Инфоурок Внеурочная деятельность КонспектыРазвивающее занятие по английскому языку 3 класс на тему "Animails"

Развивающее занятие по английскому языку 3 класс на тему "Animails"

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1.      Организационный момент.

 Good afternoon boys and girls. I am glad to see you today! My name is Maria Vaycheslavovna. Today we will visit a very interesting place. Now I tell you things which you can see at this place and you will name it. You can see animals, birds and fish there. (ZOO) So, we will visit the London Zoo and talk about some animals you can see there. (2минуты)

2.      Основная часть занятия.

2.1This is a map of the Zoo on the screen. You can see that the London Zoo is very big and it is difficult to see all the animals. But we try to do it. Now lets look at the pictures and call the animals. ( tiger, lion, giraffes (обратите внимание, что слово во множественном числе, а как будет выглядеть слово в единственном числе), a monkey, a crocodile, a rhino, a zebra, a hippo). (5 минут)

2.2Very well. And now lets watch what animals are doing at the zoo. ( Дети смотрят на картинки и называют действия животных, используя время Present Continuous)

What is the monkey doing? The monkey is eating.

What is the tiger doing? The tiger is running.

What is the rabbit doing? The rabbit is jumping.

What is the lion doing? The lion is sleeping.

What is the giraffe doing? The giraffe is sitting.

What is the crocodile doing? The crocodile is swimming.

What is the duck doing? The duck is flying. ( 5 минут)

When I went to the ZOO the zookeeper give me big envelope with tasks for, lets make this tasks.

And first task is puzzles.

2.3Загадки. ( 5 минут)

It is small. It can run and jump. It likes cheese.It has got a long tail, a funny face and a pink nose. It is strong.                                  (a mouse)

It likes honey, jam, nuts and fish. It can swim. It can’t jump. It has got a little tail and nose, small eyes and  big teeth. In winter it likes to sleep.                     (a bear)

It is very funny. It can not stay on the place. It can run, jump and skip. It likes to eat bananas. We can see it at the zoo.     (a monkey)

It is big, very strong and angry. It is orange. It can run well. It can’t swim. It likes to eat meat. It is bad. It has got big teeth. (a tiger)


A lot of spots.

A long, long neck

A funny scarf.

It ‘s a … GIRAFFE.


Green and long

With many teeth.

Beautiful smile -


I can see that the zookeeper left me a text about the London zoo. I think he wants you can know more about the zoo, lets read it and then answer the questions.


2.4  Физминутка

I see you are tired. So stand up.

Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips, sit down
Bent left to the side
Bent left bent right
1, 2, 3 hop 1, 2, 3 stop!


2.5Чтение с переводом. ( 15 минут)

The London Zoo

London has a very fine old Zoo, which many children with their parents and friends visit every day. The Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the centre of London. Many old trees grow in the park, and in spring, summer and autumn there are a lot of beautiful flowers there too. 
The Zoo  opens every day from 9 o'clock in the morning to 7 o'clock in the evening. People who want to go there can go by bus or by the underground and bus. A lot of buses go to the different   sides of the park. Many kinds of animals live there: elephants, giraffes, sea-lions and polar bears, brown bears and foxes, and big and little monkeys. There are many different kinds of birds there too. Some of them have very beautiful bright colors. 
A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. Then you can see how the sea-lions catch their fish. The man who looks after the animals sometimes throws a fish into the water, then the sea-lions jump into the water and get the fish there. It is also interesting to watch how the big birds eat their meat, and how the monkeys eat fruit. 
In the large monkey house you can see different kinds of monkeys. They jump, run and play with each other. In the park there are cam­els. Children love to sit on a camel's back. Then it walks in the square and they sit high up on its back. They also like to watch the elephant when he washes himself in the morning. He puts water on his back and men with long brushes make him very clean. 
In the Children's Zoo children can watch and talk to and touch young animals. Of course the people who look after the young animals watch the children too. 
If people want to see the fishes they must go to another house and pay a second time. The fishes are in a great glass box. There are many different kinds of beautiful fishes there. It is very interesting.


Answer the questions.

How can people get to the ZOO?

What kinds of animals can you see there?

What time is good to visit the animals?

What can monkeys do?

What can you see and in the children animals?


2.6Second task is croosword.


Кроссворд (каждому на парту).





Also I have  very beautiful picture of panda for you, but it lost its colors. Can you help me to color it?


3.      Рефлексия.

Time of our lesson is over. You have special profiles. I want you to answer the questions in it. You can see example at the board.

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Данное развивающее занятие для учеников 3 класса нацелено на развитие у школьников лексического запаса по теме животные, а также навыков говорения.

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