It is so much fun. I go there every summer with my family. Right now, I am standing in line for the roller coaster. It is a big, fast ride that goes up and down. I feel excited and a little bit nervous.

While waiting for my turn on the roller coaster, I see many people going on rides. They are laughing and screaming with joy. Some people are spinning around on the teacups, while others are flying high on the Ferris wheel. I can't wait to go on all these rides!

              After the roller coaster, my family and I decide to go bowling. We are currently playing a game. My dad is bowling, and my mom is cheering for him. I am not very good at bowling, but it's still a lot of fun. We are having a great time together.

               Next, we walk over to the ice rink. People are skating around, gliding gracefully on the ice. I am not good at ice skating either, but I try my best. My brother is doing much better than me; he is skating backwards! It looks so cool.

               Finally, we head to the water park. Right now, I am swimming in the big pool. The water feels refreshing on this hot summer day. There are many slides and water attractions here. People are sliding down the water slides and splashing into the pools. It's a lot of fun to watch!

               Visiting the amusement park is an amazing experience. I love going on rides, bowling, skating, and swimming. I always have a great time with my family here. I can't wait to come back again next summer!


2.     Read the text again and decide if the statements are TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED. Correct the false statements.


1. The author visits the amusement park in June.

2. The roller coaster is a slow ride that allows people to enjoy the view of the city.

3. The author feels nervous while waiting in line for the roller coaster.

4. People are only allowed to go on one ride at the amusement park.

5. The author's family decides to go bowling after riding the roller coaster.

6. The author is very good at bowling.

7. The ice rink is empty and no one is skating.

8. The author's brother is better at ice skating than the author.

9. The water park has slides and water attractions.

10. The author does not enjoy visiting the amusement park.


3.     Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.


1. The author (enjoy) visiting the amusement park with their family.

2. Look! Children (laugh) with joy while going on the roller coaster.

3. The author (feel) excited to go on all the rides.

4. People (scream) while they (go) on rides at the amusement park.

5. The author's family (decide) to go swimming after visiting the ice-rink.

6. The author’s brother (be) very good at ice skating.

7. The ice rink (not be) empty and a lot of people (skate) at the moment.

8. The author's mum (cheer) for his dad while they (play) bowling.

9. The water park (have) a water pool, a lot of slides and water attractions.

10. The author’s family (visit) the amusement park in summer.


Choose the correct word


1. The author visits the amusement park every (spring, summer, autumn, winter) with their family.

2. The roller coaster is a fast ride that goes (sideways, up and down, backwards, slowly).

3. The author feels nervous while waiting in line for the (roller coaster, Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper cars).

4. The author’s parents go (on rides, swimming, skating, bowling) at the amusement park.

5. The author's family decides to go (swimming, bowling, hiking, shopping) after riding the roller coaster.

6. The author is not very good at (bowling, skating, swimming, dancing).

7. The ice rink is empty and no one is (running, skating, cycling, jumping).

8. The author's brother is better at (ice skating, rollerblading, snowboarding, sledding) than the author.

9. The water park has (slides, swings, trampolines, climbing walls) and water attractions.

10. The author enjoys (visiting, studying, cooking, sleeping) the amusement park.


5. Read the text again. Match the words (from the text) to make phrases. Translate the phrases into Russian.

                                                                                                                      Russian translation




a)     experience





b)     excited





c)     attractions





d)     In line





e)     my best





f)       park





g)     a great time



an amazing


h)     wait







KEYS        6th form           Module 1b               “HOT SPOTS”


1. Read the text and choose the best title:       


a)  A family weekend    b) Visiting an Amusement Park        c) Summer holidays

             I love going to the amusement park! It is so much fun. I go there every summer with my family. Right now, I am standing in line for the roller coaster. It is a big, fast ride that goes up and down. I feel excited and a little bit nervous.

While waiting for my turn on the roller coaster, I see many people going on rides. They are laughing and screaming with joy. Some people are spinning around on the teacups, while others are flying high on the Ferris wheel. I can't wait to go on all these rides!

              After the roller coaster, my family and I decide to go bowling. We are currently playing a game. My dad is bowling, and my mom is cheering for him. I am not very good at bowling, but it's still a lot of fun. We are having a great time together.

               Next, we walk over to the ice rink. People are skating around, gliding gracefully on the ice. I am not good at ice skating either, but I try my best. My brother is doing much better than me; he is skating backwards! It looks so cool.

               Finally, we head to the water park. Right now, I am swimming in the big pool. The water feels refreshing on this hot summer day. There are many slides and water attractions here. People are sliding down the water slides and splashing into the pools. It's a lot of fun to watch!

               Visiting the amusement park is an amazing experience. I love going on rides, bowling, skating, and swimming. I always have a great time with my family here. I can't wait to come back again next summer!


4.     Read the text again and decide if the statements are TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED. Correct the false statements.


1. The author visits the amusement park in June. NS

2. The roller coaster is a slow ride that allows people to enjoy the view of the city. FALSE

3. The author feels nervous while waiting in line for the roller coaster. TRUE

4. People are only allowed to go on one ride at the amusement park. NS

5. The author's family decides to go bowling after riding the roller coaster. TRUE

6. The author is very good at bowling. FALSE

7. The ice rink is empty and no one is skating. NS

8. The author's brother is better at ice skating than the author. TRUE

9. The water park has slides and water attractions. TRUE

10. The author does not enjoy visiting the amusement park. FALSE


5.     Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.


1. The author (enjoys) visiting the amusement park with their family.

2. Look! The children (are laughing) with joy while going on the roller coaster.

3. The author (feels) excited to go on all the rides.

4. People (are screaming) while they (are going) on rides at the amusement park.

5. The author's family (decides) to go swimming after visiting the ice-rink.

6. The author’s brother (is) very good at ice skating.

7. The ice rink (is not) empty and a lot of people (are skating) at the moment.

8. The author's mum (is cheering) for his dad while they (are playing) bowling.

9. The water park (has) a water pool, a lot of slides and water attractions.

10. The author’s family (visits) the amusement park in summer.


6.     Choose the correct word

1. The author visits the amusement park every (spring, summer, autumn, winter) with their family.

2. The roller coaster is a fast ride that goes (sideways, up and down, backwards, slowly).

3. The author feels nervous while waiting in line for the (roller coaster, Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper cars).

4. The author’s parents go (on rides, swimming, skating, bowling) at the amusement park.

5. The author's family decides to go (swimming, bowling, hiking, shopping) after riding the roller coaster.

6. The author is not very good at (bowling, ice skating, swimming, dancing).

7. The ice rink is empty and no one is (running, skating, cycling, jumping).

8. The author's brother is better at (ice skating, rollerblading, snowboarding, sledding) than the author.

9. The water park has (slides, swings, trampolines, climbing walls) and water attractions.

10. The author enjoys (visiting, studying, cooking, sleeping) the amusement park.


5. Read the text again. Match the words (from the text) to make phrases. Translate the phrases into Russian.

                                                                                                                      Russian translation




a)     experience

1.   Хорошо провести время




b)     excited

2.   Парк развлечений




c)     attractions

3.   Стоять в очереди




d)     In line

4.   Чувствовать возбуждение/ радость




e)     my best

5.   Не могу дождаться




f)       park

6.   стараюсь изо всех сил




g)     a great time

7.   водные аттракционы


an amazing


h)     wait

8.   удивительный опыт/ впечатления.


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Данная разработка составлена на основе лексики и грамматики раздела 1b "Hot Spots" (популярные места в городе) учебника Starlight 6. Материал состоит из заданий на отработку лексики по теме "Amusement Park": Чтение (с заданиями - Озаглавьте текст; определите,являются ли утверждения True/False/Not Stated); упражнение на употребление глаголов в Present Simple/Present Continuous (задание-раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужное грамматическое время); упражнение на употребление лексики (задание-подберите к словам дефиниции). Материал может быть использован как учителем на уроке для отработки или контроля лексики и грамматики по теме "Популярные места в городе", так и учащимися дома, для самостоятельной работы.

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